Berotek (aerosol for inhalation) - instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosage for inhaler, analogues

Pharmacological action of Berotec

The active component of Berotek has a bronchodilator effect and also inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells, thereby providing a protective effect against the influence of bronchoconstrictors such as methacholine, histamine, allergens and cold air.

The medicine is used to relieve and prevent attacks of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma and other conditions that are accompanied by reversible obstruction of the airways, for example, in chronic obstructive bronchitis with or without emphysema.

Berotek inhalations prevent and effectively relieve bronchospasm of various origins in a short time - five minutes after inhalation.

Pharmacological properties

Correct use of Berotek allows for powerful stimulation of β-2 adrenergic receptors, which are located only in the respiratory organs. Fenoterol (the main active component of the drug) stops and releases inflammatory and allergic mediators from the affected cells, thereby preventing the occurrence of bronchial obstruction.

In addition to the respiratory system, Berotek also has an effect on the heart, since it also contains a small amount of β-adrenergic receptors. As a result, the patient may experience increased blood flow, increased heart rate, and increased peripheral circulation.

Additional “changes” that occur in the body as a result of using an inhaler include:

  • increased mucociliary transport,
  • inhibition of uterine contraction,
  • decrease in potassium in the plasma part of the blood,
  • violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

After inhalation, 10-30% of the main active substance can be detected in the respiratory tract (or rather, its lower section). The rest of the drug settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory organs, penetrates the esophagus or is swallowed by the patient.

Girl with nebulizer mask

After inhalation, 30% of the drug absorption can be observed in the lungs within 11 minutes. Over the next 2 hours, the remaining 70% of the drug is absorbed. The main substance penetrates the patient’s soft tissues, which provides an enhanced therapeutic effect on the patient’s body.

The maximum level of the components of the drug in the plasma part of the blood is reached 15 minutes after using the inhaler. At the same time, 55% of the drug is bound to plasma, which means that it can be distributed in small quantities throughout the body.

The breakdown of the main substance into inactive components occurs in the liver, from where they penetrate into the bile and urinary organs. The withdrawal of the drug from the patient’s body occurs 3-9 hours after inhalation.

Indications for use Berotek

Berotek, according to the instructions, is prescribed for the treatment of attacks of bronchial asthma or other conditions with reversible airway obstruction, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis.

Berotec inhalations are also used:

  • To prevent attacks of bronchial asthma caused by physical stress;
  • When performing bronchodilator tests carried out to study the function of external respiration;
  • As a bronchodilator before inhalation of other drugs - mucolytics, antibiotics, glucocorticoids.

Berotek: aerosol instructions for use (official)

Active substance

The composition of the drug Berotek includes fenoterol hydrobromide. This is the active substance. 1 mg of fenoterol hydrobromide is contained in 1 ml or 20 drops of medicinal solution for inhalation.

Berotek is available as a solution for inhalation or spray. This is a clear liquid, practically colorless and odorless, which is sold in pharmacies with a prescription.

The drug is not hormonal.

Indications for use

The drug Berotec aerosol (inhalation solution) is prescribed as an antispasmodic to:

  1. relieve suffocation during an asthma attack;
  2. prevent the occurrence of suffocation after performing physical activity;
  3. before using other expectorants, anti-inflammatory agents, before using glucocorticosteroids (substitutes for endogenous hormones) as a bronchodilator;
  4. to stimulate breathing.

Indications for treatment:

  1. bronchial asthma or other disease that is accompanied by narrowing of the airways:
  2. chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  3. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Berotek helps relax the muscles of blood vessels and bronchi, which protects a person from external influences of the environment: cold air temperature, histamine, methacholine, which can provoke an immediate reaction to an irritant.

The drug can accumulate in blood plasma. When taken orally, it can cause uterine contractions; a high concentration of the active substance can increase the level of glucose in the blood (this is due to the process of glycogen breakdown) and reduce the amount of potassium ions; cause the breakdown of fats (lipolysis).

The solution can influence the functioning of the heart muscle and increase the heart rate. The main effect and therapeutic mechanism is to prevent the occurrence of a spasm of the respiratory tract, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, as well as its urgent elimination if it occurs.

The drug begins to act within 5 minutes after its injection. The maximum time for its action to begin is from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. The solution can have a quick relaxing effect on spasmodic muscles of the respiratory tract. The duration of this effect reaches from 3 to 6 hours.

The effect of the medicine also depends on the correct inhalation. Correct implementation of the procedure allows you to inhale up to 30% of the active substance in the injected portion. The rest of the medicine is swallowed and goes into the stomach. The greater the amount of the drug ingested through inhalation, the faster the effect will occur.

Fenoterol hydrobromide, when ingested by a woman during pregnancy or breastfeeding, can penetrate the placenta and breast milk.

Contraindications for use

According to the manufacturer's instructions, Berotek is contraindicated for use when:

  • Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy;
  • Tachyarrhythmias;
  • Hypersensitivity to fenoterol or auxiliary elements of the drug.

In addition, the use of Berotec inhalations requires caution when:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Pheochromocytoma;
  • Arterial hypotension or hypertension;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Myocardial infarction suffered less than 3 months ago;
  • Hypokalemia;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Heart defects, including aortic stenosis;
  • Diseases of the coronary arteries.

In pediatrics up to 6 years of age, the use of Berotek is possible only under the supervision of a physician due to the lack of reliable data on the safety of the drug in this age group.

Aerosol Berotek N is contraindicated for use in children under 4 years of age.

Directions for use and dosage

Dosages of Berotek, according to the instructions, depend on the age and nature of the disease, and it is recommended to start treatment with the minimum effective dose.

Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are usually prescribed:

  • For attacks of bronchial asthma and other conditions that are accompanied by reversible obstruction of the airways - 0.5 ml (10 drops of medication) by inhalation. In severe cases, if the specified dose is ineffective, it may be increased by 2-2.5 times, and in extremely severe cases - by 4 times;
  • To prevent attacks of bronchial asthma caused by physical stress, 0.5 ml of the drug is prescribed by inhalation.

Children from 6 to 12 years old are usually prescribed Berotec inhalations:

  • For attacks of bronchial asthma and other conditions with reversible airway obstruction - 5-10 drops up to 4 times a day. Depending on the course of the disease, the doctor can either reduce or increase the indicated dose;
  • To prevent attacks of bronchial asthma caused by physical stress - 0.5 ml (10 drops) by inhalation.

For children under 6 years of age, due to the limited available information on the use of the medicine for this age group, treatment is carried out only under medical supervision, and the dose directly depends on the weight of the child.

When using Berotec N, one inhalation dose is usually sufficient to relieve bronchospasm. The procedure can be repeated if breathing relief does not occur within 5 minutes.

To prevent physical exertion asthma, use 1-2 inhalation doses of Berotek N (up to 8 inhalations per day) before physical activity.

The recommended single dose of Berotek is diluted to a volume of 3-4 ml, after which the medicine is completely sprayed and inhaled.

The medicine is diluted with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution immediately before use (dilution with distilled water is not allowed), and the unused solution must be discarded.

Instructions for use for adults

To relieve mild asthma attacks, use 0.5 ml of Berotek. For a clinical picture of moderate severity, 1 ml of the drug is prescribed. In severe cases, 2 ml of medication is recommended. The administration of high doses of a bronchodilator drug is carried out under the supervision of doctors. To prevent an attack, Berotec is poured into the inhaler in an amount of 0.5 ml. Breathing procedures are done up to 4 times a day.

When using an aerosol, 1-2 doses of the drug are administered. The algorithm of action according to the instructions is as follows:

1 exhale air from the lungs;
2 take the mouthpiece into your mouth and wrap your lips tightly around it;
3 press the bottom of the can while taking a deep breath;
4 repeat the procedure within 30 seconds if two doses are required.

It is allowed to use the inhaler no more than 8 times per day. If the therapeutic effect is weak, you should consult a doctor.

The aerosol is used to prevent and eliminate asthma attacks. For bronchitis, laryngitis, COPD, inhalation through a nebulizer is prescribed.

Drug interactions Berotec

Particular caution is required when using Berotec inhalations with tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors, since these drugs enhance the effect of the active substance.

Increased side effects of the active component of Berotek are possible when used simultaneously with glucocorticoids, beta-agonists, xanthine derivatives (for example, theophylline), anticholinergics, cromoglycic acid and diuretics.

Combined use with other bronchodilators that have a similar mechanism of action leads to the development of an overdose and an additive effect.

Analogues of the drug Berotek

Among the drugs that can relieve spasms of the respiratory tract, here are analogues of Berotek based on the main substance:

  • Berotek N;
  • Partusisten;
  • Fenoterol;
  • Fenoterol hydrobromide.

There are a large number of drugs with the same effect, having a different basis. The most popular of them: Berodual, Berodual N, Salbutamol, Astmopent and many other drugs.

Many patients or their parents often ask questions: what is the difference between Berotec and Berodual sprays, what is better to choose: Berotec, Salbutamol or their analogue Berodual? The attending physician can provide answers to these questions, or, if necessary, the action and use of each drug is provided by the instructions for use of a particular drug.

Video: Allergy and Asthma (interview with Oleg Matveev)

Side effects of Berotek

Berotec can cause disturbances in many body systems in the form of side effects that manifest themselves as:

  • Excitement, headache, tremor, nervousness, dizziness (central nervous system);
  • Hypokalemia (metabolism);
  • Tachycardia, myocardial ischemia, palpitations, arrhythmia, increase or decrease in systolic blood pressure (cardiovascular system);
  • Vomiting, nausea (digestive system);
  • Cough, paradoxical bronchospasm, irritation of the larynx and pharynx (respiratory system);
  • Myalgia, muscle spasm, muscle weakness (musculoskeletal system);
  • Skin reactions (in the form of rash, itching, urticaria), hyperhidrosis (skin);
  • Hypersensitivity (immune system).

Against the background of diabetes mellitus, during treatment with Berotec, according to the instructions, plasma glucose levels should be monitored.

Other drugs related to sympathomimetic bronchodilators can be used simultaneously with Berotec only under medical supervision.

BEROTEK N: reviews

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