Menopause in men: symptoms, treatment and changes in character

While women often write about menopause, not everyone knows about menopause in men. Nature has provided a mechanism for the aging of all living beings; with age, some functions of the body fade away, including the ability to give birth. Men also go through all stages of aging, which cannot but affect the reproductive system. Calling age-related changes male menopause is not entirely correct from a medical point of view; it is more correct to use the term male androgen deficiency (androgen deficiency) or age-related androgen deficiency to define the condition. It is the latter definition that is considered the most accurate and is widely used in many foreign countries with highly developed medicine.

Menopause in men - what is it, symptoms, treatment

What is androgen deficiency (male menopause)

From the age of forty, men experience a gradual decrease in the activity of the gonads, which respond to the concentration of androgens in the blood. Among them, testosterone is considered the most important; it determines the quality and duration of sexual activity. But not only this, the hormone controls the strength and development of the muscular system, endurance, mental activity of the brain and even body odor. The maximum testosterone content in the blood reaches 35 nm/l, peaking at thirty years of age. With age, the amount decreases by about 2% per year ; after forty years, men already feel an insufficient amount of the hormone. By the age of sixty, the deviation from the norm reaches 40%.

Male and female menopause

The main cause of menopause in men is natural changes in the functioning of the endocrine glands that occur as they age. But this process can be prematurely triggered by chronic and acute diseases of the genital organs, the adverse effects of toxic substances entering the body with food or from the air, and alcoholism. This is the so-called pathological menopause; it occurs much earlier than the biological age of men.

Age-related androgen deficiency in men

Important. Recent medical observations have proven that menopause negatively affects the course of ischemic diseases, is a factor provoking Alzheimer's disease, and significantly reduces immunity. The incidence of heart attacks in men with low levels of testosterone in the blood is much higher than in patients with normal levels.

Testosterone levels in men

Depending on age, menopause can be early (before 45 years), normal (before 60 years) and late (after 60 years).

Symptoms of andropause in men

You can assume the onset of male menopause without a blood test for hormones based on a whole set of signs . From the sexual sphere:

  • Impaired ejaculation and erection;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Problems achieving orgasm or blurred sensations.

The above symptoms appear first , as they are provoked by even a slight decrease in testosterone levels. Additional signs of menopause that should alert you:

  1. Loss of interest in a favorite hobby, change of interests.
  2. Irritability towards others.
  3. Constant anxiety or apathy, affecting the quality of sex and work.

During menopause, families often break up . A man does not always understand what is happening and is not aware of his actions.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. S. Segal talks about how male menopause occurs, is diagnosed and treated.

Physical condition also worsens, since testosterone is actively involved in protein synthesis (the main building material of all body cells) and ensures the implementation of a number of metabolic processes (including liver functioning, bone tissue formation). During menopause, a man may experience the following symptoms:

  • Decreased endurance, physical weakness;
  • Decrease in volume and deterioration in muscle quality;
  • Increase in body fat for no apparent reason;
  • Decreased bone density, development of osteoporosis, joint pain;
  • Frequent attacks of causeless sweating
  • Problems with urination (sluggish stream of urine, frequent urge at night).

Testosterone has a significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of a man. For many, menopause is accompanied by disorders:

  1. It is difficult to fall asleep at night, and during the day you are plagued by increased sleepiness and apathy.
  2. It is difficult to concentrate and performance decreases.
  3. Background nervousness and causeless outbursts of aggression arise.

Male menopause, depending on the degree of manifestation, negatively affects not only the sexual and psycho-emotional sphere. Stooping, thinning hair, dry skin, an enlarged belly and shortness of breath are not the most serious, but the most typical signs of andropause . But for some men, this period is associated with a serious threat to health (exacerbation of chronic pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, oncology). This is the so-called pathological menopause, which occurs in severe form. Diagnosis and proper correction of hormonal levels is the only adequate solution to the problem .

What factors influence the course of menopause?

The main factor is age-related natural changes in the functioning of the body. It is impossible to fight them; you can only improve the quality of life of older men. We will describe in what ways a positive result is achieved in this article below. But there are several factors that are regulated by a person, which allows him to have a great influence on menopause.

  1. Lifestyle. Lack of activity, lack of necessary physical activity, alcohol, tobacco and obesity. Occupational diseases occupy a special place. Men working in chemical and steel production, welding, paint and furniture shops experience constant poisoning of the body with aggressive chemical compounds. If workers violate safety rules and do not use personal respiratory protection, the body wears out much faster. Such factors not only provoke the early onset of menopause, but also significantly aggravate its course.

    Obesity in men

  2. Negative effects of bisphenol A. This factor began to be studied relatively recently, but the first results greatly alarmed doctors. Bisphenol A is used during the production of various plastics, including plastic bottles, dishes, solid polymer packaging, etc. Men often buy beer in plastic containers; due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the drink, bisphenol enters the liquid much more easily. The chemical compound has an extremely negative effect on the process of producing male hormones.

Bisphenol A Facts

Why does the male body need testosterone?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, most of which is produced by the testicles and some by the adrenal glands.

The effect of testosterone on the male body is expressed in the following:

  • in the degree of development of the genital organs during the hormonal development of a man;
  • in sexual attraction to representatives of the opposite sex.
  • when a boy grows up, testosterone helps the formation of purely male characteristics: a rougher voice, hair growth in certain parts of the body, the formation of a male-type bone skeleton;
  • testosterone is responsible for muscle mass and bone strength;
  • participates in metabolic processes at different levels;
  • affects hematopoietic processes.

Why has there been a recent focus on male menopause?

Advances in medicine have made it possible to extend the average human life expectancy; in some countries it is approaching ninety years. Men aged 60–70 still want to feel sexually active, be resilient and physically strong, and not have problems with mental activity.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency

Interesting to know. One of the signs of a critical lack of testosterone in the body of men is deposits of fat on the abdomen. This causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, and not only cosmetic ones.

The desire of men over sixty to continue their usual active lifestyle gave impetus to the development of urology; now doctors are paying sufficient attention to this problem, research is being conducted in many institutes and ways are being developed to improve the quality of life.

Age-related testosterone deficiency

At what age does menopause occur?

Most often, a lack of male sex hormones manifests itself after the age of 50, when natural aging of the body begins, but earlier manifestations of male menopause are also possible - at 40-45 years.

For most men, the critical age is between 50 and 60 years. This is a period when a man suffers from a feeling of inferiority due to weakening of the erection of the penis.

According to studies, androgen production begins to decline after 30 years and reaches 1-3%. When a man passes the 40-year mark, this process can greatly accelerate, and by the age of 80, the level of sex hormones is approximately half below the physiological norm that is capable of maintaining sexual and reproductive function.

Male menopause can begin at very different ages. If its symptoms appear before the age of 45, this is an early menopause, at 50-60 years old it is normal, and the appearance of symptoms after 60 is considered a late menopause.

Signs of androgen deficiency

If during male menopause problems appear with the genitourinary system, pain is felt during urination or ejaculation, then this indicates pathological processes in the body and requires immediate consultation with a doctor to diagnose the disease and take adequate treatment measures. Physiological age-related changes should not cause pain.

Pain when urinating

There are the following signs of normal development of the process.

  1. Problems with the cardiovascular system . The heart rate changes periodically; both an increase and a decrease can be observed. There are cases of blood pressure surges. With the normal development of androgen deficiency, there is no need to take any cardiac medications; the symptoms disappear on their own.
  2. Hot flashes or an unreasonable feeling of cold, dizziness. These symptoms are very similar to menopause in women. The skin turns red, body temperature rises or falls. The head bothers me both during physical work and at rest.


  3. Genitourinary disorders . Libido decreases, erectile dysfunction appears.
  4. Muscle mass decreases . Even intensive training does not produce results, the reason is low testosterone levels. And the existing muscle tissues atrophy, their relief disappears. In order to maintain the same torso, professional athletes or actors take hormones. Another problem is that calcium is removed from bone tissues and they become fragile. Elderly men often suffer from fractures even after ordinary falls from a small height. Body weight increases only due to the growth of fat tissue.
  5. Psycho-emotional changes. Men become irritable, sometimes aggressive. There are periods of apathy and a sharp limitation of physical activity or, conversely, an increase in mobility. Concentration is impaired, and it is more difficult for men to engage in mental work.

    Apathy is another symptom

  6. Sperm quality deteriorates significantly . The final point in the dispute between urologists about the criteria for assessing sperm has not yet been reached. But most of them are inclined to believe that to improve the quality of life after sixty years, there is no need to restore the number of living sperm. All that should be achieved is the continuation of normal sexual functions.

Deterioration in sperm quality

The duration of the consequences of hormonal changes is very individual and can last from three to five or more years. During this period, peaks of symptoms are observed, but there may be a complete absence of them. From a biological point of view, menopause is a necessary and inevitable process; in men it proceeds much easier than in women and does not have such a pronounced clinical picture.

How andropause makes itself felt

The first signs of menopause in men usually do not cause much concern, since many associate them with external circumstances, and not with physiological changes. The latter occur in the brain, more precisely, in its parts - the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. They influence the functioning of the testosterone-producing gonads.

Due to decreased production of the hypothalamus, testicular activity decreases. Their contents are replaced by connective tissue, as a result of which the production of hormones is inhibited and stops. At the beginning of menopause in men, the symptoms show the following:

  • Decreased performance. A person gets tired faster, it is more difficult for him to concentrate and perceive new information;
  • Apathy and irritability. The former interest in business and entertainment is lost, he wants those around him to leave him alone. Apathy gives way to irritability for any reason or for no reason;
  • Suspiciousness. This quality can concern one’s own health, when a person begins to treat it with excessive attention and look for illnesses in himself. The same thing happens to befall human relationships: a man feels that he is not respected enough or is being deceived;
  • Insomnia. Despite the fatigue, night rest is difficult. And if you manage to fall asleep quickly, it is interrupted;
  • Increased sweating. Due to hyperhidrosis, it becomes necessary to change clothes more than once a day. Palms and feet also sweat more.

Development of andropause: further signs

The listed symptoms of menopause in men may not cause alarm, but they are not the only ones. And at the next stage, a new hormonal state appears:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances. Various types of arrhythmias and tachycardia occur. There is discomfort behind the sternum, pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade and arm. The latter also occurs in addition to any loads. And the pain is aching or cutting in nature;
  • Tides. Blood suddenly rushes to the head, causing sensations of heat, redness of the skin of the face, chest, neck and arms;
  • Interruptions in blood pressure. It is impossible to predict how the male menopause progresses in this aspect, because it can rise and fall. But this also causes breathing difficulties; a man sometimes feels like there is not enough air, and headaches;
  • Decreased sexual desire. Sex ceases to be as desirable as before, more time is required for foreplay before the act, and ejaculation occurs faster. It also gives less pleasure, or there is no orgasm. This often forces one to look for younger partners in the desire to return the previous sensations.

How menopause goes in men is known to those who are faced with various disorders of the urinary organs. The frequency of small trips to the toilet increases; the process requires more time due to the slower discharge of fluid. Some suffer from heaviness and aching sensations in the groin area.

Despite the naturalness of these changes, the fact that men have menopause and how the condition manifests itself is worth knowing to everyone from beginning to end. The intensity of the signs varies, but if you are careful, all men can detect them. And this is necessary to make it easier and faster to help; measures taken for this at an early stage will be more effective.

Describing the signs of male menopause, its beginning and end, one cannot help but mention the end of this period, the period of which doctors call the age of 70-80 years. Reproductive capabilities and sexual functions are completely lost.


If female menopause has a clear clinical picture, then male menopause can be sluggish. Changes in behavior occur gradually; not all patients promptly notice such smooth and minor pathologies of behavior and well-being. Even after diagnosis, people treat it differently. Some try to slow down aging in every available way, start playing sports, watch their weight, and give up bad habits. Some take drastic measures to increase the duration of intimate relationships and turn to doctors. Others perceive the ongoing changes in the body as inevitable and do not make any efforts to prevent menopause or minimize its negative consequences. This is a personal matter for every man. Moreover, no one dies from menopause; age-related changes do not cause significant harm to the body.

Male menopause occurs more slowly than females

Treatment begins only after visiting a doctor; first of all, you should contact an andrologist. Depending on the patient’s condition and the detected signs of pathology, he can write out referrals to other specialists: urologists, cardiologists, oncologists, psychologists, etc. The primary examination includes palpation of the body of the prostate gland and collection of individual medical history. Patients should provide the most complete information about all problems of intimate life, their pain, changes in mood and performance.

At an appointment with an andrologist

If there is a suspicion of serious pathologies of the reproductive system organs, a general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine, and ultrasound are necessary. Separately, blood tests are taken to determine the amount of sex hormones. If there is a serious suspicion of the presence of tumors of various natures, it is recommended to undergo in-depth MRI examinations. This equipment allows doctors to clearly see the structure of soft tissues and detect the slightest pathologies and neoplasms.

What is andropause

Preventive actions

Aging of the body cannot be avoided, but its onset can be delayed. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. After 40 years, it is mandatory to visit a urologist’s office.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle, switch to proper nutrition. It will be better if the diet is prepared by a nutritionist, taking into account all the recommendations of the treating specialist.
  3. Have sex regularly. If this is not possible, then go to the pool more often and do yoga.
  4. Control body weight.
  5. Observe the work and rest schedule.

Thanks to timely treatment and prevention, it is possible to reduce the course of the disease from 5 to 2 years. In some cases, even up to 12 months. It all depends on the general condition of the patient.

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How can you externally assess the presence of male menopause?

Unfortunately, most men do not like to visit doctors, especially urologists. This is very bad; irregular examinations do not cure diseases, but aggravate them. In most cases, it is impossible to eliminate pathological processes in the body without medical intervention; you should not hope for this. In order to timely psychologically prepare patients for visiting a medical facility, doctors have developed elementary tests that make it possible to determine with a high degree of probability the onset of climate change. The results will help men take the right step and go for an interview with medical professionals.

Andropause - male menopause

What should you do at home?

  1. Measure your waist circumference. Normally, the parameter should not exceed 93 cm. If the waist is larger, then this indicates obesity, and fat is considered the main problem for testosterone. When adipose tissue increases, a large amount of leptin is formed in them; it not only reduces testosterone levels, but also has a negative effect on the glands. They are rebuilt to produce female sex hormones with all the very negative consequences. In men, the belly grows, the breasts enlarge, and normal sexual desires disappear.

    Waist circumference measurement

  2. To check, do a simple exercise . You need to spread your arms to the sides, raise your left leg to the level of your right knee and close your eyes. If you manage to stand in this position for at least thirty seconds, then the amount of testosterone in the blood is normal. During the test, you should not sway or open your eyes. Testosterone is responsible not only for sexual behavior, but also for the quantity and quality of muscle fibers. If they weaken, then this is another evidence of the beginning of hormonal changes. Men who have not passed this test should consult a doctor, regardless of waist size; menopause can begin in young people, regardless of weight.

Interesting to know. A decreased level of male testosterone leads to a similar decrease in female testosterone. It is also present in the body of every woman, albeit in small quantities. But, despite its insignificant quantity, it plays an important role in shaping the quality of life.

Testosterone levels throughout the day

Traditional medicine and treatment of male menopause

Traditional medicine has prepared many recipes for men over 50. The most effective herbal remedies for male menopause are:

  • hawthorn flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • fragrant woodruff.

You can prepare a mixture of these herbs, brew them at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of herbs per glass of water and drink half a glass 3 times a day. To calm the nerves, motherwort, mint or lemon balm are added to the decoction.

To increase immunity and neutralize free radicals, bee products, aloe, immortelle, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, lingonberries and bird cherry are used. During menopause, men benefit from lemon and rosehip, rich in vitamin C.


As such, treatment of menopause is not done at all; the natural processes of aging of the body are not considered a disease. They cannot be stopped and the glands that produce hormones cannot be returned to their original state. All medical and preventive measures are aimed only at weakening the manifestations of the condition and slightly slowing down the natural process.

For the treatment of menopause in men there is not such a wide range of medications as for the treatment of women. The therapy is adjusted in each case by the attending physician; the basis is complex treatment with a combination of hormones, sedatives and vitamins. If, during an in-depth examination, problems with the circulatory system are identified as the cause of the early onset of menopause in men, then additional medications may be prescribed to restore their physiological state.

Treatment of menopause in men

On average, the course of treatment lasts fourteen days. After finishing taking medications, men should visit doctors; a second examination allows them to make a final decision. What drugs can be used during drug therapy?

  1. Vitamins. It is recommended to take complexes that contain a full set of vitamins and a high content of ascorbic acid, zinc, selenium and L-carnitine. These substances have a beneficial effect on the genital organs, including the prostate gland. Increase libido, normalize blood circulation, strengthen the immune system. Treatment with some drugs can be long-term and with long breaks.

    Useful vitamins

  2. Sedatives. Prescribed in case of mental discomfort in men. Some patients react very sharply to sexual dysfunction; the body is constantly in a state of stress. This situation significantly complicates the course of menopause; all negative phenomena progress. In addition to medications, men are strongly recommended to seek advice from psychologists. They will help you overcome internal fears and have a positive attitude towards the existing problem.


  3. Hormonal drugs . They are prescribed with great caution and only in exceptional cases, they have negative consequences. Basically, through hormones, doctors try to increase the amount of testosterone in the blood; it is he who is primarily responsible for all processes associated with sexual relations.

Important. There is no need to self-medicate; if serious problems arise, you should definitely contact the clinic.

You should not self-medicate

There is no consensus among doctors about the advisability of correcting natural physiological processes. Treatment is not aimed at the ability of men to procreate; it should only maintain physical and mental performance at the same level. Recently, several very effective drugs have been created to restore normal testosterone levels with minimal negative side effects. To minimize the factors of natural aging of the body, two types of therapy are used.

Type of therapyShort description
SubstituteFor replacement therapy, perforal preparations, gels, patches and injections are prescribed. Gels and patches are applied to the shoulder, scrotum, inner knee or elbow. It is preferable to use testosterone injections, they have the most positive and fastest effect. Only four injections are required over the course of a year. Natural testosterone is not used; it is quickly destroyed in the liver; artificial analogues have been developed for therapy. They are not recognized by liver cells and are not excreted from the body of men for a long period of time. They have minor differences in the administration protocol and duration of exposure to the body. The negative consequence is that the normal activity of the gland is inhibited in an unnatural way, testosterone will have to be taken all the time. The drug and method of treatment are chosen only by the doctor.
StimulatingIt is prescribed only after a thorough examination; not every man has the opportunity to resume normal functioning of the prostate gland in old age. As we age, tissue pathologies accumulate, and the fight against obesity is important. Excess weight takes away almost half of the available testosterone and provokes many concomitant diseases that negatively affect the condition of the gland. With the beginning of proper weight loss and an active lifestyle, the physiological production of the hormone gradually increases to acceptable parameters. Stimulating therapy is prohibited for cancer patients - medications accelerate the growth of all cells, especially cancer cells. It is not recommended to carry out such treatment for patients with sleep apnea syndrome (breath holding), a large number of red blood cells, enlarged prostate tissue, and spermatogenesis disorders. Contraindications also include heart and kidney diseases.

All treatments should be done under regular medical supervision.

Treatment of menopause in men

The choice of treatment tactics for male menopause depends on age, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the results of laboratory tests. There are several methods of therapy:

  • Hormone replacement therapy is a course or lifelong introduction of exogenous testosterone into the body. In this case, the hypothalamic-pituitary system reduces or completely stops the synthesis of its own androgens;
  • Stimulating (gonadotropic) therapy , the task of which is to activate the production of your own testosterone;
  • Traditional methods . This may include taking natural dietary supplements containing hormone-like substances, as well as components that stimulate the activity of the gonads, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

You should not self-medicate for signs of menopause . Only a doctor can prescribe competent therapy taking into account the characteristics of the body.


Hormone replacement therapy for male menopause is the most effective method of increasing androgen levels : the condition of diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, heart failure improves, and the development of osteoporosis is prevented. Hormones are available in tablets, solutions, and in the form of transdermal patches. The most convenient dosage form is “Nebido” - an injectable drug administered once every 3-4 months and does not cause hormonal fluctuations.

Negative manifestations are also possible with testosterone replacement therapy:

  1. The risk of strokes and heart attacks increases.
  2. Spermatogenesis is inhibited.
  3. Hair loss, acne, and increased skin greasiness are likely.
  4. Apnea worsens.

Paul Piette, professor of pharmacology at the University of Brussels, one of the world's most respected experts in the field of hormone replacement therapy, and TV presenter Alexander Rapoport discuss how men receiving testosterone therapy feel

Side effects can be partially mitigated by taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride) . To restore erectile function and correct the psycho-emotional state (due to the normalization of sexual life), PDE-5 inhibitors .

If it makes sense to stimulate the synthesis of your own testosterone (during early menopause), then the introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin, a substance of natural origin that promotes the active functioning of the testicles, is effective.

Dietary supplements, vitamins

It is impossible to significantly increase testosterone levels with the help of dietary supplements and folk remedies, but it is quite possible to neutralize some of the symptoms of male menopause caused by its deficiency. The advantage of this type of therapy is the activation of the body’s own resources in the absence of side effects characteristic of prescription drugs.

so-called test boosters will help fight male menopause :

  • Vitamin D3 – increases testosterone levels while reducing the amount of testosterone binding globulin (SHBG);
  • Zinc – participates in the synthesis of androgens, and also slightly, but inhibits aromatase;
  • Forskolin is a bioactive substance isolated from the root of the Coleus forskohlii plant. Activates the enzyme adenylate cyclase. A chain reaction is triggered, as a result of which the synthesis of testosterone and thyroid hormones is stimulated, fat burning is accelerated;

Icariin is a rich supplement for men's health. The price is impressive: 3870 rubles for 90 capsules

  • Icariin is an extract of Korean horny weed. The substance is able to bind to androgens, partially performing their functions and reducing the symptoms of male menopause;
  • Tribulus is an extract of Tribulus terrestris. Increases the level of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the production of androgens;
  • Eurycoma longifolia . Works on the same principle as tribulus;
  • Ecdysterone is a hormone-like substance found in plants and insects. Raw materials for the production of supplements are usually extracted from Leuzea soflora. Ecdysterone stabilizes sugar levels, stimulates protein synthesis, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Preparations based on it effectively help slow down menopause and alleviate its symptoms.

Beekeeping products are considered natural gonadotropes: royal jelly, drone homogenate. A high concentration of these substances, as well as propolis and bee bread, is contained in the Real Provite supplement.

Folk remedies

In some cases, adaptogen plants help cope with the symptoms of male menopause: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus . Alcohol tinctures for course use can be purchased at pharmacies.

Popular folk remedies that alleviate the condition of male menopause:

  1. Garlic tincture.
  2. Bee infusion.
  3. Nettle root decoction.
  4. Ginger tincture.

According to reviews, the most effective folk remedy for correcting the symptoms of menopause is natural royal jelly (directly from the apiary), tincture of beaver stream, sainfoin, and ginseng.

How to increase testosterone in a man after 50 years using folk remedies - effective herbal medicine recipes.

Physiotherapy and psychotherapy

Physiotherapy is a good addition to a menopause treatment program. The main arsenal of methods:

  • Reflexology;
  • Balneological procedures;
  • Magnetic and laser therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Electrosleep.

Electrosleep is a method of therapy that involves the effect of low-frequency pulsed currents on the human nervous system.
Physiotherapeutic procedures help to activate hemodynamics, stop inflammatory processes, and improve the functioning of the gonads.

Some men experience menopause so severely that they may need the help of a psychotherapist . However, not all representatives of the stronger sex are ready to admit that there is a problem and agree to solve it. Many people subconsciously reject the very fact of andropause, linking their ill health and depression with other reasons. A psychotherapist helps change a man’s attitude towards menopause, directing his energy not to destroying relationships with loved ones, but to correcting his condition.

To relieve excessive anxiety (during menopause, some people experience worsening phobias), the doctor may prescribe preparations of motherwort, valerian, peony, and bromides. For unreasonable fears and sleep disorders, tranquilizers are prescribed.

Folk remedies

It is allowed to use traditional methods only to minimize negative feelings.

Treatment with folk remedies

Important. Most traditional methods do not have clinical evidence of effectiveness and are not used by traditional medicine. Positive changes in well-being are explained by the placebo effect.

You should choose only those recipes that do not harm the body with a weakened immune system. Common to all tinctures and decoctions should be an increased content of microelements that have a positive effect on the endocrine glands.

Testosterone in the male body

And the last thing about folk remedies. Remember that male hormones do not grow on trees and shrubs; decoctions cannot be made from them . These are very complex and unique biological fluids that are produced only by the endocrine glands.

Andropause therapy

Treatment of male menopause should begin with bringing the lifestyle back to normal.
Sufficient physical activity, nutritional correction in the direction of reducing fats and carbohydrates, and giving up harmful addictions are necessary. Preference in food should be given to vegetables, nuts, fruits, lean meat and fish. This helps stabilize the condition of many, but not everyone, even at the initial stage. And then therapy with medications or medicinal herbs is required. Men often underestimate the benefits of plants, but they are highly effective in relieving andropause.

Home Remedies

Even at the initial stage of such a phenomenon as male menopause, diagnosis and treatment with folk remedies will help to avoid many problems that can arise over time. These are heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, neurosis and many other ailments.

Herbal infusions can stabilize the psycho-emotional state, blood pressure, and even out hormonal levels.

Treatment of late male menopause with folk remedies can make the symptoms smoother, helping medications restore erectile function, relieving nervous tension, and increasing suppressed immunity.

The following fees are used for this:

  • Caraway seeds, fennel seeds, motherwort, and valerian root are mixed in equal parts. Taking 1 tbsp. collection, brew it with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink 70 ml three times a day for 1-2 months;
  • 3 tbsp. mint and valerian root, 2 tbsp. chamomile, 4 tbsp. The three-leaf watch is crushed and mixed. Prepare the infusion as in the previous case, and take 125 ml twice a day.

We recommend reading the article about whether men have periods. You will learn about the characteristics of the male body, the manifestations and symptoms of menstrual periods in the stronger sex.

Pharmaceuticals in the treatment of andropause

In special cases, when the symptoms are too pronounced, male menopause treatment should be more serious. Although herbs can be used in addition to medications with the permission of a doctor. Pharmaceutical agents used for andropause are divided into several groups:

  • Hormonal. These are medications containing testosterone: Andriol, Omnadren, Sustaretard, Tetrasterone, Sustanon. They come in capsules, tablets, injections, in the form of patches, gels, and are used for a complex of symptoms, eliminating them, restoring sexual capabilities;
  • Sedatives. Valerian and Motherwort will help stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and provide a good night's rest;
  • Vitamins. Menopause is accompanied by a decrease in immunity in men, which increases the risk of disease. Sexual dysfunctions increase for the same reason. Vitamin E will help restore defenses; A, D, B and C are also needed.

Menopause occurs in all men, but not everyone treats it with due responsibility. Meanwhile, timely measures will help you enter this age gently and painlessly, avoiding many dangers.

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Men's age and childhood diseases

The age of the father is directly related to chromosomal abnormalities and semen mutations, which can cause infertility, abortion, various diseases and birth defects in children. Thus, the risk of spontaneous genetic mutations is 5 times higher in the children of a 45-year-old man than in a child of a 20-year-old man. An increase in the male age of the childbearing period leads to the following pathologies:

a) Chromosomal abnormalities. 10% of children are born with Down syndrome and 40% with Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic disorder in which the human body has three sex chromosomes instead of the usual two. This disease affects exclusively males. Such anomalies appear in children who were conceived by fathers over 55 years of age.

b) Diseases such as achondroplasia or dwarfism, neurofibromatosis, sclerosis, Marfan syndrome, Apert syndrome. aniridia and retinoblastoma.

c) Pathologies such as schizophrenia and autism. Conceiving children at an older age increases the child's risk of illness. There are known cases of transmission of some anomalies, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Martin-Bell syndrome (fragile chromosome syndrome), and some types of hemophilia, to grandchildren, even if their parents (children whose father or mother was elderly) were not exposed to these anomalies ).

What to do?

The main thing is not to perceive andropause as a disease. The onset of this period is not the end of life. It is very important to try to maintain your mental and emotional balance. Specialists at the Bogolyuba Center for Reproductive Medicine advise men over 40 to periodically undergo preventive examinations by an andrologist and endocrinologist. And in case of any painful changes, seek qualified help in time. In our subsidiary diagnostic clinic, if necessary, it will be possible to undergo an ultrasound of the testicles, and in the laboratory of the center, a study of hormonal levels can be carried out.

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