Yellow skin: is the real cause always hidden in hepatitis?


A yellow complexion in cancer indicates blockage of the bile ducts and compression of the common bile duct by a neoplasm of the pancreas, duodenum, bladder, papilla of Vater, esophagus, stomach, and lymphoma. Often, obstructive jaundice appears due to malignant pathology of the liver, when large ducts are affected.

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What is a cancer examination

  • Natalya Gennadievna Butsyk
  • December 6, 2020

However, the most common factor in the occurrence of jaundice can be considered liver metastases. This organ cleanses the body of toxic substances, so the rotary vein leads here venous blood from all corners of the body. The cellular structures are engaged in cleansing, after which clean blood flows to the heart through the genital veins.

If a cancerous formation has formed in some organ, the atypical cells are washed out, penetrate through the lymphatic system or blood vessels into the liver, where they begin to multiply. This is how metastatic cancer develops, which has a loose structure and rapidly progresses. Metastasis in the “filter” of the body always indicates the last stage of the pathological process.

Daughter tumors appear with malignant lesions of the lungs, bones, mammary glands, appendages, prostate, cervix or intestines. If non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is diagnosed, obstructive jaundice is caused by the proliferation of lymph nodes at the hepatic gate, compressing the bile ducts.

Nail color and liver disease

The color of nails and their condition can tell a lot about a patient’s liver disease. They are a kind of mirror and the dullness and pallor that the toenails and fingernails have is one of the symptoms of the pathology.

In addition to the color of the nails, you should pay attention to the white crescent located under the nail of the index finger. A decrease in its size or complete disappearance is a signal of dysfunction of the liver, pancreas and digestive system as a whole.

Failures of the digestive system affect the condition of the nails, talking about:

  • insufficient liver function,
  • lack of vitamin B,
  • poor absorption of iron by the body,
  • impaired protein metabolism.


If the skin turns yellow due to cancer, you should urgently consult a doctor, as this condition is dangerous due to severe intoxication and a significant deterioration in well-being. When the common bile duct is blocked by a malignant neoplasm, the ducts become overcrowded, and pressure increases in the intrahepatic ducts. Because of this, they expand and become thinner.

The blood is saturated with bile acids and bilirubin, which causes the level of toxins to increase significantly, disrupting metabolism and poisoning various organs. The immune system is suppressed, blood clotting worsens, which is dangerous for bleeding. In addition to the liver itself, the kidneys and myocardium are under severe attack.

Hepatocytes lose their functionality, gradually dying. In addition, blocking the common duct prevents bile from flowing into the duodenum, making fat digestion impossible. As a result, vitamin deficiency and energy starvation develop.

Hepatic encephalopathy also occurs, leading to psychological disorders. Cognitive functions are impaired and attention deteriorates.

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  • Natalya Gennadievna Butsyk
  • December 6, 2020

Obstructive jaundice progresses gradually, increasing the severity of symptoms. Sometimes the syndrome indicates a small but extremely aggressive cancerous tumor, which does not yet manifest itself in any way, but is rapidly developing. This often happens with melanoma or sarcoma, which metastasize early.

Early signs include:

  • Yellowing of the eye sclera, noticeable when looking up.
  • Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  • Darkening of urine .
  • Lack of coloration of stool , which becomes white-gray.
  • Increased abdominal volume due to liver enlargement and fluid accumulation ( ascites ).
  • Dilatation of saphenous veins in different parts of the body.

In addition to the face, the mucous membranes and skin of other areas turn yellow. Jaundice in cancer also causes symptoms of intoxication - fever, itching and chills, loss of appetite up to complete loss, general weakness, nausea with vomiting, headache and dizziness, ringing in the ears, weight loss, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Tongue color and liver disease

Another main indicator of the state of the body is its tongue. If a person does not have diseases, then his tongue is pink, with a relief devoid of deep cracks and grooves, and there is no plaque on it.

If the internal organs malfunction, this is immediately reflected in the color of the tongue.

The color of the tongue in liver diseases, as can be judged from the photo, becomes yellow - from barely pronounced to rich shades. Jaundice, in this case, manifests itself not only on the tongue, but also on other mucous membranes, as well as on the patient’s skin.

Raspberry tongue is a symptom of such a dangerous liver disease as cirrhosis. There is even a term “liver tongue”, in which this muscular organ acquires a red “strawberry” color or even purple. You can see what the tongue looks like with this liver disease in the photo, and the cause of this change is developing liver failure with cirrhosis.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is possible to thoroughly determine the causes of yellowness only with a full examination, including a series of laboratory tests and instrumental examination. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The following doctors deal with these issues:

  • hematologist,
  • gastroenterologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • infectious disease specialist

In general, you need to contact your local physician, who will give you a referral to the right specialist.

At the first signs of yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor conducts an oral interview, a face-to-face examination of the patient, and prescribes laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. In the future, concomitant consultation with a hepatologist, gastroenterologist, hematologist, or oncologist may be required.

What is responsible for skin color

In order to understand why the skin turns yellow, it is important to know what affects its color. Generally speaking, skin color is determined by human genes and a substance such as melanin, the amount of which varies among people of different races.

However, when talking about the healthy color of the skin of children and adults, they usually mean the absence of pallor and yellowness.

In the vast majority of cases, the causes of yellowness are an excess of a pigment such as bilirubin, which is found in the blood of every person and is a breakdown product of hemoglobin.

Another reason is carotene, the same pigment found in carrots and a number of other fruits and vegetables. The symptom is typical for those people who follow carrot or apricot diets or simply abuse these products. This accumulation of carotene, when the mucous membranes are not affected, is called false jaundice.

Yellow complexion and bruises under the eyes. What diseases does yellowness indicate?

Yellow circles under the eyes, what are they, where do they come from and why? There are a number of answers to the questions of the appearance of yellow circles under the eyes and near the mouth, signaling a malfunction in the functioning of the body, which should be given closer attention, especially if the appearance of an unhealthy color is accompanied by other symptoms, for example. Let's talk about common causes of the disease.

Consumption of foods containing yellow pigments

In other words, this reaction of the body is called pseudojaundice, which manifests itself after eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits with this pigment, for example, carrots, lemon, tangerine, yellow pepper, etc.

The cause of yellowness is not so terrible, is not a pathology and does not require medical intervention.

It is recommended to review your diet, since overeating foods can trigger an allergic reaction.

Other common causes

Among the secondary causes of yellowness under the eyes that do not entail serious consequences are:

  • Increased sensitivity to the sun. This is especially true for spring and summer, when ultraviolet rays become more active. During this period, people with sensitive skin may experience changes in pigmentation around the eyes. To eliminate the manifestation, it is enough to purchase good sunglasses and the problem will be solved.
  • Physiological characteristics of a person. Genetic predisposition is one of the rarest causes of yellow circles under the eyes. The thing is that between the skin and the fiber, people of this type, especially women, have a thin layer of membrane, which affects the skin tone. This phenomenon cannot be treated and appears in newborns.
  • Rim glasses. If you wear glasses with metal frames, the frames may oxidize, causing yellow circles to appear. To eliminate the cause, just thoroughly clean your face and accessory.
  • Wrong lifestyle. Bad habits, lack of sleep, nutrition, stress, fatigue and lack of oxygen, excess weight or sudden weight loss are also the most common causes of discoloration under the eyes. All this can affect the functioning of the liver, which will no longer cope with the loads placed on it.

How to eliminate the symptom?

Effective complex therapy should be prescribed exclusively by specialists based on research and analysis of the underlying disease. Categorically exclude the possibility of self-medication, do not purchase over-the-counter drugs to support the liver. Perhaps your disorder lies in another aspect, and independent selection of medications can only aggravate its course. You should not experiment with alternative and folk remedies. The liver and bile ducts are a serious system that can easily be damaged, but it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

Treatment is prescribed from the first visit to the doctor. An adequate differential diagnosis is carried out to determine the exact cause of the unpleasant symptom. Then the patient is prescribed synthetic medications and certain phytotherapeutic preparations that help maintain the liver normal. If necessary, urgent intervention is performed. To maintain normal health, the patient is prescribed a number of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Physiological yellowing of the skin in infants tends to resolve spontaneously within a few weeks after birth. However, the pediatrician must closely monitor the condition of the newborn to prevent the development of liver pathology.

Yellowness on human skin can appear due to various diseases that are somehow related to the functionality of internal organs. The yellow tint to the skin is due to bilirubin.

Bilirubin is a certain pigment that is present in the blood, formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin proteins present in red blood cells and carrying out the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Bilirubin is removed from the human body through stool. If for some specific reason it accumulates more than expected, then yellow spots become the result. If the skin on the body is yellow, this is most likely due to the high content of carotene in the blood. Often, yellow skin surrounding the mouth or eyes is observed in those who maintain an orange diet for a long time or use some kind of medications. If the body has turned yellow due to a violation of the removal of bilirubin from the body, in this case 3 types of jaundice are determined.

The diagnosis of hemolytic jaundice is made when hemoglobin breaks down too quickly. In this case, a huge amount of bilirubin is formed, the liver cannot process it effectively. Hepatic jaundice is associated with liver damage due to viral hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, the effects of alcohol, etc. Cholestatic jaundice develops due to disturbances in the movement of bile, since the bile ducts in the human body are tightly clogged. The appearance of yellowness on human skin can be directly related to some very serious diseases. Very often, symptoms of yellowish skin occur with various liver diseases. This symptom is mainly characteristic of acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and Gilbert's syndrome. Also, yellowness can indicate liver damage by parasites and the appearance of a cyst. In case of liver disease, in addition to yellowing of the skin, other alarming symptoms are noted: light-colored stools, dark urine, chills and cutting pain in the abdomen. Appetite and, in some cases, weight are lost.

If a person’s body turns yellow, this may be due to eating a huge amount of carrots and some dishes made from them, as well as adding cumin and vinegar to food, the effect of which provokes the accumulation of bile vapor in the blood. When there is a pale yellow tint to the skin and yellow spots are present on the irises of the eyes and eyelids, it is possible that a lipid metabolism disorder occurs in the body, which causes an increase in cholesterol levels. Before practicing any methods of treating this condition, it is necessary to determine exactly what cause the yellowness of the skin is associated with. If there is pronounced yellowness of the skin, you should consult a doctor. In this case, an infectious disease specialist, hematologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist can help.

Treatment of a person who has yellowness of the hands, face and other areas of the body depends on the diagnosis established by a specialist. Sometimes, in the absence of serious diseases, yellowness of the skin may well disappear on its own after some period of time, without drug treatment. Usually, for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, complex treatment is prescribed. Starting from the first days of therapy, the yellowing of the skin decreases. The treatment package includes medications, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery. In newborn babies, the yellowness on the body usually goes away after a few weeks of life. However, doctors must monitor the condition and health of the child so as not to accidentally miss the development of liver pathologies. Sometimes newborns undergo phototherapy: for a certain period of time, the child is placed under the glow of a fluorescent lamp. Under the influence of the lamp, bilirubin is destroyed and removed from the body. In order to prevent yellowing of the skin, you need to be careful about your health. If the body suddenly turns yellow, only a doctor can diagnose what it is and how it could end. Strict measures must be taken to avoid contracting viral hepatitis.

There are cases when yellowness of the skin can indicate the progression of cancer in the human body. The yellowness of the skin in cancer is quite noticeable on the face, and the bloodless color of the skin is clearly noted.

It is important to know! Hepatitis can be treated with a simple folk remedy, just in the morning on an empty stomach... Read more » Source:

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