Where does cardiac edema appear?

What heart diseases cause leg swelling?

Contrary to popular belief, swelling of the legs does not occur in patients if cardiac pathology develops in a short time. In this case, the necessary mechanisms of decompensation simply do not have time to engage in active work.

In most cases, the cause of the pathology is acquired long-term diseases of the heart muscle. It is believed that in patients who have any congenital diseases, swelling in the lower extremities does not form. People with acquired problems are prone to it.

The most common diseases include chronic heart failure, hypertension and ischemic muscle damage. Also reasons may be:

  • rheumatic attacks;
  • any types of cardiomyopathies;
  • acquired heart defects of any type;
  • adhesive type pericarditis and other diseases.

What is the difference between cardiac edema?

Heart failure is a disease in which the heart does not pump enough blood. It causes fluid retention in the body, swelling, shortness of breath and rapid weight gain. To reduce the severity of these symptoms, patients are advised to limit fluid intake - no more than 1.5-2 liters per day.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide—no other cause kills as many people every year as CVD.

Often, cardiovascular diseases are treated with medications or surgery.

However, there is another treatment method that is safer and cheaper. We are talking about Monastic tea, which consists of a unique mixture of the rarest and most powerful natural healing substances. This tea has proven its effectiveness not only for patients, but also for science, which has recognized it as an effective drug. Studies have shown that heart disease goes away in 10-15 days.

Diuretic drugs for heart failure: pros and cons

  • magnesium-B6 - normalizes blood pressure and heart rate;
  • coenzyme Q10 - heart rejuvenation;
  • L-carnitine - will quickly make you more alert and add energy;
  • taurine is a natural diuretic, anti-edema.

To control the daily volume of fluid consumed, set up a record of it. Control everything you drink - water, tea, compote, juices, soup. Reduce the size of the cups you drink from and drink no more than one cup at a time. When eating soup, eat the grounds and leave the broth.

Pay attention to a low-carbohydrate diet. It normalizes the level of insulin in the blood. But insulin is one of the main hormones that causes fluid retention. You don't want to have more of it in your blood than you need. Also, a low-carbohydrate diet normalizes blood pressure. It is suitable for people who do not have serious kidney disease.

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  • work and disability, driving and air travel.

Diuretic medications are often prescribed for heart failure to remove excess fluid from the body. These drugs are also called diuretics. They are taken 1-3 times a day, as prescribed by the doctor. There are cases of mild heart failure, which can be compensated by the patient switching to a healthy lifestyle.

If there is no edema, then there is no need to take diuretic medications! But, as a rule, the prescription of diuretics cannot be avoided, because no other drugs can reduce swelling. It is necessary to start treatment with the weakest diuretic drugs in low doses. See the tables below for details.

Diuretic medications do not eliminate the cause of heart failure, but only temporarily reduce swelling. Therefore, you should try to take the weakest diuretic possible in the minimum dose that is enough to help you. Support your heart by living a healthy lifestyle so you don't have to switch to a more powerful diuretic or increase your dose.

In case of heart failure, diuretic medications should always be taken together with other drugs that belong to the following groups: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, beta blockers. If you take diuretics without additional medications, the body will adapt to their effect, compensate for it, and there will be almost no effect from the treatment.

Hypertension (pressure surges) - in 89% of cases kills the patient in his sleep! 1.54 million heart attacks in 2020!

Hypertension is the cause of “natural” deaths in 77-78% of cases. In absolute numbers, this is about 1.54 million deaths in 2020 and 1.49 million in 2020. The numbers are truly colossal and frightening!

Currently, the only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension is Monastic Heart Tea.

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • ascites - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • moist rales or fluid in the lung cavity.

Diuretic medications for heart failure should be taken every day, at least once a day or more often. You cannot take any breaks on your own initiative. Taking it every other day or even less often is deadly. Unauthorized withdrawal of medications, reduction of dosages or frequency of administration is the main cause of decompensation of heart failure and death of patients.

Salt consumption should be limited to 3 grams per day. This is a lot, in fact. Completely eliminating salt in heart failure is recommended only in severe cases. Talk to your doctor about how much salt you can eat. Diuretics not only remove excess salt and fluid from the body, but also lower blood pressure. Thanks to this, the load on the diseased heart is reduced.

Hypothiazide and indapamide (Arifon) are the weakest diuretics. Furosemide and torasemide are more powerful. Diacarb and aldosterone antagonists are important auxiliary drugs that enhance the effect of the main diuretics.

Treatment of moderate heart failure is recommended to begin with thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics. However, they are not effective for kidney failure. As a rule, over time they have to be replaced or supplemented with loop diuretics, which include furosemide (Lasix) and torsemide (Diuver, Britomar).

Aldosterone antagonists are important adjuvant medications that are prescribed in addition to thiazide and loop diuretics. The drugs Veroshpiron and Inspra block the action of the hormone aldosterone. This hormone, among its other effects, stimulates the replacement of the heart muscle with scar tissue, which does not pump blood.

Aldosterone antagonists for heart failure are prescribed to patients whose ejection fraction is below 30%, as well as to those who have suffered a myocardial infarction. Blood creatinine should be below 200 mmol/L, and potassium below 5.2 mmol/L. Talk to your doctor about whether you need to take any of the aldosterone antagonist medications.

Possible side effects of diuretics:

  • fatigue, muscle weakness - due to potassium deficiency in the blood;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • numbness or tingling in the limbs;
  • heartbeat;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • gout;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • decreased male potency;
  • allergic reactions.

Side effects of potassium-sparing diuretics:

  • in women - menstrual irregularities, excess hair growth, deepening of the voice;
  • in men - breast swelling, erectile dysfunction.

Despite the serious side effects of diuretic medications, if you have heart failure, they should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. Because no other means help get rid of swelling. The effect of these drugs makes the patient go to the toilet more often. Therefore, it is inconvenient to drink them at night.

In what situations should you urgently consult a doctor:

  • worried about unusually severe fatigue, weakness;
  • cough does not go away, it can be dry or with sputum;
  • the urge to urinate has become more frequent, especially at night;
  • the stomach ached and became painful to the touch;
  • the pulse has become unstable, has accelerated too much or, on the contrary, has slowed down;
  • increased swelling or shortness of breath, dizziness;
  • side effects of medications developed.

Below are answers to questions patients often have about diuretic medications for heart failure.

What to do if the diuretic no longer helps with swelling?

Symptoms of heart failure

The diuretic has stopped helping with swelling - this is a serious problem that only a doctor can solve. Self-medication in such a situation is deadly. Contact your doctor immediately. First of all, you need to make sure that the patient is actually taking the ACE inhibitor or angiotensin-II receptor blocker that was prescribed to him.

For a long-term solution to the problem, aldosterone antagonists and some other medications are prescribed. Sometimes it helps to replace medications that have been taken for a long time with other medications belonging to the same groups. In particular, replacing furosemide with torasemide. Patients - do not change medications without permission, consult a doctor!

Why do you need the drug Diacarb? I read that it does not have a diuretic effect

In some people who take thiazide or loop diuretics for a long time, the acid-base balance of the blood shifts to the alkaline side. This makes you feel worse, and most importantly, the effectiveness of diuretic drugs decreases. In such cases, it sometimes helps if the patient takes Diacarb in short courses. As a rule, it is prescribed to be taken for 3-4 days every 2 weeks, in addition to the main medicine, but not instead of it.

  1. Infusion of birch leaves. Pour 200 ml of boiling water into two teaspoons of finely chopped leaves, after infusion, drink 1/4 cup up to four times a day.
  2. Lingonberry leaf. A decoction is used. You can infuse it in a thermos, pour three tablespoons into a liter of boiling water, let it stand and drink half a glass up to three times a day.
  3. Infusion of cornflower flowers. Prepare an infusion from one tablespoon of flowers (pour 200 ml of boiling water), infuse. Take at least two tablespoons four times a day.


Heart disease can provoke different types of swelling of the lower extremities. The most common are:

  • hypoproteinemic type, which is not characterized by damage to the legs, it is localized mainly in the face;
  • membranogenic, which is formed when blood proteins end up in the intercellular space due to a jump in vascular permeability;
  • hydrostatic, formed due to a pressure surge in small capillaries.

Swelling of the legs in heart failure is most often hydrostatic in nature. Also, with cardiac diseases, blood stagnation occurs, which also contributes to the development of unpleasant changes.

Diet for health

Treatment of leg swelling due to problems complicated by heart disease will be quick and effective if you change your nutritional preferences. To do this, avoid eating dishes with spicy or overly salted foods. It is necessary to remove seasoned products from the diet, including sauce.

Along with treatment, it is worth reducing the consumption of smoked, sweet, and fatty foods. It is necessary to limit the amount of fried meat and fish products.

In addition, you should be careful when consuming all dairy products, as well as baked confectionery products with a high content of creamy substances.

Patients should steam their meals. The pathology can be eliminated with the help of boiled and fresh vegetable products. You should eat foods that contain potassium every day. This substance can be replenished with dried apricots, raisins, nuts, and seeds. “Remove salt from your diet!” - This advice is given by many doctors and nutritionists.

You should drink more carrot and pumpkin juices. You can relieve tumor-like manifestations with the help of tea drinks; lingonberries and fresh viburnum are used in their preparation, and you can also diversify your diet with fresh cucumbers, cabbage salads and apple juices.


With cardiac edema, a number of signs are identified that allow them to be differentiated from defects of other origins. For example, the following signs are distinguished:

  • the limb usually swells in the evening after the patient has been on his feet for a long time, and by the morning the defect either disappears or decreases;
  • the swelling usually first affects the fingers and foot, rising gradually as the heart failure syndrome progresses;
  • characterized by symmetry;
  • symptoms develop slowly, sometimes taking months;
  • with swelling of cardiac origin, the limb is dense, cold to the touch, may have a bluish tint, and when pressing on the skin, a dimple is formed that is difficult to smooth out.

It is also necessary to have symptoms indicating damage to the heart muscle. This could be, for example, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, fatigue during physical activity, etc.

Edema is the main symptom of heart failure

The location of the edema can be used to judge the nature of heart disease. In the lung area, they occur if deviations in the functioning of the left ventricle are noticeable. The legs swell symmetrically with problems with the right ventricle. The more advanced the disease, the greater the degree and area of ​​​​swelling. In the initial stages, the ankles and feet swell, and then the hips. At first, the swelling becomes noticeable towards the end of the day. After a full rest, it goes away and appears again only in the evening. If the disease actively progresses, then soon the swelling becomes permanent. You won't be able to cope with them simply by resting.

It is important to pay attention in time to the fact that edema forms regularly. This indicates heart failure, which means it is necessary to identify the underlying disease and treat it. Another symptom is shortness of breath, but it appears in the later stages of the disease.

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Which doctor treats cardiac edema?

Cardiac edema is always treated by a cardiologist.
Its task is to compensate for the disease that provoked them. Once the underlying disease is eliminated, the swelling will also disappear and will never appear again if the patient monitors the condition of his heart. The surgeon may have an indirect relationship to therapy. In advanced cases, when blood stagnation has led to the formation of trophic ulcers, intervention may be required to treat the defect.

How to get rid of cardiac edema

The World Health Organization has determined that the most common cause of death among adults is heart disease.
The disease can proceed unnoticed. An obvious sign of the disease is the appearance of puffiness of the face and limbs. Cardiac edema - what is it? Cardiac edema is a concomitant syndrome that accompanies many diseases.

More often they appear in old age and in people with chronic illnesses.

Symptoms of cardiac edema

Puffiness of the limbs is a concomitant sign of heart failure. The heart loses its ability to pump blood as usual. Edema in heart failure goes away on its own after some time. A negligent attitude to health can cause local diseases. Edema itself cannot cause death.

Physiological signs of cardiac edema:

  • limbs become noticeably larger due to fluid collecting in them;
  • the puffiness of the legs is symmetrical;
  • the skin tightens and becomes dense;
  • Light marks are visible in places of pressure;
  • after physical activity, swelling is more noticeable;
  • the skin is cold, pale, sometimes bluish, may become cracked, and a characteristic shine appears;
  • signs of shortness of breath and tachycardia may appear (in cases where there is a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system);
  • A common symptom of cardiac edema is swollen eyes.

Symptoms of cardiac edema indicate the degree of neglect and severity of the disease. Taking medications helps alleviate the condition, but does not eliminate the disease as a whole. When severe cardiac edema occurs, the site of the lesion may resemble a tumor.

Causes of cardiac edema

Puffiness indicates the presence of serious pathologies, not always associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The main causes of cardiac edema and swelling syndrome are:

  • diagnosis of heart failure;
  • decreased cardiac output;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • decreased permeability of vascular walls;
  • water reabsorption;
  • low oncotic pressure.

The mechanism of development of cardiac edema includes several stages. The first stage is characterized by a general disruption of the excretory system. The composition of the blood changes.

Edema of cardiac origin takes some time to form. The second stage is characterized by a disruption of the blood supply in the veins of the systemic circle due to the fact that the heart can no longer pump the amount of blood that comes to it.

As a result, the walls of large vessels lose their elasticity and their permeability is impaired. The remaining blood is then released into the intercellular space. The amount of arterial blood ejected decreases. The body begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen.

Constriction of blood vessels occurs, the functioning of the excretory system is disrupted. Some of the blood accumulates not only in the internal organs, but also in the extremities. The permeability of the walls of large and small vessels continues to decrease as the body produces specific substances.

This process occurs against the background of general hypoxia. A large volume of blood stagnates in the veins, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is disrupted.

Cardiac edema appears if a person suffers from cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, defects, arterial hypertension, or angina pectoris. Cardiac pathologies are characterized by deterioration of myocardial function. Contractile function is impaired.

In heart failure, the functioning of the excretory system is affected. Excess fluid and harmful salts are not removed in the required volume. As a result, the swelling increases. The person complains of fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pressure surges, and heart pain.

Other causes of cardiac edema not related to cardiac pathologies are the following diseases: varicose veins, kidney disease, liver disease, allergies, endocrine system diseases, lymphostasis. Diagnosis and treatment of pathology involves a comprehensive study to identify the cause of the disease, establish an accurate diagnosis and select adequate therapy.

Possible complications

It is difficult to determine where and when edema of cardiac origin appears. Edema of the heart “brings” disruption to the functioning of other organs. The kidneys, liver, and lungs suffer the most. The liquid enters the internal cavity, remains in the subcutaneous layers, and settles in the extremities.

Swelling in heart failure provokes the appearance of a number of other disorders:

  • shortness of breath appears;
  • the skin takes on a bluish tint;
  • feeling of squeezing in the chest;
  • attacks of suffocation appear;
  • breathing becomes “bubbly”.

If the course of the disease is unfavorable, serious problems with blood circulation appear, and swelling “moves” to the peritoneum. This is the most obvious sign of heart failure. Edema in chronic heart failure (CHF) in the elderly is localized in the feet. Painful sensations radiate to the thigh. In this case, you need to visit a cardiologist.

Treatment of cardiac edema

The process proceeds rapidly, so it is important to start therapy in a timely manner, taking into account the features and characteristics of cardiac edema. If treatment was carried out in a timely manner, cardiac edema disappears. Treatment of edema in heart failure is aimed at removing excess fluid. How and with what in this case to treat cardiac edema? For this, the patient is prescribed diuretics.

Drug treatment

After examining and establishing the “cardiac nature” of edema, the specialist prescribes medications to help get rid of excess fluid. Edema of cardiac origin is treated comprehensively.

The most popular and effective drugs for cardiac edema are in tablet form: Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid, Bumetanide, Piretanide, Torasemide. Additionally, beta-blockers and blood thinners are prescribed.

At the same time, the doctor prescribes a course to treat the underlying disease.

About diuretics and glycosides

Diuretic drugs are not so harmless: elements that are beneficial for the heart are washed out of the body: magnesium, calcium. Therefore, a person must drink special dietary supplements.

At the beginning of a course of medication for cardiac edema, the patient takes a minimum dose of the drug, which is gradually increased. The duration of the course is individual.

During therapy, the patient must regularly test urine and monitor nutrition.

The goal of glycoside therapy is to enhance the contractile function of the heart, prevent congestion, and improve the functioning of the conduction system of the heart. Natural sources are foxglove purple, grandiflora, woolly, yellowwort, spring adonis, lily of the valley, strophanthus Combe, sea onion.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cardiac edema

It is unlikely to completely get rid of cardiac edema using only traditional methods. Infusions of viburnum, mint, hawthorn, parsley, and cornflower are very popular. Among vegetables, preference should be given to pumpkin and black radish.

Viburnum berries contain substances that help increase urination and increase the power of the heart. To prepare the decoction, pour a glass of berries with warm water and boil for 10 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of honey to the viburnum decoction.

Mint has a calming effect. The leaves of the plant (1 tsp) should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. The effect will be maximum if you drink mint decoction in the morning on an empty stomach.

Kidney tea as an additional remedy is very useful. Its components help remove uric acid, salts and urea. Treatment is designed for six months with weekly breaks.

Cardiac edema can be effectively treated with a tincture of cornflower flowers. It has a diuretic effect. The recipe is simple: 1 tsp. The flowers of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. The infusion should be drunk half a glass three times a day.

Parsley is considered to be the most effective remedy for swelling. An infusion from the plant helps even in hopeless cases. To prepare, put pre-chopped parsley in a saucepan and pour milk (1.5 l) over it. The resulting mixture should be boiled until half the volume of milk has boiled away, then strain and cool. It is recommended to drink 2 tbsp. each hour.

Traditional medicine recommends making decoctions based on pumpkin, oat straw, wheat grass, and radish. It should be remembered that traditional methods of treatment are auxiliary. In addition, many plants can be poisonous in large doses, so the dosage must be observed.

Nutritional Features

An effective method for treating edema in heart failure is split meals and a balanced diet. It must be strictly observed during the period in later life.

The patient must monitor the daily calorie content of foods. Foods with a high protein content are especially useful for cardiac edema. Food should be rich in vitamins and microelements.

The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. The body must have time to absorb nutrients.

Diet for edema: basic rules

A person should reduce the amount of fluid they consume. If normally he drinks up to 2 liters. water, then for edema 1-1.2 liters of liquid. This includes soups, liquid porridges, and broths. If swelling increases, the amount of fluid should be reduced to a minimum.

Food containing large amounts of salt is harmful because it causes fluid accumulation in the body. The amount of salt consumed should be 5-7g. In severe cases 1.5-2 g.

There should be no place in the diet for fried, smoked, or grilled foods. The most beneficial are products containing fiber, as well as rabbit, chicken meat, and low-fat milk. The patient should give preference to vegetable and milk soups, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and boiled eggs.

The following foods contribute to increased swelling: mushrooms, fried fatty fish, sausages, butter, canned vegetables, dairy products with a high percentage of fat. Hot spices, drinks, coffee, tea should be avoided.

Prevention and general recommendations

Effective means aimed at reducing swelling are various baths of medicinal herbs and massage of the limbs. It is recommended to make compresses from grated potatoes. Since cardiac edema accompanies a person for a long time, great attention should be paid to preventive measures.

How to get rid of cardiac edema? It is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations, adhere to a special diet, get rid of bad habits, and try to minimize exposure to stressful situations.

In emergency situations, the hormone adrenaline is released into the body. In response to this, the heart begins to work with redoubled force, and vasospasm occurs. The load on organs in such a situation increases significantly.

Smoking and alcohol lead to the development of vascular atherosclerosis and provoke the formation of renal and cardiac edema.

An important condition for prevention is the treatment of somatic diseases: anemia, fever, diabetes, respiratory diseases. Dental tonsillitis is a dangerous disease. The infection enters the bloodstream, resulting in endocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. Untreated tonsillitis can cause heart failure at a young age.

Source: https://OtekOff.ru/otek/otek-organov/serdechnye-oteki


ECG for diagnosing cardiac edema of the legs

Swelling in the legs due to heart failure is usually determined quite easily. The doctor examines the patient, assessing his general condition, examining the affected limbs, and examining the skin. The heart must be listened to and the correctness of its functioning is assessed using ECG, EchoCG, ultrasound and other techniques.

It is important to confirm that the fluid accumulation is caused by problems with the heart muscle, and not, for example, by tumors. Additionally, CT, MRI, coronary angiography and other studies as indicated are used for diagnosis.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are very common among patients with heart failure. Many simply do not want to spend money on purchasing rather expensive medications and contact specialists. But it is worth noting that not all cardiologists recognize traditional medicine as truly effective and efficient in the fight against disorders of the cardiovascular system. Not all traditional methods can relieve a patient from heart problems. When using them, the patient takes full responsibility for the result of treatment. But still, it is better to consult with your attending cardiologist first.

One of the most effective folk remedies is natural green tea. Its regular use can remove toxins and antioxidants from the body and rid it of excess fluid.

Fresh cranberry juice has an excellent diuretic and diuretic effect. It must be consumed regularly. But do not forget to control the amount of liquid consumed daily. Excessive use can increase the size of swelling of the limbs.

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy in the fight against edema. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and consumed one spoon per day. But excessive consumption or the wrong ratio of these two components can lead to serious consequences. Vinegar in its pure form can cause burns to the larynx and esophagus. Therefore, when using this product you must be very careful and observe all proportions.

Nettle infusion will help eliminate swelling of the limbs and improve heart function. The method of preparing it is very similar to the method of preparing regular tea. Pre-dried nettles are soaked in hot water. This infusion can be consumed several times a day.

Infusions of birch buds, cherries, dill and parsley also help in treating this problem. Dill is also an excellent natural diuretic. It is recommended to consume it as usual or use it in cooking.

Relieve swelling of the limbs and medicinal baths. Baths can be made using both pharmaceutical and natural products. The latter include mint, spruce needles, chamomile, etc. You should avoid products with a warming effect. It is worth immersing not only the feet, but also the lower legs in the medicinal solution. The optimal temperature of such baths should exceed the optimal temperature of the human body. The duration of the procedure should be at least ten minutes.

Compresses are no less effective. They help reduce pain and reduce the size of swelling in the legs. A common means of applying compresses is raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater. Apply the prepared mixture to the problem area, cover it with a bag or bandage and insulate it.



Treatment of cardiac edema of the legs is not an easy complex task. For therapy to be effective, the patient will have to not only take various medications, but also change their lifestyle, and also reconsider their eating habits. First of all, we recommend:

  • rest with your legs slightly elevated;
  • limit salt and liquid intake;
  • regularly monitor diuresis;
  • use compression stockings and socks;
  • Perform a massage of the lower extremities, which will also help alleviate the condition.

In case of severe disturbance, groups of drugs are selected to combat the pathology. The following means can be used:

  • cardiac glycosides, for example Digoxin;
  • diuretics such as Furosemide, Torasemide, etc.;
  • sartans, including Lorista, Kandesar, etc.;
  • ACE inhibitors, for example, Enap, Lizoretik;
  • drugs from the group of beta blockers, such as Nebilet, Corvitol, etc.

Therapy may be supplemented with other medications at the discretion of the doctor. In most cases, the drugs used eliminate or mitigate heart pathology, due to which it is possible to compensate for edema.

Difference from other edema

Experts identify the following distinctive signs of edema in cardiac pathology:

  • the occurrence of pain and heaviness in the heart area;
  • hypertension;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath, which worsens with lying down or physical strain;
  • tachycardia or bradycardia;
  • acrocyanosis.

In severe forms of the pathological condition, edema may develop throughout the body, hydrothorax or ascites may occur - accumulation of intercellular fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Most often, swelling of the legs occurs in older people, since in old age the rhythm of the heart changes and the output of the organ decreases.

To treat swelling of the lower extremities, you should consult a specialist - a cardiologist. After using certain diagnostic methods, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

For swelling of the legs, both means for internal use in the form of tablets and injections, and preparations for external use are indicated.

Oral medications

Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the underlying problem, namely cardiac dysfunction. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • aldosterone receptor antagonists: Eplerenone, Veroshpiron, Spironolactone, Aldactone;
  • glycosides: Digoxin, Korglykon;
  • ACE inhibitors: Enap, Ramipril, Lizoretik, Irumed, Perindopril, Captopril;
  • potassium preparations: Panangin, Asparkam;
  • sartans: Kandesar, Lorista, Mikardis;
  • B-blockers: Bisoprolol, Nebilet, Nebivolol, Corvitol, Carvedilol, Coriol.

Experts usually prescribe diuretics to relieve swelling:

  • Piretanide;
  • Britomar;
  • Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • Bumetanide;
  • Lasix;
  • Furosemide;
  • Torasemide;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Trifas;
  • Ethacrynic acid.

They can be prescribed in tablets or injections.

In addition, medications that thin the blood are used. For hypertension, blood pressure lowering agents are used.

Only a doctor can prescribe these medications. Self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation and the development of undesirable consequences.

External means

For cardiac edema, in addition to injections and tablets, medications for external use are used. Most often, various ointments, creams and gels are prescribed to relieve symptoms.

These include the following:

  • Lyoton;
  • Venitan;
  • Menovazin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin.

These remedies improve blood circulation in the legs, reduce heaviness and pain in them. However, it is important to remember that they can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

Treatment should be carried out with an integrated approach. Therefore, in addition to the use of medications, experts recommend taking a horizontal position with raised lower limbs several times throughout the day.

You can relieve swelling by using elastic bandages or stockings. It is also recommended to do contrast baths and light massage. Special exercises for the legs, which should be performed daily, are effective.

If there is a problem, you should avoid tight shoes. It is advisable to walk barefoot more often and wear comfortable shoes.

The appearance and growth of cardiac edema is a complex and lengthy process. In general, the pathogenesis can be explained as follows: for many reasons (heart attack, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, inflammation, unstable sore throat), muscle fibers are damaged and slow down the contractile ability of the heart.

Hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries increases, and fluid seeps through the vessels into nearby tissues. For example, cardiac hydrops is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial area.

At the first stage of the disease, swelling is localized in the lower extremities; later they can be observed in other places, most often under the eyes. Swelling develops evenly on both legs. At first it looks like a cosmetic defect, which quickly disappears after a short rest.

If the heart pathology is severe, then the edema also affects the abdominal cavity. The belly is growing quickly, like a balloon. If fluid collects in the respiratory tract, wheezing and a lingering wet cough can be heard.

If the underlying disease is not treated, the symptoms worsen, and rest (including at night) no longer helps. In addition to the calf area, the thighs are also swelling. If a bedridden patient has swelling in the lumbar and pelvic regions, this is a sure signal that his health is deteriorating.

Many heart patients miss the initial stage of the disease and seek medical help much later. The reason for such forced carelessness is the fact that the first symptoms of the disease are mild, and the development of the disease may be inactive.

At first, swelling in the legs appears only in the evening or after prolonged stress on the legs (standing work, etc.). If you change your body position, after a while the swelling goes away without causing any discomfort.


When compared with other types of edema (hepatic, renal), edema caused by cardiac pathology will be ascending. At first it can be observed on the soles and ankles.

As the underlying disease develops, the area of ​​edema also grows. Now they move to the upper part of the body - to the lower back, tailbone, arms, face, eyes. Even more serious is dropsy of the heart, which can only be treated in a hospital.

If, after pressing the skin in the area of ​​the tibia, a dent appears that does not disappear after a few seconds, you can think about cardiac edema. An unexpected and significant increase in body weight is also due to an imbalance in water balance.

In addition to edema, doctors have the term “pasty”, which is mild swelling of the legs. There are no traces after pressure. Pastosity does not require treatment.

Cardiac edema has additional signs:

  • Swelling of the face;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Blue lips;
  • Pale, cold skin;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Fast fatiguability.

When heart pathologies are clearly expressed, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. For cardiac swelling, droppers are not used, since the excess volume of fluid loaded intravenously can only complicate the work of the heart. Such errors can provoke pulmonary edema, which will be eliminated in intensive care.

Intravenous methods of injecting drugs are used only after swelling has significantly decreased. Additionally, the doctor determines the presence of fluid in the lungs. Such patients are often prescribed a potassium-polarizing mixture, which increases the functionality of the heart.

As a diuretic, Furosemide is injected into a vein. The patient's blood pressure level is first measured. At very low levels, diuretics are discontinued. During long-term treatment with Furosemide, Aspartame is prescribed in parallel, since the diuretic also removes useful minerals from the body.

If a hypertensive patient is already taking antihypertensive medications, the regimen may be adjusted. If necessary, increase blood pressure levels using Prednisolone.

It is now reliably known that this phenomenon is observed due to the presence of congestion in the lower extremities. They occur when the right side of the heart is unable to contract with normal force. This leads to an increase in pressure in the systemic circulation, and in particular in the vessels of the lower extremities.

In this case, the venous bed is especially overfilled. Subsequently, the hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries increases, and the fluid rushes through the vascular wall into the surrounding tissues. This is how cardiac edema appears. Symptoms indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. So it is necessary to promptly seek help from a specialist.

This problem is very common in older patients. At the same time, swelling should not persist for a long time, otherwise it can lead to a fairly large number of problems. As a result, if cardiac edema occurs, you should not expect symptoms of a different nature. Treatment must be started immediately.

First of all, the doctor will assess the situation and determine whether cardiac pathology really underlies the swelling that has arisen. If the problem is truly related to a disorder of the cardiovascular system, then the doctor will prescribe drugs from the group of diuretics. Among them, the most commonly used drugs are Furosemide and Hydrochlorothiazide.

However, such treatment is only symptomatic. First of all, the doctor will try to restore the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. The most common drugs that help improve its functioning are beta-blockers. These drugs reduce the load on cardiomyocytes, thereby facilitating the activity of the heart.

In addition, drugs that reduce blood clotting are necessarily prescribed. The use of drugs that improve the metabolism of cardiomyocytes is also highly desirable. The most effective among them is the drug Thiotriazolin. It is perhaps the only drug whose effectiveness in improving the metabolism of cardiac tissue has been proven through serious medical research.

If edema occurs due to heart failure, this type of treatment will help quickly overcome the problem.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon is observed not only in pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Edema can also occur for completely different reasons. As for the lower extremities, they can also appear here due to joint pathology. For example, with rheumatoid arthritis, quite pronounced swelling may occur.

The difference here may be that edema of cardiac origin is not accompanied by pain in the small joints of the lower extremities. With rheumatoid arthritis, it is more disturbing in the morning. In addition, with pathology of the joints on the surface of the edematous area, the temperature of the skin is increased.


A disturbance in the form of cardiac edema is itself a complication, but it may have its own consequences. Often with this pathology, the patient’s exercise tolerance is significantly reduced; he cannot stand on his feet for a long time or walk even at a slow pace, which greatly affects the rhythm of life.

The greatest problem for patients is trophic ulcers that form with severely advanced edema. It is necessary to treat a trophic ulcer for a long time and is difficult, and therefore it is recommended to prevent its occurrence.

Cardiac edema: symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment

Cardiac edema are signs accompanying the underlying disease.
The observation of these symptoms indicates insufficient work of the heart, its inability to pump the volumes of blood necessary for adequate nutrition of the tissues of the internal organs. Swelling is the body's response to heart failure. In most cases, this symptom is observed in elderly patients, which is associated with a decrease in the number of contractions of the organ and the amount of arterial blood ejected. To prevent this condition from developing into a severe form, timely therapy is required.

Symptoms of the disorder

The main difference between cardiac edema is the localization of excess moisture on the legs. At the initial stage of the disorder, in the evening, you can observe an accumulation of fluid in the ankle area. Often patients mistake this symptom for the consequences of a long stay in an upright position, which is explained by the disappearance of swelling after rest.

Ignoring treatment of the sources of this disorder leads to the fact that the symptom becomes permanent.

As the pathology develops, moisture accumulation spreads to the legs, thighs, body, and arms. This condition is called anasarca, but is rare due to timely seeking medical help.

Another distinctive feature of cardiac edema is the disruption of fluid flow in the internal organs. Most often, the failure affects the liver, which causes it to become significantly larger. Other areas that often suffer from swelling are the sternum and abdomen.

Health-conscious patients can identify cardiac edema using a number of distinctive criteria. Thus, they are characterized by rapid deformation and leveling. By pressing on the water bubble, you can observe the formation of a depression, which gradually straightens.

Having felt the swelling, the patient discovers a cold, dense structure and a characteristic blue tint, which is associated with impaired blood circulation in this area due to insufficient work of the heart muscle.

When pressing on the tumor, the patient does not experience pain.

Simultaneously with these symptoms, the patient develops other signs of heart failure: weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, irregular heart rhythm, etc.

Sources of pathology

Causes of swelling, diseases of the heart muscle: cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, etc. These pathologies consist of a violation of the heart rate and a decrease in the intensity of blood flow.

To protect the body from dehydration, the central nervous system signals the kidneys to retain moisture in the tissues.

In this case, some of the water remains in the vessels surrounding the internal organs, which causes stagnation.

Cardiosclerosis is a pathology in which muscle tissue is arbitrarily replaced by connective fibers. The latter do not have sufficient elastic properties, which reduces the number of contractions of the organ and the degree of its saturation with blood. The disorder may be a consequence of both systemic pathology and the inflammatory process.

Cardiomyopathy is a complex disease characterized by difficulties in determining the causes of its development. It is characterized by a number of symptoms: thinning or thickening of the heart walls, impaired tissue elasticity, a decrease in the number of muscle contractions, etc. All these signs signal heart failure and blood retention in the systemic circulation.

Arrhythmia is a manifestation of structural disorders of muscle tissue or the result of a malfunction of the nervous system. In this case, they do not talk about heart failure, since the unpleasant symptoms easily disappear under the influence of effective therapy. Arrhythmia least often causes the appearance of tumors, but against the background of poor blood saturation of the internal organs, extensive edema syndrome can develop.

Diseases are grounds for moisture stagnation, but cardiac edema is directly caused by the following factors:

  • heart failure, leading to a decrease in the organ’s ability to pump a sufficient amount of blood, due to which it is retained in large vessels,
  • constricted blood vessels, leading to a decrease in the intensity of kidney function,
  • increasing the degree of moisture reabsorption,
  • decreased cardiac output, causing organs to lack oxygen and accumulate moisture,
  • a decrease in the density of vessel walls, due to which fluid easily leaks into the intercellular environment.

Therapy for cardiac edema

Treatment of this disorder requires eliminating not the visible symptoms, but the sources of the lymph flow disturbance. Therapy for heart disease leads to the body independently establishing fluid movement without intensive procedures. For greater effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to adhere to several restrictions:

  • reducing the consumption of salt-containing dishes, preservatives,
  • limiting the amount of fluid consumed,
  • inclusion of potassium-containing foods in the diet: dried fruits, tomatoes, pumpkin, nuts, etc.

Drug therapy for cardiac edema includes the use of 3 types of drugs: cardiac glycosides, diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.

The first category of drugs are components of plant origin that have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Under the influence of these drugs, the organ performs more work with a reduced number of contractions and less oxygen consumption. Cardiac glycosides include Digoxin, Strophatin, Digitoxin, etc.

Diuretics are mandatory components of the treatment of any disorder associated with moisture stagnation. They have a stimulating effect on kidney function and help accelerate fluid filtration.

Certain drugs additionally stabilize the water-electrolyte balance of the blood, which is why necessary elements are removed or retained from the body more quickly. These medications are selected by the attending physician based on the patient’s condition and the degree of swelling.

The use of diuretics involves the use of weak components at the initial stage and in small doses, which are gradually reduced.

The effect of inhibitors is aimed at increasing the properties of diuretics and reducing the production of angiotensin-converting enzyme, which has a constricting effect on blood vessels. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, normalizing blood circulation. The drugs in this group are Enalapril, Quinapril, Lisinopril, Fozinopril, etc.

In addition to the use of the presented group of medications, therapy for edema includes taking special medications to eliminate the specific cause of heart failure and compliance with preventive measures.

Flax seeds

A decoction of flax seeds effectively eliminates cardiac swelling. In addition to removing salts, this component helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins. To prepare the drug, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. ingredient 1 liter of water.

The container with the mixture is placed on low heat and removed 4 minutes after boiling. Add lemon juice to the cooled and filtered drink. The liquid is taken 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

St. John's wort

To remove excess moisture, use an infusion of St. John's wort, plantain, nettle, rose hips and bearberry. The ingredients are mixed in equal quantities, crushed, then 1 tbsp. l.

the resulting powder is poured into 1 liter of water and placed on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil, after 5-10 minutes remove from heat and leave for half an hour to infuse.

The strained drink is taken 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

Other herbs

According to another recipe, you need to combine bearberry, cornflower and licorice root in equal proportions. To obtain a diuretic drug, prepare a composition at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. powder per glass of water. The container is placed on low heat and removed a few minutes after boiling. The liquid is left to infuse for an hour, filtered and taken 3-4 times a day, several sips.

A decoction based on cornflower, parsley, birch leaves and elecampane quickly copes with cardiac swelling. 2-3 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured into 1.5 liters of water and boiled over low heat for several minutes. The strained and cooled drink is taken 3 times a day before meals.

Parsley decoction quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms. It is a potent drink, used even in cases where others are powerless.

To prepare, you need to chop 800 g of fresh herbs and pour it with fresh milk so that it takes up 2/3 of the total composition. The mixture is put on fire and boiled until 50% of the liquid has evaporated.

Cooled and strained drink take 2 tbsp. l. until swelling is visible.

Edema in heart failure is eliminated with drugs based on Kirkazone. Its peculiarity (in addition to its high diuretic effect) is its sedative properties and the ability to normalize blood pressure.

To prepare a decoction based on it, you need to mix 2 tsp. ingredient and 0.5 liters of boiling water, then boil for several minutes and strain.

Take 1/4 cup several times a day. To prepare kirkazone tincture, 1 tsp. the herbs are poured into 250 ml of vodka and infused for a week in a cool, dark place.

The strained product is used several times a day, 20 drops.

Prevention of edema

To prevent the appearance of aqueous tumors, you should undergo regular medical examinations and promptly eliminate the causes of this condition, heart disease.

To prevent fluid stagnation in the tissues, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet, which includes eating small portions several times a day, limiting water to 1 liter per day, organizing a balanced diet with an energy value of up to 2500 kcal.

You should avoid eating canned foods, fatty and smoked foods, foods enriched with fiber, and fast carbohydrates. It is necessary to include in the menu yesterday's bread, dry cookies, crackers, lean meats and fish, vegetable soups, sweets, honey, marshmallows, dried fruits, etc.

Cooking food for patients suffering from cardiac edema requires special handling.

The ingredients should be cut into small slices, boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. Dishes should be salted only after cooking, placed on a plate.

Along with the diet, light lymphatic drainage massage is recommended. It is necessary to alternately treat the surface of the feet, legs, and thighs in a circular motion towards the lymph nodes. After the procedure, you should take a horizontal position and place a cushion under your feet.

Swelling is often mistaken for the result of a hard day at work and fatigue. But in fact, this condition indicates a disruption of the cardiovascular system and requires immediate assistance from a specialist. To avoid serious consequences, complex therapy is carried out, consisting of taking medications, traditional medicine and preventive measures.

Source: https://za-rozhdenie.ru/oteki/serdechnye-oteki-simptomy-prichiny-profilaktika-i-lechenie


Prevention of complications of heart disease is to monitor the condition of the most important muscle in the human body. This means that if any signs of pathology in the cardiovascular system appear, you must consult a doctor immediately. Additionally, it is recommended to adhere to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.

The development of cardiac edema in the legs is a sign that the body can no longer compensate for heart disease. Patients should immediately consult a doctor if they notice signs of this complication.

Author: Arina Volkova, doctor, especially for xVarikoz.ru

Hospital treatment

If the patient’s condition has sharply worsened, there is a negative trend in the development of heart failure, and swelling of the legs has reached the maximum permissible limits, then inpatient treatment is prescribed. Specialists will monitor the patient’s health around the clock. They also prescribe and carry out an effective course of treatment.

Inpatient treatment may include both the use of medications and various health procedures. The exception is IVs. In the presence of severe swelling of the extremities, they are contraindicated. Giving IV fluids can make the situation much worse. The size of edema increases, the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system worsens. IVs can lead to the development of more serious diseases. These include pulmonary edema. This can also lead to the death of the patient.

Intravenous administration of drugs is a fairly effective method of treating various diseases. But it is possible with a rapid decrease in the volume of swelling or its complete elimination. Before prescribing IVs, the doctor must assess the patient’s health and check whether his indicators meet the standards for fluid content in the lungs.

Drugs belonging to the group of diuretics are actively prescribed to patients with heart failure. Furosemide is very common in hospital settings. It perfectly accelerates diuretic processes in the body and allows you to get rid of excess fluid.

But before prescribing this drug, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s blood pressure level. If its value is reduced, the use of Furosemide is not recommended. If the patient’s condition is critical and he needs the use of diuretics, blood pressure is lowered by artificial methods.

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