What causes and how to treat papillomas on the body

In some people, in various parts of the body, upon careful examination, it is easy to notice formations, the sizes of which may vary. Such phenomena are a manifestation of papillomatous infection. Hence the name benign tumor. Why do papillomas appear on the human body, what does the body signal about?

Papillomas on the human body are quite common. But are they really safe?

What types of growths are there?

Experts know about hundreds of types of papillomas. Five of them are found on the human body:

  • Simple or vulgar.

Most often the surface of the fingers and hands is affected in children and adolescents. Such formations exist for a long period of time and disappear without a trace even without treatment. The photo shows what the growths look like.

Many papillomas under the arms are also of the simple or vulgar type.

  • Plantar.

As the name suggests, such growths grow on the feet, causing a person to experience discomfort and pain while walking. The photo shows an example of plantar neoplasms.

  • Flat.

Most often the surface of the face and hands are affected. May cause skin inflammation. The photo shows a flat papilloma on the face.

  • Thread-like.

They occur more often in older people. An example is papillomas under the arms. The growths also choose to be located in the groin, neck, and eyes.

  • Pointed.

Also known as condylomas. They are localized in intimate places, which is why this type of papillomas is often called the most dangerous.

What is papilloma?

Doctors call papilloma a kind of benign tumor. It appears quite often on the skin, and can be seen in a variety of areas of the body: on the neck, on the arms and legs, on the chest, and face. Papillomas often appear on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In some cases, people confuse such growths with moles at the initial stage of their development, but after some time they reach sizes of up to two centimeters and become more convex. These growths are characterized by white or dark brown color.

Knowing why papillomas grow on the body, you can prevent the development of this disease.

Transmission routes

The mechanism for the formation of growths starts after the human papillomavirus or HPV enters the body. Why is this happening? First of all, infection occurs through sexual contact between a sick and healthy partner. Another channel is minor violations of the integrity of the skin.

Papillomavirus is the cause of formations on the human body

These are the main routes of transmission of the virus. However, practice contains many examples when a child becomes infected when a mother infected with HPV passes through the birth canal.

It should be noted that experts reduce to zero the likelihood of self-infection along the skin-to-skin line. Whereas the transmission “body surface – genitals – adjacent zones” and, accordingly, the likelihood of growths appearing is very likely. Why is that? The explanation is simple - the skin of intimate areas is more susceptible to damage when compared with other areas on the human body.

The nature of the human papillomavirus

The papilloma virus has a relatively calm and passive character. Its incubation period is approximately 6 months. But it is far from a fact that after this period it will somehow manifest itself. The virus can sleep peacefully in the body for many years and even decades, without causing absolutely any harm to its owner.

It will be almost no difficulty for a person to pick it up, but in order to “wake it up”, they will have to try hard.

Provoking factors

Why does the human body become open to the penetration of the virus? There are several provoking factors:

  • decreased immunity;
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • constantly being in a state of stress;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • sexual promiscuity;
  • frequent and prolonged stay in places with high humidity;
  • taking medications over a long period of time.

Knowing why HPV infection is possible, it is much easier for a person to minimize the negative impact of provoking factors. And figure out why papillomas appear on the neck and in other places.

Important note: there are many reasons why papillomas occur. Often there is a combination of several at once, which is why the neoplasms become numerous. You can expect them to appear anywhere and anytime.

The main ways of infection with the human papillomavirus

For a long time, scientists could not answer the question of what causes papillomas. But now they already know for sure that the cause is a virus, and they can tell how it is transmitted from person to person. There are several main ways of infection:

  • Contact household - is the most common. The virus enters the body through the use of other people's towels, toiletries, linen, dishes, etc., as well as through joint visits to a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Sexual – transmitted during kissing and sex.
  • Birth - the virus passes to the child from an infected mother during childbirth.

And if today doctors no longer have any doubts about why papillomas appear (it’s all due to the virus and only it), then when asked why in some cases the infection sleeps happily all their lives, and in others it awakens and behaves extremely aggressively, they cannot answer unequivocally. There are many factors that activate HPV. Information about them is below.

Why are they dangerous?

A person infected with HPV puts his body at risk of developing cancer. Especially if they are diagnosed in intimate places. Such tumors have a number of features:

  • formations of this type in conditions of unprotected sexual intercourse are the cause of a 100% probability of infection;
  • against the background of growths, a woman develops oncological diseases such as cervical cancer.

In men, papilloma in intimate places does not threaten the development of malignant neoplasms. However, during sexual intercourse or other cases of accidental injury, bleeding, discomfort, and pain are often observed. This can lead to inflammatory processes in intimate areas.

The main reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the body

The period when HPV, having become embedded at the DNA level of cells, does not manifest itself in any way can last up to thirty years. During this period, the human body is replenished with a number of other types of this virus, so the manifestation of the disease always has many foci, and in addition, it manifests itself against the background of symptoms of other diseases. This results in the person continuing to remain a carrier of the infection.

The form of manifestation of the disease is determined by the behavior of the infected person, his health, and lifestyle:

  • the primary manifestation of any type of HPV occurs in people who have begun early sexual activity, often change sexual partners, and have an unconventional orientation;
  • homosexual men are more likely than others to develop cancer of the anus, rectum and gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertensive people, people with high blood sugar levels, have tumors that merge and seem to be on top of each other;
  • HPV infection of pregnant women ends in infection of the fetus, causing premature birth, self-abortion, and delayed development of the child;
  • children can become infected in kindergarten from peers who are carriers of the disease;
  • a virus that enters the larynx causes the development of laryngeal papillomatosis, a disease that can only be cured through surgery or chemotherapy.

Children of infected parents are carriers of papilloma. The reason is:

  • taking a bath with them;
  • being together in the bathhouse;
  • use of shared towels;
  • sleeping in the same bed with parents.

Therefore, if parents discover any type of papillomas, even anogenital, it is necessary to take the child for examination, since he may also be a carrier of a dangerous virus.

Papillomas in children

It is generally accepted that growths can only be expected to appear on the body of an adult. However, medical practice contains many examples of diagnosing the disease even in newborns. In this case, the causes and provoking factors should be sought from the mother. The baby’s body, which does not have its own immune system, is defenseless against infection in the birth canal.

In older children, papillomas most often form in the chest, soles, and neck. Such growths should not be left without the attention of a qualified doctor. Prescribed and performed examinations will help to find out the causes of papillomas. It should be remembered that treatment of the condition with drug programs in the case of children is practically not justified. Their body and mental characteristics do not allow them to avoid scratching and unintentional damage to the surface of the formation.

A doctor should treat tumors in a child.

Therefore, papillomas on the body of a small person are preferably removed surgically. During the intervention, a scalpel is used, as well as the method of electrocoagulation or cryodestruction. Good results are obtained by using laser, radiotherapy and cauterization. The doctor decides which practice to choose. It takes into account the results of the examination, the condition of the skin on the body of a small person in the area where the growth is located.

Signs and diagnosis

After HPV enters the body, the incubation period lasts 2-3 months. In some cases it can last for several years. At the same time, the virus does not reveal itself in any way, but under favorable conditions, papillomas quickly appear on the body. Signs of these neoplasms:

  1. Simple papillomas are hard with a rough surface. Their size can vary from 1 mm to several millimeters. They are often localized in groups. They form on the palms, fingers and popliteal cavities. Such papillomas grow when the immune system is malfunctioning.
  2. Flat papillomas practically do not differ in color from the skin tone. They resemble cones with a flat top. These formations often become red and itchy.
  3. Plantar formations are very similar to calluses. At the initial stage of development, small bump-like neoplasms appear, gradually turning into a papilloma with a characteristic rim. Smaller daughter formations appear next to it.
  4. Filiform papillomas are yellowish lumps that gradually grow in length. Their size can reach 1-6 mm.
  5. Genital warts appear when the immune system malfunctions. In good health, this type of virus can lie dormant for decades. Under the influence of provoking factors, characteristic formations appear on the genitals. In men, they are localized on the scrotum, head of the penis and frenulum. In women, they appear on the clitoris, cervix, labia, vagina, and anus. These painless formations, ranging in size from 1 mm to several centimeters, have a thin stalk. They have a flesh-colored, pinkish or reddish tint.

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A dermatologist will help diagnose a specific type of HPV. Specialists such as a urologist and gynecologist also examine the genitals for the presence of tumors. To determine the oncogenicity of papilloma, a blood test is performed using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and DNA diagnostics. As a rule, the specialist suggests conducting the same studies to the patient’s sexual partner.

Women, in addition to the above tests, undergo colposcopy and biopsy of the genital organs. Patients whose papillomavirus is oncogenic undergo medical examinations with a gynecologist twice a year. Pregnancy planning involves preliminary diagnosis and treatment of the virus. If genital warts are detected in a pregnant woman, the specialist recommends removal of these tumors.

Papillomas and pregnancy

Growths can appear on the human body at any time. As noted, stress and weakened immunity are cited as the cause of infection with the virus or its removal from a sleepy state. The body experiences similar things during pregnancy. Due to the restructuring, a woman and her immune system are practically unprotected.

When planning a pregnancy, a woman, for the sake of the health of her and her unborn child, must undergo testing for the presence of HPV. The presence of condylomas in the birth canal is the reason for surgical delivery by cesarean section. It is recommended to get rid of papillomas that appear on the face, neck and chest no earlier than in the third trimester.

Types and locations of small papillomas

Skin growths are divided into:

  • Simple. The spherical tubercles of flesh-colored colors have uneven outlines and a rough surface. There are single outgrowths and group ones (maternal tumor surrounded by daughter tumors). The growths are localized on the hands, chin and ankles. Most often, warts occur in children.
  • Thread-like. The elongated, compacted flesh-colored papillae are equipped with a thin stalk. Thread-like small papillomas grow on the neck, eyelids, in the groin area, armpits, and under the breasts. Thread-like growths occur in those over 40.
  • Plantar. Warts that form on the feet grow deep into the tissues, have an incredible resemblance to calluses, and cause excruciating pain when walking.
  • Pointed. The papillae affect the genitals and are dangerous. They easily transform into malignant tumors.
  • Flat. Round or oval bumps of flesh-colored and brownish shades rise above the skin by 1-2 mm. Rarely appear alone. Flat, small papillomas grow throughout the body: on the face, neck, hands.

Prevention of papillomavirus

To prevent infection with this virus, certain preventive measures should be taken:

  • Excluding possible methods of infection - casual sexual intercourse;
  • Compliance with the rules for personal hygiene - use only individual items, visit trusted hairdressers, swimming pools and other public places where the necessary disinfection must be carried out;
  • Maintaining immunity - this method of prevention will protect the body from the manifestation of the virus, even if it is present. Eliminate all possible risk factors: bad habits, poor diet, stressful situations, etc.

Thus, each person can independently protect their body from such viral diseases by observing preventive measures and contacting a specialist on time, at the first manifestations of papillomavirus.

Symptoms of the disease

Papilloma virus is a viral disease that occurs with hidden symptoms, which makes it impossible for many women and men to recognize its presence in the body. The first and most common symptoms of a viral infection is the appearance of warts on the body. After these formations appear, you should immediately contact a specialist and conduct a test for the presence of DNA of this virus in the body.

After identifying papilloma in the body, you should begin treating the disease without waiting for it to progress and spread throughout the skin. Papillomas on the body are most often observed on the face and hands, less often on other parts of the body. The incubation period in most cases ranges from one month to six, after which the maximum concentration of the virus in human blood is observed.

The disease itself is not dangerous, but it is a consequence of the presence of some abnormalities in the body that should be looked for immediately. Typically, such causes of formations are advanced colitis, gastritis, gynecological diseases, kidney diseases, etc.

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