The use of suppositories for candidiasis during pregnancy

What are the differences between the treatments for candidiasis during pregnancy?

If the patient is expecting a child, doctors do not recommend that she use suppositories for thrush during pregnancy.
Because in this case, the active substances that fight the fungus also fill the body with toxic compounds that are dangerous during the period of bearing a baby.

Unlike oral medications, suppositories that are used in the vagina have a milder effect. They destroy fungi locally, do not affect the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore are not absorbed into the blood. The effectiveness of such products has been proven by many years of experience. Thanks to their shape and special smooth shell, the suppositories are well distributed and cover the entire area affected by candidiasis.

During pregnancy, immunity is significantly reduced, as a result of which you are predisposed to the appearance of fungi. The vaginal environment cannot cope with the causative agent of a fungal infection. The microflora is disturbed and the use of medications is necessary. At the same time, candidiasis is not capable of harming the life and health of the fetus. There is a risk only in the case of immediate birth, when the fungus can, upon contact with the baby’s mucous membranes, infect him too. Usually, to get rid of thrush in the 1st trimester, you are freed from the effects of drugs.

how to deal with thrush

When choosing from a wide range of antifungal agents, you need to pay attention to the active substances they contain. Having studied the properties of the medicine and their effect on the body, you should not self-medicate. This can lead to the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Only a doctor can, based on tests, determine which drug is needed. Each of them differs in its level of influence on the Candida fungus and side effects. You should not resort to douching, which only spreads the affected area. Recovery does not occur when candidiasis disappears, but in its absence for another 3 months. Good suppositories for thrush have a minimum of side effects and will not harm the fetus. Some mild medications are used as suppositories for prevention.

The effectiveness of using antifungal agents depends on the treatment of both partners. Otherwise, there is a high probability of becoming infected again. The situation is complicated by the fact that in men the disease is asymptomatic and they act as carriers. During the period of use, it is recommended to use condoms, and during the administration of the medication, generally avoid sexual intercourse.

During the period of fighting candidiasis, it is worth finding out what reasons could cause it. When carrying a child, the reappearance of this disease occurs often. In addition to decreased immunity, candida can be provoked by problems with the intestinal microflora, from where the dangerous fungus penetrates. After discussing the possible causes with your doctor, you need to choose which suppositories to use against thrush during pregnancy.

When is treatment needed?

Thrush is a common companion for pregnant women. Many expectant mothers know firsthand about symptoms such as:

  1. curdled vaginal discharge with a sour odor;
  2. pronounced burning sensation and unbearable itching, progressing during sexual intercourse or wearing tight clothing;
  3. pain and discomfort during urination.

What are the best suppositories for thrush to buy? Only the attending obstetrician-gynecologist can answer such a question after conducting diagnostics and receiving the results. Without preliminary research, it is impossible to prescribe the most safe and effective treatment.

Zalain during pregnancy - only if necessary

The drug contains sertaconazole nitrate. There are no data on studies during pregnancy and lactation, so the instructions warn: if the potential risk from use does not exceed the need for use for the health of the fetus and mother. The medicine is used once. The cost for 1 piece is above 500 rubles.

Hexicon is not an antifungal agent

Antiseptic drug for the treatment of infections and viruses. It is used as an auxiliary treatment for thrush and other diseases of the female intimate environment. Should be used in conjunction with an antifungal agent to improve disinfection. It is included in approved drugs, since it does not penetrate into the blood, and is used during pregnancy and lactation. Also suitable as suppositories for prevention. Available in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets, 1 piece and 10 each. Cost 56 and up to 300 rubles, respectively.

Livarol - quick effect

These suppositories are contraindicated for getting rid of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy and can be used in 2-3, but in urgent need. The main difference between this type of medicine is that the fungus becomes resistant to it over time. Therefore, Livarol is recommended to be used when candidiasis occurs for the first time and does not require long-term use. The result comes quite quickly, usually used for up to 5 days. There are 5 and 10 pieces in a package. The cost for 5 pieces is up to 470 rubles, for 10 - above 650. Side effects may include allergic reactions. The active substance - ketoconazole - acts in the vulva and vagina, does not penetrate the bloodstream. The drug has good reviews, as it is a new modern remedy.

Choice of funds depending on the period

When choosing drugs, an important point is the duration of pregnancy. The selection of drugs depends on this:

  1. The first trimester (from conception to 12 weeks) is the most critical. During this period, the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. In addition, the protective barrier - the placenta, which protects the child from negative external stimuli, is not yet sufficiently formed. Therefore, not all drugs can be used at this stage of fetal development. Among the permitted ones are Pimafucin, Betadine.
  2. The second trimester (12 -26 weeks) is the safest stage of intrauterine development. If thrush occurs, Pimafucin, Betadine, Clotrimazole, Ginofort and others are prescribed.

  3. Third trimester (26-40 weeks) – lasts until the baby is born. During this period, the pressure of the uterus increases, the cervix of the organ may open spontaneously and premature labor may begin. Therefore, it is important to use safe medications. Among them are Pimafucin, Livarol, Clotrimazole and others.

Anna, 25 years old: “This is my first and long-awaited pregnancy. When vaginal discharge and burning appeared at 8 weeks, I panicked. I went to the gynecologist, he diagnosed thrush and said it was nothing to worry about. I prescribed Pimafucin suppositories as the safest in the 1st trimester. Everything went away quite quickly and the thrush did not return until the end of pregnancy.”

Olga: “During my first pregnancy, thrush appeared around the 5th month, the doctor prescribed me Clotrimazole suppositories, and everything went away without consequences. During my second pregnancy, the same story repeated itself, but much earlier - in the fifth week I noticed discharge and itching. I bought Clotrimazole again and started using it, but during a routine examination the doctor scolded me - it turns out I can’t use it in the first weeks. Now I’m terribly worried.”

Preparations in the form of suppositories have some contraindications, which depend on the active substance included in their composition. First of all, this is intolerance to one or more components of the drug. If there is such a problem, then it is better not to use candles.

The use of suppositories rarely leads to side effects, but it is possible. As a rule, such phenomena occur when the recommended dosage is exceeded. The most common of them are:

  1. Development of allergic reactions on the skin.
  2. Dyspeptic manifestations in the form of symptoms of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pimafucin - safe suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

The main active substance is natamycin; it is not absorbed by the mucous membranes, does not affect the gastrointestinal tract and does not penetrate the uteroplacental barrier. Long-term use of the drug is also permitted. Pimafucin has no restrictions during pregnancy.

Side effects of the drug may include itching and discomfort. Because the composition includes cetyl alcohol, adipic acid and solid fat. But such sensations arise only at the beginning of use and pass quickly. Prices for a package with 6 suppositories are 480 rubles, with 3 - 260 rubles.

Rectal suppositories

This form of medicinal antifungal drugs is prescribed less frequently for men and women, with confirmed thrush or suspected intestinal candidiasis, which can provoke the development of an acute urogenital process in a sexual partner.

Rules for using rectal suppositories:

  • Clean the perineum with soap and water;
  • remove the suppository from the package and insert it into the rectum with clean hands;
  • To ensure that the medicine is evenly distributed in the intestines and does not leak out, the procedure is performed at night, while lying in bed.

Any suppositories, including rectal ones, are used as part of a complex treatment. Whether there is a need to use such a dosage form is decided by the attending physician.

Terzhinan – has contraindications

The drug is approved when the 2nd trimester begins. A controversial issue is the presence of prednisolone in the medicine, which, according to some experts, can weaken local immunity. Treatment with the drug is prescribed for a course of 10 to 14 days. Before administration, the suppository is placed in water. Sold in packs of 6 pieces - 350 rubles, and also in packs of 10 pieces - 450 rubles.

Sea buckthorn oil helps, but does not get rid of fungus

There is the most natural way to fight thrush - sea buckthorn suppositories. They are not the main drug, as they do not have antifungal properties. Sea buckthorn oil, unlike cedar, tea tree, juniper and thyme oils, cannot even fight plant fungi. Therefore, such suppositories for thrush in women are used in cases where healing or softening of the mucous membranes is necessary. That is, for hemorrhoids, ulcers, inflammation, colitis. In the vagina they can be used to get rid of inflammation, erosion and vaginitis.

Therefore, for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy, as an adjuvant, such drugs can help heal inflamed areas and promote the regeneration of mucous membranes. Sea buckthorn oil contains a complex of biologically active substances, such as antioxidants, tocopherol, tocotrenols, vitamin E, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. All these substances reduce swelling, regenerate and reduce inflammation.

This medicine also has contraindications - individual sensitivity to the components. If prescribed by a doctor, it can also be used during pregnancy. A burning sensation in the vagina is likely. Prescribed once a day, at night. Sea buckthorn preparations are inexpensive, their price varies from 80 to 120 rubles for 10 suppositories per package. Can be used as suppositories for prevention.

Prevention and self-care rules

After treatment and a second smear to analyze the vaginal microflora, in any case, you should follow some rules to prevent thrush. Maintaining personal hygiene and changing underwear is especially important during pregnancy, since various infections can have different effects on the body of the woman and the fetus. If violations of the intestinal microflora are detected in women, to combat dysbiosis, use products with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This will help prevent the recurrence of thrush for a long time. Consult a doctor promptly if candidiasis appears again.

It is especially worth following preventive measures for those women who have had thrush before pregnancy. In this case, it makes sense to consult a doctor and find out whether it is worth undergoing a course of treatment at the planning stage and purchasing suppositories for prevention. Otherwise, in chronic stages and with repeated appearances during pregnancy, candidiasis manifests itself with a vengeance.

To prevent thrush in women, doctors advise not to wear synthetic underwear, change towels daily, stop using daily scented pads during treatment, and the use of cosmetics with active chemical composition is completely prohibited.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy: effective remedies for candidiasis
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Principles of local therapy and recommended drugs

The treatment of vaginal candidiasis must be approached comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of thrush and take measures to eliminate it.

Vaginal suppositories intended for the treatment of pregnant women include safe active substances that, when dosed correctly, do not harm the fetus or worsen the health of the woman herself.

It is best to ask your doctor what suppositories you can use. Despite the fact that the instructions contain all the necessary information, only a specialist can correctly select the drug against thrush and calculate effective and safe therapy.


Pimafucin is affordable and safe for children

Intravaginal suppositories Clotrimazole should be used for thrush in pregnant women during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If the drug is dosed incorrectly, it can negatively affect the health of the unborn child. That is why, before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is a mandatory criterion for successful treatment.

Clotrimazole is a universal drug that effectively treats various sexually transmitted infections. The course of therapy for thrush is 7 days. Suppositories should be administered intravaginally before bedtime. Please note that the fungus of the genus Candida quickly gets used to the active substance included in Clotrimazole. That is why, if a relapse occurs, it is recommended to use another drug.

The average cost of Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories is 50 rubles. This drug is considered a budget drug, but despite this it is a fairly effective and sought-after remedy for eliminating thrush during pregnancy.


Clotrimazole is a universal drug for the treatment of various infections.

A well-known remedy against vaginal candidiasis, which is used for therapy in pregnant women. This drug is not only affordable, but also absolutely safe for the unborn child.

Pimafucin contains nitamycin. The active substance effectively destroys fungal cells without harming the health of the fetus and mother. The drug is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories. This form of medication is the most suitable for use during pregnancy.

The course of anti-candidiasis therapy using Pimafucin vaginal suppositories ranges from 3 to 6 days, which depends on the stage of development of the disease. It is recommended to lay 1 candle daily. It is best to do this before going to bed. Severe forms of thrush are treated with Pimafucin in combination with oral medications.

The drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to its constituent components. The average cost of Pimafucin vaginal suppositories is 260 rubles. (3 suppositories), 500 rub. (6 suppositories).


Terzhinan is not recommended to be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Terzhinan intravaginal suppositories are produced in the form of tablets intended for insertion into the vagina. This medicine is widely used for drug therapy against thrush in women and can be used in combination with oral medications.

Please note that Terzhinan is not prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is only possible when the benefits to the expectant mother outweigh the likely risks to the child’s health. Apart from individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition, the drug has no other contraindications.

The course of treatment for vaginal candidiasis with the drug Terzhinan is 10 days. To achieve a pronounced and lasting result, it is recommended to supplement treatment with Terzhinan with a diet and the exclusion of unfavorable factors: smoking, drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse.

The average cost of Terzhinan vaginal tablets is 330 rubles (6 suppositories), 430 rubles (10 suppositories).


Polygynax normalizes vaginal microflora

A widely used drug for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women. Available in the form of capsules intended for vaginal administration. Active ingredients: nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin.

Polygynax primarily has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, and also normalizes the beneficial microflora of the vagina. The inflammatory process is eliminated after the initial use of the drug. The course of treatment is at least 12 days. Capsules are inserted deep into the vaginal area before bedtime. The contents of the capsule are evenly distributed over the mucous membrane and have a comprehensive effect on thrush.

With proper dosing and use of the drug Terzhinan, there are no side effects. The average price of the drug is 580 rubles.


Zalain is safe for use during pregnancy

Vaginal suppositories are a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. There is no systemic effect when using Zalain, so it can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, a drug is prescribed only if the benefits to the woman outweigh the possible risks to the child.

A contraindication to the use of Zalain suppositories is hypersensitivity. Side effects include burning and itching in the vaginal area and allergic reactions. If adverse reactions occur, there is no need to discontinue therapy.

Recommended dosage is 1 suppository per day. It is recommended to place the candle before bedtime, which eliminates the possibility of reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Before using the drug, you must consult your doctor. The cost of 1 suppository Zalain ranges from 380 to 480 rubles.

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