Splenomegaly, or a condition where the spleen is enlarged, is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of another, usually dangerous
Prevention of the formation of kidney stones and treatment of patients with urolithiasis and urolithiasis is not
Discomfort in the neck area may be a symptom of myositis. Usually the cause of the anomaly is stress
Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that causes dangerous complications and can make a person disabled,
One of the most common diseases in the autumn and spring periods is inflammation of the larynx or,
What is the difference between the composition of “Klenzit” and “Klenzit-S” from acne? “Klenzit” is a 0.1% gel in
Abdominal obesity - main symptoms: Shortness of breath Menstrual irregularities Fatigue High blood pressure
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: the concept of the disease The diagnosis of “oligoasthenoteratozoospermia” in medicine refers to a whole group of pathologies of spermatogenesis, a disease
In order to determine the level of biologically active substances such as hormones in the blood,