Effective remedies for puffiness under the eyes: face masks, medicinal cosmetics, massages

3 Beauty 02/01/2017

Today, dear readers, I want to talk to you about a very common problem that rarely anyone has not encountered at different periods of their lives. This is swelling under the eyes, which literally poisons life, especially for us women. Neither smooth skin, nor beautiful hair, nor a beautiful figure can please us when we wake up in the morning and see our puffy eyelids in the mirror.

Most often, the problem of swelling under the eyes is associated with errors in diet and poor lifestyle, but it is not uncommon for the swelling to be caused by a serious illness that requires medical intervention. Today we will try to figure out what swelling under the eyes is, the reasons for their appearance and what to do about it.

Swelling under the eyes. Causes

The physiological structure of the eyelids suggests a tendency to swelling. Let's figure out how our eyelids work, why do swelling appear under the eyes? The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, it is riddled with small blood vessels. The eyeball is separated from the orbit of the skull by adipose tissue; it serves as a shock absorber, protecting the eye from damage. Between this fat layer and the skin of the eyelids there is connective tissue that holds the fat layer inside the eye socket. When its elasticity decreases and the fatty tissue increases in volume, it sags, forming swelling, which in medicine is called a hernial protrusion. The situation is aggravated by the fact that fat has the ability to absorb moisture, which also leads to swelling.

Let's take a look at what puffiness under the eyes can look like.

Swelling is not a simple cosmetic defect; not only can it serve as a sign of certain diseases, the swelling itself can cause eye fatigue, tearing, and decreased vision, so it is important to understand the causes of edema and eliminate them. As I already said, swelling can occur as a result of certain diseases, or it may not be related to diseases. Let's look at the reasons in more detail.

Hereditary predisposition

When young people develop “bags” under their eyes, the swelling is caused by a hereditary predisposition to the growth of the fat layer. This process begins in adolescence and swelling of the eyelids accompanies a person throughout his life, becoming more noticeable with age.

Drinking alcohol and smoking

Drinking alcohol and consuming nicotine, which contain toxic substances, lead to sleep disturbances, hormonal changes, and fatigue, which in turn affects the water-salt balance of the body. Excess fluid accumulates and swelling forms.

Overwork and stress

Stress, physical and mental fatigue, prolonged sitting at the computer, insomnia - all these are factors that lead to fluid retention in the body, a decrease in the elasticity of connective tissue, they are a very common cause of swelling under the eyes in modern people.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation

Swelling can be caused by ultraviolet radiation. Excessive sunbathing thins the already thin skin of the eyelids, making it even more vulnerable. That's why, after a wonderful vacation by the sea, we sometimes get a cosmetic defect in the form of bags under the eyes. Fortunately, this kind of swelling is not difficult to deal with.

Excess salt

Salt can retain water in the tissues of the body, so when we eat salty foods, we risk swelling. In addition, after salty food you always want to drink, and this is an additional burden on the tissues surrounding our eyelids. Not only salt, but also hot, spicy, smoked foods can retain fluid in the body and cause edema. If you are prone to swelling, it is better to refuse such food or limit its consumption.


The most common cause of edema is age, when the skin loses its elasticity, and one of the weak points is the eyelids. The layer of fat tends to grow with age, the connective tissue is not able to hold it, as a result, fat and fluid accumulate under the skin of the lower eyelid, forming ugly swelling. And these are not just swelling, these are “bags”, the treatment of which with conservative means is often not possible.

Cosmetic procedures

An incorrectly selected cream or excessive force on the eyelids when applying it stretches the delicate skin and can lead to swelling. Therefore, eyelid creams are selected especially carefully; they must have a delicate consistency and are applied only along massage lines without stretching or force. You should not apply cream to your eyelids immediately before going to bed, as this is guaranteed to lead to swelling.

Causes of puffiness under the eyes in the morning

Why is there swelling under the eyes in the morning? If we detect swelling under the eyes only in the morning, most often this indicates an imbalance in the water balance in the body. This applies equally to both excess fluid and its lack.

The most common cause is liquid drunk in the evening before bed. At night, our body’s metabolism reduces activity, and the kidneys simply do not have time to remove fluid, as a result we see an unpleasant picture in the mirror.

As paradoxical as it sounds, if the body lacks fluid for a long time, it begins to accumulate it in the tissues, creating a reserve, which can ultimately lead to swelling of the face and eyelids. The normal amount of fluid for a person, if there are no contraindications from the kidneys and heart, is 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

Independent fight against swelling

Compresses for eyelids

  • Contrast compress . For it, you can use decoctions of parsley, mint, oak bark, chamomile and other medicinal plants. Heat one part of the broth and cool the other part. You need to start the procedure with a warm compress. Take two cotton pads, soak them generously in warm liquid and place them on your eyes and hold for a couple of minutes. Repeat the same with a cold compress. Several approaches can be performed, but the procedure should always be completed with a warm application.
  • Tea compress . It is the simplest and most accessible. As you know, tea is a source of caffeine. It constricts blood vessels well, thereby reducing swelling under the eye. Take two tea bags and pour hot boiled water over them. When cool, place it on your eyes and hold for 5-10 minutes. Drowsiness and swelling go away quickly after such a compress.
  • Compress with cucumber and lemon . Combine equal amounts of lemon and cucumber juice together. Soak two cotton pads in it and place on your eyes for 5 minutes. The method allows you to remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
  • with vitamin E. Add a few drops of vitamin E to boiled water at room temperature (it can be purchased at any pharmacy). Soak cotton swabs in this water and place them on your eyes. The product not only prevents the development of edema, but also softens and nourishes the skin, restoring it to a radiant, healthy appearance.

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Anti-edema masks

Masks to combat swelling are carried out at the same frequency as regular caring masks. They should be kept on the skin for 15 to 30 minutes .

  • Egg white mask . Helps relieve puffiness, tightens the skin around the eyes and gives it a healthy appearance. Masks made from ripe strawberries are characterized by the same effects.
  • Parsley is famous for its whitening and decongestant properties.
    Masks with parsley . Parsley has been famous for its whitening and decongestant properties for many years. For the mask, you can use both chopped greens and juice, which are mixed with heavy cream or sour cream and applied to the skin.
  • Apples minced or grated on a fine grater will help reduce swelling under the eyes.
  • Infusion of birch leaves . Pour several fresh birch leaves (6-7 pieces) into a glass of mineral water and leave for 24 hours (you can leave it overnight). After this, the infusion is filtered and applied to the area of ​​edema.
  • On the shelves of modern cosmetic stores you can find ready-made masks for relieving puffiness under the eyes.

Massage to eliminate swelling

Yellow circles under the eyesWhat to do if the eyelid twitchesThe appearance of dark spots before the eyes

There are several eye massage techniques. In order to achieve a good effect, it must be performed correctly, following all the steps:

  1. Preparation : Using your index finger or thumb, apply pressure along the eyebrow line, starting from the outer corner of the eye. When you reach the middle of the line, gently pull the skin upward to create a feeling of resistance on the eyelids. After this, blink with tension 20-25 times.
  2. A few minutes of massage and you will resume normal venous and lymphatic drainage.
    Removing swelling : Place your index fingers on both sides of the bridge of the nose (in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eye). Apply gentle pressure and smoothly move your fingers towards the outer corners of the eye. Just a few minutes of this massage and you will resume normal venous and lymphatic drainage. The swelling will decrease.
  3. Finishing the massage : Place both palms on your temples and perform circular movements for a minute. By doing this you stimulate active points and balance the nervous system.

Massage to improve the elasticity of the eyelids

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Place the middle finger of your right hand on the skin of the outer corner of your right eye.
  3. With your other hand, massage along the lower edge of the eyelid, towards the inner corner and vice versa.

The manipulation must be repeated 5-6 times for each eye.

Massage that stimulates blood circulation

The exercises described below can be done at any time, any number of times:

  1. Using your middle and index fingers, make patting movements in the area of ​​the lower eyelid;
  2. Stroke the skin around the eyes first clockwise and then counterclockwise;
  3. Close your eyes for 15-20 seconds, and then open your eyes and relax your eyelids for the same amount of time. Repeat ten times;
  4. Close your eyelids, press them with your fingers and try to open them. This exercise improves skin tone well;
  5. Firmly fix the skin above the eyebrows with your fingertips and open your eyes as wide as possible. The forehead does not wrinkle.

Olive oil massage

Moisten your fingertips with olive oil and gently pat over the skin around the eyes. Try not to stretch the skin while doing this.

This massage will increase local blood circulation and eliminate congestion that causes swelling.

What diseases can cause swelling?

The causes of swelling under the eyes described above are temporary and removable; you just need to adjust your diet and lifestyle. Everything is much more complicated when swelling is caused by inflammatory processes and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. What diseases can cause swelling?

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and eyeball;
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • Circulatory disorders in the eyelid area caused by spasms or vascular thrombosis;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Acute respiratory infections;
  • Allergic reactions.

When persistent swelling under the eyes appears, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor and identify the causes, since swelling of the eyelids can be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of swelling

There are a lot of them. The causes of severe swelling of the eyes are a sign of the disease. This is one of the symptoms that indicates the manifestation of many diseases. When treating the disease, swelling will gradually disappear.

The appearance of swelling is promoted by:

  • Errors in lifestyle and nutrition.

Need to move more. The best way to relieve swelling is to walk at a fairly brisk pace.

  • Short sleep, overwork, insomnia, stress.
  • Overwork of the muscles in the orbital area.
  • Prolonged crying.
  • Fractures, bruises, ENT diseases, burns.
  • Allergic reaction of the body to cosmetics, medications, insect bites, etc.

To exclude factors that can provoke fluid stagnation under the eyes, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the possible causes of its occurrence.

The main culprits of swelling have long been known:

  • Eating salty, fatty, spicy foods, alcohol in the evening. Salt disrupts fluid circulation and delays elimination from the body.
  • Drinking fluids before bed. The impossibility of sufficient lymph flow and blood circulation without human movement.
  • Poor drinking regime.

To ensure constant fluid removal, it is necessary to consume 1.5–2 liters of fluid per day.

Causes of swelling under the eyes in women

Why do women often experience swelling under their eyes? The reasons here are often related to changes in hormonal levels during various periods of the menstrual cycle, as well as during menopause. Women need to pay more attention to rest, get enough sleep and maintain a drinking regime. Another risk factor for edema is pregnancy, when a woman’s kidneys are overloaded and cannot cope with their function. In this case, medical supervision is needed to minimize the risk to mother and child.

What to do and how to get rid of swelling

First, exclude dangerous diseases. If you are healthy, and swelling appears, then you need to somehow fight it. There are home remedies that work very well to relieve swelling.

The first and easiest way to relieve swelling is to place tea bags under your eyes and lie there for a few minutes. If swelling in the morning is a common thing for you, then you can freeze the used bags and use them in the morning to relieve swelling.

Compress with chamomile infusion. It is necessary to make a chamomile decoction (we have already talked about how to make it more than once), put two basins. One will contain a hot decoction, the other a cold one. Wet the gauze alternately, sometimes in a cold composition, sometimes in a hot one, and apply to the face. Finish the procedure with a cold compress.

Rubbing with ice cubes. You need to freeze a decoction of chamomile, calendula or birch leaves, or cucumber juice. In the morning, wipe your face. Contact time with skin is no more than 5 seconds to avoid excessive cooling.

Potato mask. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, mash, cover your face for 20 minutes, rinse. Raw potato slices are also an excellent remedy. They are applied for 10 minutes.

Parsley mask. Scroll the parsley through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting slurry with strong black tea and apply to the skin for 10 minutes.

See more recipes for parsley masks

Cucumber mask. Grate a fresh cucumber and place the resulting pulp on the swollen areas for 10-15 minutes. Relieves swelling very quickly.

Ultimately, you can hide puffiness under your eyes with foundation. You just need to do it right!

Swelling under the eye on one side. Causes

It also happens that swelling occurs under the right eye or under the left, and the reasons for such unilateral swelling can also be different.

  • Allergic reaction to cosmetics, medications, food, dust and other irritants;
  • Infectious diseases of the eyelids, such as conjunctivitis, stye or blepharitis;
  • An insect bite on the eyelid leads to unilateral swelling; this may be an undetected bite of an ordinary midge;
  • Sinusitis, allergic rhinitis;
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, diseased teeth;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.

Unilateral edema may appear after sleep with an uncomfortable position of the head on the pillow, when the venous outflow of blood in the vessels surrounding the eye is hampered. In this case, you need to figure out what causes the swelling, the pillow or the position of the body during sleep.

I suggest watching a fragment of the program “About the Most Important Thing.” Here, doctors analyze the causes of swelling under the eyes.

What causes eye puffiness

The occurrence of edema is promoted by:

  • Physiological characteristics of the skin of the eyelids. Fluid accumulation is facilitated by loose fiber under the skin.
  • Stagnation of fluid in skin tissues. It is associated with the slow action of blood circulation.
  • Low content of collagen and elastin. The skin around the eyes cannot withstand the pressure of the fluid.
  • Small thickness of the skin of the eyelids (for example, it is 6 times thinner than the skin of the cheeks). When fluid stagnates, it is not easy for it to withstand heavy loads.
  • Mature age. With age, the skin and muscle fibers become thinner and less elastic. In this case, fatty tissue can even sink directly under the skin, creating a swelling similar to edema.

After a night's sleep, with age, it becomes more and more difficult for the eyes to “open” due to the slowdown in microcirculation of lymph and blood, and increased swelling of special adipose tissue.

  • Heredity is the innate structure of the eye tissue.

It has been established that the larger the eyes themselves, the greater the likelihood of swelling with age. This statement is associated with an increase in the area of ​​fluid accumulation near the eyes.

Swelling under the eyes. What to do

Whatever the cause of swelling, you definitely need to fight it, because in addition to an unpleasant cosmetic defect, they can cause physical discomfort and are signs of serious problems in the body. First of all, it is necessary to find the cause; this may require certain studies and consultation with a doctor.

If swelling of the eyelids is associated with diseases, treatment of swelling under the eyes comes down to combating the underlying disease; as soon as the problem is eliminated, the swelling will no longer bother you. In this case, you cannot do without specialist doctors; you cannot self-medicate, otherwise you can start the problem and turn the disease into a chronic one.

Why do edema appear in children?

Often children may also experience bruises and bags under their eyes in the morning. The eyelids swell due to prolonged crying the night before, general sleep disturbance, and prolonged viewing of TV or playing on the computer. Otherwise, the causes and mechanism of swelling of the upper eyelids are the same as in adults.

If, with slight compression of the eyelid, the swelling slowly returns, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. Most likely, the causes of puffy eyes are more serious, and it is unclear why excess fluid accumulates in the child's body.

When does blepharoplasty help?

In the case of a genetic predisposition or physiological characteristics of your skin, when no folk methods or miraculous tightening creams help, you can resort to surgical intervention.

Qualified eye clinics offer a service such as blepharoplasty , which involves the surgical removal of excess periocular tissue. This, in turn, will entail a weakening of the tension of the orbital membrane and tightening of the skin of the eyelids.

The decision on the need for surgery is made by the patient together with an experienced doctor, who will warn about the possible consequences of the procedure and tell you about the features of post-operative eyelid skin care.

Be healthy and happy!

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