Stellanin ointment: instructions for use 20 g, 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide 3 g

Stellanin ointment

Together with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Medical Academy, scientists at Pharmpreparat LLC worked to create a new approach for the treatment of complex wounds. They obtained a formula for Stellanin-containing ointments that are capable of enabling the self-healing functions of cells at the gene level. This drug is especially valuable for people with weak regeneration processes: patients who have undergone complex operations, the elderly and bedridden patients.


Instructions for use indicate the composition of the drug:

Substance name Properties
1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide (1 g of the drug contains 0.03 g of the component) Has high regenerating and antiseptic activity
Glycerol Prevents the drug from drying out quickly, has a disinfecting, softening effect
Petrolatum Stops the inflammatory process, protects the skin from irritants
Polyvinylpyrrolidone Binds all components of Stellanin ointment, increases the disinfecting properties of the medicine
Dimexide Improves the penetration of drugs through tissues

Pharmacological action of the drug

The mechanism of action of Stellanin is based on the gradual release of active iodine, which is part of the diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide molecules. When interacting with enzymes of microbial proteins, it forms clots of iodamines, due to which the death of pathogenic microbes occurs. Diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide stops the infectious process, while protecting against new infections, and promotes rapid wound healing. The main component promotes rapid cell renewal of damaged tissues, resulting in skin healing.

Indications for use

Due to its antibacterial ability and active stimulation of skin regeneration, Stellanin has a wide range of applications. This drug is used to treat:

  • bedsores;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • 1st and 2nd degree burns;
  • boils, purulent abscesses;
  • abrasions, skin cracks;
  • acne from insect bites.

What does the drug cost and how does it work?

Stellanin is a dark brown ointment and does not have a pronounced odor of iodine.
The drug is available in aluminum tubes of 20 grams. The main component of this medication is active iodine (diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide), which determines the pharmacological properties of the ointment.

The auxiliary composition of Stellanin ointment is represented by glycerin, petroleum jelly and povidone.

At the pharmacy you can buy two types of Stellanin ointment - Stellanin and Stellanin-PEE, which differ in that the latter preparation additionally contains dimexide.

Stellanin ointment - instructions for use

The course of treatment with Stellanin depends on the complexity of the affected area. Reviews from patients indicate a significant improvement in the condition of wounds within a few days. The average duration of treatment for postoperative wounds is 5-15 days. Dressings should be changed 1-2 times a day. Stellanin ointment has a maximum allowable dose per day - no more than 10 g. Depending on the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the body, choose an acceptable method of application:

  • For healing wounds and burns, apply evenly in a layer of 1.5 mm so as to completely cover the surface of the wound, without protruding beyond the circumference of the diseased area by more than 3-5 mm. A sterile bandage is applied on top and secured with a bandage. To treat open burns, do not apply a bandage.
  • For hemorrhoids, a small gauze swab is soaked in the drug and inserted into the anus.
  • Deep purulent wounds are pre-treated with alcohol and filled with gauze pads containing Stellanin.
  • Minor cuts and insect bites are lubricated to treat cracks 2 times a day, covering the treated area with an adhesive plaster.

Directions for use and dosage

Features of the use and dosage regimen of "Stellannia" in the form of an ointment are given below:

  1. The ointment is intended only for external application to damaged areas; oral administration is prohibited.
  2. The ointment is carefully applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin: it is necessary to avoid excessive pressure, but at the same time make sure that the product completely covers the damage with a thin layer.
  3. The maximum daily dosage, regardless of indications, should not exceed 10 g.
  4. When treating open wounds, a tape or waterproof dressing may be applied to protect them after treatment.
  5. When treating ulcers with minor fluid discharge and burns, the thickness of the ointment layer should be 1-1.5 mm; After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a sterile gauze bandage, which is recommended to be replaced once a day.
  6. When treating ulcers and burns, treatment is carried out once a day; when treating wounds that violate the integrity of the skin, treatment is carried out 2 times a day.
  7. The duration of the course is determined individually; it depends on the positive dynamics and rate of epithelium formation in the damaged area.

Before using Stellanin ointment, you must read the instructions supplied with the drug and make sure there are no contraindications.

An overdose when using Stellanina ointment is impossible due to the lack of systematic absorption of the active substance.

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However, if the permissible doses are significantly exceeded, the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug decreases and the risk of an allergic reaction increases.

Signs of departure, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, may occur if the ointment accidentally enters the digestive system.

In this case, you will need to perform gastric lavage, take activated charcoal and seek professional help from specialists.

The medicine should be applied to damaged skin in a thin layer. The daily dosage of the medication depends on the location of the inflammatory focus, the presence of pus in the wound and the degree of damage. If indicated, occlusive dressings may be used. To eliminate trophic ulcers, cuts, wounds, granulating burns, Stellanin should be applied in a uniform layer with a thickness of at least 1 mm, then apply a sterile bandage. The duration of drug therapy is determined by the dynamics of epithelization of lesions.

special instructions

If Stellanin ointment is applied to a bleeding wound, its activity weakens. Before using the drug to treat skin or muscle injuries, the bleeding must be stopped. If the drug accidentally gets on the mucous membranes of the body, you should immediately rinse them with water. The drug cannot be used in combination with other drugs with a bactericidal effect, which include:

  • mercury;
  • oxidizing agents;
  • alkalis.

Treatment approaches

Treatment of bedsores in conservative medicine is carried out in two ways or approaches:

  1. Traditional approach.
  2. Innovative approach.
Name of approach Description Disadvantages/Advantages
Traditional Step by step, various drugs are used, a specific treatment regimen is formed: first, antiseptics are used, which do not contain antibiotics, then antibacterial drugs with antibiotics are added. In treatment regimens for stages 2-3 of the pressure ulcer process, it is no longer possible to do without fermented and regenerating dosage forms. A number of disadvantages can be identified with this therapeutic approach, these are:
  • there is no way to quickly normalize blood circulation in the affected area;
  • disturbed trophism in tissues progresses even more;
  • high risk of tissue necrosis over large areas and subsequent formation of purulent exudate.
Innovative, based on Stellanin ointment From the very first day of therapy, the fight against pressure ulcers occurs simultaneously in several directions:
  • restoration of blood circulation and blood supply to the wound surface and the area around it;
  • active stimulation of tissue repair;
  • inhibition and complete suppression of the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of pathogenic microflora in the affected areas.
Advantages of this approach:
  • complete restoration of trophism occurs due to the stimulation of mechanisms at the subcellular and molecular level that are responsible for the blood supply to tissues;
  • ointment for bedsores Stellanin has a direct stimulating effect on the growth of new blood vessels and capillaries from the first day of treatment;
  • the ointment has a broad antiseptic effect;
  • blocks the inflammatory process by stopping the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Side effects

Stellanin drops in rare cases lead to sleep disturbances. Cases of tachycardia in a patient who used them are described. Side effects of stellanin ointment include itching and redness of the skin. If a person is susceptible to allergies, before using the medicine it is necessary to test it - apply the ointment to a small damaged area of ​​skin (take drops once) and carefully observe the body's reaction. If side effects occur, you should discard Stellanin and select its analogue for treatment.

Indications for use

Stellanin ointment has the following indications for external use:

  1. A person has chronic hemorrhoids, dermatitis, bedsores or trophic ulcers.
  2. Boils and cysts formed on the skin.
  3. The person received a first or second degree burn.
  4. An open wound has formed on the surface of the skin.
  5. The skin was bitten by an insect: a pimple or abscess appeared at the site of the bite.

Stellanin ointment for chronic hemorrhoids disinfects the skin in the damaged area and stimulates its healing.

Analogue ointment Stellanin

You should choose an analogue of stellanine ointment if any component included in the drug causes an allergic reaction. The molecular formula of the substance has no analogues yet. Clinical trials and reviews from patients who have used it confirm the more effective regenerating effect of this medicine. Among the analogues of Stellanin ointment are:

  • Bepanten. This ointment is based on dexpanthenol and has an antiseptic effect. Use for minor skin damage.
  • Betadine stops inflammatory processes and has regenerative properties. The active ingredient is iodine.
  • Iodopyrone. Effective in the treatment of postoperative, purulent wounds, boils.


The pharmacological effect of Stellanin is expressed in the regenerating effect when the active substance comes into contact with a wound on the surface of the skin. This drug inactivates protein compounds contained in the bacterial wall of pathological microorganisms, and also negatively affects the enzyme proteins of the bacterial flora. This is where the active bactericidal effect is expressed. Stellanin in every possible way protects the existing wound from the development and accumulation of infection. It quickly suppresses the occurrence of any infectious process, thereby promoting accelerated healing of damaged tissue.

Visual effect of using ointment for the treatment of diabetic wounds
Visual effect of using ointment for the treatment of diabetic wounds

Typically, at the second stage of development of the wound process, when active tissue regeneration occurs in the body, the use of drugs characterized by a high osmotic effect ultimately leads to a sharply negative result. Overdrying of the renewed skin occurs due to the developing regeneration processes. But “Stellanin 3%” has a fairly low level of osmotic potential. This property is the reason for the formation of the best conditions for the development of granulations - it occurs simultaneously with the suppression of pathological microorganisms, thereby providing protection against secondary infection of the wound surface. Vaseline, which is part of the drug, covers the wound with a kind of film, which additionally protects the damaged area from the possible negative effects of environmental factors. And glycerin, in turn, softens the wound, moisturizing it. All components of the drug provide combined anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antibacterial effects.

It is also important that the active substance of the drug in question is not absorbed into the bloodstream at all - and even when the drug is applied directly to damaged areas of the epidermis.

Stellanina price

The cost of Stellanin ointment varies significantly within Moscow. The table shows the price of Stellanin in rubles:

Pharmacy Price Address
Chain of pharmacies "Dialogue" 368
Health emphasis 375 st. Pervomaiskaya, 74
Aster 393 st. Avangardnaya, 12
Economy in Khovrino 397 Petrozavodskaya st., 9, building 2
Good Pharmacy 401 st. Nizhegorodskaya, 71
Terra Vita 412 Nagatinskaya emb., 16, building 3
Honest pharmacy 430 st. Dolgorukovskaya, 38, building 1
Sun 475 st. Novozavodskaya, 2, building 1
Altechcom 495 Shipilovsky proezd, 39, building 1
Vivafarm 541 st. Novokosinskaya, 19
Eco World 629 st. Marshala Katukova, 24, building 5


Contraindications to the use of ointment are:

  1. Personal intolerance by the patient to the components of the drug.
  2. The drug is also not used for thyrotoxicosis and in patients diagnosed with a thyroid tumor.
  3. A history of acute renal failure in patients is also prohibited from use.
  4. It is prohibited to use the drug in patients under eighteen years of age.
  5. The drug is not used in the first trimester in pregnant patients.
  6. The drug should not be used during therapy with radioactive iodine.
  7. With extreme caution, the ointment is applied to damaged areas if the patient has chronic renal failure - constant monitoring by a doctor and compliance with his instructions is necessary.

This medication is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age.
This medication is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age.

  1. Pregnant patients in the second and third trimesters, as well as women during breastfeeding, should consult with their doctor before using this product.

Note! There are slightly different indications for Stellanin-PEG Ointment. The instructions for use of this drug contain information that Stellanin works effectively in the treatment of weeping wounds, and Stellanin-PEG - in the treatment of dry ones. Therefore, despite the undeniable similarity of the active ingredients, the first remedy cannot be replaced by the second!

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