Causes and signs of the disease. (language to treat hyperkalemia: medications and non-drug therapy. Prevention of the disease. Hyperkalemia
2466 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 3 minutes AA Prostatitis and
Overfatigue is a condition of the body that is caused by too much tension due to frequent stress, anxiety, constant
What is a thyroid adenoma Thyroid adenoma is a benign neoplasm that appears in
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The use of this drug allows you to regulate the activity of the nervous system, exhibiting a calming effect,
Abdominal pain below the navel, causes of abdominal pain Diagnosis, what to do if severe
Anyone who has cooked corn has been faced with the dilemma of whether to throw away the corn silk or to cook it with
Cardiovascular diseases Most often, athletes, having felt pain in the chest, begin to worry about the presence
Main symptoms: Muscle pain Joint pain Respiratory failure Exhaustion Heart rhythm disturbances
A brain cyst is a rather dangerous diagnosis for a person, after which it is necessary to strictly