Causes It is believed that the occurrence and development of the disease is facilitated by: Flat feet; Genetic predisposition; Endocrine system disorders;
Causes of hirsutism in women Among the main reasons for the appearance of hirsutism in girls, one should highlight: the presence
Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the C cells of the thyroid gland that reduces the level of calcium in the blood, an antagonist
Causes, symptoms and treatment of arthrosis of the foot When diagnosing arthrosis of the foot, experts mean degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage
Cardiac rupture (HR) is a pathological process in which the walls between the ventricles, or the walls
The spleen can be called a filter and storage of blood - nature assigned such tasks to it.
10/04/2018 Uterine adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor formed by cells of glandular tissue. Has several stages
This drug is intended for the control of hypertensive manifestations and management of angina pectoris. It is also used in
What is fibrous dysplasia? Fibrous dysplasia (FD, Jaffe-Lichtenstein disease) is a rare bone disease. Bone,
Of all the possible types of burns, boiling water burns are considered the most common. Get burned by boiling liquid