A carbuncle is a purulent necrotic inflammation of the epidermis or subcutaneous tissue. The disease affects the hair follicles
Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person, but sometimes you feel cold? In this situation
Korilip suppositories: instructions for use, composition, analogues Korilip suppositories are used to correct metabolism, regulate
Some facts Food poisoning is a fairly common disease, which is often accompanied by digestive tract disorders. Main
What is lymphostasis Lymphostasis, which in professional language is also called lymphedema, is a disease of the lymphatic system,
Pharmacological action The drug dilates the blood vessels of the heart; when used, the level of resistance in the arterioles decreases
Infectious diseases of the kidney system can have various symptoms, causes of their formation and cause serious
Today, quite often, gastroenterologists in practice use means for removing bile into
Tubulointpersitial (or interstitial) nephritis is inflammation and damage to the tubules and interstitial tissue of the kidneys when
Complete removal of hemorrhoids can only be achieved through surgery. When treated alone