What happens to your face if you inject Botox too often?

Everyone wants to be beautiful, and women especially. Beauty injections have been leading the TOP 10 anti-aging procedures for several decades. And even though the debate about the dangers of the procedure for health is at the same level as it was before, when there were much more negative reviews than positive ones, women still resort to injections in order to get rid of hated wrinkles.

Not everyone knows that the effect depends not only on the skill of the person performing the procedure, but also on how carefully the patient adheres to the recommendations for facial care after injections. Botox for the face: what should not be done after the procedure and what are the recommendations of cosmetologists?

What not to do after facial Botox in the first hours

  • You can't lie down. The drug further penetrates the tissue. To distribute in the correct directions, keep your head upright.
  • Limit facial expressions and articulation.
  • Reduce fluid and salt intake to avoid major swelling.
  • You can't eat anything hot. Fluctuations in temperature can cause irritation or increased swelling.
  • You should not touch your face with your hands, so as not to spread infection to the puncture sites. If inflammation occurs, scars may remain. Botulinum toxin (BT) should be distributed in the injection area without outside influence.

Monitor your general condition. Individual intolerance occurs during the first days/hours after the procedure. If severe itching, rash or other signs of allergy appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is prohibited to take antiallergic drugs without medical advice.

A normal phenomenon after beauty injections are signs of general intoxication: dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, weakness. Often these unpleasant moments occur in the first day.

There is no need to take pills, they can neutralize the effect of BT.

Frequent BTA injections

The consequences of regularly visiting a cosmetologist for botulinum therapy can be different.

  1. The immune system may form antibodies to the toxin, which will prevent the injections from affecting the muscle. The development of an allergy to BTA can complete the picture. In this case, you will have to stop this method of rejuvenation; it will be useless. The likelihood of this scenario developing directly depends on the frequency and number of injections administered.
  2. Muscles under the influence of BTA are in a passive state. Over time, they can get used to this state and very slowly “come to life.” In this case, you can increase the time between injections, since new wrinkles do not form and old ones do not deepen. The habits of wincing and frowning go away, so the results are permanent. In some cases, partial atrophy may occur. From a physiological point of view, this is harmful.

What not to do after Botox on the face on the first day (measures to avoid migration of botulinum toxin)

Sometimes the drug moves from the injection site to other muscles on the face, and it can even get into the brain. The condition can lead to paralysis and other complications. Some patients experienced difficulty speaking after the procedure. In rare cases, drooping of the eyelid may occur.

If botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles of the neck and lower face close to the muscles of the esophagus, difficulty swallowing may occur.

To prevent migration, surgeons ask patients to remain upright for several hours after injections and avoid exercise. Makeup can be applied 12 hours after injections.

The effects of Botox are reversible. Side effects are temporary and disappear within a few weeks.

What should not be done after Botox injections on the face to avoid migration, redness, swelling or itching within 24 hours?

Need to:

  • Avoid taking hot showers;
  • Facial treatments;
  • Do not rub or irritate your face at the injection sites. Is it possible to do a facial massage after Botox? No, you can’t, otherwise the muscles will be stimulated instead of relaxing them;
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Don't do yoga;
  • Do not wash your hair, do not dye your hair, do not dry it with a hot hairdryer;

Do not cook over a hot stove. Avoid taking hot showers Do not rub your face or wash your hair Do not drink alcoholic beverages Do not cook over a hot stove

How does Botox work?

This drug is classified as a neurotoxin drug..


The drug has several popular analogues, similar in action and differing only in the country of origin, the degree of purification of the auxiliary components and the method of obtaining serum from botulinum toxin poison.

After a mixture of Botox with sodium chloride has been injected into muscle tissue, the drug immediately begins to slowly poison sensitive areas of the body and cause a significant decrease in the intensity of the contractile nerve signal to the muscle. Gradually, clostridia botulism completely paralyzes the area of ​​the muscle where the injection was made.

It is important to know that blood circulation in the tissues will not change at all, healthy muscle cells will not be harmed, its structure will remain intact.


The procedure for introducing botulinum toxin is quite dangerous and requires high professionalism from the doctor, since the introduction of a paralyzing substance into one muscle can create a strong load on the others surrounding it. The doctor will need not only to make an accurate injection, but also to pre-calculate the individual dose of muscle poison and the number of injections.

Botox injections cause the muscle to relax, thereby smoothing out all the tissues that surround it, including all the layers of the epidermis that cover it. Thanks to this, wrinkles are smoothed out, blood flow in the upper layer of the epidermis is improved, which leads to a rich complexion and the elimination of age spots.

The effect of botulinum therapy does not last long; thanks to protective reactions, after some time the poison is completely eliminated from the body. You will need to repeat the course of botulinum injections after 9-12 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. However, frequent use of the substance can develop persistent addiction, as a result of which the body after some time stops responding to botulinum toxin injections and you may not see the proper smoothing effect.

Botox for the face: what not to do after the procedure for 14 days

No special restrictions are required. Now you need to take care of your face. You will need to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more.

The clinical effect is noticeable from 5 days to 14 days after the procedure. At this time, you should not consume vitamin E, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, garlic due to the risk of hematomas.

For two weeks after the administration of BT, do not take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, do not undergo active salon treatments or facial massage, and do not drink alcoholic beverages.

To find out what condition the facial muscles are in, you need to visit a doctor after 2 weeks. If there is a need, the results of treatment are subject to adjustment.

Each organism is individual. Much depends on the person’s lifestyle, skin condition, and area of ​​injection.

If BT was injected into the area around the mouth, then you should reschedule your visit to the dentist, as well as depilation of the area above the upper lip. For two weeks after the procedure, you should not open your mouth too wide. It is also necessary to avoid straining small muscles.


For each zone there is an average number of serum units.

TargetNumber of units
Smooth out horizontal wrinkles on the forehead10-30
Remove wrinkles on the outer corners of the eyes8-25
Even out creases on the neck25-50
Remove wrinkles on the nose and bridge of the nose4-10
Nasolabial area10-15
Correct the area around the mouth2-6
Align your chin15-25
Smooth out the area between the eyebrows10-25
Raise your eyebrows3-6

We live further

After a two-week rehabilitation period, you are already allowed to return to your normal lifestyle. Eat as before, you can swim in pools, open reservoirs, play sports, dance. But you need to watch your facial expressions. The calmer the facial muscles are, the more effective the botulinum toxin will be, and the longer the result will be noticeable.

For most people, Botox lasts about six months. Sometimes wrinkles may begin to appear 2-3 months after the procedure.

The effectiveness of injections lasts longer when performed in successive procedures. Many patients prefer to have beauty injections 2-3 times a year.

BT can cause muscle weakness or vision problems within a couple of hours or several weeks after administration. In this case, patients should refrain from driving a car or engaging in other potentially hazardous activities.

Are Botox injections dangerous?

The preparations for the procedure contain botulinum toxin, a poison dangerous to health and life, but its concentration in the preparations is so low that it cannot cause complications. Side effects are often observed when the dosage of the drug is exceeded; in this case, such patients experience unnatural facial expressions or facial asymmetry.

It is worth remembering that Botox has contraindications and if they are ignored, the risk of developing negative consequences is very high.

Patients with facial atony (muscle weakness), who suffer mainly after 40 years, should avoid Botox injections. Doctors recommend conducting a series of examinations before undergoing the procedure, which will exclude the development of complications.

Also, a negative reaction of the body to Botox can be observed in the presence of the following features:

  • skin diseases at the injection site;
  • reduced immune system;
  • general malaise;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • intolerance to drug substances;
  • the presence of infectious diseases.

If these pathological processes are present, the procedure should be postponed until complete recovery.

Why shouldn't you undergo cosmetic procedures?

How to care for your face after Botox? You should not touch your face at all for 24 hours after the administration of BT, and do not use cosmetics, so as to avoid unpleasant consequences: infection, uneven distribution, etc.

Hardware procedures in which tissues are heated (like photorejuvenation) are acceptable after 2-3 weeks.

For six months after injections, you cannot carry out procedures that stimulate muscle activity in the areas of injection: myostimulation, microcurrent therapy, magnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy, intense manual or vacuum facial massage, or use infrared laser. Manipulations tone the muscles, canceling the effect of BT.

No peeling should be done for 3 weeks. When BT smooths out wrinkles, peeling will be more effective. Facial care after Botox does not involve the use of regenerating creams in the first couple of days.

What it is

Botox is an injectable drug that contains a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum (botulinum toxin type A) . Despite the fact that this remedy has become popular relatively recently, it has been used in medicine since the early 60s of the last century.

Initially, Botox was used to treat facial paralysis, strabismus, migraines and many other neurological diseases. However, starting from the 90s, non-surgical rejuvenation began to be performed with the help of Botox by introducing it into the facial muscles in a safe concentration, because with the help of such manipulations it was possible to achieve effective smoothing of the so-called “dynamic” wrinkles.

The composition of the rejuvenation drug we are considering, as a rule, in addition to the toxin itself, also includes: human plasma albumin and sodium chloride.

Compatibility of BT with medications

Some medications should not be taken for several days before beauty injections and a couple of weeks after:

  • Tetracycline antibiotics that neutralize botulinum toxin, significantly reducing the expected effect;
  • Aminoglycosides (bactericidal antibiotics). Their action is based on the blockade of muscle function; the result of combination with botulinum toxin is unpredictable. Do not use 2 days before and 7 days after the procedure;
  • Anticoagulants (analgesics, aspirin). Taking them can cause bruises and bruises, which is associated with the property of thinning the blood;
  • Muscle relaxant drugs that weaken the neuromuscular system (this can be quinine, bacofen, relanium, calcium channel blocking drugs);
  • Psychoactive substances (Tazepam, Phenazepam, etc.);
  • B vitamins.

The effect of the injections is temporary, the procedures should be repeated regularly in order to maintain a cosmetic or therapeutic effect. Many patients say that if you strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists regarding Botox for the face, namely, avoiding things that cannot be done after the procedure, then the results can be maintained for up to 6 months. This is great, it is better not to repeat the injections more often. After all, the procedure is essentially the introduction of a weakened poison into the body.

The principle of action of the drug

The drug “Botox” is a highly diluted poison of natural origin, botulinum toxin type A. It is used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the face and combat excessive sweating. The serum perfectly helps to cope with facial asymmetry. Most often everyone uses it to remove wrinkles:

  • on the forehead;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • around eyes;
  • around the lips;
  • on the neck.

Botulinum toxin is injected into the facial muscle to partially paralyze the part that forms wrinkles. The skin on the face is evened out, and facial expressions are preserved.


The procedure is always carried out in accordance with the following scheme:

  1. Preliminary examination and diagnostics to identify possible contraindications.
  2. Studying the skin to determine the main causes of wrinkle formation.
  3. Determining the area for injection in order to reduce discomfort and achieve maximum effect.
  4. Antiseptic treatment of the skin.
  5. Use of local anesthetics for hypersensitivity.
  6. Botox is administered using a thin needle that leaves no marks on the skin.
  7. Cooling the area where the injections were made, which has a calming effect on the skin.

Are there age restrictions for botulinum therapy?

Botulinum toxin can be injected into small patients. It is used in complex therapy of cerebral palsy. The drug significantly alleviates the condition of such patients. It helps a lot with headaches; very young girls use it. But still, before reaching the age of thirty, using botulinum toxin without compelling reasons is not recommended.

Additional information about contraindications for botulinum therapy in this video:

In some cases, the use of Botox poses a threat to human life, so you need to familiarize yourself with all the contraindications of the drug. After “beauty injections” it is necessary to follow the cosmetologist’s instructions, otherwise the product may be distributed unevenly and the effect of its use will be very unique.

You can find more information on this topic in the Botox section.

What wrinkles can be smoothed out with injections?

This is one of the most common questions among those who want to try this popular method of rejuvenation. Injections of the drug help eliminate or reduce the severity of:

  • horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • vertical eyebrow arches;
  • oblique wrinkles in the bridge of the nose;
  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • vertical and horizontal neck wrinkles.

The best results are obtained by Botox under the age of 65, when there is no significant sagging of the skin, otherwise the effect of the drug can only aggravate the situation. The main area of ​​injections is on the forehead, eyebrow area, and around the eyes, but a good lifting effect can also be achieved by injecting the toxin into the lower third of the face.

Rejuvenation procedures at home

Botox injections are a rather expensive procedure and have contraindications. You can get rid of wrinkles at home using homemade products.

The effect of salon Botox can be achieved using 2 products from the pharmacy: Solcoseryl (ointment) and Dimexil.

Solcoseryl - an ointment obtained from the blood of young calves by dialization, helps improve metabolism and accelerates tissue regeneration.

The drug acts on the skin in several directions:

  • activates the production of your own collagen;
  • restores damaged tissues;
  • improves blood circulation and restores blood vessels;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • improves skin tone;
  • improves the supply of oxygen to cells.

Dimexil is an anti-inflammatory liquid that is used to enhance the effect of other drugs, as it promotes their penetration deep into tissues.

To prepare a homemade anti-aging product, you will need 2-3 ml of Dimexil and Solcoresil and 15 ml of warm water. The components are mixed and applied to a clean face in a thin layer. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use a scrub and steam the skin.

After an hour, the composition is removed with a cotton pad and a nourishing cream is applied.

Before use, it is recommended to test on another area of ​​the skin (wrist, for example). If after an hour there is no itching or redness, the composition can be safely applied to the face.

The visible result after using such a product appears after 3-4 procedures and does not last long. This product can be used to prevent wrinkles.

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