Essentiale Forte N - instructions for use: indications, side effects, contraindications.


A well-known drug that works due to the natural phospholipids contained in soybeans.

We need to say a little more about phospholipids: these complex fats contain phosphoric acid and fatty acids (hence the name). In addition, phospholipids contain a nitrogen group of atoms. Phospholipids have the task of being a courier for the delivery of fats, cholesterol and fatty acids.

Of course, the composition of the medicine is enriched with other substances. These are castor oils and soybean oils, solid fats, gelatin and alcohol. In addition, dyes, special salts that help Essentiale Forte N to be better absorbed, and other chemical compounds have been added to the drug.

Essentiale forte N composition

If you are interested in how much of a particular component is contained in the medicine, then you can look at the list:

  1. Gelatin 67.945 mg.
  2. Solid fats 57 mg.
  3. Soybean oil 36 mg.
  4. Purified water 11.495 mg.
  5. Ethanol 96% 8.1 mg.
  6. Dye E172. These are iron oxides yellow (2.075 mg), black (0.332 mg) and red (0.198 mg).
  7. Hydrogenated castor oil 1.6 mg.
  8. Ethyl vanillin 1.5 mg.
  9. Additive E171, i.e. titanium dioxide 0.83 mg.
  10. 4-methoxyacetophenone 0.8 mg.
  11. α-tocopherol 0.75 mg.
  12. Sodium lauryl sulfate 0.125 mg.

What is Essentiale Forte and what is its value for humans?

This drug contains complex fatty acids that are not synthesized in the body and must come from outside.
These are phospholipids. Their job is to protect and maintain the vital functions of the liver. What are phospholipids and their functions? This complex fatty molecule has two opposing bonds, one connected to an organic alcohol and the other to a phosphoric acid residue. Due to the presence of an interesting double structure, phospholipids have one end that is hydrophilic and interacts with the aqueous environment, while the opposite tail, on the contrary, repels water and comes into contact with the fatty environment. Due to these qualities, phospholipids are contained in cell membranes. Phospholipid alcohols are different, for example, ethanolamine is further converted together with a phosphoric acid residue into phosphadylcholine; it is contained in the membranes of liver cells, about 75%. It performs a protective function and serves to regenerate damaged cell membranes. It also transports cholesterol and bile acids, restoring cholesterol levels in the blood. For the most part, phosphatidylcholine is found in Essential Forte. Its synonym is lecithin. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as it participates in the transmission of nerve electrical impulses between the synapses of nerve cells and normalizes sleep. Difference with other drugs that protect the liver Cons of Essentiale Forte:

The need for long-term use; Intoxication is relieved only auxiliary, does NOT activate the outflow of bile, is NOT an antiviral agent.

Pros of Essentiale Forte:

Safety during long-term use; used by both children and pregnant women; preferable for mass death of hepatocytes, that is, for hepatitis of various origins.

It has positive side properties: it prevents atherosclerosis, normalizes the functioning of gastrointestinal enzymes, is beneficial for dermatoses of various sources, has a beneficial effect on a grueling diet, when consuming fatty foods, as well as alcohol.

Release form Essentiale forte N

You can purchase 4 types of hepatoprotector drugs, the main thing is not to confuse the names: Essentiale, Essentiale N, Essentiale forte and Essentiale forte N. Hard capsules of an oblong shape and a solution that is administered intravenously are available.

Different forms of release of ampoules, capsules and tablets have their own style of work, but the task is one to benefit the person.

How the medicine works

It has already been mentioned that the main component of the drug is phospholipids, a building material necessary for cell membranes. Every living cell in the human body contains phospholipids that support the processes of cellular reproduction and repair. The question arises: what to expect from the medication?

Essentiale Forte N is capable of many things:

  1. The product helps improve the metabolism of proteins and fats.
  2. Those who suffer from diabetes can expect a reduction in symptoms.
  3. The medication helps the liver neutralize toxins.
  4. If the integrity of the membranes of the liver parenchyma is compromised, then Essentiale Forte N restores and preserves the structure.
  5. Excess bad cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, and the product reduces the level of a dangerous compound.
  6. The medication replenishes cellular glycogen reserves.
  7. Under the influence of the drug, blood fluidity returns to normal.
  8. Essentiale forte N prevents the accumulation of fat in liver cells.

Essentiale forte benefits and harms

  • phospholipids, which are extracted from soybeans;
  • soybean oil;
  • vegetable fat;
  • Castor oil;
  • ethanol;
  • gelatin and so on.

Thanks to its components, Essentiale has a positive effect on the following factors:

  • control and restoration of the liver structure;
  • preservation of systems dependent on the production of phospholipids;
  • inhibition of the process of pathological scarring of tissue in the liver;
  • material metabolism of proteins and lipoids;
  • normalization of bile outflow;
  • preventing the formation of gallstones.
  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic, viral, toxic or alcoholic hepatitis;
  • disruption of the structure and function of the liver after taking medications or as a consequence of a previous illness;
  • chronic cholelithiasis and to prevent its recurrence;
  • hepatic fatty hepatosis;
  • scaly lichen (prescribed along with complex treatment);
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • radiation damage.

If you strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take the drug correctly, it will not cause harm to your body, and the benefits of taking this medicinal substance will become noticeable within a few days after the first dose of the medicine.


There are a number of cases when it is difficult to do without Essentiale Forte N:

  1. A person is sick with chronic hepatitis, and hepatitis leads to inflammation of the liver lining.
  2. The patient was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, in which the tissue structure begins to degenerate.
  3. The patient suffers from liver dystrophy, and too much fatty tissue is deposited in the organ. As a result, the gland loses its ability to function normally.
  4. The person abused alcohol or illegal substances, and the liver suffered too much toxic damage.
  5. The patient has alcohol dependence leading to alcoholic hepatitis.
  6. A woman expecting a child was faced with toxicosis and its consequences - nausea and vomiting.
  7. Essentiale forte N is useful for preventing the re-formation of gallstones.
  8. A person has psoriasis (also known as lichen planus).
  9. The patient was exposed to radiation and experienced radiation syndrome.

Indications for use

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the presence of essential (necessary, irreplaceable) phospholipids - special substances that are synthesized in the liver and kidneys and bring great benefits to the body by participating in biochemical processes. They act as the main lipid component of cell membranes.

Phospholipids perform a number of different functions:

  • improve the functioning of receptors, including insulin ones;
  • promote the elimination of cholesterol and fats, therefore they are used as part of weight loss products;
  • participate in the transport of substances;
  • improve the detoxification properties of the liver;
  • activate tissue regeneration;
  • together with proteins, they strengthen the cover of cells, restoring their structure;
  • improve the properties of bile;
  • prevent the formation of connective tissue.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of phospholipids, Essentiale forte N treats the following pathologies:

Fatty degeneration

  • Fatty degeneration. The disease occurs due to the accumulation of fats in the liver cells and directly depends on the person’s diet and lifestyle. The chronic disease provokes constant overeating, abuse of ethanol-containing drinks and sweet, fatty foods; it also develops against the background of diabetes and obesity. Phospholipids help reduce the severity of the main symptoms of the disease and normalize indicators, since they can accelerate the metabolism of fats in the liver.
  • Cirrhosis. Severe liver disease with a poor prognosis. The disease is a consequence of other organ pathologies. It develops against the background of poisoning by toxins, alcohol, diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, including dysfunction of the bile outflow channels. In cirrhosis, the liver undergoes replacement of normal tissues by fibrous connective tissue with loss of organ functionality.
  • Hepatitis is a group of inflammatory diseases that affect liver tissue. The drug is used for chronic ailments of various etiologies - caused by viruses, toxins, poisons, ethanol or medications.
  • Radiation damage. Harmful radiation destroys cell membranes. Phospholipids, being their components, help restore damaged structures.
  • Liver pathologies caused by injuries, infections or diseases of other organs and systems.


  • Toxicosis in pregnant women. A pathological condition that is accompanied by loss of appetite, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, salivation, and dermatoses. Caused by hormonal changes.
  • Psoriasis. A recurrent non-infectious disease in which the skin becomes covered with scaly rashes. In patients with skin diseases, fat metabolism is disrupted, and phospholipids have the ability to normalize it, improving the condition of the integument.
  • The drug Essentiale Forte N is used to prevent the development of diseases in people living in areas with poor ecology, exposed to toxins, or those who are forced to take medications for a long time (minimizes their harm to the liver). The hepatoprotector is used for prevention of obesity and diabetes mellitus (to prevent the development of gestosis), as well as for cholelithiasis.

Essentiale forte N. Instructions for use. Treatment regimens

  • Those who have been prescribed Essentiale Forte N are interested in how and how much to take the medicine.
  • Competent therapy begins with reading the instructions for Essentiale Forte N and consulting a doctor. The doctor will tell you what dosage form is intended for his patient and how many times a day the patient should take the drug. In addition, you need to know for sure whether a person has an individual intolerance to any component in the composition.
  • The instructions include a Method of Use section, which says the following: swallow the capsules whole and wash them down with a glass of water. There is no need to chew the capsules.
  • To ensure that the medication is well absorbed, it is recommended to take the capsules during or immediately after meals. Typically, during the course of treatment, the patient drinks two capsules three times a day, but the regimen can be changed at the doctor’s discretion.
  • As for intravenous injections, you can do 1-2 injections per day, or you can increase the number of injections to 2-4. It is important to consider how the patient feels and to what extent his disease has developed.

Please do not forget that the solution must not be mixed with other medications. The consequences can be very dangerous.

You already know that Essentiale Forte N is also a prophylactic agent. How to take for prevention? Individual factors and the degree of the disease play a role here; the course of treatment depends on them.

Dosage and treatment regimen

Therapy carried out with drugs in this series involves the simultaneous administration of capsule and injection forms. In the future, as the required result is achieved, the injections are stopped, and treatment with capsules continues.

In some cases, therapy through capsules is not possible, then additional intravenous administration of the drug is required. In complex advanced cases and acute attacks of the disease, Essentiale is used, the method of application of which requires at least three months of continuous treatment.

During this time, not only ampoules are required, but also capsules of the medicine.

The scheme and features of how to drink the drug Essentiale Forte in capsules are as follows:

  1. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the average dosage of the drug is 2 capsules three times a day.
  2. The duration of treatment has no restrictions, since its effectiveness is assessed by the chemical composition of the blood, in particular, by the concentration of liver parameters in it. On average, during an exacerbation of the disease, therapy lasts about three months; chronic diseases require taking medication for up to six months.
  3. The medicine should be taken before meals with water; opening and chewing the capsules is strictly not recommended.
  4. If psoriasis is treated with the drug, then in the first ten days of therapy the patient should take six capsules per day, dividing them into three doses. Next, a transition is made to the injection form; one ampoule is administered intravenously daily. After the period of droppers has expired, a transition is made again to capsules. The duration of such a scheme is usually up to two months.

A simple version of Essentiale without the Forte prefix is ​​a solution for injection or intravenous administration. This drug may contain the letter H in its name, which indicates the absence of a complex of vitamins in its composition.

However, the features of treatment with these two drugs in ampoules are as follows:

  1. These drugs can only be administered intravenously, since their intramuscular administration will cause various local reactions, which are completely unnecessary, regardless of the type of disease.
  2. The average dosage of the drug is 1-2 ampoules, depending on the severity of the disease. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the dose can be increased to 4 ampoules. Thus, the maximum single dose of medication for an adult is 2 ampoules, and the daily dose is 4.
  3. The permitted amount of the drug in children aged 3 to 6 years is 2 ml of solution per day, in children aged from 6 to 12 years - no more than 5 ml once.
  4. It is preferable to administer the drug entirely at once, if its prescribed dosage does not exceed the maximum permitted rate. If the required amount of the drug is 2 ml, it is advisable to administer them immediately.
  5. Before administration, the medicine is mixed with the patient's blood in a one-to-one ratio. If this option is not available, Essentiale is mixed with glucose and dextrose.
  6. It is forbidden to mix the medication with other drugs in one injection, despite the fact that it is compatible with most drugs.
  7. It is important to administer Essentiale slowly using the jet method in the place where veins are most accessible.
  8. The duration of therapy for acute illnesses usually does not exceed two months; for chronic illnesses, six-month treatment is required.


Even the natural origin of the components does not guarantee the absence of contraindications. There are few cases recorded in medicine when Essentiale Forte N is strictly prohibited for use, but you still need to carefully study the instructions.

Only after making sure there are no contraindications can you use the product for prevention or therapy.

If certain factors are present, the course of treatment is prohibited:

  1. The patient's body is too sensitive to the composition of the drug.
  2. Age under 12 years (for capsules) or 3 years (for solution).
  3. A woman is breastfeeding. It is noteworthy that many medications are prohibited both during pregnancy and lactation. In the case of Essentiale Forte N, the expectant mother is allowed to take the drug (but under the supervision of a specialist). However, the medication is prohibited for a nursing woman. Scientists do not yet know whether the medicine is transferred to the baby through milk, so the risk should be avoided.

Possible side effects

One of the advantages of the drug is that side effects are extremely rare. Basically what happens is:

  • Nausea appears, bloating or discomfort is felt in the abdomen.
  • Diarrhea occurs.
  • An allergy appears, the skin turns red or becomes covered in a rash, itching, nettle fever, exanthema, etc. occur.

By the way, how correctly the injection solution is used is of great importance. Injecting into a vein too quickly can cause side effects.

It must be emphasized that the solution is administered intravenously and not intramuscularly. An injection into the muscle provokes inflammation and irritation of the skin at the injection site. And, of course, dosage rules cannot be neglected, otherwise side effects cannot be avoided.

According to statistics, few cases of overdose have been recorded. Excessive dosage is fraught with the appearance of allergies and diarrhea, as well as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes and symptoms of liver disease

Why do certain liver pathologies develop?

The reasons, as a rule, are very banal and even with varying degrees of liver damage are the same:

  • regular alcohol abuse;
  • taking narcotic toxic substances (it doesn’t matter intravenously or nasally, or orally - the liver experiences a heavy load in any case);
  • forced or intentional use of hepatotoxic drugs;
  • chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
  • violation of the outflow of bile. as well as some other serious diseases of the digestive tract;
  • poor nutrition over a long period of time (often fatty liver degeneration begins after decades of poor nutrition, which is accompanied by obesity, diabetes, etc.).

Use during pregnancy

No matter how happy the expectant mother is, her body is subjected to serious stress while carrying a baby. Tests do not bypass the liver along with cell membranes. A pregnant woman needs support, especially during pregnancy with complications.

Essentiale Forte N comes to protect the body of the expectant mother, helping to increase the performance of all organs. The medication is also useful for the child: the drug improves placental blood flow, which means that the baby will be provided with all the substances he needs.

Everything is individual, and the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body, but the scheme, as a rule, is the same. The first two weeks, two capsules three times a day, the next four weeks, the dosage is halved.

Many people are worried, is everything really safe? Exactly. The natural medicine will not harm either the woman or the person she is waiting for.

How Essentiale Forte N is combined with other products

Specialists often have to answer an interesting question from patients: Is it possible to drink alcohol if I take this drug? Patients believe that the natural medicine will not react with ethyl alcohol.

Theoretically this is true, but in practice it is not compatible with alcohol.

A considerable number of people have ended up in the doctor’s office due to alcohol addiction, so combining the drug with strong drinks is out of the question. Essentiale Forte N is needed to treat the liver, and during therapy a special diet is required, and alcohol is not included in the diet.

Has the treatment ended? You need to wait 3-4 days and only then remember about alcohol.

The combination of the drug and alcohol leads to allergies and an increase in the amount of liver enzymes.

If the patient is taking anticoagulants (blood-thinning medications), their dosage should be reduced. The fact is that Essentiale Forte N significantly increases the effectiveness of anticoagulants.

Analogue medicines

It happens that it is not possible to use Essentiale to restore the liver and normalize its functioning. Analogues of Essentiale Forte N have been developed; cheap Russian substitutes with a similar effect. Essentiale is often replaced with the following drugs:

  • Antraliv,
  • Heptral,
  • Karsil,
  • Livolife forte,
  • Ursosan,
  • Ursofalk,
  • Phosphonziale.

Do not self-medicate and consult a specialized doctor who will select an analogue of Essentiale Forte N for you.

The similarity of action does not mean that the treatment regimen will be the same. A specialist must develop the scheme.

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