How to prepare pine cones and other recipes based on them for the treatment of stroke

Pine is considered one of the most beneficial trees for human health. Cones and needles have especially valuable properties, which are widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of hypertension, bronchitis, and joint pain. Treatment with pine cones is especially popular during the recovery period after a stroke. American scientists have scientifically proven the effectiveness of using pine fruits to restore damaged neurons and improve regenerative processes in the patient’s body.

Stroke and its consequences

Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation with general cerebral neurological symptoms. As a result of the death of neurons, severe consequences of a vascular accident develop: paralysis, sensory disturbances, muscle hypertonicity, and impaired coordination of movements.

The recovery period is usually long; the likelihood of restoration of working capacity largely depends on proper rehabilitation. Along with traditional methods, traditional medicine recipes and treatment with pine cones after a stroke are used.


There is a lot written on the Internet that you need to collect pine cones in the fall. But since you are unlikely to climb a pine tree for cones, but will collect those that have ripened and fallen to the ground, the best time to collect is as soon as the cone falls, you pick it up. This means that from late spring you can slowly replenish your reserves. A lot of cones fall off after a strong wind. By collecting freshly fallen cones, you minimize the presence of the cone on the ground/sand, in the rain. Cones that last until autumn will be of worse quality. Mold grows in them, they darken, and become very dirty.

Benefits of pine cones

Nutrient content:

  1. Tannins (tannins). They prevent the death of nerve cells in the brain and promote the restoration of damaged neurons after a stroke. They have antioxidant properties.
  2. Glutamic acid. Improves metabolic processes in the body, increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia.
  3. Polysachapids and phospholipids. They have anticarcinogenic and immunostimulating properties.
  4. Vitamins A, B, C, K, P, U. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the walls and relieves inflammation of blood vessels. Vitamins P and U strengthen capillaries, reduce swelling, group B has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and promotes the restoration of nervous tissue.
  5. Lignins. Substances that cleanse the body of toxins.
  6. Valuable microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, tocopherol.

Decoctions and infusions from pine cones contribute to:

  • reducing the consequences of brain damage;
  • thinning the blood, facilitating its passage through diseased vessels;
  • slowing down the process of neuron death;
  • restoration of damaged brain cells.

In addition, pine fruits have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and tonic properties.

Pine cones for health

Shoots, buds, cones, bark, resin, even pollen of coniferous trees began to be used to treat a variety of diseases many centuries ago. Tinctures, teas and decoctions prepared from them can increase tone and strengthen the immune system.

Traditional medicine certainly pays attention to spruce cones, but the concentration of active substances in the seeds that ripen inside the pine cones is especially high. Among them are:

  • B vitamins – normalize the activity of the nervous system, participate in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • vitamin C – improves the permeability of vascular walls, accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • vitamin P – helps increase the elasticity and strength of capillaries;
  • iron – serves as the basis for the synthesis of hemoglobin, therefore, prevents oxygen starvation of the body as a whole, including the circulatory system;
  • magnesium – has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • phytoncides – complexes of volatile compounds from which essential oils and terpenoids with a pronounced antimicrobial effect can be obtained;
  • selenium - strengthens the largest muscular layer of the heart - the myocardium, promotes rejuvenation of body cells, prevents the development of ischemic disorders;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids – lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • flavonoids - plant compounds that affect metabolism, while providing an antioxidant effect, also, in particular, contribute to the healing of nervous and muscle tissue cells;
  • tannins are flavonoid derivatives known for their astringent and hemostatic effects. Suppress the tendency to thrombus formation, thereby lowering blood pressure in hypertension. They save brain cells from death during and after a stroke.

A quick glance at this list is enough to confirm that recipes based on pine fruits are worth using. And this despite the fact that not all of the listed components can boast of high bioavailability.

Collection rules

For the treatment of post-stroke conditions, young but mature pine cones that have not hardened or opened are required. The fruits should be 4-5 cm in size, without damage or rot, with a pleasant pine smell. See photo 1.

Collection time depends on climatic conditions. In the middle zone this is the period from early July to September. It is at this time that the cones contain the largest amount of tannin, which is necessary in the treatment of the disease.

Cones should be collected in dry weather, in an ecologically clean forest, away from industrial production and highways. The tree should be inspected before harvesting. Fruits damaged by pests cannot be collected.

Collected raw materials should be immediately processed. Stale fruits lose more than half of their nutrients. If immediate processing is not possible, the buds should be placed in the refrigerator.


Next, the cones need to be rinsed well. You need to wash the opened cones, otherwise the dirt inside will not be washed out. If the cone is closed, let it dry and open first.

I wash the cones in two stages.

2.1. I rinse the cones under the pressure of warm water. I put a batch of no more than 50 pine cones into the bathtub and shower them thoroughly. Then I take one cone in my hands and wash it with a shower from all sides. Do not make the water very hot, because... The cones will begin to close quickly and you won’t have time to wash each one individually. For the same reason, I don’t put more than 50 pine cones into the bath at a time.

2.2. I put the pine cones in a bucket, fill it with a little hot water and add any detergent/cleaning agent (shower gel/sif, etc.). I leave it for half an hour. Afterwards I rinse thoroughly with water. At this point, the cones are completely closed.

Recipes for pine cone tinctures after a stroke

Pine raw materials are widely used in folk medicine in the form of tinctures, decoctions, and medicinal baths.

Recipes for pine cone tinctures after a stroke

Vodka tincture of cones

Wash young green fruits and dry with a napkin. For one glass of vodka, take 5-7 crushed cones. Close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place for two weeks. The contents must be shaken regularly. Then separate the cones and strain the solution. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for six months. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture on cones

The raw materials are prepared as in the first recipe and filled with 70% alcohol without additives. The mixture is infused for two weeks in a dark place at room temperature. This recipe is suitable both for treating conditions after a stroke and for preventing the disease. During rehabilitation treatment, take 1 teaspoon three times a day; as a preventive measure, one teaspoon after breakfast is enough.

Alcohol-containing infusions of pine cones are most useful after a stroke. They fully reveal the healing properties of tannins.

Important! The use of infusions with pine cones improves memory, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves memory.

Alcohol tincture with apple cider vinegar

Wash 5-7 cones, cut them, pour 70% alcohol. Place in a dark place at room temperature for ten days. Strain the solution and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. You can add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for six months.

Alcohol tincture of pine cones and pine needles after a stroke

Young cones and needles are taken in equal proportions and filled with alcohol. The solution is kept in a dark, warm place for at least 10 days, shaking the container periodically. The prepared tincture is filtered. The needles increase the content of vitamin C and essential oils in the infusion, which help improve immunity.

For those who do not take alcohol-containing drugs, you can prepare a water decoction, syrup, jam or honey infusion.

Decoction of pine cones

5-6 cones are poured with 500 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes. After cooling, the solution is filtered. Take 3 times a day, 50 ml.

Infusion of cones with honey

Honey should be as liquid as possible. Young and soft pine cones are cut and poured with 400 ml of honey. The jar, closed with a lid, is kept for four months in a dark, warm place, shaking occasionally. The finished mixture is filtered through a colander. The prepared medicine is taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals.

Recipe for medicinal pine cone syrup

Young green fruits are washed, cut, placed in layers in a jar, sprinkled with granulated sugar. Putting it in the refrigerator, wait until the mixture gives juice. The syrup is drained, filtered and taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Pine cone jam

Required: 2 liters of water, 100-110 pieces of young fruits, 1 kg of sand. Rinse the raw materials well, dry with a napkin, and cook for 1 hour. Then add sugar and cook for another 1.5-2 hours. During cooking, stir occasionally and skim off the foam. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consume no more than 3 teaspoons of jam. You can add lemon to improve the taste. Citrus juice is squeezed out at the very end of cooking.

We must not forget that decoctions require young cones measuring 4-5 cm. See photo 2.

Pine cone wine

Can be recommended for patients with stable condition. A three-liter jar is filled halfway with pine cones. Add 300 g of sugar and add water to the top. Keep warm for 10 days, shaking. The liquid is drained, filtered, and another 300 g of sugar is added to the jar with cones and, after adding water to the top of the jar, both containers are left for another 10 days. Then they mix and leave to ferment for another week. Take with caution, gradually increasing to a serving of 200 g once a day.

Non-hot baths using pine materials have a good therapeutic effect. Prepare an aqueous decoction of pine cones and pine needles, boil the solution for 30 minutes. The finished broth should be dark brown in color. 1.5 liters of decoction is enough for a bath.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to increase the number of cones in tinctures and mixtures. Highly concentrated solutions can lead to poor health and gastrointestinal disorders.

Before starting treatment, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Infusion for pain in the heart.

Steam one spoonful of crushed cones with ½ liter of boiling water and leave for one night. The entire product should be taken four times a day.

Tincture for heart disease, recipe No. 1.

Take 5-6 mature cones, pour 200 g of 70% alcohol, leave for two weeks in a cool, dark place. Next, filter and drink 1 tsp. three times a day after meals, dissolving in a quarter glass of water.

Tincture for heart disease, recipe No. 2.

Place the “spring” cones in a jar (do not crush them), top up with vodka, close with a nylon lid and leave for a week in the dark. Drink one tbsp. three times a day for 15 minutes. before meals. The same cones can be taken to prepare medicine 3 times.

Decoction for heart disease.

5-6 mature cones, pour ½ liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, drink a quarter glass three times a day after meals.

Infusion for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Take fresh cones and pine needles, fill a small clay or glass container with them to the top, and fill to the brim with good vodka or diluted alcohol. Strain and take 10-20 k. three times a day before meals, diluting the product with warm water.

Treatment with pine cones

Disease statistics

Today, according to the scientific center, stroke ranks 2nd after cardiovascular diseases.

An accident occurs every 2 minutes.

The disease affects about 6 million people in the world every year.

After a year, 30% of patients die.

Another 30% require careful, round-the-clock care.

About 9% of patients suffer a second attack within a year, of which 35% of cases end in death, and another 36% become dependent on the care of relatives.

In acute form of circulatory disorders:

  • 29% need psychological support;
  • 50% do not know anything about their problem and need detailed explanation;
  • 70% need technical support;
  • and only 8% easily pass this period without any help.

Treatment of cerebral infarction

Through repeated experiments, pine cones have been proven to have the following treatment effects in the treatment of stroke:

  • cerebroprotection – improving resistance to oxygen starvation, that is, ischemia by reducing the perception of low blood flow;
  • suspension of the process of destruction of brain cells and their partial reconstruction after a stroke;
  • slowing down the ongoing processes of neuronal destruction. This effect has not been fully studied, but there is an assumption that in the future it is possible to invent medicines based on tannins from cones.

The results of the action of cones in both ischemic and hemorrhagic forms are thought-provoking.

Therapy rules

Pine cones and other traditional methods should be discontinued when:

  • an allergic reaction occurs to any of the components;
  • a ban on the use of alcohol due to health problems;
  • age category over 75 years;
  • severe damage to chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • pregnancy and natural feeding of the baby.

In most cases, an infusion directly from pine fruits is easily accepted by a person and brings excellent results in mild cases of brain damage. But more severe consequences reduce the effectiveness of the medicine.

In the fight against such a life-threatening disease, it is necessary to try all methods, because each organism is an individual and it is unknown what it will react positively to. Very often, the simplest methods can be indispensable in the struggle for life and a happy future. Which once again suggests that you should never give up and give up.

Spruce fruits

Fir cones

These cones can also be used for the following purposes:

  1. Take 5 fruits, wash them with cold water and chop them.
  2. Next, pour 1 glass of alcohol solution.
  3. It will be great if the alcohol concentration is 70%; you can also use vodka.
  4. Subsequently, the prepared gruel is hermetically sealed in a vessel and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  5. When using vodka, the period should be increased to 3 weeks.
  6. In order to further release the components, shake the container with the infusion every day, which will release the substances.
  7. After the end of the ripening period, the tincture is filtered and used for treatment.

Healing properties of pine cones

In the second year of development, pine cones begin to open under the influence of winds and this is the period of their maturity. But a tincture of cones for various diseases is prepared using young fruits.

If you get into the forest in winter, you can see many traces of animals near small pines. And it’s not surprising, because animals, like no one else, know how to protect themselves from diseases. American scientists noticed this and decided to study the composition of the cones.

As a result, it was revealed that pine cones accumulate so many useful substances over the summer period that they become especially valuable for such a serious problem as a stroke. Namely:

  1. Phytoncides - this active substance stimulates and tones the body.
  2. Vitamins of group B, C, E, A, PP.
  3. Essential oils to stimulate and improve microcirculation.
  4. Tannins are the main fighters for the brain cells of the head, mutilated during the disease process, individually.

In America, a tablet version of buds is produced. However, it is important to remember that this treatment can only be used after its acute form. Only in the remission stage can you get a positive effect from the cones. So the pine fruit is used for rehabilitation purposes.

The effectiveness of cones has also been proven for ischemic attacks or other pre-stroke situations. It turns out that the pine cone is an additional remedy for drug treatment.

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