How to treat mosquito bites quickly and effectively. Mosquito bites - how and what to treat A child scratches mosquito bites until they bleed

The harmful effect of mosquitoes on people and farm animals is expressed in painful and uncomfortable sensations on the body after a bite, lack of quiet rest in nature and at home, and the toxic effects of saliva. Sometimes an attack by midges leads to infection of the body with infectious and invasive diseases, and in cattle - to significant loss of blood and decreased productivity.

Inflammatory and allergic reactions of the body in response to a mosquito bite occur due to irritating substances in the saliva of the parasite. These can be mucopolysaccharides, enzymes, anticoagulants and agglutinins. It is their presence that explains why the affected area of ​​the skin itches.

In addition to the discomfort that occurs after bites, the danger of mosquitoes is associated with the transmission of pathogens of various diseases. Similar cases have been reported in different parts of the country.


  • arboviral infections: Japanese encephalitis, West Nile fever, Sindbis virus;
  • bacterial infections: brucellosis, tularemia;
  • parasitic infestations: protozoal infections, filariasis.

In all dipteran insects that are included in the species composition of the midges, only females feed on the blood of humans, animals and birds. This is necessary for the successful maturation of eggs, that is, for reproduction.

What a mosquito bite looks like: photo and description

The body's reaction after an attack by blood-sucking parasites and the predisposition to allergic reactions are determined at the genetic level. According to research by scientists

, women are more attractive to mosquitoes and are more prone to acute allergic reactions.

Mosquito bite in photo

What a mosquito bite looks like in a photo depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the victim, the number of parasites, and the location of the bite. Facial damage can lead to serious edema in children and disrupt normal life processes. Bites on the arms and legs cause the least discomfort, provided the itching sensation is blocked.

The greatest intoxication of the body and powerful symptoms are observed with a high number of attacking blood-sucking parasites and increased sensitivity of the victim. The toxic effect of saliva in this case manifests itself most acutely in the form of local inflammatory processes and reactions of other body systems.

Repellent - effective protection

Today there are a large number of products that can protect the skin from blood-sucking insects. These are so-called repellents - creams, emulsions, lotions, etc. Before going outside, be sure to apply your chosen mosquito repellent to your skin.

Repellents are used to repel mosquitoes. They are applied to clothing or exposed skin. These products also effectively protect against ticks.

Modern repellents come in the following types:

  • DEET. The concentration of this product varies from 1% to 50%. A repellent with a minimum indicator is designed to effectively protect children from mosquito bites. The product with the maximum concentration is used for adults. It will provide excellent protection even during a hike.
  • DMF. This product, dimethyl phtholate, should be used sparingly. Often it is designed to impregnate mosquito nets. DMF will not protect against ticks.
  • IR3535. This product, at a ten percent concentration of the active ingredient, can be applied to the skin of babies over one year of age.

Sometimes essential oils are used as repellents. Their efficiency is much lower. Basically they are used only in the city.

Typically, the range of repellents is as follows:

  • cream, milk, gel, spray - applied directly to the skin;
  • aerosol – intended for exposed areas of skin and clothing;
  • electronic devices.

Today, the following brands of repellents are popular: Mosquitail, Raptor, OFF!, Gardex, Komaroff, Reftamid. Bracelets are widely used that can protect both children and adults from insects.

Mosquito bite: symptoms

Mosquito saliva has a toxic effect on the body of animals and humans. Red spots, swelling, puffiness, blisters, and compactions are observed on the skin. The symptoms of the manifestation depend on the species of mosquito, human immunity, tendency to allergic reactions, the degree of damage to the skin, and the number of blood-sucking parasites. The bites of malaria mosquitoes are practically not noticeable, unlike other representatives of this family. A small nodule and slight redness appear on the affected area of ​​the skin. At the same time, if a person becomes a victim of the Aedes mosquito, within 10-15 minutes he will see:

  • blister with a diameter of more than 10 mm;
  • severe burning and itching;
  • painful sensations;
  • redness;
  • when there is a high number of blood-sucking dipterans or the victim is prone to allergies - swelling and increased body temperature.

In addition to local manifestations, a mosquito bite can cause the following symptoms: deterioration in general health, increased body temperature and rapid heartbeat, changes in blood pressure and blood count (increased volume of lymphocytes and decreased number of red blood cells, hemoglobin).
Secondary manifestations of mosquito bites are local suppuration. The appearance of a secondary infection is typical when the affected area of ​​the skin is strongly scratched with contaminated fingers or when bitten by a mosquito that carries pathogens. Cases of acute allergic reactions are less common

. Example: due to the strong effect on the body after a mosquito bite in the Komi Republic, several people were hospitalized. Severe intoxication can cause chronic glomerulonephritis.

Local inflammatory reaction

In most cases, mosquito bites lead to a local inflammatory reaction within a few minutes. The affected area of ​​the skin experiences redness, swelling, thickening, and the person feels itching and discomfort. Sometimes blisters, necrosis, and rashes of various types form. How many hours does it take for symptoms to go away? Signs of a local allergic reaction begin to fade within 2-24 hours. In rare cases, a delayed local inflammatory reaction is observed, when symptoms can only be seen after 6-10 hours. They reach the peak of their development only after two days. Gradually, all the consequences of an attack by blood-sucking parasites disappear without any human intervention.

The most serious consequences of an attack by blood-sucking parasites can occur in patients with weakened immune systems (lymphocytic leukemia, AIDS). Their allergic reaction is severe and is characterized by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of foci of necrosis.

Severe forms of the body's reaction to mosquito bites

But there are other manifestations of a reaction to mosquito bites - papular urticaria and a systemic allergic reaction. They can occur in young children, people with hypersensitivity and intolerance to one of the components of the saliva of blood-sucking parasites.

Papular urticaria after a mosquito bite appears as itchy papules on the arms, legs, face and other exposed areas of the body. Skin formations are recurrent or chronic. Features of papular urticaria:

  • develops in children 2-10 years old;
  • in the first minutes after the bite, a blister with a diameter of up to 1 cm forms;
  • a constantly itchy papule gradually appears;
  • new rashes form sporadically;
  • the disease can drag on for several years and have a chronic or cyclical course.

Systemic allergic reactions to mosquito bites are rare.
They are accompanied by local inflammation and swelling, increased body temperature, weakness, and nausea. The reason lies in the individual reaction of the body and intolerance to one of the substances contained in the mosquito’s saliva. One of the common questions and concerns people have is: “How likely is it to get malaria from a mosquito?” The spread of the disease is possible only if three conditions are met simultaneously:

  1. The presence of mosquitoes that carry malaria pathogens.
  2. Presence of parasite carriers or malaria patients.
  3. Optimal climate conditions (temperature and humidity) for the development of the malaria pathogen in the body of a blood-sucking parasite.

By eliminating just one factor, it is possible to eliminate the spread of malaria in the territory of the subject.

How to prevent mosquito bites

Mosquito proboscis
There are a lot of different means of protection against mosquitoes. Let's look at the most basic of them.

1. Physical means:

  • mosquito nets,
  • canopies (mosquito tent),
  • traps,
  • mosquito nets,
  • Velcro,
  • thick clothes.

Protective mosquito nets are attached to windows, vents and ventilation openings. They mechanically prevent mosquitoes from entering an apartment or house. There are also special fine mesh nets designed to protect cribs and door curtains.

The domestically produced expedition encephalitis jacket is a very unique way to fight mosquitoes. The jacket includes two layers of fabric. The bottom layer consists of a smooth, loose fabric with a bulky knit and large spaces between the threads. The outer layer uses a denser fabric. The outer layer is not fastened to the inner one and slides over it freely when a person moves. The insect lands on the jacket, looks for a cell between the threads, directs its trunk into it, reaches the body, and then, due to even the slightest movement of the body, the syllables shift and the proboscis breaks.

2. Chemicals:

  • repellents,
  • fumigators (spirals, electro-fumigators),
  • insecticides.

Repellents are special substances designed to repel insects. Depending on the mechanism of action, a distinction is made between volatile substances (olfactory), which act at a distance on the nerve endings of the olfactory organs of mosquitoes, and contact substances, which affect insects when they come into contact with the treated surface. The most effective are diethyltoluamide (DEET), oxamate, benzoylpiperidine, rebemide, carboxide.

If the repellent is produced in the form of a cream, ointment, emulsion, lotion, then it should be applied in a thin layer to the skin of exposed parts of the body, avoiding rubbing movements. The substance is sprayed from an aerosol can onto the palm, and then the skin of exposed parts of the body is also lubricated with it. A single application of repellent to the body can protect the skin from mosquito attacks for 2-5 hours.

electric fumigator

Repellents in the form of aqueous emulsions and solutions are intended for treating clothing, protective nets, canopies, and tents. Fabric impregnated with the substance can repel bloodsuckers for 2-3 weeks. Clothes are treated from an aerosol can outside of residential premises. It retains its repellent properties for 1-7 days. Don't forget that exposure to rain and washing will negatively affect these properties.

Fumigants are substances that are used by fumigation. These substances kill mosquitoes rather than repel them, unlike repellents. The most common are pyrotechnic fumigants (smoking coil, etc.) and electrofumigators. The latter are small devices that include an electric heating apparatus and plates impregnated with insecticide. Heat is both a bait and an activator for the evaporation of the insecticide.

It is better to use electric fumigators indoors, and it is more expedient and safer to use various smoking products in open spaces.

3. Technical means

This group includes ultrasonic devices, which are a modern and environmentally friendly protective device. Such devices generate monochromatic ultrasonic signals, which cause very unpleasant sensations in mosquitoes. A person does not feel these signals. Ultrasound devices are completely safe for children. There are two types of these devices: mains powered and battery powered. The effect of the former extends to an area of ​​25 square meters, while the latter repel bloodsuckers within a radius of three meters.

4. Ultraviolet devices

Products from this group, for example, a mosquito lamp, are designed to kill mosquitoes.

5. Folk remedies

We are talking about plants and their extracts, the smell of which is, to one degree or another, not tolerated by mosquitoes. One such plant is tomato leaves. Several pots with tomato bushes on the balcony or in front of the windows will not allow bloodsuckers into the room. The green parts of this plant have a specific odor that keeps mosquitoes at a respectful distance.

Mosquitoes also cannot tolerate the smell of cloves, anise, eucalyptus and cedar. For protection, you can put a cotton wool moistened with the oil of these plants on the windowsill. Clove, anise, cedar or eucalyptus oil can also be used to lubricate exposed parts of the body.

The smell of valerian, freshly picked walnut leaves, and fresh elderberry branches also repels mosquitoes. They cannot tolerate tobacco smoke and smoke from slightly dried juniper needles, spruce and pine cones. Carbolic acid is also effective in the fight against bloodsuckers. A lightly sprinkled wall near the bed with it will guarantee your restful sleep.

What to do after a mosquito bite: drug treatment

In most cases, the strategy for action after a mosquito bite is aimed at reducing itching, redness and pain. That is, the main task is to reduce symptoms. In rare cases, professional medical attention is required. This need arises if there has been a massive attack of blood-sucking parasites, and the victim is a person prone to an allergic reaction.

To prevent severe damage to the skin and constant scratching of the damaged area, it is necessary to block the sensation of itching. For this purpose, drugs containing dimethindene maleate are suitable. This is an active substance that suppresses one of the receptors and blocks the sensation of itching. If you treat an area of ​​skin with a preparation containing this component, the permeability of capillaries will decrease and the degree of irritation will decrease. An additional advantage of dimethindene is an analgesic and mild cooling effect.

Let's consider other features of treatment after mosquito bites:

  1. Antihistamines and topical glucocorticosteroid drugs are prescribed when local allergic reactions occur.
  2. If bullous rashes have formed at the site of the bites, aseptic opening of the blisters and their treatment with potassium permanganate are used.
  3. To reduce the severity of local reactions, second-generation glucocorticosteroid and antihistamine medications are used.
  4. Urgent hospitalization is resorted to only when systemic allergic reactions of any severity, angioedema, multiple bites, and attacks of suffocation are observed. Immunocompromised patients may require immediate medical attention.

The strategy of what to do after a mosquito bite and subsequent treatment directly depends on the clinical picture. For local manifestations, general and local therapy will be sufficient. Serious swelling and severe forms of allergic reactions require the use of more powerful drugs, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

First aid after stinging insect bites

Do not forget that a wasp sting is much more painful for a child than the sting of a bee or bumblebee. That is why first aid should be provided to the baby as soon as possible, although it is best to consult a doctor at the first bee attacks.

What should parents do to help their baby? First aid for bee and bumblebee bites consists of the following immediate measures:

  1. Remove the sting that was left after the bee attacked. This must be done extremely carefully, for example, with tweezers. You should not squeeze the wound with your fingers, as the effect of the poison will only intensify.
  2. Although the wasp and bumblebee do not leave their weapons in the wound, their bites, like the sting of a bee, are dangerous due to infection. That is why the skin needs to be washed with soapy water and then treated with an antiseptic.
  3. Since the venom of a bee, bumblebee or wasp is alkaline, it can be neutralized with lemon juice or acetylsalicylic acid. This is quite simple to do - squeeze a little lemon onto the bite site or pour crushed aspirin tablet powder.
  4. Parsley can also help if a wasp sting causes severe pain to the baby. Crush the greens of the plant and apply to your finger if it is swollen. Parsley relieves swelling and reduces pain.
  5. Most likely, you can’t do without an anti-allergy pill. If a child is allergic to bee or bumblebee venom, it is necessary to give the child an approved drug for his age as soon as possible. Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this.

In addition, you should know what not to do if you are bitten by bees, bumblebees and other stinging insects. Even if your finger is swollen, you should not apply soil to it. Such a remedy will not relieve pain and swelling, but it will easily cause infection.

Folk remedies for mosquito bites

To relieve itching, swelling and discomfort, you can try folk remedies for mosquito bites. They will help out if you don’t have a suitable ointment and other medications at hand:

  1. Essential oils help relieve itching, swelling and pain. They have anti-inflammatory, soothing, analgesic and antiseptic effects. Essential oils of lavender and tea tree will help cope with the consequences of mosquito bites. Before treating the affected skin, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test by dropping the solution on the elbow.
  2. Soda can be mixed with essential oil or water, applied to the bite site in a thin layer, or made into a cake from the resulting mixture. The product will relieve irritation and inflammation.
  3. Prepare a saline solution and soak a cotton pad with it generously. Apply the swab to the bite site for a few minutes.
  4. If a blister appears on the skin after an attack by blood-sucking parasites, a slice of raw potato will help reduce its size. For better results, it is better to grind it into a paste. This remedy is suitable for eliminating the consequences if the bite site is located in the eye area, where the use of chemical components is unacceptable.
  5. Parsley and cabbage leaves, crushed into a paste, help relieve itching and redness. In addition, plants improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, and have a general strengthening effect.

To reduce discomfort after a mosquito bite, any remedy that relieves itching, pain and redness is suitable. Before using it, you need to make sure that there is no allergic skin reaction to the components of the chosen folk medicine.

Insect bites: 12 types and what to do with each of them

In the summer, when families go on holiday outside the city, to summer cottages or picnics near the lake, the risk of receiving unwanted bites from various insects increases.

Some go away quickly, but particularly severe bites require immediate medical attention. We invite you to read about the 12 most common stings that you may feel while walking in the city or abroad on an exotic vacation.

12 types of different insect bites

1. Tick

The forest tick is the most dangerous for humans, as it is a carrier of dangerous diseases. The parasite's oral apparatus is designed in such a way that it allows it to attach deeply and firmly to the skin. In this case, a person will not experience pain and may find a tick on his body even after a few days. It may turn out that a tick bit you and fell off. Then at the site of the bite there will be a red spot with a circumference of several centimeters, and in the center there will be a black or red dot. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do at home if you are bitten by a tick? When it is not possible to go to the hospital, the tick can be removed at home. There are several ways:

Using thread. Place a loop around the base of the tick's body and gently pull it out, shaking it from side to side. The second method is tweezers. Here it is important to ensure that there is no rupture of the body. There are special devices for removing ticks, such as a special clamp, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Lubricate the bite site with any antiseptic.

2. Mosquito

Visually, mosquito bites appear on the skin as pink papules with the outline of a circle or drops. If you scratch the bite site, it will turn red because the mosquito's saliva will get into the surrounding tissue, which will intensify the reaction. There are cases when an allergic reaction with swelling occurs at the site of the bite.

Treating mosquito bites

  • Black elderberry and plantain leaves. After encountering a mosquito, it is best to wipe the area with a mashed black elderberry or plantain leaf. The leaves will help quickly relieve swelling and disinfect the bite site.
  • Ammonia . To relieve redness from a mosquito bite and itching, treat the skin with a cotton swab soaked in diluted ammonia (a tablespoon of alcohol per 3 tablespoons of water) or in a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon of soda per glass of water).


  • Menovazin. In order to relieve itching, swelling and irritation, lubricate the sore spot with an alcohol tincture of menovazine. This is a very effective remedy - no worse than the advertised expensive imported gels.
  • Garlic. It has been used for mosquito bites for a long time. It has already become a traditional folk remedy. Crush a clove of fresh garlic in a garlic press and dilute the resulting pulp with a small amount of water. Soak a piece of cloth in the solution and apply it to the bite site. Garlic will quickly relieve pain and itching and prevent swelling.
  • Soda. Add a small amount of water to a teaspoon of baking soda to form a thick paste. Make a small cake out of it and apply it to the sore spot. Wrap a wet cloth on top. After three hours, change the cake.

You can also dilute it more strongly with water and often lubricate mosquito bites with this soda solution.

  • Salt. Blisters from mosquito bites will quickly disappear if you rub them with fine table salt. Just rub the skin gently to prevent damage.
  • Laundry soap. Lubricating the bite site with a very thick solution of the darkest laundry soap helps reduce itching and redness.

3. Wasp

A wasp sting is very painful. A burning sensation is felt in its place, it swells and turns red. Sometimes a wasp sting causes a headache, high fever and a rash over the body.

We treat stings of wasps, bees and hornets

  • Garlic juice. If you or your child are bitten by a flying “striped bandit,” the first thing you need to do is remove the sting from the wound. Then lubricate the skin with fresh garlic juice or apply garlic paste.

If you couldn’t get the sting out, the wound began to fester and inflammation appeared, mix the garlic pulp with honey in equal parts, lubricate the wound, and apply a bandage. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day.

  • Cabbage and burdock leaves. An effective folk remedy for treating insect bites is cabbage leaf. Cut off the thickened part and lower the leaf into boiling water for just one minute to warm it up and become softer. After this, apply it to the bite.

For greater effect, coat one side of the leaf with honey and place this side on the sore spot. Wrap the compress with a bandage and wrap it with a warm bandage on top. You need to keep the compress all night. By morning the pain will go away. If swelling and induration remain, repeat the procedure.

As a rule, two procedures are enough for the pus to come out of the bite site and the swelling to subside. Instead of cabbage leaves, you can use burdock. Its medicinal properties are no less effective.

  • Parsley and potato juice. To relieve itching, you can also lubricate the bite site with parsley juice or apply a slice of raw potato.
  • Basil. Sometimes the itching from numerous bites is so strong that it leads to bloody scratching. A decoction of the medicinal herb basil will help quickly solve this problem.

Advice! To do this, boil 2 tablespoons of basil for five minutes in half a liter of water. Leave to cool and drink half a glass 3 times a day. Lubricate the bites with the same infusion and add to the bath when bathing.

  • Mint. Grind fresh mint leaves into a pulp and lubricate the skin. You can fill a piece of gauze with grass, tie it in a knot, and boil it in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Then squeeze out the knot, and lubricate the bites with the broth or apply a gauze knot to them.

As you can see, people have enough remedies to treat insect bites. And they, as practice shows, are much more effective than advertised “miracle” balms. And much cheaper! So the choice is yours.

Well, we’ll finally give you some tips on how you can avoid attacks from small pests:

  1. When going outdoors, give preference to light-colored clothing.
  2. Try not to wear perfume, aftershave or any other scents so that the bee does not confuse you with a flower.
  3. Talk to your doctor and increase your zinc intake if necessary. The insects are attracted to people who are deficient in zinc.
  4. Before going outside, apply Vaseline oil to bare areas of your body.

4. Bee

Having stung, the bee dies. This happens because it leaves its digestive tract along with the sting. Therefore, a bee sting is quite easy to recognize. The sting should be removed immediately to prevent the poison from entering the bloodstream. A bee sting is the second most common cause of anaphylaxis. If you experience shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, or difficulty breathing, call an ambulance.

First aid measures

Most often, adults are aware of how their body reacts to a bee sting. The situation with the child has an unknown outcome. In any case, initial actions must be taken quickly. The degree of distribution of toxic substances through the victim’s blood depends on this.

  1. Get rid of the sting immediately. It is better to do this with sterile tweezers or clean, disinfected hands. It is important that no residue remains under the skin. Otherwise, and if dirt gets into the wound, inflammation is inevitable.
  2. Soak a clean cloth or gauze with ammonia or ethyl alcohol, vinegar, a solution of soda or potassium permanganate. Apply to the wound. Keep it for as long as possible, repetition is possible. This minimizes pain, disinfects and slows down the development of swelling.
  3. You can wash the damaged area of ​​the body with soap (72% household soap is better) and apply ice.

5. Hornet

The insect pierces the skin like a bee, however, the sting does not leave a wound. The bite site swells, turns red, and acute pain appears. Symptoms of a hornet sting include: rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, cold extremities, and a bluish tint to the lips, ears, and neck. Loss of consciousness is possible. Small children and adults with weakened immune systems experience a very painful hornet bite. If appropriate symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid

In the event of a hornet bite, it is necessary to implement a number of measures that will help get rid of the negative consequences. For example:

  • Take the victim away from the place where the hornet carried out the attack, sit him in a comfortable position, unfasten the collar and loosen the belt.
  • The hornet does not leave a sting, so you should not look for it.
  • If the hornet was killed during a bite, then fragments of the sting may remain in the wound. In this case, it must be carefully removed in the most accessible way, disinfecting both the instrument and the wound itself.
  • The affected area must be treated with an antibacterial agent, such as a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Wipe the bite site with any alcohol solution. This could be vodka, moonshine, cologne, eau de toilette or medical alcohol.
  • After this, ice or something cold is applied to the bite site.
  • The victim should take an antihistamine to avoid allergic reactions.
  • If a severe allergic reaction occurs, immediately take the victim to the hospital or call an ambulance.

How to properly treat a bite site:

  1. All movements should be clear, but light, without pressing on the bite site.
  2. The treatment product should be applied carefully with light movements.
  3. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the poison, as it will no longer be present at the point of the bite.
  4. Before processing, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap to avoid infecting the wound.

What is unacceptable to do:

  • Apply pressure to the bite site.
  • Rub the affected area.
  • Cauterize the wound.
  • Warm up the swollen area.
  • Treat with iodine or brilliant green.


As a rule, traditional medicine mainly uses natural ingredients. When people go on vacation, into nature, they can take with them tablets against diarrhea or against rapid digestion of food, but not against the bites of various insects, although, if you are extremely careful, you can hardly feel the stings of bees, wasps or hornets, God forbid. But in nature, some plants that are always at hand will help overcome the consequences of bites. If a hornet bites you at home, you can also use traditional medicine.

The following plants can stop the spread of swelling and redness:

  • Aloe juice or pulp.
  • Plantain juice or leaf.
  • Chopped parsley (greens).

Cooking method:

  1. The bite site is washed with clean water.
  2. After this, a plantain leaf, plantain or aloe juice, or a gruel of chopped parsley is applied to the bite site.
  3. Before this, the greens must be thoroughly washed.
  4. After applying the product, cover the bite site with a clean piece of cloth, gauze or bandage. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the compress or reapply plant juice.

On a note! In any case, you will need an allergy pill. If this happened in nature and no one had an allergy pill, and the victim was quite ill, then he would quickly have to be taken to a nearby hospital or try to call an ambulance. Therefore, when going out of town for a picnic, you should always take antihistamines and disinfectant liquids with you.

6. Flea

The bites of these insects are most often observed on the legs. A flea can bite repeatedly. The bites look like small red dots. If you comb them, they take a long time to heal, and dark spots remain at the site of the bites for a long time.

Recognizing a flea bite

Two punctures will be visible in its center, which will help distinguish it from damage by other insects. This also suggests that in this case the person is not dealing with an allergic reaction. A person feels infestation with fleas immediately because they cause pain. This is due to the fact that the parasite does not inject an anesthetic into the wound, but injects an enzyme that prevents the blood from clotting. This enzyme causes itching and swelling.

First aid

  • The first unpleasant symptom of flea infestation is severe itching, which affects both children and adults. Therefore, treatment of flea bites on a person involves, first of all, means for disinfecting the wound, relieving pain, swelling and itching.
  • First, the affected area is washed with soapy water, rinsed and wiped dry, then an antiseptic is applied (brilliant, iodine, alcohol, etc.). It is not recommended to use hot water, as it will cause severe itching.
  • To relieve swelling, wipe the wound with vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio or a solution of citric acid.

7. Ant

When an insect bites, it releases a toxin that causes an allergic reaction. The affected areas are visually similar to flea bites, but the ant's sting causes instant sharp pain. It is necessary to prevent infection of the wound and soothe itchy skin.

What to do if you are bitten by an ant?

  • Wash the area with soapy water.
  • Apply ice for 10-15 minutes.
  • Lubricate with an antiseptic (preferably 70% alcohol or vodka).

For severe itching and redness, you can use pharmaceutical remedies for ant bites (balms or ointments):

  • "Golden Star";
  • "Vitaon";
  • "Fenistil gel";
  • "Advantan".

When going into a risk area, add an anti-anaphylactic pack to your first aid kit. Ant bites in children are no more dangerous than in adults. It is difficult to persuade a child not to scratch the damaged area, so use pharmacy ointments or folk remedies to relieve itching. If the child does scratch the area, apply a bandage or cover it with a breathable bactericidal adhesive plaster.

Treatment of ant bites with folk remedies

  • Mix baking soda with water to a paste and apply to the sore spot.
  • Wipe with ammonia diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply mint toothpaste.
  • Place a lotion of milk or milk ice for 10 minutes.
  • Crush a tablet of activated carbon, drop a little water, put the resulting paste on the bite site and cover with film.
  • Apply a lotion with echinacea tincture, take a few drops orally to relieve an allergic reaction.
  • Wipe the area with a cut onion or apply onion juice.

How to treat an ant bite with improvised means? Aloe juice, gruel from parsley or plantain leaves, and a piece of raw potato will help. By applying them, you can relieve swelling and redness, reduce itching and pain.

8. Lice

Most often, insects live on the head, but there are species located on other hairy parts of the body. The bite causes severe itching and leaves a small red dot.

First aid for bites

The peculiarity of lice is that even after the parasites are removed, itching may persist for some time, which leads to nervous disorders and insomnia.

Traditional methods and pharmaceutical preparations are used to treat itching.

  1. The bite site is treated with soap and washed off with warm water.
  2. The affected areas are lubricated with vodka or alcohol diluted with water 1:1. Thus, the bites are disinfected and the infection does not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. Especially to relieve itching, including that caused by insect bites, one of the ointments is used - Fenistil or Psilo-balm.
  4. The product is applied to itchy areas 2-4 times a day. As prescribed by a doctor, local treatment can be combined with oral antihistamines.

If the itching is not relieved by these methods, the patient will need hospitalization in a hospital. In this case, antiallergic drugs are administered through intravenous infusions.

9. Horsefly

The bite leaves a noticeable mark with swelling around it. A hot sensation occurs at the site of swelling. The bite causes itching, dizziness, and infection is possible.

How to help someone who has been bitten by a horsefly?

First aid and further treatment measures are necessary to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and heal the bite site faster. The first measures consist of the following:

  • To prevent the horsefly’s saliva from expanding its effect, the bitten area must be pressed with a finger.
  • Apply ice to relieve itching.
  • It is important to wash the bite with soap and water. To do this, the water should be cool, because warm water can intensify the itching and burning. It is better to take soap without cosmetic additives.
  • Lubricate the bitten area with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. After this, you can apply iodine or brilliant green. It is very important to disinfect the wound to prevent inflammation from developing and to avoid infection.

A horsefly bite can be treated at home. It rarely happens that the victim needs to be hospitalized. Medical intervention is necessary if many bites have been inflicted or a person has developed severe allergic manifestations.

Traditional and home treatment methods are suitable to speed up the healing process. To do this, you can always use the tools that are at hand. Treat an insect bite in the following ways:

  • A bandage with a solution of soda or boric acid will help relieve itching.
  • Plantain leaf pulp is also effective in relieving the itching sensation. In order to prepare the raw material, you need to pick plantain leaves, wash and grind to form a paste.
  • Then the resulting product is applied to the bite site, securing it with a bandage. If you don’t have fresh plantain nearby, you can use dried one. Before grinding, it is soaked in water.
  • Plantain juice is an equally good way. A sterile napkin is soaked in it and applied to the bitten area.
  • Dandelion helps with a horsefly bite with its juice, which should be used to lubricate the wound, splitting the stem of the plant.
  • Onion juice is obtained by finely chopping the onion. It can also be used to alleviate the suffering of the patient.
  • Fresh wormwood juice helps relieve pain and eliminate swelling.

In addition to these available remedies, mint, aloe juice, yarrow, black nightshade, parsley, lemon juice, sour cream, potato gruel, propolis or calendula tincture, and garlic gruel can relieve the symptoms of a bite.

10. Bedbug

The bites are massive, densely located next to each other and grouped. Bed bugs bite in one line. The number of bites of one bug is from 3 to 5 punctures of the skin with redness at intervals of 2-4 centimeters.

How and with what to treat?

In order to get rid of itching and damage to the skin, you can use both folk remedies and specialized medical creams or ointments. How to treat bedbug bites? First you need to wash the affected area with cool water and soap or a soda solution. This will relieve the itching a little. After this, you can apply an ice cube and wipe the skin with parsley or potato juice. Next, we will tell you what medications can be used for bedbug bites?

Attention! Ammonia, ointment for bedbug bites “Fenistil” or cream “Rescuer” help well. The last two remedies for bedbug bites will also act as anti-allergens.

How to get rid of itching?

It is best to anoint the damaged areas with Afloderm ointment or Zvezdochka balm. In case of a severe allergic reaction, you can use antihistamines - Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil. However, before using them, it is best to consult a specialist doctor.

Bedbug bites on humans - treatment with folk remedies:

  • Treat with mint leaves;
  • Applying a softened dandelion stem;
  • Lubricating damaged areas with garlic juice, which relieves irritation and swelling;
  • Using plantain or bird cherry leaves;
  • Applying a cut onion; Lubricating with aloe juice.

11. Fly

The bite leaves a red mark and is unusually painful. The insect can carry a disease called rabbit fever. Symptoms: skin ulcers, fever, headache.

To reduce unpleasant symptoms, as well as the risk of infection after being bitten by an autumn fly or horsefly, several simple emergency measures should be taken:

  • Rinse the wound with plenty of clean running water.
  • Treatment with antiseptic solutions - you can use hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, brilliant green.
  • Reducing the severity of the inflammatory reaction using a special remedy for insect bites (Gardex balm) or anti-inflammatory medications for local external use (Lokoid ointment, Disinfection of the wound after a fly bite with hydrogen peroxide Fenistil).
  • Combating possible allergic reactions with the help of antihistamines, which include Loratadine, Diazolin, Suprastin.

12. Spider

Lives only in certain areas. Its bite can only be felt after 6 hours, when pain occurs.

First aid for bites

When spiders bite adults or children, severe intoxication of the body develops, so you need to quickly provide first aid to the victim. If a person manages to see a jointed one and determine that it belongs to a poisonous species, then medical intervention will be required. You should call an ambulance, and only then try to alleviate the victim’s condition.

The following measures will help prevent the spread of poison in the body:

  • the bite area must be thoroughly washed under running cool water using laundry soap;
  • if a limb is damaged, it should be immobilized to prevent the poison from penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue and healthy tissue areas;
  • the bite site must be treated with solutions with antiseptic and antimicrobial activity - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine bigluconate, iodine, brilliant green, ethyl alcohol, Miramistin, Furacilin;
  • You can localize the area where toxins are spreading by pulling an arm or leg (without impairing blood circulation!) with an elastic bandage slightly above the bite area;
  • Apply a cold compress in the form of pieces of ice wrapped in thick cloth to the reddened area of ​​the skin.

If loss of consciousness occurs, then help with a spider bite consists of monitoring the victim until the ambulance arrives. It is necessary to turn the person on his side and make sure that he does not choke on the vomit.


How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes interfere with a relaxing holiday not only in nature, but also at home. They enter apartments through open windows, as well as from the basement through the interior of the house - through ventilation openings and staircases. On a warm summer evening it is impossible to hide from them in the park or garden.

Is it possible to protect yourself from mosquitoes?

How can you protect yourself from mosquitoes and reduce the likelihood of being bitten?

  • Avoid sweet perfumes that attract blood-sucking parasites. It is better to give preference to a fresh or sharp aroma that repels insects.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows and vents.
  • Apply a mixture of olive oil, clove essential oil and tea tree to your body before walking.
  • Buy effective mosquito repellents and use them according to the manufacturer's instructions on clothing.

The greatest concentration of mosquitoes is observed in the evening near water bodies. If you are camping on the shore of a lake with a tent, a fire will help you escape from annoying parasites.

Mosquitoes as carriers of diseases

Infectious diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites are found mainly in southern countries, mainly in the tropics. They can be of two types:

  • diseases in which mosquitoes serve as mechanical carriers of pathogens;
  • diseases in which the pathogen needs to live for a certain time in the mosquito’s body.

The latter are the most dangerous, but for the infection to develop, a sufficiently long cycle in the mosquito and the creation of a natural focus from wild warm-blooded animals is necessary, which is possible only in hot countries. The infection is transmitted through the female's saliva while feeding on blood. Only three diseases have been registered in Russia, while in tropical countries there are several dozen of them. Therefore, when going on an exotic trip, do not forget to check which vaccinations are recommended as a preventive measure.

  1. Malaria, or swamp fever, is a group of diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms. Around the world, about 200 million people fall ill every year, of which 600 thousand cases end in death. Up to 90% of cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Only mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles transmit malaria pathogens. In the 60s of the last century, the Soviet Union got rid of malaria, but in our time there are isolated cases of the disease. These are mainly tourists who arrived from countries with a hot climate: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and 22 other African countries. What happens if a malaria mosquito bites? There are malaria mosquitoes in Russia, but there is no malaria - that is, the insects are free from the pathogen. In isolated cases, it is possible to become infected if a mosquito has previously bitten a malaria patient. Thus, in 2010, 107 cases of the disease were registered, in 2012 - 86, in 2012 - 87, in 2013 - 95. With rare exceptions, all cases are imported. Visitors from Tajikistan and Azerbaijan are also considered unfavorable for malaria. A hotbed of deadly tropical malaria has formed in Tajikistan. As for the formation of outbreaks on the territory of Russia, such a possibility in hot years exists for the Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, and Dagestan.
  2. Dirofilariasis is a parasitic disease caused by the development of nematode larvae - roundworms. The development chain of the parasite involves a mosquito, a dog and a human. The disease is registered in the Moscow and Tula regions.
  3. The mosquito of the genus Culex (true mosquitoes) can serve as a carrier of tularemia, a zoonotic infection, including from animals to humans.
  4. In tropical countries, mosquitoes of the genus Aedes serve as carriers of various viral fevers. Dengue fever is common in the Caribbean, Central America and southern Central Asia, while yellow fever is common in Africa and South America.
  5. Lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis of the skin) can be caused by a mosquito bite in tropical Africa, Asia, South America, and the Pacific Islands.

Unfortunately, insect saliva sometimes contains quite dangerous viruses and parasites. As a result, mosquito bites can transmit serious diseases to humans. Among them are the following:

  • West Nile virus;
  • malaria;
  • yellow fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • dengue fever;
  • polyarthritis;
  • filariasis.

Professional mosquito treatment

If you want to get rid of blood-sucking parasites in your summer cottage, contact the Dez Group SES for help. Only professional mosquito repellent treatment will allow you to forget about discomfort and give you a relaxing holiday in nature. The company’s specialists use certified and proven drugs with a prolonged action to combat blood-sucking individuals. The effect of the insecticide is enhanced by the method of applying it using a fog generator.

Professional mosquito treatment

If you want to clarify the cost of treating an object against mosquitoes, ask questions and find out other details of the procedure, leave a request on the company’s website. A Dez Group representative will contact you in a few minutes.

External means

The site of the bite causes the most unpleasant sensations. Therefore, you should remember to use external medications to relieve the feeling of itching. It is very important to remember what to apply to a mosquito bite.

The following remedies relieve itching:

  • zinc ointment;
  • “Bepanten-plus”;
  • "Rescuer";
  • gel “Fenistil”;
  • balm “Star”;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • “Psilo-balm.”

The drug “Fenistil” perfectly eliminates itching from a mosquito bite and urticaria. Having a calming effect, it best relieves skin irritation. However, do not forget that this effective drug has contraindications. Fenistil is not allowed to be used by children under one year of age. The use of the drug should be limited to pregnant women.

Not only medications are effective. What to put on mosquito bites? Mosquital products have excellent properties. They are produced in the form of foams, gels, balms, and sprays. These products are based on an antibacterial complex with silver ions.

The positive effect of these products is based on the elimination of skin irritation, immediate relief of itching and a calming effect.

For babies, an excellent solution would be to use Gardex Baby products, which are based on plant substances. They are produced in the form of gel, foam, cream, pencil, bracelet.

What is culicidosis

Manifestations of culicidosis can be serious.
Bites of midges, hornets, gadflies and other insects can cause symptoms similar to a mosquito bite. Around the place where the insect stung, severe swelling appears, the color of the epithelium changes sharply, and a rash forms.

The medical term for mosquito allergy among the general population is culicidosis.

Allergies to mosquito bites can manifest themselves in different ways. There are several stages of the disease. A slight spot that disappears in a couple of days is the norm. If the human body does not independently produce antibodies that resist the anticoagulant poison, then the bitten person will feel a burning sensation, acute pain, shortness of breath, and even loss of consciousness is possible. For the treatment of culicidosis to be effective, it will be necessary to understand why the immune system does not respond to the substance secreted by the mosquito.


Mosquito allergies are common among children. With age, the body gets used to fighting on its own, without the use of outside help in the form of medications. Why does an allergy to a bloodsucker bite occur?

  • The classic example is heredity. If one of the relatives suffered from such a reaction to stimuli, then this information will be passed on to the baby in the genetic code.
  • A common cause is special sensitivity. An improper diet, food containing preservatives, restless sleep, and general fatigue of the body are the basis for allergies.
  • Sometimes the immune system reacts sharply to the protein produced by winged insects.

How does an allergy manifest?

Immunity performs a protective function. Failing to cope with the task, it sends signals through a rash, itching, swelling of more than 10 cm. In adults, it is quite rare that severe tolerance to the bite occurs; the matter is often limited to swelling and redness increased to 5-10 cm. What are the symptoms?

  • The most minor reaction in terms of severity is local. A blister or swelling of 10 cm in size appears around the injured area, and the skin acquires a pinkish-red tint.
  • Urticaria is a general reaction of the body that manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, watery eyes, nausea, weakness and shortness of breath.
  • Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness, deterioration up to anaphylactic shock - this is the worst scenario for the development of the disease.

Treatment is necessary in any of the above cases. By consulting a doctor on time, you will be able to avoid complications and get rid of unnecessary worries.

Degree of skin damage

The first stage is a large watery blister that does not shrink within 24 hours, and the color of the epithelium around it changes from pinkish to brownish-red. Allergies of this type need to be treated with external means, ointments, creams.

What does hives look like? An unpleasant disease develops quickly; the area around the bite becomes covered with red spots that constantly itch. If measures are not taken, the affected area will increase. The average duration of urticaria is at least 3 days.

Severe swelling of the skin near the mucous membranes is Quincke's edema. It looks unpleasant and goes away very slowly. Large tumors prevent the body from functioning normally. If the reaction manifests itself on the face, it can affect the performance of visual and auditory receptors.

Features of symptoms in children

Severe reaction in children

How does allergy to mosquito bites manifest in children? It is quite difficult for the immune system of babies to cope with unfamiliar irritants, especially if it is not just a draft, but a foreign body penetrating under the skin. Before choosing a treatment method, examine the child's body and make sure that the rash is caused by a mosquito bite.

If a mosquito bites you, there will be a noticeable red dot in the center of the blister. The absence of one indicates that the bite was caused by fleas, midges or other insects.

Local symptoms are itching, which causes the baby to constantly scratch the wound, burning, and the appearance of blisters filled with liquid.

A severe reaction to a mosquito bite in a child is accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, widespread swelling, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Secondary infections

When scratching the bite site, a wound is formed into which pathogenic microorganisms can easily enter. The infection process begins and pus accumulates in the wound.

With constant scratching, the wound will not heal, and a seal will begin to form in its place. In this case, you should use antibacterial external ointments (levomekol, tetracycline, balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky).

If a secondary infection is accompanied by an allergic reaction, you should consult a specialist.

Under no circumstances should you use products containing glucocorticosteroids!
The success of treating mosquito bites depends on the correct actions. With proper treatment, the symptoms will disappear in 7-10 days, otherwise the wounds may not heal for a long time; in advanced conditions, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Help with severe itching

It is best to prevent a situation in which a child may suffer from any insect bites. But if such a nuisance has already occurred, you need to immediately provide him with help before the child injures the itchy swelling and introduces an infection. For this purpose, you can use available folk remedies and pharmaceutical drugs.

Traditional first aid methods:

  1. To treat itching and swelling, use baking soda dissolved in water. A teaspoon of soda is diluted in a glass of boiled water. Afterwards, use a cotton swab dipped in soda solution to treat the reddened, swollen areas.
  2. The area of ​​skin affected by a mosquito bite can be treated with a light pink manganese solution.
  3. The pharmacy balm “Zvezdochka” has a good disinfecting effect. This ointment helps relieve itching and swelling.
  4. To provide emergency relief in nature, you can use lemon, garlic, green onion and dandelion juice. A paste of crushed leaves of parsley, mint, bird cherry or plantain applied to the child's skin will help. After folk remedies, it is necessary to continue treatment with the use of pharmaceutical drugs.
  5. If a child is severely bitten and there are multiple red itchy spots on the body, a folk remedy in the form of a soothing bath with herbs and sea salt will help him.
  6. After treating the bites with manganese or soda solution, you need to wipe the red spot with alcohol and then with brilliant green.

In addition to available folk remedies, you can use pharmaceutical products designed to provide assistance in such cases. These are creams and ointments that have a comprehensive antiallergic and disinfecting effect on red spots that appear on a child’s skin after insect bites. By acting on the bitten area, they relieve itching and swelling. In addition to ointments and creams, in especially severe cases, the child is prescribed antihistamines in the form of syrups or tablets.

Zinc-based ointments, Tsindol suspension, Bepanten-plus ointment, and Fenistil gel will help relieve inflammation and swelling. Homeopathic preparations made from arnica and calendula are completely safe for children. By smearing the bitten area with an alcohol tincture of these plants, you can be guaranteed to relieve all the unpleasant symptoms that bother the child. To treat the consequences of insect bites, the pharmacy industry offers various creams, lotions and ointments specifically intended for small children under one year of age (Rescuer, Psilo-balm).

Important! In any case, the use of any medications to treat a child, even homeopathic remedies, should be started only after consulting a pediatrician.

The most common pharmaceutical drugs that can be used in an emergency are valocordin, Corvalol, and tea tree oil. Not inside! They treat the bitten areas.

The market for children's products is saturated with a variety of sprays, balms, creams, pencils and ointments designed to relieve unpleasant symptoms in a child after insect bites, as well as to prevent mosquito attacks. The use of fumigators can be harmful to the baby, so it is better to carry out prevention using physical methods: close the doors to the street/balcony in the evening, protect the windows with mosquito nets.

Allergy to insect bites

Manifests itself with hypertrophied symptoms of a local or general nature. Severe swelling may occur locally; the area of ​​the body where there is a wound appears swollen, red, and enlarged. The general clinical picture is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the throat and tongue;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • convulsions;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • myocardial failure.

Treatment regimen:

  • local hormonal creams, ointments;
  • injection of glucocorticosteroids;
  • antihistamines in tablets;
  • infusion therapy (intravenous drip of saline, Ringer, etc.)

A red rash on the body may occur due to allergies. Often, allergic reactions become more active after eating new foods. Allergy pimples can be either small or large. They can be treated with folk remedies or pharmaceutical drugs.

Any treatment in this case will be useless until you identify the provoking allergen and exclude it from the diet (if it is a food product).

How to treat a child

Mosquitoes cause particular nuisance to children. Children's skin is very delicate and reacts violently even to minor damage. How to apply mosquito bites to a child? Use alcohol, ice cubes, lotion. For children over two years old, Golden Star balm is suitable. It is very important to distract the baby and convince him not to scratch the itchy area.

How to apply mosquito bites to a child under one year old? Try to make do with folk remedies. It is not recommended to use strong antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments, but if necessary, consult your pediatrician.

Allergies to mosquito bites in children are no more common than in adults. An infant needs to consult a doctor. In mild cases, older children can be given: “Suprastin”, “Diazolin”, “Fenkarol”. If swelling spreads, severe urticaria, or breathing problems, you should call an ambulance.

The following are used as folk remedies for mosquito bites for children:

  • soda in the form of a solution or slurry;
  • tea tree oil;
  • sour cream or yogurt;
  • mint toothpaste.

A good way to relieve itching from mosquito bites in a child is a lotion made from a pulp of dandelion, plantain, and basil leaves.

Let's summarize - mosquito bites are practically safe, but they cause a lot of discomfort and can ruin your outdoor recreation, especially if you have small children with you. To relieve itching and swelling at the bite site, use simple remedies: alcohol, lotion, baking soda. Various pharmacy balms and ointments work well against insect bites. When traveling to tropical countries, take measures to prevent infectious diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites.

Children walking on the street are often attacked by annoying bloodsuckers. First of all, the neck, ankles, and arms suffer from bites. Is it worth mentioning how annoying the itching is and what difficulties it creates for the child? It is very unpleasant if an insect bites a baby, who cannot even let adults know what is bothering him.

Remember: the product for a child should be selected especially carefully. It is best to discuss this issue with your pediatrician, because the consequences of self-medication can be disastrous. You should not try all kinds of remedies on your child after mosquito bites.

1. The bite area should be carefully washed with soapy warm water. This procedure will calm the baby and remove the blood that appears.

2. To reduce itching and relieve swelling, the damaged area is treated with a cold sponge. But remember: if you use ice, be sure to wrap it in a towel. Otherwise, the baby may get a cold burn.

3. Be sure to relieve your child's itching. To do this, apply sunburn milk to the bite. This will significantly reduce the desire to scratch the damaged area. If such a remedy is not at hand, a natural question arises about how to anoint a mosquito bite. You can make an excellent product yourself. Make a thick paste from water and baking soda. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas.

4. Pay attention to your baby's nails. It is best to cut them short. This will protect the delicate skin from deep open scratches, because such wounds expose the baby to the risk of infection.

5. Carefully monitor the bite sites throughout the day. Any undesirable changes (excessive swelling, fluid secretion, etc.) are a serious reason to seek help from a doctor. Continue to use cold sponges, lotions, and soda paste against mosquito bites for children until the discomfort disappears. Sometimes such processes last for several weeks. Only after this time do the signs of bites completely disappear from the child’s body.

Allergic reactions in children and adults

Allergies to the bites of these insects do not occur often in adults. However, in children, especially under three years of age, this is a common phenomenon, because Children's immunity is not yet accustomed to fighting the saliva that is released during a bite.

There are three main reasons for allergies to mosquito bites:

  1. Heredity
  2. Special sensitivity
  3. A sharp reaction of the immune system to substances contained in insect saliva

Another reaction of the body to a bite is hives. It appears as a rash on the body and severe itching.

A severe and dangerous reaction is nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and anaphylactic shock. Angioedema may also appear.

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