Tuberculosis of bones and joints: localization and forms of the disease, routes of infection and symptoms, diagnostic methods, treatment of tuberculosis of bones and joints
The problem of tuberculosis is relevant for many countries of the modern world. It is no coincidence that doctors have to declare an epidemic
Anal fissures: causes and treatment, symptoms, effective remedies
Cracks in the anus, how to treat? 8453 1
How does an anal fissure appear? The main symptom is pain, so it is difficult to treat an anal fissure
What is nocturia: symptoms and treatment in men and women
How does it manifest? When a person has a history of internal diseases, the signs of nocturia will occur together
Exercise therapy for kidney prolapse
Nephroptosis on the left: causes, symptoms and treatment options
Basic information Nephroptosis is a disease characterized by a violation of the location of the kidney. It manifests itself as increased
Depantol candles for erosion
Depantol: instructions, application, reviews
Composition One vaginal suppository contains 0.1 g of dexpanthenol and 0.016 g of chlorhexidine bigluconate
Convulsive disease. Types of seizures. Causes and treatment.
Partial epilepsy is a long-term chronic psychoneurological form of epilepsy in which high electrical activity occurs.
Treatment of paresthesia with folk remedies. How to get rid of paresthesia
Paresthesia, stiffness - Paraesthesia, formicatio, myrmecismus. Acroparesthesia - Acroparaesthesia - unpleasant crawling sensation
Zen therapy
Definition 1 Neurasthenia is a pathology of the nervous system, which is provoked by prolonged emotional and physical overload,
Albucid for bacterial conjunctivitis
Eye drops for conjunctivitis for adults and children. Indications and contraindications.
Drops for conjunctivitis in adults Treatment is based on the causes of inflammation, and they can
Scientists have figured out what causes dandruff and how to deal with it
For some reason, unfamiliar passers-by and familiar people frown in disgust when they notice the clothes of their interlocutor or absolutely
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