Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Some people have to face such a problem - sudden weight loss. In many ways, this can really become a problem if a person does not understand his reasons for sudden weight loss.
It seems that everything is fine with nutrition, we eat as expected, we do not experience serious health problems, but for some reason the process of weight loss is still happening.
Why this happens, why a person loses weight, we will try to find out further. Watch the video tips!
Diseases associated with excess weight: diabetes
We decided to start the hit parade of diseases caused by obesity and excess weight with type 2 diabetes. The World Health Organization won’t lie – more than 44% of plus-sized people develop this particular disease. Its main feature is insensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for the body's absorption of glucose. This means that there will be too much sugar in the blood, but it will not be able to perform its function - to provide the body with energy. Of course, in order to process glucose, the body will be even stronger and produce insulin more actively, but the desired result will not follow.
The sad thing is that type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease. Over time, the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin, becomes depleted. The blood vessels and heart, the nervous system also suffer, and vision decreases. And in the long term - life on the needle - dependence on artificial insulin.
Pathologies of the endocrine system
Often the reasons for sudden weight loss in men and women are associated with disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system. Pathologies of the thyroid gland have a negative impact on the entire human body. Thus, as a result of increased functioning of the thyroid gland, rapid burning of all calories supplied with food is recorded.
At the same time, a person eats a lot, moves little and leads his usual lifestyle. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by increased production of thyroid hormones. The following signs indicate the disease: sudden weight loss of up to 10 kg, rapid heartbeat, sweating of extremities, hand tremors, increased irritability and sleep disturbances.
Lack of qualified assistance leads to the development of complications. Why is sudden weight loss dangerous in this case? Over time, the clinical picture intensifies. To avoid progression of the pathology, it must be treated in a timely manner, preferably at the initial stage.
Endocrine system disorders affect a person's quality of life.
Diseases associated with excess weight: heart and blood vessels
Did you know that just a few years ago, stroke was considered the leading cause of death worldwide. But overweight and obesity are often presented with this particular disease as a bonus. In the public domain you can find information that an increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) by just one increases the risk of ischemic stroke (occurring due to blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques or interruptions in blood transportation) by 4%, and increases the risk of rewarding yourself hemorrhagic stroke (when an artery in the brain ruptures due to excessive blood flow) - by 6%.
Another “surprise” may be coronary heart disease (CHD). This is when the myocardium (the muscular middle layer of the heart), which is responsible for the rhythmic functioning of the heart (its contraction and relaxation), does not receive enough blood and oxygen. The acute form of IHD is myocardial infarction.
Add here the accompanying hypertension, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, sleep apnea and even sudden cardiac death. In general, this is an unpleasant bouquet of risks of being sick for a long time or, in the worst case, quickly.
Fluid intake during influenza and ARVI
Doctors' categorical recommendation is to increase the amount of fluid consumed during colds and flu. At the first stage of the disease, characterized by an increase in temperature, a person evaporates an additional 1-2 liters of liquid per day through the skin. It is necessary to compensate for this cost and prevent dehydration of the body. During the recovery stage, water is needed to remove decayed microbes and antibodies from the body. Therefore, 3 liters per day is the necessary norm for a cold or “flu” patient. People who follow a healthy diet or diet for weight loss drink approximately the same amount.
Important: if you have a cold, all liquid should be warm, no more than 30
o C
Diseases associated with excess weight: osteoarthritis
This disease of the musculoskeletal system is the most common form of joint damage and the leading cause of disability, which of course greatly complicates a person’s life. Who would like significant restrictions in movement and constant severe pain? After all, the main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and joint deformation.
The sad thing is that this disease is chronic and progressive. It is characterized by damage to the articular cartilage, which subsequently leads to its loss.
So, among the risk factors for the development of this disease is excess body weight.
When should weight loss be a concern?
The reasons for weight loss in women often lie in illness. Many of them can lead to rapid loss of up to 50% of body weight.
Anorexia nervosa
The cause of this disease lies in the mental side of human health. An irresistible desire to lose weight pushes you to stop eating. Workaholics who work extremely hard are at risk.
Any of the reasons can lead to nervous pathology. Losing weight is accompanied by weakness and irritability. Treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, with the help of antidepressants and sessions with a psychologist that restore the emotional state. In case of complete refusal to eat, treatment is carried out inpatiently, nutrients are administered intravenously.
Adrenal insufficiency is manifested by progressive muscle weakness, sudden weight loss, the skin darkens and acquires a bronze tint, loss of appetite, fainting, constant nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency
Weight loss occurs because the amount of adrenal hormones decreases and an imbalance of salt, water and metabolism occurs in the body.
At the first stage, treatment with glucocortide and mineralocortide substances. If such treatment is unsuccessful or insufficient, surgical intervention is resorted to.
According to psychologists, the most common causes of depression are: an unfavorable social environment (work, personal life, family), heredity, biochemical factors (for example, taking hormonal drugs).
The disease manifests itself as loss of interest in what is happening, lack of appetite, anxiety, irritability, decreased self-esteem, and sleep disturbance. To recover from this condition, a course of treatment with antidepressants will be required, lasting from 4 to 6 months.
Heredity, excess weight, the presence of viral diseases (chickenpox, rubella) are the most significant reasons for the onset of diabetes. The main symptoms are thirst, weakness, sweating, poor wound healing, all of which leads to a person’s high energy expenditure, and he rapidly loses weight.
Diabetes is treated comprehensively
Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of disease. In one case, lifelong insulin intake is prescribed, in the other, you can cope with healthy diets and physical activity.
Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. The disease is expressed by heartburn, acute pain in the chest, severe pain that interferes with swallowing, belching with a bitter or sour taste, vomiting with bloody discharge. Eating becomes quite problematic and therefore the patient’s weight decreases sharply.
Gastroenteritis may be the cause of weight loss. This disease is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and cramping abdominal pain. The first thing you need to do is limit your food intake.
You need to replace it with plenty of drink (water with sugar, tea, jelly). Calorie expenditure significantly exceeds their consumption, which leads to weight loss. Physiotherapy and various medications are used in treatment.
This viral disease has many manifestations. The symptoms are similar for all types; it is a blistering rash with transparent contents, accompanied by itching and burning. In the most severe manifestations, fever, chills, loss of appetite. Doctors recommend treatment with antiviral ointments and medications
In cases of cancer, sudden weight loss is observed. There are several reasons for this. The development of tumor formation accelerates the body's metabolism. Cancer provokes an increase in the level of cytokines, which upsets the balance of metabolism between fats and proteins.
List of reasons for weight loss due to cancer
An imbalance in this area leads to loss of muscle mass. The center of the brain that controls hunger also comes under harmful influence. To prevent weight loss, increased fractional nutrition is required.
Leukemia is one of the types of oncology that leads to weight loss. This happens because cancer causes changes in metabolism or the immune system, which leads to partial or complete loss of appetite. In case of complete loss of appetite, feeding is done using a dropper.
People with reduced immunity, HIV-infected people, the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B, C and people working under the influence of toxic substances are at risk of developing such a disease. Lymphoma manifests itself as enlarged lymph nodes, dull pain at the site of enlargement and itching.
A constant feeling of a full stomach, one of the symptoms that prevents normal nutrition. Treatment is carried out using intrathecal therapy. If there are no results, autologous bone marrow transplantation is performed.
Pulmonary tuberculosis
The main cause of tuberculosis is the Koch bacillus bacterium. At an early stage, it is expressed by rapid fatigue, increased sweating and nausea, and therefore the body is quickly depleted.
At a later stage, a cough appears with the release of sputum particles and pain in the chest area. Treatment must be started immediately to avoid severe forms of tuberculosis.
Stomatitis can also cause weight loss. The disease is manifested by the appearance of ulcers in the mouth. The wounds are quite painful, so they can become an obstacle when eating. If stomatitis is detected, you need to start rinsing your mouth and taking medications to prevent this disease.
A pathological condition called thyrotoxicosis, when the level of thyroid hormones increases, can lead to severe weight loss. Decreased muscle volume, increased sweating and progressive weight loss are the main symptoms.
May experience: irritability, hair loss, decreased sex drive, diarrhea, rapid pulse and palpitations. Treatment options depend on the extent of the disease (medication, radioactive iodine therapy, surgery).
Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease causes loss of appetite, which leads to sudden weight loss. Difficulty digesting food, accompanied by constant abdominal pain. Additional symptoms: blood in the stool, diarrhea, pain in the anus and general malaise.
Symptoms of Crohn's disease
Diseases associated with excess weight: cancer
Believe me, the last thing you want to do is joke with this category of diseases. And we, of course, will not do this. According to WHO, from 7 to 41% of cases of certain types of cancer are caused by excess weight or obesity.
Scientists from the British cancer research center Cancer Research UK say that obese women have a 40% greater risk of developing some forms of cancer. Namely: breast cancer (postmenopausal), cancer of the uterus, pancreas, gall bladder, intestines, esophagus, kidney.
Some experts explain the relationship between excess weight and the development of malignant tumors by hormonal disorders, which most often occur in obese people. For example, the level of the sex hormone estrogen increases. The body releases large amounts of insulin. Metabolic processes also fail. A whole complex of factors that influence the process of cell division.
Do you say, “I’m not motivated enough to take care of myself”?
Consequences of sudden weight loss
Regardless of the reason for the sudden weight loss, the problem will negatively affect your health. In some cases, the pathology can be very dangerous. Internal organs, especially the kidneys, suffer greatly from this.
1. Sudden weight loss reduces performance, fatigue and weakness appear. Such reasons negatively affect brain activity in women. In this case, the cause is a diet with insufficient carbohydrates.
2. Often, due to sudden weight loss, hormonal levels are disrupted. This pathology negatively affects the girl’s appearance and her psychological state.
3. Lack of nutrients leads to vitamin deficiency. Problems begin to manifest themselves in weakened immunity, brittle hair and nail plates. The skin noticeably suffers, becoming flabby.
4. Rapid weight loss can result in anorexia. This disease is difficult to cure, so try to prevent its development.
5. Also, weight loss often leads to kidney failure. Pathology develops due to a dry diet or taking medications in large quantities.
You should only worry about sudden weight loss when you are leading a normal lifestyle and are not experiencing a serious illness. Consider the common causes of rapid weight loss, and in any case, undergo a medical examination without fail. Do not delay with this problem, women may experience big problems.
Sudden weight loss (emaciation) in the medical literature is referred to as “cachexia.” The immediate causes of exhaustion are accelerated catabolism and impaired absorption of lipid, carbohydrate and protein compounds.
A good reason to seek help from specialists is losing 5% of weight in a short time!
Diseases associated with excess weight: psychosomatics
Of course, there is most likely no direct relationship between obesity and mental disorders. At least, few people talk about this convincingly. However, many women (and men) find it difficult, and some impossible, to accept their large size. Dissatisfaction with oneself is a poisonous phenomenon that deprives one of the ability to rejoice and (!) the most important thing - to perceive the world adequately. Dissatisfaction is the cause of resentment and aggression towards oneself, endless feelings of shame and guilt, irritation, nervousness, mood swings or sucking apathy. Life loses color, taste, smell and becomes uninteresting or unbearable.
Such difficult emotions and the desire to suppress and hide them in every possible way are a direct path to the development of psychosomatic diseases. And here the circle closes - because ultimately everything affects health.
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“And they lived happily ever after” - let this be about you! You can start being happy right now, but to become healthier, you will have to lose ballast in the form of extra pounds.
Colds and exercise
To lose weight well and consolidate the result, diet alone is not enough. Sports activities are also needed. But it is better to postpone them during illness, especially for bodybuilding, cardio or fat-burning workouts.
during illness they simply have no strength
At this temperature, it is strictly forbidden to warm the body additionally
During the acute stage of the disease, the pulse rate increases by 10-20 beats, and blood pressure rises slightly. Intense training is fraught with complications from the cardiovascular system
As soon as the healing process begins, your well-being will improve; if you wish, you can do yoga and breathing exercises. And you can return to your normal training regimen after 10 days.
Obviously, if you stick to the right diet when you have a cold, you can not only avoid gaining excess weight, but also lose weight. The main thing is to listen to your body and not act to the detriment of your health in the pursuit of slimness.