Ascorutin: what is it used for, instructions for use for children and adults, composition, vitamin analogues

The drug "Ascorutin" for menstruation and during pregnancy

To exclude a critical oversaturation of the body with ascorbic acid, you should not use the medicine in the early stages of pregnancy.
You should not take the tablets together with other mineral vitamin formulations. During pregnancy, 1 capsule is prescribed 2-3 times a day. The drug "Ascorutin" for menstruation is prescribed for the duration and abundance of menstruation. They start taking the medicine 3-4 days before they start. Take within 10 days after consultation with a specialist.

Ascorutin is a vitamin preparation that is aimed at preventing deficiency of P and C. Why take such tablets, in addition to deficiency, will tell you the list of indications in the instructions from the manufacturer ZAO Altaivitamins. In medicine, this remedy belongs to the group of natural bioflavonoids; it is also considered a capillary-stabilizing drug for strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The prescription of the medicine is carried out only by the attending physician, despite the natural composition.

The fact is that the drug has a broad effect and is used in several areas of medicine at once:

  • in cardiology (for the heart, for diseases of the blood and blood vessels);
  • in gynecology (with bleeding or smearing with blood, during breastfeeding, etc.);
  • pediatrics (for colds, low immunity and vitamin deficiency);
  • dermatology (to treat skin infections);
  • oncology (with radiation therapy);
  • in cosmetology (for the skin, its beauty and healthy appearance);
  • in dentistry (for gum treatment);
  • in bodybuilding (to increase endurance).

Also, in some cases, doctors prescribe Ascorutin for the prevention of colds. Since the tablets strengthen the immune system, as well as in complex treatment of allergies.

Having decided what the vitamin preparation is needed for and in what areas of medicine, the instructions and the attending physician specify the method of use.

The effect of ascorutin on the body is primarily based on its participation in redox processes. Rutoside creates an obstacle to the excessive oxidation of ascorbic acid and thereby ensures maximum saturation with vitamin C and its positive effect on the body. By actively working with each other, the components of the drug strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their permeability.

Side effects from the effects of vitamins on the body are extremely rare, but there is a small risk of developing insomnia, headaches, excessive excitability, increased blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thrombocytosis, and allergic reactions. At the first manifestation of side effects, you should stop taking ascorutin, take activated charcoal, and in severe cases, seek help from a medical facility.

Many people take ascorutin for an absolutely harmless drug and use it at their own discretion, in uncontrolled dosages. In fact, long-term use of the drug without a prescription from the attending physician can lead to the development of stones in the genitourinary system. That is why self-prescription of ascorutin for preventive purposes is not recommended.

As a rule, the therapeutic dosage of the drug for adults is 3 tablets per day, taken at equal intervals, and the preventive dosage is 2 tablets per day. The therapeutic dosage for children does not differ from that for adults; for the purpose of prevention, as a rule, half a tablet is prescribed once a day. In this case, adults are allowed to use ascorutin for a whole month, and children - no more than 10 days. In case of an overdose of a substance, various side effects may develop in the body.

The drug ascorutin can be taken by pregnant women starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. In addition to performing its basic immune-protective functions, it also reduces the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth and helps prevent varicose veins in the legs, which most women experience when expecting a baby.

In this case, the dosage may differ from the standard and you should start taking it only after agreeing on the prescription of ascorutin by a specialist managing the pregnancy. Failure to follow the doctor's recommendations during pregnancy can cause the child to become addicted to ascorbic acid and subsequent withdrawal syndrome that occurs in the first hours after birth.

What do Ascorutin tablets help with? Instructions and method of use, how to take?

For safety reasons and control of side effects, treatment with the drug is not carried out if the patient has urolithiasis or its recurrent symptoms. Long-term treatment with ascorutin becomes the reason for conducting tests and examinations showing how well the kidneys and pancreas perform their functions, as well as regular monitoring of blood pressure.

If the patient has problems such as intestinal dyskinesia, enteritis, achylia. Absorption of the drug may be reduced. Therefore, additional consultation is required with a specialist who monitors the listed problems and adjusts treatment.

When conducting laboratory blood tests simultaneously with taking the drug, errors can be expected in determining the level of bilirubin, transaminase activity and changes in other indicators.

Domestic vitamins have always been low in price and ascorutin was no exception. The drug is affordable for any category of people, and this fact gives Ascorutin an absolute advantage over other similar drugs. Nevertheless, different manufacturers charge different prices. The most affordable is the drug from the Pharmstandard company; in second place in price is Ascorutin from the company Medisorb; vitamins from the company Zeldis-Pharma are somewhat more expensive.

In addition to classic ascorutin, some brands produce its analogues, which contain several additional components. One such medicine is Anvimax. In addition to saturating the body with vitamins, it also has an antiviral, antipyretic, and analgesic effect. This significantly increases the cost of the final product. Such products should be used only for medicinal purposes.

The purchase of a particular remedy should be based on the initial symptoms. To saturate the body with vitamins and have a positive effect on the capillaries, you should buy the most common ascorutin and use it in accordance with the instructions.

The composition of the drug Ascorutin includes active components - ascorbic acid and rutin. The drug also contains auxiliary ingredients and is available in tablet form for oral administration.

Vitamin E belongs to the group of antioxidants. By blocking lipid peroxidation, it protects cell membranes from destruction by free radicals. Effective for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. VitaMishki Multi iodine choline is a multi-component universal remedy for children. Its use strengthens the child's immunity.

How to take ascorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Ascorutin, according to the annotation, is taken during or immediately after meals with water. It is not recommended to dissolve or chew it. The explanation for this is simple - ascorbic acid can have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel and gastric mucosa.

He washes it down with plain water. It is strictly not recommended to use mineral alkaline water for this, since such water neutralizes vitamin C.

The specific dosage, number of doses per day, course of administration depends on the disease and purpose of use, the age of the patient, his condition and is prescribed by the doctor. The average dose for an adult is 1 tablet, taken two to three times a day. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Sometimes appointments are scheduled for up to a month.

For prevention, adults are prescribed 1 tablet taken once or twice a day.

For treatment or in complex therapy with other medications, 1-2 tablets are usually prescribed three times a day. The specific norm is prescribed by the attending physician.

This vitamin is prescribed to children only by a pediatrician, taking into account all indications and pathologies of the child, no earlier than 4 years of age. At an earlier age, the drug is not recommended.

The prophylactic dose can be from half to one tablet taken once a day.

For treatment, the specific rate, frequency and duration of administration are prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. The duration of treatment is three to four weeks.

For a child who cannot swallow a tablet, it must be crushed and dissolved in water.

Reception for children, as well as for adults, only during meals or immediately after feeding.

For adolescents, the vitamin is prescribed in the same dose as for adults.

Taking ascorutin in the first trimester (up to 12-13 weeks) is prohibited, as it can affect the development of the fetus. Starting from the 2nd and 3rd trimester, ascorutin is prescribed for certain indications. Only a doctor should prescribe it. During this period of pregnancy, it is prescribed to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries and as a prophylactic agent. In addition, taking ascorutin may reduce the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth.

Take it, as a rule, 1 tablet two or three times a day along with food or immediately after it.

It is prohibited to use it simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

Read more: Omega 3 with vitamin E difference compatibility instructions

During lactation, ascorutin is prescribed by a doctor according to appropriate indications for a young mother.

Ascorutin is prescribed in complex treatment to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The rate and frequency of administration is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease. As a medicine for this condition, treatment with ascorutin alone will not bring benefit and the disease cannot be cured.

No data

Side effects

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the combined action of the active components of the drug. The drug is one of the strongest representatives of antioxidants. It prevents cell destruction by blocking peroxide oxidation of the lipid layer of their membranes. Shows angioprotective effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps normalize their permeability.

Participates in the exchange of heme and folic acid, regulates blood clotting and prevents the development of hemorrhages. Taking ascorbic acid helps prevent colds. Increases the effectiveness of the immune response and makes the body more resistant to infections. The product is included in the complex treatment of allergies.

It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Takes part in the production of stress hormones and is a good remedy for dealing with stressful situations. It is used in cosmetology as it participates in the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin. Recent studies prove the therapeutic and preventive role of the drug in the fight against cancer.

Ascorutin, if the instructions for use are followed, does not cause undesirable effects. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, heartburn, headache. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the active ingredients and other components of the drug, kidney disease, a tendency to blood clots, diabetes mellitus and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

The drug ascorutin is prescribed for various diagnoses. The therapeutic effect is to increase tone, based on a large amount of vitamin C, supplemented with rutoside. The combination of these two substances is ascorutin.

The combination helps:

  • strengthen blood vessels during colds;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • get rid of complications;
  • boost immunity.

Rutin improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels: normalizes capillary permeability, helps strengthen the walls, reduces swelling and inflammation caused by vascular disorders, improves microcirculation. Ascorbic acid plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, normalizes oxidative processes, blood clotting and regeneration

The drug has side effects in allergies (or manifested as allergies), headaches and dyspepsia.

An allergy when taken is observed in the form of a rash on the skin. Sometimes digestive problems occur - dyspepsia, expressed by pain in the stomach, discomfort, nausea or vomiting.

Some patients complain of insomnia and increased blood pressure. Side effects often occur with an overdose.

The medicine is generally considered to be well tolerated by people taking it. But if you take it for a long time without control, stones may form in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Regardless of the form of release of Ascorutin (syrup, gel, tablets, dragees, drops or ampoules), an overdose or neglect of contraindications will cause side effects.

Why is this approach to treatment dangerous?

  • Central nervous system – loss of strength, insomnia, overexcitability, headaches.
  • Urinary system - acidification of urine, urolithiasis, insufficiency and dysfunction of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys.
  • Gastrointestinal tract – pain in the stomach, dyspepsia, heartburn.
  • Heart and blood vessels - body heat, microangiopathy, increased blood pressure, myocardial dystrophy.
  • Immunity - redness of the epidermis, the appearance of urticaria, rash, eczema, Quincke's edema, respiratory rhythm disturbance, anaphylactic shock.
  • Hematopoiesis – thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, erythrocytopenia, neutrophilic leukocytosis.
  • Others are excess vitamins, swelling, hypernatremia, impaired production of glycogen by the body, metabolism of copper and zinc, impaired metabolic processes, and the development of pancreatic diseases.

Important! If side effects occur, you should consult your doctor!

Ascorutin tablets - what do they help with? Active water-soluble vitamins contribute to the manifestation of antioxidant and radioprotective properties. The medication reduces swelling and inflammation.

The medicine activates oxidative and reduction processes in the body and strengthens the immune system. It takes part in the reproduction and healing of connective tissues, accelerates metabolism in the body. The product strengthens veins and capillaries, reduces their permeability and fragility.

The drug "Ascorutin", instructions and patient reviews confirm this, and is well tolerated by patients. Side effects are rarely observed. As a rule, they are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • allergies;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • stomach cramps;
  • vomiting.

With long-term use of large dosages, it may:

  • increase excitability;
  • stones appear in the urinary organs;
  • pressure will increase;
  • sleep will be disturbed.

Side effects

Ascorbic acid in the composition of the drug Ascorutin has antioxidant properties, that is, it protects the entire cell system from the threatening influence of oxidation molecules. Together, both of these components fight acute respiratory infections and its consequences. Vitamin C takes part in formative processes. It takes an active part in the synthesis of all types of connective tissue, promotes the conversion of folic acid into folinic acid and the exchange of steroid hormones.

Ascorbic acid performs two interrelated functions at once: it serves as an additional element in the overall picture of immunity and is a nonspecific component. Vitamin C increases the efficiency of repair processes and ruptures of cellular structures, and also strengthens the body to fight pathogenic bacteria.

Rutin in the drug, in turn, has the ability to suppress inflammation in any part of the body. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of pus from the plasma and the release of cells into the area of ​​pain. All this is accomplished by routine. Also, the use of the drug also helps to improve the flow of urine from the kidneys and bring the pressure back to normal.

The medicine is completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and immediately disperses throughout the entire circulatory system. It is excreted through bile and urine.

When taking a medicine in tablet form, you must carefully read all the indications, contraindications and side effects. This is necessary to reduce the occurrence of unpleasant consequences when taking it.

  • Preventive measures to restore or remove excess groups of vitamins from the body.
  • Diseases associated with penetration into the hematopoietic system.
  • Bleeding diathesis.
  • Inflammation with bleeding.
  • Radiation sickness.
  • Manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Damage to the glomeruli in the renal system.
  • Broken capillaries in the eyeballs.
  • Septic endocarditis.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Inflammation of the arachnoid covering of the spinal cord or brain.
  • Airborne diseases.

When organizing prophylaxis, Ascorutin can be used as a drug that relieves damage to the hapillars.

The drug Ascorutin consists of formations located in humans, and therefore it is extremely rare that side effects may occur after consuming the drug. However, sometimes you can observe the following symptoms:

  • Manifestations of pain in the brain.
  • Insomnia or constant drowsiness.
  • Rapid onset of fatigue and weakness.
  • Hyperexcitability of the central nervous system.
  • Neurotrophilic leukocytosis.
  • Reduction of heart muscles.
  • Manifestation of hypertensive crises.
  • Heartburn.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Quincke's swelling syndrome.
  • Anaphylactic shock.

If the medicine is used incorrectly, symptoms such as:

  • Pain syndrome in the stomach area.
  • Nausea - gag reflex.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Manifestation of itching sensation.
  • Overexcitation of the nervous system.
  • The occurrence of blood clots.
  • Development of hypertension.
  • Headache.

In this case, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and clean all wounds, rashes, etc.

  • Ascorutin with Aspirin and oral contraceptives cause inhibition in the absorption of the drug into the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ascorutin with penicillin - increasing the possibilities for the introduction of beneficial substances into the human body.
  • Ascorutin with heparin and antibiotics - a decrease in the healing effects of vitamin C.
  • Ascorutin with salicylates and tetracycline - an increase in the amount of serum, which leads to side effects.
  • Ascorutin with NSAIDs and drugs to stabilize blood pressure - long-term use of Ascorutin requires strict medical supervision to prevent unpleasant situations.

Redox processes;

Carbohydrate metabolism;

Synthesis of natural steroid hormones;

Tissue regeneration;

Blood clotting;

Blood microcirculation;

The body's resistance to unfavorable conditions.

This drug participates in the restoration and synthesis of connective tissues.

Reduce the effects of radiation;

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

Reduce the fragility and permeability of small blood vessels;

Increase immunity;

Improve the removal of toxins from the body.

All these properties of a cheap domestic vitamin are important during the recovery period after suffering from influenza, acute respiratory diseases and some other diseases.

Some doctors prescribe it to cancer patients during the recovery period in order to normalize the vitamin balance and improve the patient's condition.

The drug is of particular importance for patients suffering from venous insufficiency, which is accompanied by pain and swelling of the limbs, inflammation of the blood vessels.

Skin rash;


Swelling of the limbs and throat;





Digestive tract disorders, including stomach pain.

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At the first signs, you need to stop taking the drug and contact a medical facility.

Simultaneous use of ascorutin with certain medications may increase or decrease their effect. Thus, it cannot be used simultaneously with penicillin, sulfonamides and preparations containing iron. Ascorutin enhances their effect and toxicity, increases the absorption of iron in the stomach.

Concomitant use with heparin treatment may reduce the therapeutic effect.



Contraceptives (reduces their effect).

Rutin increases the effect of nicotinic acid.

The medicine Ascorutin has a complex therapeutic effect on the body, expressed in the following:

  1. Ascorbic acid, preventing the breakdown of free radicals and oxidation of soft tissue cells.
  2. In addition, vitamin C cleanses cells of toxic substances, increasing immunity and the body's resistance to various viruses.
  3. Vitamin P stops inflammatory processes in the body, resists the formation of pus in the plasma, activates the functioning of the kidneys and gall bladder, accelerating the process of removing bile and toxins from the body.
  4. Ascorutin tablets also have a normalizing effect on blood pressure levels.
  5. The product helps reduce blood viscosity and therefore prevents blood clots.
  6. The fragility of blood vessels and especially capillaries is prevented, their walls become denser, more elastic and protected from the negative effects of various etiologies.

If the medication is taken incorrectly or the required dosages and medical recommendations are not followed, the following side effects may occur:

  • Central nervous system: dysfunction of the nervous system, excitability or vice versa, excessive depression, slight loss of orientation, headaches, insomnia.
  • Hematopoietic system: symptoms of thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, hyperthrombinemia, accelerated production of platelets and red blood cells.
  • Heart and blood vessels: myocardial dystrophy, disruption of the process of supplying tissues with blood and oxygen, surges in blood pressure.
  • Metabolic processes: malfunction of the thyroid gland, excess blood sugar and/or glucose in the urine, accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, signs of hypervitaminosis.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: mucosal discomfort, urge to vomit, signs of nausea, pain in the stomach, pancreas, intestines.
  • Allergies: rashes, redness and itching of the skin, swelling of the larynx (occasionally).

Numerous reviews of people who took Ascorutin vitamins indicate that in the vast majority of cases this drug is well tolerated and does not have any side effects if the recommended dosage is observed. However, it should be noted that in some cases, negative phenomena occur during the use of Ascorutin. They appear:

  • Nausea;
  • Headache;
  • Vomiting;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased blood pressure.

Also, Ascorutin, according to reviews, can cause allergic skin reactions if a person has hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or another component of the vitamin complex.

With prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug, there is a risk of stone formation in the urinary tract and kidneys.

With a single dose of 10 or more tablets of the vitamin, the following symptoms of overdose may develop: increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, dysfunction of the pancreas and kidneys. Such patients should take an adsorbent (for example, activated carbon) and call an ambulance.

Adverse effects of conservative treatment and various side effects are extremely rare, because the main active components of a pharmaceutical drug are part of the natural metabolism of the human body, but the following manifestations may occur:

  • From the central system: headache, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, increased fatigue, increased excitability of the central nervous system.
  • From the blood system: thrombocytosis, hypertrobinemia, increased production of red blood cells and platelets, neutrophilic leukocytosis.
  • Cardiovascular system: disruption of natural tissue trophism, dystrophy of the heart muscle, increased blood pressure (hypertensive crises), development of microangiopathies.
  • On the metabolic side: inhibition of the normal function of the pancreatic insular apparatus (manifested in the form of hyperglycemia, glucosuria) and glycogen synthesis, fluid and sodium retention by the body, hypervitaminosis C, disturbance of the metabolic properties of zinc and copper.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tube, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions (occur extremely rarely) - skin rashes, itching, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria.

Release form and composition

Sold in tablet form. The active elements of the drug “Ascorutin”, which helps with vascular permeability, are Rutin and Ascorbic acid. Their content in the drug reaches 50 mg. In addition to vitamins C and P, the medication includes talc, calcium stearate, and starch. The tablets are sold in plastic jars of 30-50 pieces, as well as in blisters of 10 capsules.

Ascorbic acid is often bought for children. They are consumed primarily if the body is weakened and tired.

The ability of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system allows you to fight many colds. Ascorbic acid also helps to normalize many biochemical processes in the human body.

Flavonoids are known for helping blood vessels become flexible and elastic. The vitamin also normalizes heart rhythm and normalizes blood pressure.

The combination of these components can restore many important processes in the body, strengthen blood vessels (especially capillaries), and the product is also an available antioxidant.

Its indications, pharmacological features, rules of use and contraindications directly depend on what is included in the tablets.

If we consider the vitamin remedy Ascorutin, the composition of the drug contains 2 active substances - ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, and also rutin, that is, vitamin P.

The main substances in one tablet are contained in a dose of 0.05 g. Today, the manufacturer offers three release forms:

  • Ascorutin radar.
  • Askorutin Ka.
  • Askorutin D.

In the first and last case, the dosage of the main components is 100 mg, in the second form - 3 g.

For reference! Since the main active ingredients of Ascorutin are vitamins, the price for it will be low.

In different pharmacies, the price of tablets may vary slightly. On average, the price for 50 tablets is 35-40 rubles. to Askorutin, 75-80 rubles. on Askorutin Ka, 40-50 rubles. on Askorutin D

Impact principle

To understand the possible harm or benefits of Ascorutin, how a vitamin preparation will be useful for a child or adult patients, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the principle of action of the active substances.

They consist of the following effects:

  • decrease in the degree of permeability of the vascular wall;
  • increasing the strength of the immune system;
  • increasing the resistance of the vascular wall to irritants;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • hypotonic effect;
  • normalization of blood flow.

Admission is appropriate for chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. The abstract says that the action of vitamins is aimed at relieving swelling, eliminating pain, eliminating trophic ulcers and preventing seizures (ointment is used).

A correctly selected method of application will help reduce the severity of side effects after radiation therapy.

Indications for use

The drug should be used carefully, preferably on the recommendation of a doctor. Please note that if you have increased blood clotting, especially a tendency to thrombosis, it is dangerous to use ascorutin.

By restoring the deficiency of vitamins C and P, ascorutin normalizes oxidative and metabolic functions, is an antioxidant, strengthens blood vessels, and helps form intercellular substance.

The drug is used in the treatment of the following diseases and ailments:

  1. vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins C, P;
  2. damage to small vessels - capillaries, as a side effect of anticoagulants. Read about other side effects of anticoagulants here.
  3. varicose veins with swelling and pain, venous insufficiency;
  4. hemorrhagic diathesis;
  5. trophic ulcers;
  6. toxicosis at the capillary level;
  7. hemorrhages of the eye in the retinal area;
  8. septic endocarditis;
  9. leukemia, radioactive lesions;
  10. kidney diseases with hemorrhages;
  11. allergy;
  12. rheumatism;
  13. typhus, scarlet fever, measles are infectious diseases.

In all of these diseases there are disturbances in vascular permeability

The vitamin complex ascorutin helps to store ascorbic acid in tissues. The composition kills bacteria and viruses, since these microorganisms cannot tolerate rutin.

Moreover, for diseases, this drug is more effective than ascorbic acid. The condition of the skin, its immunity and resistance to environmental factors improves. To prolong the youth of the skin, it is recommended to take ascorutin regularly.

There is individual intolerance to the drug, usually manifested in the form of allergies. It manifests itself in the form of a reaction to vitamins C or P. You need to be careful in the early stages of pregnancy and in children under 3 years of age, when ascorutin is not prescribed.

The drug is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. increased sensitivity;
  2. blood hypercoagulation;
  3. thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  4. diabetes mellitus - not recommended;
  5. gout;
  6. stones in the bladder.

Due to the presence of contraindications, the drug should be taken under medical supervision. Having decided to take ascorutin, you need to go to an appointment and get a consultation.

The instructions for use of the drug "Ascorutin" do not recommend use in case of hypersensitivity to vitamins P and C. Caution during therapy must be observed in patients with a tendency of the body to thrombosis. The drug "Ascorutin" can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consulting a doctor.

The use of the drug Ascorutin has a number of indications. It is used for hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency and unbalanced nutrition. Prescribed to restore the body after long and serious illnesses. It is important to use ascorbic acid in the treatment and elimination of scurvy. Included in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections to strengthen the immune system and fight fever. Indicated for pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, also after surgery and resection of part of the stomach or intestines.

Not used in pediatric practice for children under 3 years of age. In order to prevent harm to the body, it is necessary not to exceed the prescribed dosage of the medication and the duration of the course. High doses contribute to the formation of kidney stones and disrupt the functioning of the adrenal glands.

The instructions for use do not contain complete information about the drug.

Before starting treatment, you should consult a qualified specialist and become familiar with the possible negative consequences of therapy. The doctor determines the dosage of the medication and the duration of the course of treatment, which depend on the clinical picture of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Before you figure out how long you can take Ascorutin, which prescription for taking tablets is appropriate, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of indications for them.

It included the following phenomena:

  • deficiency of relevant vitamins (C and P);
  • for colds and flu (cough, runny nose and other infectious diseases);
  • with high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • eye hemorrhages (use eye drops);
  • with bleeding gums;
  • systemic inflammatory processes in connective tissue;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis and vascular inflammation;
  • infection leading to inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • during radiation therapy;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • low vascular tone;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • treatment that damages the vascular wall (when salicylates and anticoagulants are used);
  • in gynecology with heavy menstruation and treatment that can lead to bleeding;

Ascorutin has found particular application in sports during bodybuilding.

Its effect for athletes is aimed at increasing the endurance of the body and heart muscle, strengthening the immune system. As well as protecting the cardiovascular system during intense physical activity.

For some skin diseases and in cosmetology, Ascorutin is also recognized as a useful vitamin remedy.

The most important risk in the irrational use of drugs is side effects, that is, side effects that disrupt the functioning of organs and systems.

Clearly stated contraindications to Ascorutin in the annotation can prevent such consequences.

These include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components in the composition (overdose of vitamins);
  • with a tendency to thrombosis and the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • gout in men;
  • for type 2 diabetes;
  • severe renal pathologies;
  • ICD;
  • parallel intake of aminoglycosides or sulfonamides;
  • with cystinuria;
  • hypocalcemia or hypokalemia;
  • children's age is less than 3 years.


In accordance with the instructions for use, “Ascorutin” is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Replenishment of vitamin P and C deficiency.
  2. Prevention of various viral infectious diseases, including influenza.
  3. Prevention of pathologies of the walls of blood vessels during a course of therapy with salicylates and anticoagulants.

The instructions for use for Ascorutin tablets are very detailed.

In addition, the drug is prescribed in combination with other drugs for the treatment of pathological processes caused by high permeability and fragility of capillaries, including:

  1. Capillarotoxicosis.
  2. Endocarditis of septic type.
  3. Radiation sickness.
  4. Measles, typhus, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
  5. Rheumatism.
  6. Hypertension.
  7. Vasculitis of hemorrhagic type.
  8. Nosebleeds in children due to vascular weakness.
  9. Allergic reactions.
  10. Thrombocytopenic type purpura.
  11. Hemorrhages in the retina of the eye.
  12. Arachnoiditis.
  13. Glomerulonephritis.
  14. Cuperosis.
  15. Varicose veins

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Another area where the drug is prescribed is for women with excessively heavy menstrual bleeding.

Pharmacokinetic actions of components

The effectiveness of the drug decreases when taken simultaneously with oral contraceptives, alkaline drinks and medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. The absorption of the drug increases when it is combined with iron-containing medications and penicillins.

The effectiveness of the drug "Ascorutin" is reduced in combination with aminoglycoside antibiotics, indirect anticoagulants, heparin, and sulfonamides. The drug weakens the effect of B vitamins.

Ascorutin tablets, when taken together, improve the absorption of iron preparations in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is an antagonist of heparin and other anticoagulants. Can reduce the therapeutic effect of antipsychotics. Long-term use of glucocorticosteroids reduces the properties and functions of the drug.

You can figure out why Ascorutin is useful for men, women or children if you find out the pharmacokinetic properties of each active substance in the composition.

It is worth remembering that we are talking about two components:

  • Ascorbic acid - absorption of this component occurs in the intestines, most of the dosage accumulates in the glands, the rest is concentrated in the muscles, central nervous system, liver and kidneys. Vitamin C also remains in leukocytes and platelets. Half an hour after taking the pills, the maximum concentration of the vitamin is observed.
  • Rutin - this vitamin promotes the rapid and maximum absorption of vitamin C. The substance is excreted along with feces and urine within 10 hours (maximum 2 days) after taking the pills.

Ascorutin itself is prescribed if the body needs prevention. But in most cases, it is prescribed together with other medications.

Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, contained in ascorutin, is often prescribed along with penicillin-based antibiotics and iron supplements. The absorption of the latter improves.

Heparin is an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. It is prescribed for manifestations of thrombophlebitis. Ascorutin is not recommended to be combined with it, because it reduces its effectiveness. The same can be said about indirect anticoagulants.

If no contraindications are identified, the medicine can be added to your personal or home medicine cabinet.

How does Ascorutin affect the blood?

Medicine has established how this vitamin affects blood clotting and whether this vitamin thins the blood.

Ascorbic acid reduces plasma density and slightly reduces the degree of coagulation.

The plasma becomes more fluid, in addition, rutoside in combination with ascorbic acid prevents the unification of platelets.

The tablets are also useful for veins and small vessels, as they make the vascular wall stable and less prone to fragility and permeability.

But such results can only be achieved with long-term therapy.

A single use has the opposite effect - a short-term thickening of the plasma is observed, which influenced the contraindications to the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Ascorutin is a vitamin preparation containing ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P).

The use of Ascorutin can reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, strengthen the vascular wall, reduce its inflammation and swelling. Water-soluble vitamins contained in the drug take part in carbohydrate metabolism, redox processes, the formation of steroid hormones, regeneration and synthesis of connective tissue. Ascorutin has radioprotective (weaken the effect of radiation on the body) and antioxidant properties.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are relative contraindications. Application during this period is justified only if the need prevails over the possible risks.

If a woman is carrying a child, taking Ascorutin is quite likely. For the prevention of viral, colds and infectious diseases by increasing immunity.

The composition will help cope with lacrimation and runny nose, will have an antioxidant effect, and will also improve oxygen supply and blood circulation throughout the body.

In gynecology, this drug is prescribed to pregnant women for the purpose of:

  • prevent varicose veins;
  • strengthen the vascular wall;
  • prevent bleeding;
  • prevent the development of hypoxia.

You can take Ascorutin only from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and only as prescribed by a gynecologist.

But during breastfeeding, such a remedy is not always appropriate. Since for a newborn, vitamin C can cause an allergic reaction.

Ascorutin during pregnancy

Ascorutin during pregnancy should not be taken in the first 12 weeks, when the organs and tissues of the fetus are formed . The drug can be used in the future, but only after consulting a doctor. In many cases, Ascorutin during pregnancy can be very useful. It is prescribed to expectant mothers for the treatment of gestosis. This condition can make the walls of blood vessels permeable. In this case, vitamins will help not only strengthen the vascular walls, but also prevent the appearance of edema.

Ascorutin is rich in antioxidant properties, thanks to which it prevents the harmful toxic effects of foreign agents on the body, and also normalizes the condition of the fetus and the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Often, during the period of bearing a child, immunity in general decreases, the body becomes more susceptible to viral infections. Ascorutin stimulates the active synthesis of immune cells and the body's defenses. Pregnant women may experience iron deficiency in the body; Ascorutin is necessary for the rapid absorption of this microelement.

Ascorutin is prescribed to pregnant women only if they are not taking any other multivitamin complex , otherwise an excess of vitamins may occur. The course lasts 1-2 weeks. While taking vitamins, you need to regularly monitor your blood pressure and blood clotting. It is dangerous to prescribe Ascorutin if a pregnant woman suffers from urolithiasis and thrombophlebitis.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for using Ascorutin for vitamin deficiency, take one tablet daily. For acute respiratory viral infections and colds, two tablets are prescribed in two doses for a week. For the treatment of scurvy, a dose of 1000 milligrams is prescribed daily. To correct methemoglobinemia, take half a tablet every day.

Facial pigmentation is treated by taking the drug orally for a month, 3 times a day, 2 or 3 tablets. In addition to internal use, you can make masks from tablets.

The usual dose of ascorutin is one tablet 3 times a day. But this is not enough if the person is an adult (over 15 years old), and therefore the daily intake is doubled. Pregnant women are recommended to take 3 tablets three times a day. The tablets should be taken with or after meals so as not to irritate the stomach. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. If you are tired, take the drug for 10 days.

Since there are personal intolerances, you should consult your doctor before taking

The annotation for the drug Ascorutin clearly states the rules for how to take tablets for certain patients. How many tablets to take per day, swallow or dissolve, before or after meals, how long the course of treatment lasts.

You can also determine the regimen for taking the drug based on the established diagnosis.

  • Ascorutin - these tablets are taken after meals, 1 piece three times a day. For prevention, take one tablet, but twice a day. The course of such treatment is a month.
  • Ascorutin D - these tablets provide the same dosage as in the first case, so they are taken according to the same principle, swallowing whole.
  • Ascorutin Ka - you need to take these tablets 4 times a day, 1 piece immediately after meals, gradually dissolving in the mouth.

The medicine is taken orally, preferably taken with food or after meals. This mode increases the absorption of active substances. You should not take the medicine with mineral water, as its bioavailability deteriorates. The dosage is determined by a specialist individually for each patient. There are also general treatment regimens for children and adult patients.

In order to prevent the development of diseases, drink 1-2 tablets once a day. For medicinal purposes, the medication is used in the same volume only 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment takes 10 days. It is possible to re-use the product after a break. Tablets are prescribed in combination for bleeding gums, nose, intestinal, hemorrhoidal and other blood losses.

Children over 4 years old are given 0.2-1 tablet per day for prevention. To treat diseases, the number of doses is increased to 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor; as a rule, it takes 3-4 weeks. Dosages used for adult patients may be prescribed to adolescents.


So, the area of ​​influence of the drug is quite wide. In this connection, many patients ask a logical question: Ascorutin – what does it help with?

Let's study the recommended indications for use for the drug Ascorutin. This remedy is prescribed to treat a whole range of diseases and eliminate painful conditions in the body.

First of all, these are various forms of hypovitaminosis: lack of vitamins C and P.

What else is the medicine used for? Ascorutin tablets are used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Ailments caused by infections: scarlet fever, measles, typhoid.
  • Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart - endocarditis.
  • Rheumatic purpura is an inflammation of the walls of microvessels.
  • Hypertension.
  • Symptoms of radiation sickness.
  • Increased tendency to nosebleeds in childhood.
  • Damage to the vessels of the retina, accompanied by hemorrhage.
  • Prevention of deterioration of the structure of vessel walls and capillary fragility when prescribing anticoagulants for the treatment of varicose veins.
  • In the complex treatment of varicose veins to improve tissue trophism, relieve swelling, strengthen capillaries.
  • The network of capillaries on the face is rosacea.
  • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle, excessively intense menstruation.

Vitamin C deficiency and routine;

Capillary lesions caused by the action of drugs from the group of coagulants and salicylates.

Hemorrhagic diathesis;

Retinal hemorrhage;


Septic endocarditis;



Scarlet fever;

Typhoid fever;

Superficial thrombophlebitis;

Trophic disorders or ulcers;

Varicose veins, accompanied by pain and swelling;

Chronic venous insufficiency;



Radiation sickness.

Restore the integrity of damaged capillaries and improve their condition;

Increase the body's resistance to viral and colds;

Eliminate residual symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory diseases;

Replenish the body with ascorbic acid and vitamin P.

Ascorutin is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the drug or its excipients, which can cause an allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching and other signs.

Imbalance of calcium and potassium in the patient;

Diabetes mellitus (Ascorutin D is produced for them);

Renal pathology, including renal failure;


First trimester of pregnancy;

Children under 4 years of age;

Tendency to thrombosis;

Increased blood clotting.

Many are accustomed to taking vitamin complexes for prevention. But ascorutin is not a vitamin that can be consumed without consulting a doctor.

As indicated in the instructions for Ascorutin, this drug is prescribed:

  • To compensate for the lack of vitamins C and P;
  • To prevent damage to the vascular wall in patients undergoing treatment with anticoagulants and salicylates;
  • To prevent influenza and other viral infections.

Ascorutin is recommended for use as part of a complex treatment of diseases accompanied by increased permeability and fragility of capillaries:

  • Infectious diseases: typhus, measles, scarlet fever;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Septic endocarditis;
  • Capillary toxicosis;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • Hemorrhages in the retina of the eye;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Arachnoiditis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Nosebleeds in children;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • Cooperose.

Also, Ascorutin, according to the instructions, can be taken by women with heavy and prolonged menstruation.

The instructions for the drug indicate that the use of Ascorutin is contraindicated:

  • If you have hypersensitivity to any component of the vitamin product;
  • For urolithiasis;
  • Patients with thrombophlebitis;
  • Children under 3 years old;
  • For gout.

It is recommended that people take vitamins with caution if they have conditions accompanied by hypercoagulation (increased clotting) of the blood and a tendency to thrombosis, as well as with thrombophlebitis.

The drug should not be taken in large doses if you have diabetes.

As for the use of this vitamin during pregnancy, it is contraindicated in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, Ascorutin is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. In addition, it is important to note that when used late in pregnancy, this drug reduces the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth.

Read more: Inositol instructions for use for women and men price in pharmacy

It is recommended to take Ascorutin tablets after meals; they should be swallowed whole, because if dissolved or chewed, ascorbic acid, in fact, like any other acid, will have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. It is important to note that mineral water partially neutralizes vitamin C (due to its alkaline reaction), so there is no need to take the drug with it.

For adults, vitamins are prescribed 1 tablet three times a day as part of complex treatment and 1 tablet. twice a day in a prophylactic dose.

For heavy and prolonged menstruation, Ascorutin should be taken 3-4 days before the start of the cycle and drunk for 10 days.

The duration of use of Ascorutin is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the indications, the presence of concomitant diseases and the severity of their course. Usually the course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks.

Children, as a rule, are prescribed the drug in the same way as adults - 1 tablet three times a day, only it should be taken for 10 days. To prevent viral infections, including influenza, children are given 1/2-1 tablet. once a day. The duration of the preventive course is 7-10 days.

For rosacea, this vitamin preparation can be used both internally (in a standard dosage) and externally. To do this, add 2 tablets of Ascorutin, crushed into powder, to the cooled and strained chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of raw material per 0.5 liter of boiling water). It is recommended to wipe the areas of skin affected by rosacea with this tonic 1-2 times a day.

  • The body's immunity to certain components of the drug.
  • Formation of plugs in blood cells.
  • Presence of stones in urine.
  • Increased coagulation of blood vessels.
  • Diabetes.
  • Sugar substitute intolerance.
  • Beginning of pregnancy.
  • Age up to 4 years.

According to the instructions, it is suggested to take the drug orally using a small amount of water. It is necessary to maintain the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The general intake scheme will consist of the following points.

Method and dosage

When taking Ascorutin as a preventative drug, you should take 2 pieces per day. The duration of treatment, in this case, should be as necessary for the person himself. On average, this takes two or three weeks.

In case of any illness, it is recommended to use 2 pieces 3 times a day. The duration of admission is set by the attending physician, based on factors such as the severity of the disease and its course. On average, it reaches a month.

To achieve a healing effect, you should consume as little as possible all types of liquids containing alkali, as well as fruits and vegetables to facilitate the process of introducing ascorbic acid into the gastrointestinal tract.

Ascorutin for children

This is a medicinal product that helps increase the body’s immune strength, as well as filling it with necessary minerals and substances. That is why the drug is not only useful - it is vital for children. Everyone who takes it gets sick half as much as their peers. Indications for use are similar to those indicated for adults.

Dosage of Ascorutin for children

When determining the dosage, you should decide for what purposes the drug will be used? If you are taking measures to prevent the manifestation of diseases, then the instructions for use recommend taking this drug as follows:

  • from 3 to 12 years – 0.5-1 pieces per day.
  • from 12 and above – 2 pieces per day.

The duration of preventive measures is prescribed by the doctor or individually. In case of treatment, the dosage will be adjusted:

  • From 3 to 12 – 0.5 – 1 piece 3 times a day.
  • From 12 and above – 2 pieces 3 times a day.

The entire course of treatment with this drug is about 3.5 weeks. The tablet must be taken with a sufficient amount of water. It is not recommended to use juices and alkaline liquids as drinks.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the following side effects:

  • Headache.
  • Insomnia or drowsiness.
  • Heat throughout the body.
  • Allergy in the form of rash or itching.


  • Not recommended for use by children under three years of age.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Diabetes.
  • Increased clotting.

During pregnancy and lactation

The instructions for use state that Ascorutin is contraindicated for use by pregnant women in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the primary formation of all the necessary parts of the unborn child’s body occurs. In the second and third trimesters, the use of the drug is possible, however, with maintaining the minimum dosage and duration of treatment.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women in case of increased permeability of blood vessels. This condition can lead to complications such as internal bleeding, an attack of asphyxia in the child, or other disorders. Also, as a result of the disease gestosis, the death of the baby in the womb may follow. In addition, the medicine organizes preventive measures for the manifestation of swelling.

Pregnant women have a sharply reduced immune system, as a result of which they are often susceptible to various diseases. To prevent their manifestation, women in the “position” are prescribed Ascorutin. The drug is also used to treat venous vasodilation. Moreover, it can be taken both for an existing disease and to prevent its manifestation. In addition, the drug is an indispensable drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids at any time.

Ascorutin for children

Such tablets can be taken for therapeutic purposes not only by adults, but also by children over 3 years old and adolescents.

The main indications for children are as follows:

  • for nosebleeds (to stop nosebleeds);
  • prevention or control of colds;
  • poor absorption of vitamin C;
  • inflammation in the kidney area;
  • vasculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • infections and inflammations in the body with low immunity.

The instructions provide the following method of use and dose of Ascorutin for children:

  • For bleeding, children need to take 0.5 tablets twice a day, and adolescents need to take a whole tablet. For treatment or prevention, take the drug for at least a month.
  • To prevent and treat colds, take one tablet three times a day for at least 10 days in a row.


In most cases, Ascorutin is used in complex treatment of diseases. This means that it is important to know the contraindications for the compatibility of certain medications.

  • Aevit and Ascorutin compatibility is acceptable;
  • Ascorutin and Cardiomagnyl compatibility is acceptable;
  • Ascorutin and Deferoxamine only with careful monitoring of the patient’s condition by a doctor;
  • compatibility with tetracyclines and penicillins is contraindicated;
  • Ascorutin and aluminum antacids are contraindicated in renal failure;
  • Ascorutin with indirect anticoagulants, Heparin, Fluphenazine, aminoglycosides is not recommended.

The drug in question is not combined with taking antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. And also with cardiac glycosides, oral contraceptives and Ascorutin analogues.

Alcoholic drinks destroy the structure of ascorbic acid and accelerate its elimination from the body. Which in turn reduces the effectiveness of taking Ascorutin. Therefore, alcohol should be avoided when taking the drug.

Interaction of Ascorutin with other drugs

The following indications for use exist:

  • Vitamin deficiency of Rutin or Ascorbic acid.
  • Hypovitaminosis of elements P and C.
  • Flu symptoms.
  • Cold.
  • Capillary diseases that develop as a result of the action of salicylates, anticoagulants and other medications.

What else do Ascorutin tablets help with? The medicine is prescribed together with other medications for problems associated with vascular permeability:

  • radiation sickness;
  • capillarotoxicosis
  • diathesis of hemorrhagic type;
  • allergies;
  • scarlet fever;
  • retinal hemorrhages;
  • measles;
  • endocarditis;
  • purple;
  • typhus;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • arachnoiditis.

Hemorrhoids - to eliminate pain, discomfort, prevent blood clots, take one tablet three times a day along with other medications.

Vascular diseases - to relieve swelling, increase the flexibility of the vascular wall, and prevent blood clots in combination with other drugs, take a tablet 3 times a day.

Bleeding - to stop bleeding, tablets are used in combination with other drugs as an auxiliary therapy. How many times a day to drink is determined individually by the doctor for each patient.

Diabetes mellitus - Ascorutin D without sugar is used in the composition of 2 tablets per day for a month to lower cholesterol, prevent retinopathy, accelerate glucose utilization, and maintain pancreatic functions.

Gynecological diseases - for women, you can take tablets for uterine bleeding, cervical erosion, heavy periods, during menopause. During menstruation, take 2 tablets 3 times a day in the last 3 days of the menstrual cycle and another 10 days.

Men need to take vitamins to increase physical endurance, normalize hormonal levels, increase fertility, protect the heart and blood vessels, as well as proper muscle formation. For medicinal purposes, take 3 tablets per day, for preventive purposes - 1 tablet.

In dentistry - Ascorutin is used according to the standard regimen in the treatment of periodontal disease, reducing gum sensitivity, and also to strengthen the blood vessels of the oral cavity.

Bodybuilding - multivitamins act as antioxidants, improve blood circulation, protect the vascular wall and promote contraction of the heart muscle. Reception is provided according to the same scenario - 3 pcs. in a day.

Ascorutin how to drink

If you have questions about how to take Ascorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, you should contact the doctor who prescribed it. The classic treatment regimen involves taking the drug 2-3 times a day at a dosage of 1 tablet per dose. The duration of therapy can be from 2 to 3 weeks. For preventive purposes, the daily dosage is reduced to 1-2 tablets.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin for children recommend not exceeding a daily dosage of 50 mg of ascorbic acid and 50 mg of rutin (1 tablet).

Pregnant women are prescribed the drug 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is forbidden to take the drug for a long time (more than 3 weeks) and in increased dosages, since cessation of therapy can lead to “withdrawal syndrome” in the fetus.

How to take ascorutin tablets for adults

Should you dissolve Ascorutin or drink it with water? Ascorutin tablets are recommended to be taken after meals; they should be swallowed whole with water. Since if you dissolve or chew, ascorbic acid, in fact, like any other acid, will have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. It is important to note that mineral water partially neutralizes vitamin C (due to an alkaline reaction), so there is no need to drink the drug with it

Ascorutin in dermatology

Facial skin diseases require comprehensive external and internal treatment, including the use of vitamins C and P.

According to recommendations, dermatologists use Ascorutin in several cases:

  • Impaired pigmentation - tablets can be taken orally, 2 pieces 3 times a day, as well as externally, preparing a mask from them (with sour cream, aloe, orange esters). The maximum effect can be obtained after a month of use.
  • For rosacea and rosacea, how to take Ascorutin is prescribed only by a dermatologist. As a rule, tablets are taken orally 3 times a day, at the same time you can make face masks with tablets (with melon, sour cream, white clay, milk, gelatin).

Adverse reactions

According to the instructions for use, Ascorutin tablets are well tolerated by patients. Cases of adverse reactions are quite rare. In exceptional cases, patients report the following symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Stomach spasm.
  3. Headache.
  4. Allergic reaction to vitamins C and P.

With prolonged use of the drug, sleep disturbances, increased excitability and blood pressure, and in some cases even the formation of stones in the urinary system may occur.

Opinions of patients and doctors

Representatives of all medical specialties use vitamin therapy in their practice. Due to its many effects, the drug is often included in complex therapy. Reviews from patients indicate a significant improvement in condition after taking and good tolerability of the medication. The availability and prevalence of the drug in pharmacies is also noted.

Patient reviews of Ascorutin tablets indicate that this is a popular drug. Many people choose it because of its reasonable price and at the same time good efficiency. The medicine has a wide spectrum of action. Patients write that after using it, their general well-being and laboratory test results improve.

Patients who use it to treat chronic vascular diseases respond well to the drug. With rosacea, patients' complexion improves and visible capillaries disappear. The medicine strengthens blood vessels and normalizes skin trophism.

“Ascorutin” helps against pigment spots. After 2-3 weeks of use, this pathology disappears. They drink Ascorutin tablets for varicose veins. This disease is treated by taking 2-3 capsules 3 times a day.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin

“Ascorutin” can be replaced with analogues that have the same active components: “Profilaktin S”, “Ascorutin D”, -UBF.

Drugs that have a similar effect:

  1. "Eskuzan."
  2. "Angiovitis."
  3. "Detralex."

If Ascorutin is contraindicated for some reason or causes side effects, the doctor is obliged to select safe analogues for it.

Analogues are drugs with the same composition or similar principle of action.

Ascorutin's analogues are:

  • Immunovit C;
  • Anavenol;
  • Phlebodia 600 and Phlebopha;
  • Detralex;
  • Venarus;
  • Diosmin.

Drug analogues are drugs that differ in the composition of active substances, but are used to cure the same disease.

The following analogues of ascorutin can be cited as an example:

  • Anavenol treats venous diseases and thrombosis. See instructions for use of Anavenol and price here.
  • Antistax - for venous insufficiency, edema.
  • Venolan - impaired venous circulation.
  • Venorutinol - chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Troxevenol - venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, bursitis, bruises.
  • Pantevenol - prevention of vein diseases, trauma, hemorrhage, inflammation

What is Ascorutin used for?

Ascorutin can be prescribed to children from the age of three, and in subsequent periods of life this truly “popularly loved” medicine accompanies patients who begin to take it on their own for various reasons.

In the instructions for the drug ascorutin, there are not many indications for the use of this drug:

  • lack of vitamins C, P (including prevention of hypovitaminosis);
  • “correction” of the negative consequences of taking certain medications (aspirin, anticoagulants);
  • vascular diseases accompanied by a violation of their integrity and permeability.

After reading this paragraph of the description of ascorutin, instructions for use, price, reviews (mostly positive), some patients believe that the drug can solve the problem even with varicose veins. And then they become disappointed in askorutin. It is better to find out from a phlebologist what ascorutin tablets can really be used for, how this medicine is taken for the effect to appear.

What you should not expect from the drug is miracles of healing from varicose veins, but the medicine is effective at the prevention stage. And if the drug can still cope with the “vascular networks” of the facial skin, then it can no longer deal with telangiectasia on the legs.

There are not many reviews negatively characterizing Ascorutin: they are mainly concentrated on forums about varicose veins. In home treatment of facial skin, when rosacea appears, patients among the arsenal of means of combating it call masks with ascorutin, for which a mixture of crushed tablets with fruit and vegetable pulps is used.

A good effect is obtained by replacing the tonic with a chamomile decoction with the addition of ascorutin. For facial skin, there are fewer reviews about the use of the drug than comments about the experience of treating blood vessels on other parts of the body. However, reviews indicate that the drug helps patients with problems with facial skin vessels more often than those suffering from varicose veins.

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