What is Methyluracil ointment, tablets and suppositories used for: instructions, price and reviews

Composition of the drug

Tablets of the drug

Methyluracil has a simple composition - it contains only one active ingredient called dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. It has a stimulating effect on leukocytes, helping their production. Other properties of the substance can calm the inflammatory process that has begun in the affected areas.

When the drug is released in tablet form, the dosage is 500 mg. The composition is supplemented by auxiliary elements:

  • Talc;
  • Calcium stearate;
  • Starch;
  • Povidone k30.


Many people are interested in what the mechanism of operation of this drug is; for example, the question is quite popular whether methyluracil is an antibiotic or not. The active substance of the drug is classified as a stimulator of erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis. In addition, methyluracil stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, their recovery is faster.

The work of the substance is to activate the synthesis of nucleic acids. The result is the production of RNA and DNA, which restore the number of leukocytes and improve the restoration of damaged areas. Methyluracil has the following uses: activation of leukocyte recovery, acceleration of muscle tissue growth, restoration of cellular and humoral immunity factors.

Despite the fact that methyluracil has different reviews, its effect on the body cannot be overestimated. It is successfully used by athletes to build muscles and restore tissue. Methyluracil is considered effective for prostatitis. Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine will help cure leukopenia and stomach ulcers, skin lesions that are difficult to heal, hepatitis and agranulocytic tonsillitis.

Methyluracil - instructions for use

How to use the product

Each package of the drug comes with instructions that describe in detail the properties, courses of treatment, and dosages in accordance with the patient’s age. The tablets are taken according to the following scheme:

  1. Children 3-8 years old – 4 doses per day, 0.25 g each;
  2. Over 8 years old – 4 times a day, 0.25-0.5 g per dose;
  3. Adults – 0.5 g four times a day.

To avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, take the medicine during meals or immediately after a meal.

When starting to take methyluracil, the method of use must be agreed with your doctor. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is convenient to use methyluracil suppositories. Self-medication is dangerous, especially if the drug is used to treat pediatric patients (for example, for stomach problems or for wound healing). When treating prostatitis, the process of taking the medication should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The minimum period of taking the drug is 10 days. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist.

Methyluracil can cause the following side effects: skin irritation, heartburn, headache and dizziness, digestive problems.

Methyluracil, contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the main substance in the drug;
  • Lecosis;
  • Hemoblastoses;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis.

The drug methyluracil is extremely rarely used as part of a therapeutic complex. The most effective treatment will be with the isolated use of medication. If the indications for use of methyluracil are serious, when taking it as part of a complex, report all side effects.

Dosage and method of administration

The instructions for use indicate that the tablets are taken orally, the ointment is used externally, and the suppositories are prescribed for rectal use.


Methyluracil in ointment form should be applied daily in a thin layer to the damaged areas.

The doctor sets the dosage regimen individually. The frequency of dressing changes is determined by the depth and area of ​​the wound surface, the intensity of exudation and the presence of necrotic masses. In the treatment of radioepithelitis and late radiation injuries of the vagina, the ointment is used in loose tampons.

In the treatment of acute bullous radiation dermatitis, ulcers, wounds and burns, Methyluracil can be used simultaneously with external applications of sulfonamides, antiseptic and antibiotic agents.


Methyluracil suppositories are prescribed in the following dosages:

  • 500 – 1000 mg (1 – 2 suppositories), 3 – 4 times a day for adults;
  • 250 mg (half a candle) per day for children from 3 to 8 years;
  • 500 mg (1 suppository) per day for children from 8 to 14 years old.

The optimal course of treatment with the drug is determined by the attending physician. It usually lasts from 10 to 14 days. In especially severe cases, the course of treatment can be continued for up to 120 days.

When used rectally, it is necessary to clear the anus of feces. To do this, it is recommended to do oil enemas, which allow you to clean the rectum without damaging the mucous membrane.

After defecation, you need to rinse the anus with warm water and then insert a suppository.

When using suppositories vaginally, women are advised to pre-douche. Wash the vagina with chamomile decoction or warm water with a small amount of soda dissolved in it. The candle is inserted in a supine position.

To prevent the contents of the candle from leaking out after administration, it is recommended to lie down for at least 30 minutes after using it.


The tablets are taken after or during meals. Dosage depends on age:

  • Adults and adolescents from the age of 14 take Methyluracil 1 tablet (500 mg), 4 to 6 times a day.
  • Children from 3 to 8 years old take half a tablet (250 mg), 3 times a day.
  • Children from 8 to 14 years old take half or a whole tablet (250 mg or 500 mg), 3 times a day.

In this case, adults can take a maximum of 3 g per day (6 pieces) of Methyluracil tablets, children 3 - 8 years old - 750 mg (1.5 pieces), and children 8 - 14 years old - 1.5 g (3 pieces).

The duration of the course of therapy for lesions of the digestive system (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, enteritis, etc.) is 30–40 days. Therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the longest. Therefore, in the treatment of other pathologies, Methyluracil tablets are used in shorter courses, the duration of which is determined by the speed of recovery and normalization of a person’s well-being.

Methyluracil analogues

Analogue of the drug

The drug copes well with its therapeutic function when taken in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician. The price for methyluracil is considered quite affordable - the medicine is available to patients with any income level. There are also preparations containing substances whose effects on the body are similar to dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. But treatment with their help may not have the expected effect. It is not recommended to use analogue drugs without the approval of the attending physician. When taking methyluracil rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis, you cannot change the drug to a similar one in the middle of the course.

If side effects seem intolerable to you when taking methyluracil, a decision may be made to change the medication. The choice is made depending on the diagnosis and the patient’s condition. But it is worth taking into account that methyluracil has a low cost, while analogues are often somewhat more expensive. As for the action, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a drug that is completely similar in action.

Why is methyluracil prescribed? One of the diseases that is successfully treated with this drug is prostatitis. Methyluracil's mechanism of action is calm but effective. It does not always act as the main way to combat the disease, but can be prescribed as part of a treatment complex. It is expected that the action of the medicine will prevent complications and help prostate tissues return to normal.

When using methyluracil, the description of the action and especially the side effects of the drug should be read in advance. When treating prostatitis, it is better to use rectal suppositories. This will avoid one of the main side effects, which is drowsiness, which reduces the reaction rate. If the patient spends a lot of time driving, it is methyluracil supp. rect. he should be selected for treatment. This form of medicine has a calming effect on a person, thereby increasing the therapeutic effect.

There is an annotation on methyluracil in each package - to study the effect on the body, do not be lazy to read it. In the treatment of prostatitis, the effectiveness of suppositories is ensured by the proximity of the affected organ. The active substance enters the prostate tissue and fully saturates it. With this method, there is no heavy load on the liver, so it is used more often.

What is methyluracil used for in exacerbation of prostatitis? The main goal is to obtain an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. When used correctly, methyluracil helps reduce swelling and suppress inflammation, while increasing the gland's ability to resist disease. The effect of the suppository is on both the tissue of the glandular organ and the rectal mucosa. If there are rectal fissures or hemorrhoids, they are also treated at the same time.

Comparison of drugs with similar effects

Some medications are similar in action to methyluracil, so the question arises - what is better to use in treatment? For example, there is little difference between Levomekol and Methyluracil ointments. But Levomekol is used more often if it is necessary to use an antimicrobial agent for speedy wound healing. When asked whether it is better to keep levomekol or methyluracil in a home medicine cabinet, we can advise you to purchase both products.

You can compare methyluracil or solcoseryl - which is better and more effective? By all accounts, the actions of the drugs are almost similar, except for the fact that solcoseryl is more expensive. Comparing which is better - natalsid or methyluracil, we can say that the first of the drugs will stop the bleeding faster. Otherwise, their action is similar.

Levomekol Solcoseryl

3 reviews


by date


    I bought Methyluracil suppositories for a child (10 years old) when problems appeared - cracks due to constipation. The drug was recommended to us by a pediatrician after I tried to treat the problem with ordinary sea buckthorn suppositories, which did not help. The price of Methyluracil suppositories pleased me, and one package was enough to completely remove the cracks. At the end of treatment for a child... I bought Methyluracil suppositories for a child (10 years old) when problems appeared - cracks due to constipation. The drug was recommended to us by a pediatrician after I tried to treat the problem with ordinary sea buckthorn suppositories, which did not help. The price of Methyluracil suppositories pleased me, and one package was enough to completely remove the cracks. At the end of the treatment, even the child’s stool changed for the better. I lit one candle for him every other day for the first week, then every two days. This dosage was completely enough for recovery. The children's body tolerated them normally, but the dosage was gentle. So I am completely satisfied with the drug.


    I use the drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids as prescribed by a doctor, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps me specifically. There were no side effects observed, so when a problem arises, I only use these suppositories.

    The doctor prescribed me Methyluracil suppositories after removing hemorrhoids for quick and good healing. Of course, at first it’s all very unpleasant. But after a few days the situation definitely improved. The burning and pain stopped, and the discomfort in this area gradually disappeared. And the candles themselves do not cause any side effects. I put the candles on for two weeks... The doctor prescribed me Methyluracil suppositories after removing hemorrhoids for quick and good healing. Of course, at first it’s all very unpleasant. But after a few days the situation definitely improved. The burning and pain stopped, and the discomfort in this area gradually disappeared. And the candles themselves do not cause any side effects. I left the candles on for two weeks. Everything is great now. I was also examined by a proctologist who performed the operation on me and said that everything was fine. I'll go back for an examination after a while to be more sure. I was satisfied with the Methyluracil suppositories.

Methyluracil is a drug used in medicine to intensively stimulate growth with subsequent restoration of tissue structure. It is used literally everywhere, as it not only speeds up the healing of wounds, injuries, stitches, but also promotes muscle gain. This medication is produced in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments, respectively, and the effect on the body can be systemic, local, or external.

Composition and release form

Forms of the drug Methyluracil according to the instructions for use are divided into three types:

  1. Candles;
  2. Ointment.

Methyluracil suppositories contain the main component in an amount of 500 mg, as well as in tablet form. But the ointment contains only 10% concentrate. On the territory of Ukraine, Methyluranil ointment is produced with miramistin in its composition. In general, the action of the product is similar to Levomekol. Methyluracil tablets have a systemic effect. Sold in pharmacies in packs of 50-100 pieces.

All forms of the drug contain the main substance - methyluracil, from which the commercial name comes. According to the instructions for use, auxiliary substances of Methyluracil are paraffins, alcohol, macrogol.

The tablets contain potato starch. This is very important, since hypersensitivity, as well as other contraindications, largely rely on these substances.

Effect on the body

The drug helps strengthen tissue and cellular immunity, stimulating it, launching many different structures, which produce the components necessary for restoration and growth. As a result, accelerated wound regeneration occurs until the normal structure is completely restored.

Methyluracil tablets, according to doctors, help restore function in all organs, bringing tissue back to normal, including the bone marrow. Therefore, the maturation of leukocytes with erythrocytes with their subsequent release into the circulatory system is improved. Therefore, the drug belongs to both immunomodulators and immunostimulants.

Thanks to the stimulation of the tissue repair process, protein material begins to accumulate in the body, which serves as the building material of the muscle frame. Therefore, the drug is often used by athletes to accelerate muscle growth and gain weight. Methyluracil also has an anti-inflammatory photoprotective effect when used as an ointment.

Indications for use

Methyluracil tablets, according to reviews from doctors and patients, have been shown to be effective in:

There is also a list of indications for Methyluracil suppositories or suppositories. It largely depends on the place of application.

Reviews about Methyluracil suppositories in gynecology and proctology were positive for the following indications:

The ointment is used exclusively externally and has a corresponding effect.

It is generally used for:

Such varied use is due to the limitations that each form of the drug has. The medication has shown its effectiveness, which is reflected in many reviews of Methyluracil. It is noted that the tablets, being a systemic drug, can help even in the presence of severe diseases that require restoration of the cellular structure.

The ointment is limited to the surface of the integument and mucous membranes. Promotes wound healing and elimination of defects. Methyluracil suppositories are used topically to treat the genitourinary system and rectum.

Indications for use

Methyluracil tablets are prescribed if there is a history of mild forms of leukopenia, which appeared as a result of the progression of acute radiation sickness, with frequent x-rays or after chemotherapy, and also in the presence of malignant oncology. The medication is also prescribed for malignant forms of anemia, thrombocytopenia, various intoxications and poisonings. As a means to restore the body, tablets can be prescribed after prolonged inflammatory diseases.

Methyluracil suppositories treat ulcerative colitis and proctitis. Also, the medication will help eliminate burns, diaper rash, pancreatitis, accelerate the restoration of bone tissue after fractures, and the wound will heal faster when using external forms of release. Suppositories in gynecology, which need to be inserted into the vagina, although they are rectal, are prescribed for the healing of erosions, colpitis, vulvitis. The use of ointment is indicated in the treatment of cracks, for the healing of wounds and cuts. Methyluracil is also used externally for acne, as it helps heal inflamed lesions.

Instructions for use

Each dosage form has its own application characteristics with calculated dosages. It is worth understanding that whether it is a systemic tablet drug or an ointment, in any case there is a risk of overdose, and therefore it is necessary to read the instructions for using Methyluracil both in tablets and in the form of suppositories or ointment.

The tablets are taken either during the meal or after it. It is not recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. For children over 14 years of age and adult patients, a dose of 500 mg at a time is recommended. That is, this is one tablet, taken up to 6 times a day, depending on the doctor’s indications.

Children from 8 to 14 can drink half this dose, but not more than 3 times a day. The full dose can only be prescribed under the supervision of a physician. Children from 3 to 8 years old can also take about 250 mg three times a day.

The daily maximum for adults is 3g, that is, no more than 6 tablets of Methyluracil. Children aged 8-14 years can take 1.5 g, that is, 3 tablets, as well as children 3-8 years old. The daily maximum cannot be exceeded. The duration of the course depends on the diagnosis. For example, gastrointestinal diseases are treated for 30-40 days. This is considered the longest course of therapy.

For other indications, the effect of the drug depends on the initial state of health, the complexity of the pathology and the course of the disease during treatment.

That is, shorter treatment regimens are usually assumed for other diagnoses.


The ointment is primarily used to speed up the regeneration process in the dermal tissues. Examples could be burns, injuries, stitches, and so on. No more than 5-10g can be used daily. The volume depends on the area affected, as well as the frequency of changing dressings.

Methyluracil ointment can be applied to wound surfaces of any type. This allows you to quickly restore normal tissue structures.

For such purposes, the place of influence:

  • Treated with any antiseptic medication;
  • Wash out necrotic and purulent masses from the wound;
  • Apply Methyluracil ointment to the surface of the treated area;
  • The area is covered with a gauze bandage.

When actively cleansing a wound with necrotic, purulent and exudative discharge, the dressing should be changed frequently. The word often means every 4 hours. If the wound is clean, then the dressing is changed once or twice a day. The duration of use depends on the speed of restoration of the integument. Under the influence of Methyluracil, postoperative sutures heal in about a week.

The ointment can also be used in the presence of microcracks and sutures in the perineum after childbirth. Apply ointment to the previously cleaned and washed surface, then cover with a gauze cloth.

The correct treatment of seams is as follows:

Methyluracil ointment is used according to the same principle in gynecology in general. It is possible to introduce the composition inside, that is, into the vagina, but for this there is also a more convenient form for use - suppositories.

Methyluracil suppositories (supp. rect. 500 mg No. 10)

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance

Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine + Sulfadimethoxine + Trimecaine + Chloramphenicol


1 suppository contains: methyluracil 500 mg

pharmachologic effect

Immunostimulant, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. Helps normalize the metabolism of nucleic acids, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration in wounds, accelerates the growth and granulation maturation of tissue and epithelization (including in rapidly proliferating cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa), stimulates erythro- and leukopoiesis, cellular and humoral immunity factors. Has anabolic activity and anti-inflammatory effect. When used externally, it also has a photoprotective effect.

Indications for use

For oral administration: leukopenia (mild forms, including those resulting from chemotherapy of malignant neoplasms, during X-ray and radiation therapy), agranulocytic tonsillitis, alimentary-toxic aleukia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, benzene intoxication, radiation sickness, convalescence (after severe infections), gastric and duodenal ulcers, slow-healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, pancreatitis. For external use: slow-healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, photodermatitis; trophic ulcers, bedsores, deep wounds. For local use: proctitis, sigmoiditis, ulcerative colitis.

Mode of application

Orally, during or after meals, 500 mg 4 times a day (if necessary, up to 6 times a day); children from 3 to 8 years old - 250 mg, over 8 years old - 250-500 mg 3 times a day. The course for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is 30-40 days; in other cases it may be shorter. For external use, the dosage regimen is set individually, depending on the dosage form used. The frequency of dressing changes depends on the depth and area of ​​the wound surface, the intensity of exudation and the presence of necrotic masses. Rectally used in adults 0.5-1 g 3-4 times/day; for children aged 3-8 years - 250 mg/day, for children aged 8-15 years - 500 mg/day. The course of treatment is from 1 week. up to 4 months


With simultaneous therapy with systemic antibacterial drugs, a synergistic effect is observed.

Side effect

Possible: allergic reactions; when taken orally - headache, dizziness, heartburn.


Hypersensitivity to methyluracil. For oral administration: leukemia (leukemic forms, especially myeloid), lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis, malignant diseases of the bone marrow. For external and local use: excess granulation in the wound.


No cases have been recorded. When used correctly, overdose is impossible.

special instructions

Dosage forms of methyluracil should be used strictly according to the appropriate indications.


According to the instructions, Methyluracil suppositories are intended for administration into the rectum. But the drug has found wide use in gynecology and obstetrics. Despite the fact that the instructions for using the drug in this direction do not say anything, there is a way to use the product in accordance with basic standards.

The drug is used rectally in a dosage of 500-1000 mg, that is, 1-2 suppositories. The procedure is carried out up to 4 times a day, depending on the indications. This dosage is intended for adults. Children 3-8 years old can be administered half a suppository, that is, no more than 250 mg at a time. Administration is carried out three times a day. Children 8-14 years old are given the adult dosage of 500 mg, also three times a day.

The duration of therapy depends on how quickly the patient recovers. That is, treatment can last from 1 week to 4 months, depending on the indications.

How to use Methyluracil suppositories:

To speed up the repair processes of the cervix and vagina, gynecologists have long begun to use a drug such as Methyluracil suppositories. To treat erosion, a suppository is injected into the uterus twice a day for two weeks.

The duration of treatment for other diseases may vary from 8 to 30 days. It depends on the initial condition, the severity of the disease, and the recovery process.

The vaginal method differs from the rectal method in that a woman must:

During pregnancy, women can use regular Methyluracil without problems. But the Ukrainian analogue with miramistin is contraindicated for pregnant women. I would like to note that any form of the drug requires prior consultation with a doctor with a preliminary study of the instructions for contraindications. In general, there are no contraindications to the use of ointments and suppositories during pregnancy and lactation if you use the product according to the instructions.

The only “but”: during lactation you should not apply the drug to the nipple area if you are breastfeeding.

What is the reason for the use of suppositories for cystitis?

Suppositories with methyluracil are included in the complex therapy of cystitis as an adjunct in order to quickly relieve inflammatory reactions and eliminate pain symptoms in patients. The advisability of prescribing suppositories with methyluracil for cystitis in women is due to:

  1. Rapid delivery of the active component of the drug to foci of infectious and inflammatory lesions, without penetrating the liver and digestive system, which eliminates intoxication processes and negative effects on beneficial intestinal flora.
  2. Almost instantaneous absorption into the bloodstream, providing a rapid therapeutic effect in the affected lining of the bladder.
  3. The absence of many additional structural components.
  4. Minimal manifestation of side symptoms.

Dosages and duration of treatment

The effectiveness of treatment depends on compliance with the prescribed dosages of the drug and compliance with the established duration of the therapeutic course. An individual treatment plan is drawn up for each patient, taking into account age, severity of clinical manifestations and concomitant pathologies, which minimizes the risks of unexpected effects. The annotation for the drug indicates a standard treatment plan.

  1. The recommended dose for adult patients is 1 or 2 suppositories (according to indications) from 1 to 4 times a day.
  2. For children aged 8, 14 years – 1 suppository/day.
  3. For children from 3 to 7 years old, the permissible daily dose is half a suppository.

Suppositories with methylorucil are approved for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women, as they do not affect the processes of intrauterine development. Pregnant women are prescribed standard adult dosages, or the doctor selects a gentle dosage, according to the severity of the clinical picture.

The course of therapy is individual - from one and a half weeks to 3 months, which depends on the rate of regeneration of the affected tissues. For children, the suppository is administered rectally; for adults, both options (rectal and vaginal) are suitable. For example, during menstruation, women can replace vaginal administration with rectal administration.

Before vaginal insertion of the suppository, the vaginal cavity must be cleared of mucus by douching with chlorhexidine, nitrofural, or soda solutions.

When administering a suppository rectally, the procedure begins after a cleansing enema with decoctions of calendula or chamomile.

Methyluracil therapy

The scope of use of the drug has expanded significantly since the first release of the drug. Therefore, Methyluracil has found application in gynecology, proctology, and other areas of medicine.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Methyluracil for hemorrhoids helps to reduce nodes and reduce pain. Candles are considered the most effective for these purposes. They will speed up the healing process as much as possible by acting directly on the affected area. They will also be effective in postoperative treatment of sutures.

If hemorrhoids are at the initial stage, then you can safely begin treatment with Methyluracil suppositories. If it is not possible to use suppositories, then you can use ointment externally. The suppositories must be inserted as deep as possible into the rectum, as described above in the instructions for use.

In general, for internal hemorrhoids, suppositories should be used if the nodes become inflamed inside. If the disease is external, it is better to use ointment.

Gynecological diseases

Methyluracil is used in gynecology both in the form of ointments and suppositories. With their help, you can cure any damage to the tissues of the genital organs. Naturally, the ointment is used for external injuries, ulcers and other skin defects. While for internal problems it is more convenient to use suppositories.

During treatment, sexual intercourse should not be performed and sexual rest is generally recommended for patients. Candles are used twice a day, that is, in the morning and evening. Methyluracil helps restore the vaginal mucosa even after radiation therapy. It is noted that methyluracil can and should be used before childbirth to reduce ruptures of the skin and vagina during the birth process.

10 days before the approximate date of birth, the drug is applied to the vaginal mucosa, as well as to the skin of the perineum.

This prophylaxis is carried out twice a day. The risk of rupture is reduced by at least 50%, although in some cases better results have been shown - up to 70%.

Side effects and contraindications↑

Side effects of methyluracil suppositories

Suppositories with methyluracil are usually well tolerated. Some men, after inserting a suppository, report a feeling of burning and itching in the rectum. In most cases, these unpleasant sensations go away on their own. In rare cases, when the sensations are severe, discontinuation of the drug is required.

Some patients complain of loose stools when using methyluracil suppositories, which is most often associated with an individual reaction to the paraffin contained in them.

In case of intolerance to the active substance or other components of the suppositories, some patients may develop allergic reactions. If such side effects occur, the use of these suppositories should be discontinued. Suppositories with methyluracil for prostatitis are also contraindicated for use in diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis), because the risk of relapses is high.

To treat inflammatory prostate diseases, an integrated approach is needed. The use of methyluracil suppositories alone for prostatitis will not bring the expected effect. These suppositories do not eliminate the cause of the disease and do not prevent the development of the pathological process: they restore the gland after inflammation, preventing the negative consequences of prostatitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any drug, Methyluracil has its own side effects and contraindications. Adverse symptoms include the following:

If we talk about contraindications, they are also different for each form. Thus, the following conditions are identified in which the use of the drug Methyluracil is strictly prohibited:

As the instructions for using Methyluracil show, the cost of improper treatment can be your lost health. Therefore, do not risk using the drug at your own discretion if there are contraindications.

A medicine, the main active element of which is methyluracil, is used for a lack of granulocytes. The use of the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician.

The main active element of the drug is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. This element is formed by leukocytes and relieves inflammation from the affected areas.

The drug "Methyluracil ointment": consumer reviews

methyluracil ointment reviews

This medicine is often used in medicine to treat certain diseases. Many patients respond positively to the drug “Methyluracil Ointment” - the instructions for use are simple, the number of contraindications and side effects is minimized, and the effect can be observed after the first uses. For many people, this medicine has long been part of their home medicine cabinet. They treat injured areas of the skin, treat burns (including sunburn), and even fight stretch marks on the skin. And most patients claim that the ointment is really effective. It can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, and the price is affordable - everyone can afford this medicine.

Effect of the drug

The main component of the drug is famous as a stimulator of erythropoiesis, as well as leukopoiesis. The medicine starts tissue metabolic processes and regenerates them. Methyluracil activates the synthesis of nucleic acids, and they activate the process of renewal of damaged tissues and restore the number of leukocytes. Thus, the product activates:

  • renewal of muscle tissue;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • tissue maturation.

The effect of Methyluracil on humans is difficult to overestimate. In order to build tissue and muscle cells, use Methyluracil in bodybuilding

. The active element treats conditions such as:

The drug restores the number of leukocytes and is an active participant in the regeneration process.

Pharmacological effect

The main active substance of methyluracil tablets is classified as a stimulator of leukopoiesis and erythropoiesis, but in addition, methyluracil is capable of stimulating metabolic processes in tissues and promoting their regeneration.

How does Methyluracil work? As a precursor of purines, Methyluracil promotes the activation of nucleic acid synthesis. The resulting DNA and RNA work to restore the number of leukocytes and activate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

By starting the process of leukocyte recovery, the drug accelerates:

  • muscle tissue regeneration;
  • growth and granulation maturation of tissues;
  • restoration of humoral and cellular immunity factors.

Instructions for use

In addition to activation and regeneration, Methyluracil

successfully used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, as it can restore nucleic acid metabolism in the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. The medicine is used according to the scheme:

  • children aged 3–8 years are prescribed 0.25 g of medication 4 times a day;
  • children over 8 years of age are prescribed no more than 0.5 g 4 times a day;
  • adults are prescribed 0.5 g at least 4 times a day.

Self-prescription of the drug is not recommended, especially for young children. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required. 10 days is the minimum course of treatment. It is changed depending on the disease. For digestive diseases, the course can be from 25–38 days. Its duration is prescribed by the attending doctor.

Methyluracil: side effects and contraindications

Before taking a medicine, you need to know about its possible side effects. Particular attention should be paid to minor patients, since their body is more susceptible to negative reactions from the drug. The tablets may cause:

  • skin rash;
  • heartburn;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness.

Before using Methyluracil, you need to pay special attention to its contraindications. Negative effects may occur in children under three years of age. If there is sensitivity to the elements of the drug, the drug is contraindicated. Their use is prohibited when:

  • leukemia;
  • tumors of the digestive organs;
  • bone marrow tumors;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

Admission during pregnancy

It is known that the use of the drug Methyluracil

during pregnancy is not dangerous. It can be prescribed for gynecological diseases. Suppositories are used for inflammation and erosion. Do not forget to consult a doctor who will assess the likely harm from using the medication and its benefits for the mother.

The drug "Methyluracil ointment": instructions for use

methyluracil ointment instructions

Of course, before starting use, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist knows how to properly use the drug “Methyluracil ointment”. The instructions here are, of course, simple, but determining the dosage and duration of treatment on your own is almost impossible. The affected areas of the skin must be lubricated with the product every day. The daily dose of ointment is 5–10 g. Depending on the nature and size of the damage, the treated part may or may not be covered with a bandage. If we are talking about the treatment of inflammatory processes of the rectum or reproductive system, then the ointment is first applied to a cotton swab and only then the tissue is treated.

methyluracil ointment in gynecology

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