Manifestation of molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum: ICD-10, photo, treatment in children and adults
Symptoms The only symptom is a rash on the skin in the form of small nodules of flesh or more
Patau syndrome - symptoms and treatment, photos and videos.
Patau syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Patau syndrome - symptoms: Skull deformation Low weight Foot deformity Deafness Mental retardation
Photo 1
Ay-ay, red eye! Acute conjunctivitis in children, its symptoms, treatment
Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyes that lines the eyelids from the inside, is much more common in childhood,
How to identify and treat a pinched sciatic nerve?
Sciatica - symptoms and treatment. Drugs and folk remedies for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Speaking
Grammidin instructions
Grammidin with anesthetic neo
The combined antibacterial agent is Grammidin. Instructions for use will show you how to take the tablets correctly
How to remove protein from urine according to an old recipe
What does increased protein in urine mean: normal and abnormal indicators, probable diseases and their treatment
Proteins are involved in all processes in the human body, against the background of which all cellular
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Weight problems, persistent anxiety or depression, chronic acne, irregular periods or even infertility
Types of stomatitis
Stomatitis - causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention. What does stomatitis look like in the mouth? How to cure stomatitis at home quickly and effectively?
Acute herpetic stomatitis According to statistics, it accounts for more than 80% of cases of all mucosal diseases
What kind of disease is gout - signs and treatment, causes, diet
Treatment of gout with medications plays a key role in the fight against this disease. And everyone else
Burns, burn classification and first aid
A 2nd degree burn is easily recognized by its typical appearance. Damage to the epidermis and underlying dermis
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