Night cramps of the calf muscles - what is the cause and what is the treatment?

It is difficult to find a person who, at least once in his life, has not felt in his own body how the calf muscles cramp. Depending on the symptoms, the causes of seizures can be harmless or dangerous. The origin of calf cramps is associated with various causes and factors. Doctors say that simple twitching of the limbs goes away on its own. If severe leg cramps do not go away and torment you for even a year, it is worth thinking about the true cause of the disease. Thus, the body signals that it is starting to get sick and needs urgent help. Modern treatment methods and the professionalism of doctors, subject to timely treatment, will help solve any problems.

Why do seizures occur?

Cramps occur due to physical exertion, especially if it was sudden and too great, thermal effects (cold water), some people experience cramps even with a sudden change in weather.
Also, seizures can occur when a person undergoes any physiological changes (pregnancy, puberty, menopause). Biological changes cause changes in the levels of many substances in the blood, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium. Convulsions sometimes accompany damage to the nervous system and stress.

A change in diet can also trigger this condition; cramps are often experienced by those who abuse alcohol.

Seizures can be a manifestation of diseases such as spasmophilia, eclampsia, epilepsy, brain trauma and tumors, and inflammation.

Since seizures can be caused by serious illnesses, you should consult a doctor if this occurs.

Causes of seizures

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Establishing the cause is the right step towards recovery. Night cramps of the calf muscles are a kind of indicator of the general condition of the body, the manifestation of which is a good reason to consult a doctor.

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The main causes of leg cramps:

  • Unsystematic intense physical activity;
  • Cold;
  • Metabolism problems;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Stress;
  • Insufficient amount of minerals in the body;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Excessive excitability of the neuromuscular system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, flat feet;
  • Side effect of taking medications (diuretics, statins);
  • Lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body;
  • Diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, liver cirrhosis;
  • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances;
  • Muscle strain;
  • Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • Hidden leg injuries.

Often, convulsive contractions of the calf muscles appear at night. During sleep, metabolism slows down, only the heart and brain work at a normal pace. The muscles are relaxed at night, the blood supply to the extremities slows down, leading to oxygen deficiency, causing cramps.

To alleviate the condition during convulsive contractions, a special action plan has been developed.

What to do if your leg cramps

If in the gym you feel that your leg is cramping, your actions should be aimed at improving blood circulation to the cramped muscle. Squeeze the muscle tightly and press into its central part with your index finger for 15-20 seconds. Breathe deeply while doing this.

A spasm in the lower body can be relieved by squeezing firmly (without sharp pain) the middle of the lower lip for 30 seconds.

The calf muscle on the right and left leg hurts for several days, when walking, running, after a cramp. Reasons what to do

Also, during a cramp, you can do a massage that will relax the spasmed muscle, improve blood circulation and relieve spasm.

To quickly relieve pain during a spasm, you should stretch the cramped muscle. To do this, you can use the following exercise: stand facing the wall at a distance of one step, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place your hands above your head and lean against the wall. Step back in small steps, keeping your feet on the floor. Step back until you feel a stretch in your calf muscles.

There should be no discomfort from stretching, so stop as soon as you start to feel pain and hold in this position for 30 seconds. To make the cramp go away faster, rub and pinch the cramped muscle.

Three ways to relieve a cramp are demonstrated in the following video by Dr. Agapkin.

“The leg cramped” is a condition that forces you to take urgent measures. Several simple methods can help relieve spasms and get rid of pain.

  1. muscle strain;
  2. pressing on the muscle;
  3. kneading the shin.


You can stretch the calf muscle like this: stand up to your full height, put your foot on your heel, lift your toe off the floor, and transfer your body weight to this leg. Thus, we voluntarily and consciously make a movement opposite to the spasm. We wait a little in this position, and the spasm goes away.


Pressing the calf muscle is also effective. Feel the muscle that is cramped. It will feel very dense to the touch. Press firmly on it with your thumbs, clasping your leg with your hands in a ring. Press, hold for a few seconds, release the pressure, then press again. A series of such movements will relieve the spasm.


You can also stretch the muscle. This should be done with force, and not “stroking”. Grasp the calf with both hands, as if you want to pinch the calf muscle, from the outside or from the inside. Using pressing movements, massage the lower leg up and down until the spasm goes away.

Any of these manipulations effectively relieves cramps in the calf muscle.

What are cramps?

Cramps can occur in any part of the body where there are muscles. But in this article we will discuss why the calf muscles cramp at night or during the day, as well as the causes, treatment and prevention of this condition.

First, a little theory so that everyone understands how and why painful muscle spasms develop. Muscles have two states: relaxed and contracted. A cramp is the transition of a muscle to a contracted state. Muscles are relaxed when all their fibers are stretched. When a muscle performs work, calcium enters the muscle cells and sodium leaves the cell, which causes the fibers to contract, the muscle tightens and does its job. This is not a problem in the short term when the muscle is doing what it is supposed to do. But when a muscle remains contracted without doing any work, sharp and intense pain occurs.

Preventing calf muscle cramps

General preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of muscle pain:

  • Eliminate tobacco use and limit the amount of alcohol.
  • Before physical activity, always do warm-ups and stretches.
  • Drink more water throughout the day.
  • Train your legs by walking.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Keep cholesterol and sugar levels in the body under control.
  • There are foods high in potassium: bananas, chicken.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B and folic acid. With their help, the level of homocysteine, an amino acid that affects the development of heart disease, is reduced. Folic acid is found in foods: spinach, orange juice, broccoli.
  • People suffering from diabetes should take care of their feet: wash them daily, dry them well, and check for and prevent injuries. Any minor injury can lead to serious problems because this disease affects blood circulation.

The most important point in preventing cramps and spasms is taking special supplements and reviewing your diet. As noted above, a lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body provokes seizures. All this happens because a person often does not receive the daily dose of these substances from food.

The diet should be rich in fresh fruits and herbs. It is worth eating natural sources of calcium, magnesium and potassium every day. Drinking mineral water will also benefit.

  • Calcium – milk, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds
  • Magnesium – buckwheat porridge, walnuts, legumes
  • Potassium – dried apricots, raisins, beets, sunflower seeds, garlic.


The first thing to do is to increase the intake of substances such as potassium, calcium and magnesium into the body. To do this, you can take special multivitamins, or add more dairy products to your diet. However, it is worth remembering that low-fat foods do not contain any beneficial substances, so there is no point in including them in your diet to treat this problem.

Potassium is found in bananas, avocados and fish meat. But magnesium is well absorbed from nuts, legumes, spinach and oatmeal.

It is imperative to do gymnastic exercises every day, but in no case should you overexert yourself. You can also take a course of massage, and every evening before bed it is good to do a contrast foot bath. To prevent spasms and cramps, you should also stop wearing high-heeled shoes, limit your consumption of coffee and tea, and give up bad habits.

Treatment methods

The calf muscle on the leg hurts - this is not a reason to select medications on your own. Many drugs, especially if a person has insufficient blood clotting, can cause bleeding. For example, heparin-based medications, often prescribed for thrombosis.

The therapy chosen by the doctor is always determined by the reasons that caused muscle pain. As a rule, it is always conservative; only in rare cases is surgical intervention required.

Measures taken for treatment:

  • drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation;
  • drugs that suppress the inflammatory process are used;
  • medications are prescribed to relieve pain and swelling;
  • toxins are removed from the body;
  • measures are proposed to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus of the muscles.

All drugs are classified according to their intended use and reasons for their use. The correct dose for each patient must be determined by the doctor.

DrugsNameHow to usePrices in rub.
Phlebotropic (venotonics)DetralexDaily dose – no more than 2 tablets.600
Phlebodia 600Prescribed by the attending physician, no more than 1 tablet is taken. per day 500
Venoruton300 mg is divided into 3 doses per day, after 2 weeks, the dose is reduced700
Nonsteroidal (for myositis)Diclofenac2–3 times a day, 25–50 mg, maximum 150 mg per day20
Ibuklin1–2 tablets each. 2–3 times per day 100
Amoxiclav (in case of bacterial infection)It is taken according to regimens prescribed by the attending physician depending on the complexity of the infection. 80
AnalgesicsSedalgin1 tab. from one to 3 times a day 200
KetanovSingle dose 10 mg, no more than 4 times a day100
Warming ointmentsFinalgon0.5–1 cm of ointment on the inflamed area250
Viprosal1-2 tsp. one-time use 200
Nise (for severe pain)Rub in a thin layer up to 4 times a day, no more than 30 g per day230
CorticosteroidsPrednisolone (for muscle dystrophy)The dose is calculated by the doctor for acute conditions and ordinary 25
Ortofenoic ointmentApply a thin layer of 2–4 g of ointment 3 to 4 times a day 80

Often, muscle pain is caused by an uncomfortable position that persists for a long time. During this period, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which creates a painful effect. To eliminate this cause, warming ointments and gels are used.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements: potassium, vitamin D, magnesium leads to cramps in the calf muscles, pain that occurs at night and in the evening. To strengthen muscles, leg exercises and complex vitamin supplements are performed.

Traditional methods

Horse chestnut seeds contain escin, which helps increase the tone of the venous walls, preventing the development of blood clots.

Hawthorn fruits contain caffeic, chlorogenic acids, tannins, and choline, which act as neuroprotectors.

Tinctures are prepared from horse chestnut seeds and hawthorn fruits:

  • Fruits and seeds are ground in a blender. For 100 g of seeds add 1 liter of alcohol (70%). Infuse for 7–8 days in a dark place. Take the pre-strained solution daily, 10–12 drops.

Rosehip berries. They regulate lipid metabolism, contain vitamin C, and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability and fragility. A drink made from rose hips, after brewing them with boiling water, is drunk daily.

Licorice roots contain bioflavonoids that relieve swelling and inflammation:

  • Fry 2 tsp. chopped root, pour 2 cups of boiling water to infuse. After 8 hours the solution is ready for use. Take the strained infusion 30 drops daily.

The calf muscle on the leg hurts, therefore, you can do a massage, but you should take into account that there are no injuries, wounds, or varicose veins on the leg.

For massage, natural base oils are used that do not clog skin pores:

  • hemp;
  • grape seeds;
  • almond;
  • jojoba.

You can add a few drops of aromatic essential oils to the base oil.

Other methods

Damage to peripheral nerves and decreased muscle strength can be restored using physiotherapy:

  • Electrotherapy. Direct and pulsed current is used as a treatment method. Methods used:
  1. galvanization, carried out locally;
  2. electrophoresis, with the use of drugs;
  3. darsonvalization, improves blood circulation and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  4. electrical stimulation to support muscle motor activity.
  • Magnetotherapy. Promotes restoration of nervous tissue, reduces swelling, helps increase the supply of nutrients.
  • Balneotherapy. Mud therapy combined with galvanization is widely used.
  • Physiotherapy. Restorative techniques play a big role in neuropathy.
  • Medical massage. A course of 8–10 procedures is carried out.

It is often suggested to prick the leg with a needle to create a stronger pain sensation “to switch” the nervous system. You can also “beat” a cramped muscle with the edge of your palm, but it is better to apply pinpoint pressure or knead the muscle.

Therapy for antispasmodic attacks in the calves begins with adjusting the diet. It is necessary to increase the amount of complex carbohydrates found in pasta, cereals, and vegetables. It is necessary to enrich the menu with healthy fats, which are responsible for muscle contractility. To do this, you should eat butter and red fish. Products must contain magnesium and B vitamins: dried fruits, herbs, bran, seaweed, nuts.

Advice! When resting, you should lie with your legs raised up.

If the spasms do not subside, the doctor will conduct the necessary diagnostics and prescribe treatment for the diseases that led to the attacks. Usually, the electrolyte composition of the blood is corrected and the lack of fluid is replenished.

In case of acute painful syndrome accompanying inflammation of the tendons, muscle relaxants are prescribed. Physiotherapeutic procedures effectively relieve spasms of the calf muscles. Electrotherapeutic methods are often used, which relax and relieve muscle pain using current.

During stress, hormones are released into the bloodstream, which reduce the absorption of nutrients, causing seizures. To stop an antispasmodic attack and eliminate the effects of hormones, you need to eat a little dark chocolate or drink orange juice. Ascorbic acid and sugar block the effects of stress hormones.

Treatment of the pathological process

All this can be combined with natural traditional medicine. In cases where seizures are a sign of a disease, the question of treatment is decided by a specialist - a neurologist, cardiologist, vascular surgeon, orthopedic traumatologist or endocrinologist.

Pain syndrome is characteristic of seizures, and the longer they last, the more pronounced it is. This is due to the release of lactic acid as a result of muscle overstrain; it irritates internal nerve receptors, causing pain.

When cramps have a pathological cause, pain in the leg is more associated with poor circulation and hypoxia of muscle fibers, pinched nerve roots, increased susceptibility of pain receptors to neurotransmitters, and other reasons. You can find out about them only from a doctor.

If the muscle spasm in the calf muscle is short-lived, then the pain sensations, accordingly, are not pronounced and are short-lived. This condition does not require special treatment.

For example, with obliterating sclerosis of the arteries of the legs, pain and muscle cramps appear almost simultaneously while walking. Symptoms quickly increase, the patient is forced to stop, after which the symptoms disappear. This suggests that the cause of cramps in the calves is hypoxia. All treatment issues in such a case should be decided by the doctor.

In pregnant women, pain after calf muscle cramps is associated with metabolic disorders as a result of a deficiency of substances necessary for the body - vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Often such pains appear in the morning after getting out of bed, after there were clonic spasms of individual fibers during sleep, which the woman might not have noticed. In any case, you need to tell your doctor about the problem, get tested and carry out the necessary correction of metabolic disorders.

Pain that appears in the calf area of ​​the lower extremities is characterized by its duration, piercingness and intensity. A person cannot normally step on a sore leg, and an unbearable spasm radiates to the foot, making it impossible to move. And the duration of this state ranges from several seconds to several minutes.

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The reasons that provoke this phenomenon can be completely different. These may be neurological disorders associated with problems in brain activity or with a pinched nerve in the lower leg.

Also, a cramping condition in the calves occurs when a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in the muscle tissue. This usually happens due to increased physical activity.

Or the underlying cause may be a muscle strain.

Sometimes pain in the calf muscles appears due to a deficiency in the body of minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

More often, this factor can affect women during pregnancy or those who have been on strict diets for a long time. Hypoxia also provokes cramps and pain in the calves.

And the resulting leg injuries, which damage the nerve endings, almost always cause painful attacks in the lower leg area.

Pathological causes of this problem include:

  • inflammation of the leg;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • the presence of a large number of blood clots;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries in the legs;
  • pathologies of the spine and nerve fibers;
  • myositis and osteomyelitis.

With varicose veins, blood stagnation occurs, the veins swell greatly, and as a result, heaviness and pain appear in the legs. With venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis often develop.

Varicose veins cause pain in the calf muscle

With thrombophlebitis, an inflammatory process of the veins of the lower leg develops, causing swelling of the lower extremities and point pain in the calves. And with phlebothrombosis, the skin surface of the legs turns red, strong warmth is felt in the area of ​​the veins and a painful spasm occurs.

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and curvature of the spine, unpleasant sensations also appear in the calves. And all because the main load of the body falls on the lower limbs, causing inflammation in the calf muscles.

When it comes to neurological diseases, then the pain in the legs becomes sharp, with additional symptoms such as fever and numbness in the lower extremities. The painful spasm begins suddenly and passes just as quickly.

When blood circulation is impaired, the lower limbs become numb, and muscle tissue begins to experience oxygen starvation. As a result, during the day when walking, pain appears in the calves, and at night the person is tormented by severe cramps. And in order to cure this condition of the calf muscle, you must first establish the main factor that provoked the appearance of the painful spasm.

During myositis, inflammation of the calf muscle occurs, which, of course, provokes the occurrence of severe pain. The phenomenon itself is aching in nature, but with movement it intensifies.

With osteomyelitis, when the inflammatory process affects the bone tissue of the calves, the pain becomes prolonged and constant.

When this phenomenon occurs only while walking, then it may be a symptom of osteochondrosis or flat feet. So in such cases it is necessary to start treatment from the main ailment.

If the main reason lies in the affected veins, then you should immediately consult a phlebologist.

Depending on the stage of the disease, he prescribes the necessary ointments (Troxevasin) or gels (Fastum-gel, Lyoton). These external products relieve unpleasant symptoms and give lightness to the legs.

Troxevasin ointment will eliminate pain in the calf if the cause lies in vein damage

Additionally, oral medications are prescribed. These are Detralex or Venarus, which tone venous vessels, reduce the formation of blood clots and restore impaired blood circulation. When the pain that occurs in the calves is associated with neurology, then the basis of treatment is physiotherapy and painkillers.

Most often, pain in the calf muscle takes a person by surprise. And to relieve this unpleasant sensation, your feet should be placed on a cold floor, and your calves should be rubbed intensively. You can use a needle, which you need to gently and slowly prick the area of ​​​​the shins. This method allows you to restore impaired blood circulation and eliminate the resulting discomfort.

If calf pain appears against the background of an injury, then you need to immediately take a comfortable position, minimize your mobility and call an ambulance, which should take the person to the emergency room. If the pain is very severe, you are allowed to take painkillers, and it is better to place the leg itself on any hill and wait for the doctors in this position.

When pain in the calf occurs against the background of osteomyelitis, then the attending physician prescribes therapy carried out in a hospital. First, the inflammatory process is relieved with the help of antibacterial drugs.

In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to block painful spasms. And to prevent further spread of the infection, the doctor may prescribe transfusions of elements and blood plasma.

At the end of such treatment, when the inflammation is relieved, the patient is recommended to undergo physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and special gymnastics.

If the calf hurts due to diseases of the peripheral nerves, then all treatment is carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. The specialist prescribes painkillers and drugs with antibacterial properties. And to eliminate pain caused by a pinched nerve, medications are prescribed that relax the muscles of the body.

Drugs that relax the muscles of the body also relieve pain in the calf

If pain in the calf muscle appears as a symptom of problems with the spine, then acute processes are treated with blockades and drugs that relieve inflammation. Additionally, analgesics are prescribed and massage is prescribed.

Thrombophlebitis, in which a person also suffers from pain in the calves, is treated comprehensively. This is the use of cold alcohol compresses that are applied to the affected areas.

The doctor also recommends applying anti-inflammatory ointments to the calves.

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Additionally, medications may be prescribed that stimulate blood circulation through the venous and small vessels, as well as antihistamines that reduce swelling.

A cramp is a contraction of a muscle in which the muscle cannot return to its original state, causing a person sharp, unbearable pain. Spasms can appear day and night, while resting and running. After the cramp has passed, the muscle will “ache” for a long time.

There are many reasons for leg cramps. They are divided into:

  • primary causes
  • secondary causes

The primary reasons include the following factors:

  1. Hypothermia. Due to a decrease in body temperature, the functioning of nerve endings is disrupted, resulting in a spasm in the muscle. This can be very dangerous when swimming for long periods of time.
  2. Excess caffeine and nicotine in the body. An overdose of nicotinic acid and purine alkanoid has an adverse effect on the central nervous system, which will increase the risk of seizures.
  3. Dehydration. This is a large loss of fluid in the body, which can disrupt the metabolism of fluids in tissues. With severe dehydration, tingling sensations appear in the limbs, which causes cramps.
  4. Physical exercise. The nervous system mistakes frequent muscle contractions for a malfunction, and therefore a spasm may occur when running or walking quickly.

Secondary causes of spasms in the calf muscles are considered to be diseases and injuries:

  1. The cause of leg cramps may be a disease of the thyroid gland - hyporheosis. Hyporeosis is characterized by a decrease in hormones in the thyroid gland. This causes a deterioration in the general condition of the body as a whole. Disruption of hormone production has a particularly bad effect on women. These are menstrual irregularities, infertility, early menopause.
  2. Flat feet. Flat feet refers to a change in the foot in which the foot becomes flattened. In the initial stages, except for tired legs after a working day, a person does not feel anything, and the fatigue goes away almost immediately after rest. In subsequent stages of the disease, a person experiences swelling and severe pain in the legs, often associated with cramps.
  3. Varicose veins This vein disease affects most women after 40 years of age. With varicose veins, symptoms do not take long to appear. This feeling of heaviness in the legs, cramps especially at night. Later, the veins become thicker, tubercles and stars appear on the legs.
  4. Tetanus. This is a serious infectious disease that affects the nervous system, where the main symptom is seizures.

How to treat leg cramps

First, check the instructions for the medications you take daily for several months or years. Remember that many drugs (cholesterol, blood pressure, diuretics, hormones) have a side effect in the form of leg cramps. If your legs are cramping from medications, it is advisable to change the drug.

1st stage of treatment

Magnelis B6, or Magne B6, or Magnesium-plus B6, in tablets. Buy from these drugs the one that will be cheaper. Adults take any of these drugs - 2 tablets 3 times a day, with meals, with a glass of water - for 1 month.

IMPORTANT! These medications should be discontinued immediately if symptoms of excess magnesium in the blood appear, such as: severely slow heart rate (less than 60 per minute), double vision, sudden rush of blood to the skin of the face, headache, severe decrease in blood pressure, nausea, shortness of breath, slurred speech, vomiting, weakness, severe dizziness.

All this happens infrequently when taking magnesium, however, you need to remember it.

2nd stage of treatment

If after a course of treatment with magnesium preparations the cramps in the legs have not stopped, we move on to injections with B vitamins. Milgamma or Combilipen (which will be cheaper) - buy 10 ampoules, administer 1 ampoule (2 ml) intramuscularly to adults, every other day = that is, 10 injections.

But if 5-6 injections of Milgamma or Combilipen do not make your legs feel better, then we stop giving these injections and then move on to the 3rd stage.

3rd stage of treatment

Calcium preparations, preferably in the form of carbonate (it is believed that it is better absorbed). For example, Complivit calcium D3. Or Calcium D3 - Nycomed. We buy the one that will be cheaper. For adults take:

  • Complivit calcium D3 – 1 tablet 2 times a day, preferably with meals. The tablets are chewed or swallowed whole.
  • Or use Calcium D3 - Nycomed: take 1 tablet of calcium D3 - Nycomed - forte daily or 2 tablets of regular calcium D3 - Nycomed.
  • The course of treatment with calcium preparations is no longer than 1 month. Check contraindications!

Venotonics: Detralex, Phlebodia, Diosmin, Troxevasin capsules, Troxerutin.

Certain physical exercises help combat and also prevent calf muscle cramps. Two types of exercises are used for this:

  • exercises that are performed when a cramp occurs to relieve spasm and relieve pain;
  • exercises that are performed to prevent seizures and reduce the frequency of their occurrence.

If your leg is cramped, massage and muscle stretching will help relieve pain and discomfort. The following exercises are suitable for relieving spasms.

  • Straighten your leg, place your foot so that the toe is turned towards the knee (for additional stretching of the cramped muscle, clasp your foot with your hands, pull the toe towards you).
  • Walk on your heels for a few minutes.
  • If cramps often cramp your leg, you should do exercises three times a day to prevent spasms in the calf muscle.
  • Stand against a wall about half a meter away. Lean forward, extend your arms and touch the wall, while keeping your feet on the floor. Maintain this position for a few seconds and relax. Do the exercise for five minutes.

To prevent cramps, a bodybuilder just needs to eat right and take vitamin and mineral supplements. If you take all the necessary measures for prevention, but seizures still occur, be sure to consult a specialist.

Types and risk factors

Today, there are 2 types of cramps in the calves at night. The first type is called idiopathic. Their cause is unknown, which is why they are called idiopathic. Most often they occur after intense physical activity, as well as with a sudden disruption of blood flow to the lower leg.

Idiopathic seizures can occur not only in young people, but also in older people. In this case, the cause can be called shortening of the tendons during their aging process.

Secondary seizures occur against the background of some pathology or pregnancy. Neurological diseases or peripheral neuropathy are most often to blame. This also includes liver disease, poisoning and dehydration.

There are certain risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of such attacks. These include the following:

  1. Age over 50 years.
  2. Physical overexertion.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Flat feet.
  5. Leg deformity.
  6. Taking medications.

Of course, not all pregnant women experience such problems, and not all people with flat feet may experience them. However, it is these factors that deserve great attention.

Massage of calf muscles

After the spasm passes and the pain subsides, massage your legs. Massage stimulates blood circulation, promotes the removal of metabolic waste from tissues, and relaxes muscles.

It is useful to lie down for a while with your legs elevated to improve venous outflow or give your leg a little physical activity to “get the blood going.”

Warm your feet, dress warmly, wrap your feet in a blanket, take a hot foot bath.

What are the symptoms?

It is difficult to confuse the pain from a cramp with some other condition. In some cases, the pain is so pronounced that the person has difficulty holding back a cry. In addition, the pathology is accompanied by the following sensations:

  • the muscles tense and become very hard;
  • during a cramp it is impossible to move your leg;
  • in some cases a person may faint;
  • sometimes during a spasm the eyes roll back and the head falls back;
  • strong salivation appears.

If the attack was pronounced, then after the cramp “releases”, the person can fall asleep.

Medicine for leg cramps

In the medicinal treatment of frequent severe seizures, doctors use magnesium and potassium preparations, and for special indications - anticonvulsants.

Now you know about the causes and treatment of calf cramps and can easily cope with them. Good health and good health to you.


Drug therapy

If the cause of nighttime calf muscle cramps is not determined, the doctor will not be able to prescribe appropriate treatment. Therefore, during such an attack, you can try to alleviate the condition yourself. To do this, you just need to try to pull your leg forward or lift it up and also stretch it.

Also, in some cases, standing on one leg – the one in which the cramps occurred – helps. Well, a massage and a contrast shower will help your muscles relax and relieve the tension that has arisen in them.

As for medications, the most commonly used tablets are:

  1. Diphenylhydramine hydrochloride.
  2. Calcium preparations.
  3. Magnesium preparations.
  4. Quinine sulfate.
  5. Meprobamate.
  6. Sea otter.
  7. Aralen.
  8. Plaquenil.
  9. Tegretol.
  10. Dilantin.

However, these medications should only be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor and only after the cause of this pathology has been determined.

Causes of muscle pain

The human calf consists of muscles - the superficial gastrocnemius and the deep soleus. They unite to form the Achilles tendon and are attached to the heel bone. Muscles are necessary to move the foot and support the body when walking and running.

The blood supply to this area occurs through arteries that originate from the popliteal artery. Venous outflow occurs through the veins that accompany the arteries. The tissues are connected to the central nervous system by nerve cells that are located in the tibial nerve.

The calf muscle on the leg hurts - these are, first of all, causes that affect the blood vessels, nerves or tissues located around. Any damage to these areas can lead to pain. There are many possible diagnoses, ranging from muscle strain to rupture or blood clots in the deep veins of the leg.

Today, the main disorders occurring in the calf muscle are classified in several areas:

  1. Chronic or acute venous insufficiency. In the chronic form, the walls of the veins are stretched by excess blood when its outflow is impaired. In the acute stage, thrombosis of the deep veins of the leg occurs.
  2. Arterial chronic or acute insufficiency. The chronic process develops as a consequence of gradual blockage of the arteries. This occurs under the influence of atherosclerotic or autoimmune inflammatory processes. The muscles experience oxygen starvation, and acidic foods accumulate in them, which contribute to the development of pain. Acute arterial insufficiency occurs when the arteries become suddenly blocked.
  3. Osteochondrosis. The pain is based on radicular compression of the spinal nerve.
  4. Multiple lesions of peripheral nerves. Occurs as a consequence of diabetes mellitus and chronic alcoholism.
  5. Pathologies in the knee joints. These include osteoarthritis and Baker's cyst.
  6. Autoimmune inflammatory processes occurring in muscle tissue. Pain occurs as a consequence of diseases: dermatomyositis, polymyositis.
  7. Myositis. Often occurs against the background of cancer and parasitic diseases.
  8. Fibromyalgia. Autoimmune muscle tissue disorder.
  9. Overstrain, sprain, muscle fiber tears.

How long can a leg hurt after a cramp?

Cramps most often cramp the legs while resting at night. They do not last long and may only last a few seconds. Pain after cramps is much longer lasting and most often lasts up to several days, since the leg muscles are stretched during cramps. Fixing the lower leg with an elastic bandage helps reduce recovery time after a cramp.

There are some differences between pain after leg cramps and the so-called “restless legs syndrome.” The latter condition is associated with long-term discomfort in the legs, which manifests itself after prolonged walking. As you walk, the characteristic crawling sensations in your legs go away. This feeling can last quite a long time, from a month or longer. It is not directly related to pain associated with leg cramps.

The duration of pain after leg cramps is determined by the reasons that caused these cramps. Most often, pain in the legs after cramps lasts from several days to two weeks. Special measures can shorten this period of time.

Possible complications

The calf muscle on the leg hurts - this most often occurs from its tension, which is expressed in tingling or numbness. This discomfort is easily eliminated and does not have serious consequences. Complex diseases cause intense, constant or paroxysmal pain, a feeling of stiffness, and changes in muscle density.

Possible causes of pain associated with injuries:

  • Overstrain of the middle gastrocnemius muscle. It occurs during active physical activity and is expressed by the appearance of bruises and swelling in the back of the leg, which do not go away for a long time.
  • Plantar muscle rupture. The pain can be mild or moderate, accompanied by swelling.
  • Damage to the Achilles tendon. Tendonitis often develops in athletes. A complete rupture is considered a complex injury. The inflammatory process in this area often occurs due to arthritis or aging of the body. The pain begins in the calf above the heel, is accompanied by stiffness, and intensifies when climbing or running.
  • Popliteal cyst. Occurs as a result of cartilage rupture or as a consequence of arthritis.
  • Calf cramps. Involuntary contractions and spasms often occur at night, pain can be weak or severe. They occur for multiple reasons, most often due to physical activity, taking certain medications or liver diseases.
  • Rhabdomyolysis. Destruction of muscle fibers due to muscle damage. The fibers enter the bloodstream, leading to kidney failure.

Diseases with inflammatory, degenerative causes:

  • Diabetic neuropathy. Nerve damage results from prolonged exposure to elevated glucose levels, causing damage to the peripheral nerves first. This leads to frequent injuries and inflammatory processes.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is characterized by inflammation and swelling of the joints, which leads to pain and swelling. Discomfort in the calves worsens in the morning, after a long rest.
  • Phlebeurysm. Blood traveling from the tissues to the heart can pool in the veins and cause swelling. As a result, weakened or damaged venous valves cease to perform their functions, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.
  • Myositis. Develops in infectious and parasitic diseases. The pain is accompanied by cramps and gradual muscle atrophy.

Cardiovascular causes of pain in the calves:

  • Deep vein thrombosis. It is characterized by the formation of venous blood clots in the lower extremities, redness of certain areas of the skin, and swelling. In rare cases, a blood clot can travel to the lungs and obstruct blood flow, causing a pulmonary embolism.
  • Peripheral arterial disease or obliterating endarteritis. An inflammatory disease that affects the arteries of the lower extremities. The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain when walking, then at rest, and ultimately the development of tissue necrosis.

In case of untimely consultation with a doctor or incomplete treatment, muscle injuries can progress, which leads to complications.

  • The appearance of an intramuscular scar, which will reduce muscle strength and increase fatigue.
  • Development of deep vein thrombosis.
  • The development of infections in the muscles.
  • Skeletal muscle necrosis.

Pain in the calf muscles is a complex problem. Various changes in the body can cause weakness and cramps in the leg, so a specialist will help determine the cause and make the right decision. Timely consultation with a doctor will prevent possible complications.

For what reasons do seizures occur?

This condition is not normal; if convulsions appear constantly, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible so that he can find the reason why the pathology occurs.

Let's look at the main reasons why a person may have an attack.

  1. Increased load on the calves.
    Unprepared people may experience cramps during sports, especially if the load falls on the calf. Swimming, fast walking, volleyball, basketball, running, skiing, jumping - all this can lead to cramps if a person has not previously played sports. Also, muscle spasms during exercise or walking can occur as a result of dehydration. During intense exercise, we sweat profusely, and along with sweat, potassium is removed from the body, which causes cramps.
  2. Sprains.
    If after playing sports you feel an unpleasant, aching pain for a couple of days, this may indicate that there was a mild sprain. If the stretching is strong, then the person feels pronounced pain, which tends to recur if the person repeats the same movement that caused the cramp. In this situation, the therapist will refer the patient to a traumatologist in order to eliminate the pathology through conservative treatment methods.
  3. Muscle rupture.
    An extremely unpleasant condition that can cause a lot of trouble. When a ligament, tendon, or muscle ruptures, a person hears a sound that is similar to a click. At the same time, the patient cannot stand on his leg; moving it is very painful. Such injuries require immediate specialist intervention - you need to contact a surgeon.
  4. Uncomfortable clothing.
    Since childhood, we have been taught that we need to dress comfortably. If clothing or shoes force the calf muscle or the leg itself to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time, then this may well cause cramps. If you notice that a spasm occurs in certain shoes or clothes, it is better to temporarily abandon these wardrobe items and observe your condition.
  5. Hypothermia of the legs.
    A very common situation is that while swimming in springs, in the sea, or in a pool, a person suddenly experiences a cramp in his leg. Moreover, this condition can be life-threatening - just imagine: you are swimming at great depths, and suddenly an attack occurs, during which it is simply impossible to move, and therefore stay afloat. In this situation, a cramp appears due to the fact that a spasm of arterial and lymphatic vessels occurs; during such conditions, metabolic processes in the tissues slow down, which is what provokes the formation of a cramp.
  6. Problems with blood circulation.
    Such disorders can appear due to flat feet, injury, or joint dislocation. Congenital dysplasia and birth injuries are also included in this list. Such situations lead to the fact that the leg muscles cannot be in the correct, usual state for them. The same applies to the vessels and nerves that feed them - due to a lack of necessary substances, a person experiences a seizure.

There are also more complex situations due to which the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted:

  • TBI;
  • spinal bruise;
  • CNS diseases;
  • congenital anomalies.

In these situations, you must definitely consult a doctor! First of all, see a therapist, and he will most likely refer the patient to a neurologist.

Blood flow can also be disrupted as a result of such pathologies:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

As for the causes of seizures, they can also occur in people of the following categories:

  • in pregnant women - toxicosis;
  • intoxication of the body caused by poisoning with food, alcohol, or medications;
  • hypoxia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of useful microelements in the body due to impaired water-salt metabolism.

At night, a person may also experience cramps. This condition is frightening, but it is understandable - perhaps the person simply took an uncomfortable position while sleeping, as a result - blood circulation is disrupted, the leg cramps. Also, all of the above reasons can provoke night cramps.

Pregnant women sometimes experience cramps, especially in the early stages. Of course, you should definitely tell your doctor about your condition, but, as a rule, the cause is banal toxicosis. Due to frequent vomiting, dehydration occurs in the body, salts, magnesium, and potassium are excreted, which can provoke convulsions.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? There are many reasons for seizures. If such conditions bother you regularly and are accompanied by severe pain, then you need to contact a qualified specialist as quickly as possible, who can determine the exact cause of the pathology and eliminate it.

how to improve blood circulation in the legs


To determine the causes of pain, the doctor draws up a plan of diagnostic tests:

  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels (for deep vein thrombosis);

    When the calf muscle hurts and varicose veins occur, you need to do a Doppler ultrasound

  • blood and urine tests;
  • radiograph;
  • MRI, CT (if necessary):
  • joint puncture (if necessary).

Diagnostic measures

In order to find out the reasons why a person is bothered by seizures, the following is necessary:

  • tell the doctor in detail about all previous diseases;
  • donate blood and urine - biochemical tests will be carried out in the laboratory;
  • do an ultrasound, MRI.

Sometimes the patient is referred to doctors of narrow specialties - this could be a neurologist, phlebologist, or surgeon. After receiving the results of all tests and diagnostic studies, the doctor will be able to draw up a complete picture of the condition and establish a diagnosis.

Possible causes of seizures

The causes of seizures are very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into original and acquired. The initial causes are various diseases and injuries, the negative manifestation of which can be cramps of the calf and other muscles. And acquired causes of seizures can arise due to an incorrect lifestyle or a critical situation.

First, let's look at the probable underlying causes (not related to circumstances):

  • neurological infections, injuries and brain damage;
  • epilepsy;
  • feverish state, increased body temperature;
  • gestosis is a pathology that develops in late pregnancy.

Many researchers also note a hereditary predisposition. If one of your relatives regularly suffers from cramps in the calf muscle, you are at risk.

If you do not have any of the above diseases, and your legs cramp mainly during training, then look for the cause of this unpleasant syndrome in the list presented below.

What are the acquired causes of muscle spasms:

  1. Hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen. Quite often it happens in the pool or during an intense cardio workout.
  2. Low levels of glucose, magnesium and calcium in the blood. Lack of these substances is a common problem for athletes. In order to avoid their deficiency, it is necessary to balance your diet and take special supplements during intensive training. Complex vitamin-mineral preparations are the easiest way out in this situation.
  3. Violation of the water-salt balance of the body. Excessive sweating can cause electrolyte imbalance. This problem is solved by special sports drinks - electrolytes.
  4. Poisoning with drugs and even sports dietary supplements. Always carefully read the instructions for medications and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Any food supplement should be taken consciously, taking into account the condition of your body.
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