Causes, symptoms and treatment of yellow eyes


The causes of yellowing of the sclera of the eyes most often lie in disruption of the liver and bile. A change in shade may indicate the occurrence of a serious disease of these organs. In addition, the symptom can be observed in patients with conjunctivitis or infectious diseases, as well as when tumors appear in the organs of vision.

Other prerequisites should also be noted:

  • Smoking;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Abuse of junk food.

What to do if your vision has deteriorated

The definition of Acanthamoeba keratitis of the eye is described in this article. This material also describes treatment, symptoms, and prognosis.

This article will tell you what helps with stye on the eye.

Possible diseases

Among the most common diseases that cause changes in the color of the sclera are:

  • Liver diseases. The most common cause is hepatitis A. The symptom in this case is caused by the breakdown of the liver enzyme bilirubin. The same effect is observed with malignant liver tumors.
  • Newborn jaundice. Newborn babies often develop a yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes, which persists for the first few days of life.
  • Neoplasms of the conjunctiva. The most common cause is melanoma.
  • Infectious and other eye diseases. In addition to conjunctivitis, pterygium, an overgrowth of conjunctival tissue, can cause yellowing of the eyes. Also, the appearance of a wen can give an abnormal color.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Pancreatitis. Improper production of pancreatic enzymes can also cause an abnormality.

If a symptom occurs, making an independent diagnosis is highly discouraged, since almost any cause is quite serious and poses a danger to human health and life.

Unusual eyes

A person's eyes always attract attention. The color of the pupils complements and decorates the image of people. Many years of research by scientists have shown that the color of the pupils is determined hereditarily. However, it happens that a child’s pupils are different in color from the parent’s pupils. There are also cases where eye color changes throughout life. For example, in newborns who initially had blue eyes, melanin may accumulate with age and the color of the pupils will change.

In older people, the color of the pupils sometimes becomes pale. This occurs due to depigmentation. It is caused by various diseases.

It is rare, but there are people with different eye colors. Previously, such people were considered special, as if they were endowed with unnatural abilities. However, medical studies have shown that eyes of different colors are not associated with anything mystical. It all depends on the lack or excess of melanin in the iris. Different eye colors are medically called heterochromia. In this case it happens:

  • full;
  • partial;
  • central.

With complete heterochromia, eyes of different colors are observed. For example, one may be blue and the other brown. Some people are proud of this feature, while others find it uncomfortable. To avoid it, you can purchase contact lenses. Then the pupils will be of any shade.

With partial heterochromia, part of the iris is different in color. This may be a separate sector in one eye. With central heterochromia, the color changes in the form of rings around the pupil. Different pupil colors do not have any effect on the quality of vision. People with this feature are not color blind and have excellent vision.

However, sometimes blurred vision, heterochromia, yellowing of the white of the eye and other manifestations are symptoms of tumors, eye and other human diseases.

Like any other color, different-colored eyes have an impact on people’s character traits. Their owners are quite contradictory, stubborn and selfish. They often like to be alone and act out.

Their positive aspects are endurance, patience, generosity and foresight.

There are people with very beautiful unusual pupil colors. For example, there are indigo eyes. They can change their shade depending on the brightness of the lighting, and they are also influenced by the state of mind of the owner.

Diagnostic methods

Each disease that causes eye color changes is diagnosed differently. As a rule, first of all, the ophthalmologist performs an initial and detailed examination of the visual organs for pathologies and conducts a survey. Next, measures are taken such as examining internal organs for possible diseases, collecting and studying tests. It is also possible to measure body temperature. Examination for skin rashes is also important.

If this symptom occurs, the patient is recommended to be quarantined until the diagnosis is clarified.


It is very difficult to independently identify the cause of a symptom, since extensive symptoms may indicate the development of a large number of pathologies. Typically, patients come to see a specialist with complaints about:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • headache;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • fog in the eyes;
  • itching;
  • nausea;
  • body aches.

Consequently, diseases of the organs of vision and systemic ailments tend to manifest themselves with similar symptoms, this fact confirms the need for professional diagnosis of the disease.


Getting rid of a symptom is impossible without comprehensively eliminating the cause. Liver diseases are treated with antiviral drugs (if we are talking about hepatitis) and agents that improve the production of bilirubin. Cancer requires surgery or chemotherapy.

Eye diseases are often treated with complexes of eye drops and oral medications. As a rule, such problems are accompanied by swelling, redness, lacrimation and discomfort and require the removal of these symptoms. Neoplasms are treated surgically.

Complex of drugs for eye treatment

During the treatment period, it is necessary to improve metabolism and blood health.


Prevention of yellowness of the sclera of the eyes, as a rule, consists of preventing the causes of its appearance. In order not to encounter this problem, you must:

  • Monitor the general health of internal organs;
  • Support healthy metabolism and immunity;
  • Observe basic rules of hygiene (including visual hygiene);
  • Improve nutrition quality;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Provide the body with healthy sleep and proper rest;
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

What is hypermetropia according to ICD-10 code (the ophthalmological name for myopia)

Heparin ointment: instructions for use, indications for bruising and swelling under the eyes are presented in this material.

The definition of false myopia (spasm of accommodation), as well as treatment methods are described here.

What determines the color of the pupil

The iris of the eye consists of two layers. The distribution of pigments in the anterior layer of the iris and the density of its fibers affect the color of a person’s pupils.

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People's eye colors vary:

  • blue;
  • gray;
  • blue;
  • karim;
  • black;
  • yellow and even red.

In this case, the color of the iris can be not only uniform, but also mixed. Blue eyes are very beautiful. But how is this color formed? The outer layer of the iris is formed from fibers. In the case when these fibers are loose and weakly saturated with melanin, the shade of the eyes becomes blue.

Melanin is a pigment. It affects the color of eyes, skin and hair. The more it is contained in the body, the darker the color. People with a higher density of collagen fibers in the outer layer of the iris have blue eyes. Since the fibers are light, it is no longer a saturated dark color that is formed, but a lighter color.

Blue and cyan colors are most often found among European peoples, as well as among the inhabitants of the Middle East. Such eye shades are also common among Jews.

Gray eyes appear with an even greater density of fibers on the outer surface of the iris than in the case of blue eyes. With medium density, a gray-blue tint of the eyes is formed. The outer layer of the iris may contain yellow or light brown pigment. It is its presence that contributes to the appearance of yellowish or brownish tints in the center of the iris. Gray shades of eyes are characteristic of peoples living in the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe, the Far East, Western and Northern Africa.

Green eyes are formed due to the content of melanin and yellow or brown pigment in the outer layer of the iris. At the same time, the green color can be heterogeneous and have different shades. Pure green eyes are rare in people, and if they are found, then most often in the fair sex. Green eye color is more likely to be found among residents of Southern, Northern and Central Europe.

Amber eyes are obtained due to the presence of the same pigment in the iris as in the case of green. They have a uniform color of yellow-brown or green-yellow.

In a person with brown eyes, the outer layer of the iris contains large amounts of melanin. This allows light of any frequency to be absorbed and reflected. Brown eyes are common among people in Asia, Africa, South America and Southern Europe. This shade is considered the most common eye color around the world.

Yellow pupils are less common in humans. This color is typical when there is a yellow pigment in the iris, which has a fairly light shade.

Sometimes the origin of this color has other reasons, for example, it may be kidney failure.

Black eyes are not actually black, but a rich dark brown shade that appears black. This color is formed due to the fact that the light that hits the iris is almost completely absorbed. The iris of such people contains an excessive amount of melanin.

The color of the eyeball with black eyes is sometimes not snow-white, but gray or yellow. This eye color is characteristic of the dark-skinned population, in particular the inhabitants of Africa and Asia.

Swamp pupils are very variable. Their color is heterogeneous and varies depending on the brightness of the light. Brown, golden and green-brown shades can be combined. Swamp eyes are caused by sufficient melanin content and the presence of yellow pigment in the outer wall of the iris.

Albinos have red eyes. Albinos are people in whose body there is absolutely no pigment that would color their hair or eyes. Since there is no melanin, the shade of the pupils is determined by the blood contained in the vessels of the iris. Purple eye color is extremely rare. It is a mixture of red and blue colors.


A change in the shade of the sclera from white to yellow can quite often indicate the occurrence of a serious disease of the eyes or internal organs. The main task in this case is to quickly make a diagnosis and begin treatment, but this is not always possible. However, any complex disease can be eliminated, and preventive measures are quite simple and can be performed by the patient independently.

Also read about how to get rid of bags under the eyes and how to cure demodicosis.

Yellow white of the eyes in newborns

Quite often, squirrels acquire a yellow color in newly born babies . This phenomenon is called newborn jaundice. The reasons lie in certain features of the baby’s development in the womb.

In the mother's body, the baby receives a lot of red blood cells, which, after the baby is born, quickly begin to disintegrate.

The sclera and skin of the child may also acquire a yellow color. Usually 2-3 weeks after birth the pigment disintegrates and the yellow color disappears.

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