Food poisoning - treatment with folk remedies

Food poisoning - treatment with folk remedies

Food poisoning - treatment with folk remedies. Food poisoning can be caused by a variety of foods. These include those that a person eats daily, and exotic ones brought from other countries. Much depends on the freshness of the food and the state of the digestive system in the body.

Improper food storage also leads to the accumulation of toxins and food poisoning.

There is a category of people prone to food poisoning - they should be especially careful about what they eat. Food poisoning in children, the treatment of which is more complex, occurs due to careless consumption of inedible foods or liquids.

First aid

Guide to action:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Examine the injured person and, if there are wounds, apply an aseptic bandage.
  3. Apply a cold compress to the impact site for 20 minutes.
  4. Provide the patient with peace, place him in a comfortable position, but do not allow him to fall asleep until the doctor arrives.
  5. If the victim loses consciousness, lay him on his side with his knees bent and his hands under his head.
  6. Constantly monitor the person’s condition and do not allow him to actively move even if he is feeling well.

Attention! It is not recommended to give the patient medications before the ambulance arrives - this will erase the symptoms and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Even a slight concussion should not be ignored . The victim should be examined by a doctor to rule out hemorrhage and swelling of the brain and determine the severity of the disease.

Severe concussions are treated in a hospital setting; for mild injuries, therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis, but under the supervision of a doctor.

We invite you to watch a useful video about what to do if you suspect a concussion:

In case of a concussion, both children and adults receive first aid according to the same algorithm. We must remember: the main task of those who decide to help the victims is to call an ambulance as soon as possible and not to harm the patient in any way before it arrives.

Due to the low awareness of the population about how to properly help victims, the situation of patients is often only worsened by the actions of those “helping” .

What should you do if you lose consciousness?

  1. It is highly advisable to bring the victim to consciousness, because otherwise, he may choke on vomit or blood (if he has an open wound). You can bring yourself back to health using a cotton swab soaked in ammonia.
  2. If it is not possible to regain consciousness, the patient must be carefully, without sudden movements, placed on a hard horizontal surface, and then turned onto his right side.
  3. The victim’s hands should be in front of him and his knees bent - this will ensure better access to oxygen and minimize the risk of suffocation from vomit.
  4. Moreover, it is advisable to open the window, unbutton the patient’s shirt and perform other actions that provide him with a flow of fresh air.
    Reference! You can apply a towel soaked in cold water to the victim's head.

Prohibited actions

  • When providing first aid for a concussion, you should never touch, shake or hit the patient’s face . This aggravates the injury and causes damage to the victim.
  • Do not give water or food to a sick person . This may cause vomiting, which will further worsen the victim's condition.

  • Disturbing a person with a suspected concussion is also prohibited . It is necessary to ensure complete silence, absence of bright light and access to fresh air.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give any medications to the victim . Prescribe medications only to qualified doctors after examination and diagnosis.

What to do if there is no doctor nearby?

  • First of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the victim. If there is no bleeding, vomiting and headaches are not pronounced, you can call an ambulance later, as soon as the opportunity arises. In this case, the patient needs to be provided with maximum rest in accordance with the recommendations that we wrote above.
  • However, if a person is bleeding or complains of severe headaches, it is possible to transport him to the hospital by car. To do this: it is necessary to carry the victim to the car so that, if possible, he is not disturbed in any way, ideally there should be a stretcher and rigid fixation;
  • In the car itself, the patient’s head must be fixed so that when stopping, turning, etc., the patient’s condition does not worsen.

Standard for first aid for concussions

The procedure for providing medical emergency care, as well as its nature, are determined by the conditions of the scene of the incident, the condition of the victim and the cause of injury. For the most effective measures, it is necessary to accurately establish the circumstances of the injury , as well as the patient’s condition in the first minutes after the injury.

  1. In addition to the standard procedures - loosening the belt, unfastening the collar, bringing the patient into a comfortable lying position - it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the skin, the strength and frequency of the pulse, the temperature and degree of sweating of the patient. Next, the patency of the airways is restored, i.e. mucus, blood and vomit, if present, are removed, as well as foreign elements.

  2. Artificial respiration is done based on an analysis of the patient's condition. If, nevertheless, a decision is made about the need for this procedure, it is first necessary to remove all foreign bodies, otherwise blockage of the trachea and bronchi is possible. This can be fatal.
  3. In case of significant bleeding from head wounds, a pressure bandage must be applied as first aid at home, and transportation to the hospital occurs in a position with the head of the head elevated.

Necessary conditions for recovery at home

What is prohibited to do:

  • watch TV and read for a long time;

  • listen to music loudly, especially with headphones;
  • play computer games;
  • spend a long time at the computer and use gadgets;
  • exercise;
  • be in a hot, stuffy room.

What to do if you have a concussion at home:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • be in a darkened room with the curtains closed;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • monitor body temperature and blood pressure;
  • If the condition worsens, consult a doctor.

Daily regime:

  1. for the rehabilitation period, the victim is issued a sick leave certificate;
  2. strict bed rest is recommended in the first 5 days after the incident;
  3. it is necessary to normalize sleep - both lack of sleep and excessive sleepiness are dangerous (maximum 10 hours a day);
  4. avoid psycho-emotional stress, stress and active communication.


  • limit fluid intake;
  • consume a minimum of table salt;
  • follow a dairy-vegetable fortified diet;
  • give up strong tea and coffee;
  • completely eliminate alcohol and chocolate.

Reference! If the patient is accustomed to drinking coffee in large quantities, neurologists do not recommend abruptly stopping the drink. 1-2 cups of weak coffee are allowed during the day.


It is always better to prevent a pathology in advance than to then spend a painfully long time treating it and recovering from its complications. So it is with food intoxication.

To prevent food poisoning, it is recommended to wash your hands more often, especially before eating and after eating animals. In addition, it is necessary to follow the rules for processing food, refuse to drink tap water, and carefully monitor the technology and processes of cooking.

Fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly, yesterday's food must be boiled. Carefully monitor the expiration dates of the products you consume, and keep the kitchen in proper order and cleanliness.

Video about traditional recipes for food poisoning:

What and how to treat a concussion?

If the symptoms of the disease are severe and the patient’s well-being leaves much to be desired, the use of pharmacological agents is indicated.

What should you do if a slight concussion of the head occurs, how can it be cured at home?

Products for children

  • Diuretics – Furosemide, Diacarb. Taken in combination with potassium supplements at a rate of 1-2 mg/kg body weight in 1-2 doses.

  • Improving nutrition and blood supply to nerve cells - Piracetam, Cavinton (dosage is calculated individually).
  • Sedatives - tinctures of valerian or motherwort. The number of drops to take before bed should correspond to the age of the child.
  • Painkillers – Sedalgin, Baralgin (on demand, maximum 4 tablets per day).
  • Relieving nausea - Cerucal (0.1-0.15 mg/kg body weight up to 3 times a day).

Drugs for adults

Drug therapy for adult patients includes a more extensive list of approved drugs:

  • painkillers - Analgin, Dexalgin, Maxigan (1 tablet 1-2 times a day as required);
  • nootropics – Glycine (1 tablet 2-3 times/day for 14-30 days);
  • vascular - Instenon, Sermion, Cavinton (1-2 tablets 3 times a day);
  • for dizziness – Cinnarizine (25 mg 3 times a day);
  • sleeping pills and sedatives - Barboval (10-15 drops before bedtime), Relaxon, Corvalol (15-30 drops diluted in water);
  • tranquilizers - Afobazol, Sibazon, Nozepam (prescribed only by a psychotherapist or neurologist);
  • diuretics – Furosemide, Lasix (up to three tablets per day).

Important! For concussions, magnesium preparations and multivitamin complexes containing B vitamins, vitamin A and C are recommended.

How to straighten your head at home using folk remedies?

Folk remedies cannot be considered as a complete alternative to medications . Home recipes can be used as a supplement to the main treatment and only after consultation with your doctor.

Use of medicinal herbs

The functioning of the nervous system will be supported by plants that have restorative, calming and vasotropic properties.

  1. Pour 2 large tablespoons of dried St. John's wort into a glass of purified water, bring to a boil and strain. Drink the entire cooled broth during the day in three doses.

  2. Mix the crushed root part of valerian (20 g), hop cones, lemon balm and mint leaves, buckthorn bark (10 g of each component). Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for several hours. Strain the infusion, divide the entire volume into 6 doses, the last dose should be taken before bed.
  3. Take one tablespoon each of myrtle leaves and arnica herbs, brew the ingredients with 500 ml of boiling water. Place on the fire to boil for 5 minutes. Cool, use the entire product in 4 doses during the day.
  4. Take equal parts of dried mint, motherwort and thyme. Place two tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water. After an hour, strain the infusion and drink half a glass throughout the day.

Attention! Herbal treatment should be carried out after the main course of therapy for 10 days.

Grandmother's methods

Grandma's proven recipes will help speed up recovery after a concussion:

  • Bee products . Mix honey and bee pollen in equal parts and take 10 ml 4 times a day with clean warm water. In the second week after injury, the dosage of the medication can be doubled. It has been noted that natural honey has a sedative effect and improves the nutrition of neurons. The effect will be especially pronounced when consuming acacia and mint honey.
  • Vitamin salad.
  1. Crumble two hard-boiled egg yolks.
  2. Chop 200 g fresh spinach and 50 g green onions.
  3. Mix all the ingredients and season with vegetable oil to taste, you can add a small amount of table salt.

This multivitamin should be taken daily for two weeks after the concussion. Fresh spinach and green onions can be added to other dishes.

  • Walnuts . Chop the kernels of 5-7 nuts and mix with a small amount of honey. The mixture must be prepared and eaten daily during a treatment course of three months. After a 20-day break, repeat treatment with nuts. Nut kernels can be replaced with nut tincture - the recommended dose for adults is 1 tablespoon. Therapeutic course – 3 months.

Sea buckthorn and hawthorn berries in any form, a mixture of figs, raisins and pistachios, and raw potato juice will help restore brain activity. The brain is an important system with a very complex structure and organization. Leaving any suspicious symptoms after a head injury is dangerous. Only timely consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to recommendations will help you quickly recover and return to your normal rhythm of life.

Nutrition for food poisoning

It is important for the patient to have a gentle diet that helps restore the water-salt balance of the body, does not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, is easily digestible and nutritious.

What can you eat

  • on the second day, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids, add broth (without meat), vegetable puree (100 g)
  • The following shows rice porridge cooked in water, without adding salt, seasonings, oil (200 g), rice water, vegetable soup without meat, a few crackers
  • vegetable casserole (without adding eggs), broths, boiled fish

Recommended food for recovery:

  • porridge with water (rice, buckwheat)
  • broths (meat, vegetable)
  • meat and fish in the form of steam cutlets
  • vegetables, boiled or baked
  • crackers, unleavened cookies
  • mineral water
  • herbal teas

The list of prohibited products included:

  • dairy products without exception
  • fatty broths
  • raw vegetables
  • fruits
  • fried meat, fish
  • biscuits, pastries, cakes, pastries
  • oatmeal, millet, pearl barley porridge
  • sausages
  • eggs
  • sweet drinks, soda, juices
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