How to eat properly with type 2 diabetes


The functioning of the endocrine system that does not correspond to the proper norm, which involves the synthesis of insulin in insufficient quantities or failures in its effects, suggests the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. The second type is expressed in the fact that this pancreatic hormone is produced in the volume that is necessary, but the body cells cease to be susceptible to it. Proper nutrition for type 2 diabetes and overweight is very important for people suffering from this disease.

Features of nutrition in type 2 diabetes

Since non-insulin-dependent diabetes is associated with obesity, weight loss should be a diabetic's main goal. As you lose excess weight, your blood glucose levels will gradually decrease, allowing you to reduce your intake of glucose-lowering medications.

Fats contain a large amount of energy, almost twice as much as protein and carbohydrate energy. In this regard, a low-calorie diet is used to reduce the intake of fats in the body.

For these purposes, you need to adhere to some rules:
  1. Carefully read the information about the product on the label, it always states the amount of fat;
  2. Before cooking, remove fat from meat and skin from poultry;
  3. Consume more fresh vegetables rather than boiled ones (up to 1 kg per day), unsweetened fruits (300 - 400 g);
  4. Try not to add sour cream or mayonnaise to salads, so as not to add calories;
  5. It is advisable to prepare dishes by stewing, boiling, baking, and avoid frying in sunflower oil;
  6. Eliminate chips and nuts from your diet.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you need to follow a meal plan:

  • You need to consume food 5-6 times a day, in small, fractional portions, preferably at one set time;
  • If you feel hungry between main meals, you should have a snack, for example, an apple or a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • The last food intake should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • You should not skip breakfast, as it will help maintain stable sugar levels throughout the day;
  • Alcohol intake is prohibited, it can cause hypoglycemia (sudden drop in sugar);
  • It is important to control the size of your portions; to do this, divide the plate into two parts, put salads and greens (containing fiber) in one part, and proteins and complex carbohydrates in the second.

Alcohol intake is prohibited as it can cause hypoglycemia

Alcohol intake is prohibited as it can cause hypoglycemia.

Diabetes and blood pressure surges will be a thing of the past

Diabetes is the cause of almost 80% of all strokes and amputations. 7 out of 10 people die due to blockages in the arteries of the heart or brain. In almost all cases, the reason for such a terrible end is the same - high blood sugar.

You can and should beat sugar, there is no other way. But this in no way cures the disease itself, but only helps fight the consequence, not the cause of the disease.

The only medicine that is officially recommended for the treatment of diabetes and is also used by endocrinologists in their work is the Dzhi Dao Diabetes Patch.

The effectiveness of the drug, calculated according to the standard method (the number of recovered patients to the total number of patients in a group of 100 people undergoing treatment) was:

  • Normalization of sugar – 95%
  • Elimination of vein thrombosis – 70%
  • Eliminate palpitations – 90%
  • Relief from high blood pressure - 92%
  • Increased vigor during the day, improved sleep at night - 97%

Manufacturers of Zhi Dao are not a commercial organization and are funded by the government. Therefore, now every resident has the opportunity to receive the drug at a 50% discount.

Only special diabetic nutrition can help you get out of this circle. Its main task is to reduce the flow of glucose into the bloodstream, at the same time the release of insulin will decrease, weight loss will be easier, and insulin resistance will decrease.

Most diabetics are obese people. Excess weight weakens the functioning of insulin, reduces the effectiveness of treatment, and provokes vascular disorders that lead to hypertension, angiopathy and multiple complications. And here proper nutrition plays a vital role. You can lose weight by reducing the calorie content of your food. There is no other effective way to lose weight and maintain your health.

Doctors pay special attention to the diet of patients and consider it an integral part of treatment. They understand perfectly well that it is impossible to compensate for diabetes with pills alone, so each patient is given a list of allowed and undesirable foods. The task of patients is to understand how nutrition affects the body and create a menu that they could stick to for the rest of their lives. Naturally, such food should be tasty, varied and healthy.

>> Important to study: What diet to follow for type 2 diabetes + menu

Foods for type 2 diabetes

Permitted products include:

  • Lean fish, meat (up to 300 gr.); Mushrooms (up to 150 gr.);
  • Lactic acid products with low fat content;
  • Fruits, vegetables and spices that help reduce sugar and cholesterol (apples, pears, kiwi, grapefruit, lemon, pumpkin, cabbage and ginger);
  • Cereals, cereals.

Foods that need to be excluded from the diet:

  • Flour and confectionery products;
  • Salted, smoked, marinated dishes;
  • Fast carbohydrates (sweets), instead of them consume sugar substitutes;
  • Fatty broths, butter;
  • Fruits – grapes, strawberries, dried fruits – dates, figs, raisins;
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Diet for diabetics

Knowing about the need for dietary nutrition is not enough; you need to be able to organize it yourself. The following nutritional rules can help with this:

  1. You need to eat at least 3 times a day. The more evenly glucose enters the blood, the more successfully it is removed from it. For diabetes, the ideal diet is 3 meals, 2 snacks between them.
  2. Calorie intake is either distributed evenly throughout the day, or most of the calories occur in the morning and afternoon.
  3. With a properly selected diet, you should feel hungry only in the first week of the diet. If you want to eat so much that it is difficult to wait for the next meal, it means there is not enough food.
  4. If you no longer want to eat, but there is still food on your plate, leave it in the refrigerator until you snack.
  5. While eating, enjoy the food on your plate and don't be distracted by the TV or phone.
  6. Avoid eating for company. During feasts, immediately fill your plate with permitted foods and eat them throughout the evening. For diabetes mellitus, half the plate should be occupied by vegetables, a quarter by meat or fish, and only the rest should be filled with high-carbohydrate foods.
  7. Try not to use food as an antidepressant. When you are in a bad mood, the best cure is any active activity in the fresh air, rather than a rich diet.
  8. Make sure that diabetic foods are always in the refrigerator. Make lists of what you need and take them with you to the store.

You cannot consider carbohydrates your enemy and strive to completely eliminate them from your menu. A type 2 diabetic should have all the necessary substances on his table. Recommended ratio: carbohydrates 50%, fats 30%, proteins 20%. This diet is balanced, so the whole family can follow it.

Low carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes

For overweight patients, a low-carbohydrate diet is effective. In the course of research, it was noted that if a diabetic consumes no more than 20 grams per day. carbohydrates, after 6 months the blood sugar level will drop, and the person will be able to stop taking medications.

This diet is suitable for diabetics who lead an active lifestyle. After a couple of weeks of following therapeutic nutrition, patients experience improvements in blood pressure and lipid profiles.

The most common low carbohydrate diets are:

  1. South Beach. The main goal of such nutrition is to learn to control the feeling of hunger and reduce body weight. The initial stage of the diet includes strict restrictions; only proteins and some vegetables are allowed. At the next stage, when weight began to decrease, other products are introduced. These include: complex carbohydrates, lean meat, fruits, lactic acid products.
  2. Mayo Clinic Diet. The main product used in this diet is fat-burning soup. It is prepared from 6 onions, a couple of tomatoes and green bell peppers, a small head of fresh cabbage, a couple of vegetable broth cubes and a bunch of celery. The prepared soup should be seasoned with hot pepper (cayenne, chili), due to this feature, fat deposits are burned. You can consume this soup without restrictions, adding one fruit to each meal.
  3. Glycemic diet. This diet will help diabetics avoid sudden fluctuations in blood glucose levels. The basic rule is that 40% of calories must come from unprocessed complex carbohydrates. For these purposes, juices are replaced with fresh fruits, white bread with whole grains, etc. The other 30% of calories should come from fat, so every day a person with type 2 diabetes should consume lean meat, fish, and poultry.

Why does diabetes require special nutrition?

It is important to know! A new product recommended by endocrinologists for permanent control of Diabetes! You just need every day... Read more >>

The body immediately tries to redirect the glucose that enters our vessels from food to its destination - muscle and fat tissue. The main assistant in cleansing the blood of glucose is the hormone insulin. Another function of insulin is to delay the breakdown of fats. If there is insulin in the blood, it means that the body will soon receive the glucose it needs, that is, there will be no need to use fats for nutrition.

Insulin resistance is typical at the onset of type 2 diabetes. This is a pathological condition that is expressed in the weakening of insulin. The cells of the body do not react to it as before, they are less active in allowing glucose into themselves, which is why it begins to accumulate in the blood. In response to an increase in glycemia, more and more insulin is produced, the body strives to overcome insulin resistance. At this stage, a diabetic patient finds himself in a vicious circle. A constant excess of glucose and insulin forms in the blood, weight gradually increases, and following this, insulin resistance increases even more.

Bread units for type 2 diabetes mellitus

To simplify the calculation of calories, a special table was developed for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which can be used to calculate the required amount of carbohydrates; it is called the bread unit of measurement (BMU).

The table compares products by carbohydrate content; you can measure absolutely any food product (bread, apple, watermelon) in it. To calculate XE for a diabetic, you need to find the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams on the product packaging label, divide by 12 and adjust by body weight.

Menu for every day with interesting recipes

A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes does not mean that eating will be tasteless. The weekly menu with recipes below will allow you to eat very varied.


It's best to start with buckwheat porridge (boil 70 g of cereal in one and a half glasses of water). Black or green tea with honey is a good addition.

Low-fat yogurt or an apple are ideal for second breakfast

For lunch you can cook stewed chicken with vegetables:

  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • 30 g each of carrots and onions;
  • 100 g broccoli.

Simmer all components in a saucepan or slow cooker with a small amount of salt and liquid. As a side dish you can eat a salad of cabbage, cucumbers and vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack – a couple of not too sweet fruits and one carrot.

Menu for a week for type 2 diabetes

A diabetic patient must follow a diet throughout his life. But it should be varied and include all nutrients, for example: MONDAY, THURSDAY

  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of pearl barley (30g);
  • boiled egg;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of fresh vegetable salad (120g);
  • Green tea (200 ml.);
  • Apple, fresh or baked (100g);
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (5 g.)
  • Unsweetened cookies (25 gr.);
  • Tea (250 ml.);
  • ½ banana (80g).
DinnerAfternoon snack
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Borscht (200 ml.);
  • Steamed beef cutlet (70 gr.);
  • A couple of st. spoons of buckwheat (30 gr.);
  • Vegetable or fruit salad (65 gr.);
  • Fruit and berry juice (200 ml.)
  • Whole grain flour bread (25 gr.);
  • Vegetable salad (65 gr.);
  • Tomato juice (200 ml.)
DinnerSecond dinner
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Boiled potatoes (100 gr.);
  • A piece of boiled lean fish (165 g);
  • Vegetable salad (65 gr.);
  • Apple (100 gr.)
  • Low-fat kefir (200 ml.);
  • Unsweetened cookies (25 gr.)


  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Oatmeal (45 gr.);
  • A piece of stewed rabbit meat (60 gr.);
  • Salad (60 gr.);
  • Tea with lemon (250 ml.);
  • A piece of hard cheese (30 gr.)
  • 1 banana (160 gr.)
DinnerAfternoon snack
  • Bread (50 gr.);
  • Soup with meatballs (200 ml.);
  • 1 boiled potato (100 gr.);
  • A piece of boiled beef tongue (60 g);
  • 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons of salad (60 gr.);
  • Fruit and berry compote without added sugar (200 ml.)
  • Orange (100 gr.);
  • Blueberries (120 gr.)
DinnerSecond dinner
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Tomato juice (200 ml.);
  • Salad (60 gr.);
  • Sausage (30 gr.);
  • Buckwheat (30 gr.)
  • Unsweetened cookies (25 gr.);
  • Low-fat kefir (200 ml.)


  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Stewed fish with vegetables (60 gr.);
  • Fresh vegetable salad (60 gr.);
  • Coffee without sugar (200 ml);
  • Banana (160 gr.);
  • A piece of hard cheese (30 gr.)
  • 2 pancakes (60 gr.);
  • Tea with lemon, without sugar (200 ml)
DinnerAfternoon snack
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Vegetable soup (200 ml.);
  • Buckwheat (30 gr.);
  • Stewed chicken liver with onions (30 gr.);
  • Vegetable salad (60 gr.);
  • Fruit and berry juice without sugar (200 ml)
  • Peach (120 gr.);
  • 2 tangerines (100 gr.)
  • Bread (12 gr.);
  • Fish cutlet (70 gr.);
  • Unsweetened cookies (10 gr.);
  • Tea with lemon without sugar (200 ml);
  • Vegetable salad (60 gr.);
  • Oatmeal (30 gr.)


  • 3 dumplings with cottage cheese (150 gr.);
  • Decaffeinated coffee, sugar (200 ml.);
  • Fresh strawberries (160 gr.)
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • ¼ omelette (25 gr.);
  • Vegetable salad (60 gr.);
  • Tomato juice (200 ml.)
DinnerAfternoon snack
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Pea soup (200 ml);
  • Chicken fillet with vegetables (70 gr.);
  • A piece of baked pie with apples (50 g);
  • 1/3 cup of juice (80 ml);
  • Olivier salad (60 gr.)
  • Fresh lingonberries (160 gr.);
  • Peach (120 gr.)
DinnerSecond dinner
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Pearl barley (30 gr.);
  • Steamed veal cutlet (70 gr.);
  • Tomato juice (250 ml);
  • Vegetable or fruit salad (30 gr.)
  • Bread (25 gr.);
  • Low-fat kefir (200 ml)

Sample diet plan for a week

An approximate weekly menu for a diabetic is designed to show that food should be varied in order to replenish all the necessary elements of nutrients in the body. The menu for a diabetic patient should be based on the number of bread units, especially for patients with type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes. To create a dietary menu for the week, you need to use a specialized table, which can be found on the Internet or taken from any medical institution.

To calculate calorie content, many parameters are used, the main ones are:

  • height, weight and body mass index of the patient with calculation of body area;
  • glucose level on an empty stomach and after a glucose loading test;
  • assessment of glycosylated hemoglobin, which shows the level of glycemia over the past 3 months.

The age of the patient also plays an important role. Concomitant chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases, as well as lifestyle.


Breakfast: any porridge, except rice and semolina, in a volume of no more than 200 g, cheese with a fat content of less than 20% and weighing no more than 40 g, rye bread 1-2 slices, tea without sugar with added sweetener.

Second breakfast: any sour fruit, green apple recommended. Tea without sugar with biscuits.

Do's and don'ts

The diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus is based on a simple principle: we take allowed foods as the basis of the diet, completely remove prohibited ones, add some favorite foods from the second column so that the restrictions do not seem too strict. A strict diet for type 2 diabetes usually does more harm than good, as it is fraught with regular breakdowns.

We use without restrictionsReducing consumptionExcluded from the menu
Lean meat and fish. Chicken, turkey without skin. Egg whites. Seafood. Pork, industrial ham products, egg yolks.Sausages, except dietary ones. Smoked meats, fatty meats, lard, poultry skin.
Buckwheat, pearl barley, dry peas and green peas, beans, lentils.Whole grain pasta. Hercules, fresh corn and cereals. Wheat cereals, especially semolina. Any completely boiled cereals. Pasta, rice.
Low GI vegetables are fresh and cooked without fat. Any greens. Potatoes, boiled beets and carrots.Mashed potatoes, fried potatoes.
Low-fat fermented milk products in their natural form, without sugar and starch.Hard and processed cheeses, cream, sour cream.Butter, spreads.
Whole grain breads and tortillas.Any bread, including bran, malt, lavash.Butter and puff pastry in any form, even with savory filling.
Mineral water, green and black tea without sugar, special tea for type 2 diabetics.Carbonated drinks with sweeteners. Dry wine. Tomato juice. Carbonated drinks with sugar, kvass, beer, sweet wines, packaged juices, strong alcohol.
Lemon, berries, avocado. The daily portion is equivalent to 2 apples. Other fruits. To ensure an even supply of glucose, divide them into small portions. Jam, dried fruits, except dried apricots. Bananas, watermelon.
Treats for diabetics twice a week.Unsweetened bagels, straws, crackers.Any confectionery with sugar.
Dressings based on yogurt, kefir, matsoni.Ketchup, tkemali and other sauces.Mayonnaise and sauces based on it.

How to eat if you have diabetes and are overweight

To reduce body weight, you need to change your diet by reducing your caloric intake. At the same time, you should not go to extremes in an effort to achieve a great figure. Under severe restrictions, our body goes into protective mode and fights for every gram of fat. A sign of proper weight loss is a weight loss of less than 4 kg per month. More active weight loss is possible only in diabetic patients with severe obesity. The calorie content of the daily menu for women should not fall below 1200 kcal, for men – 1500 kcal.

>> It is important to study: Diet table number 9 - a special diet developed for patients with diabetes .

As a rule, patients with significant excess weight do not need to count every calorie; it is enough to avoid certain foods. For convenience, you can use the following table:

Product groups
Low-calorie, can be included in the menu without restrictions.Moderately high in calories. To lose weight, their volume needs to be reduced by 2 times. High-calorie, we exclude them from the diet while losing weight.
Vegetables except potatoes, herbs, mushrooms. We give preference to fresh vegetables. Lean fish and meat, eggs, poultry, with the exception of duck and goose. Milk, kefir less than 2.5% fat, cottage cheese up to 5%, cheese up to 30%. Legumes, bread, cereals. Fruits, except bananas and melons. Fatty meat, sausages, semi-finished meat products, canned food. Lard, butter, mayonnaise. All sweets, alcoholic drinks, nuts, seeds.

Recipes for familiar dishes will have to be revised. Cabbage and cucumber salad, which will not affect glycemia in any way in case of diabetes, can turn out to be a high-calorie food if generously seasoned with vegetable oil. A teaspoon of sunflower oil has the same calories as a slice of white bread.

We will also have to give up snacks, which we often don’t even notice. A handful of seeds contains about 300 calories; this is a complete meal, not entertainment. The same applies to nuts, peanuts, dried dates and raisins. The latter in diabetes mellitus will also lead to a sharp jump in glucose. It is worth paying attention to such a healthy product as cheese. A couple of translucent slices of cheese are equal in calorie content to the bread on which it lies.

During the period of weight loss, the body may lack nutrients. This problem can be solved with the help of any vitamin complex intended for diabetics - we talked about them here.

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