Why do my eyes water? Reasons, what to do, photos and videos

Why are tears needed?

Tears are produced by the lacrimal glands located at the base of the nose. Tear fluid contains a number of substances that protect the outer layer of the eye from harmful effects.

Tears serve several functions:

  1. Maintains corneal moisture.
  2. Copious secretion occurs when there is severe irritation from chemicals or foreign bodies. In this case, the lacrimal glands act as a protective mechanism, their main purpose is to wash away the foreign substance (dirt, dust, eyelash). Even very small and inconspicuous objects can also cause such a reaction.

Tears not only have a moisturizing effect, but also a bacteriostatic effect; they are necessary to maintain the metabolic processes of the cornea and conjunctiva. The tear film also maintains good vision.

There are various reasons for the appearance of this pathology

Age-related changes

As you can see, there are a lot of causes of lacrimation in adults, but over the years, dry eye syndrome is added to them. This disease is typical for older people; the pathology is especially often diagnosed in women during menopause. The problem begins as a result of hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen secretion. A lack of the hormone causes increased dryness in the eyes, so the body tries to compensate for the problem by secreting tears, but they quickly evaporate.

When the syndrome appears, it is necessary to reduce eye strain. To do this, older people need to reduce their TV viewing, spend less time at the computer and read less. Actions for pain in the eyes are especially useful.

The secretion of tears in old age can also occur due to vascular weakness. To improve the condition, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often and use devices for air humidification. Try to be outside less in windy weather, do not use air conditioners, because they dry out the air. To treat dry eyes, it is recommended to use Artelac drops.

If in old age tears are released from time to time, then the cause is a change in the lower eyelid. There is a decrease in tone, it goes down, which displaces the lacrimal openings. Thus, the outflow of fluid is disrupted and it is released from the eyes.

Causes of tearing eyes in children and adults

Various external factors can cause lacrimation, eye fatigue and irritation (long work at the computer, reading, infections, dust, wind, cold). However, excessive and constant tearing is not normal and can occur for various reasons.

Physiological lacrimation

  1. Entry of a foreign body. Sand, dirt, dust and other irritants can damage the cornea. In this case, redness, profuse lacrimation, and increased sensitivity to light are observed. For severe injuries, although the scratches will heal in a day or two, it is important to see a doctor for examination and treatment. Foreign bodies can damage the conjunctiva or iris, which can cause visual impairment and create conditions for deeper inflammation. People who work in production, construction and other places are at risk.
  2. Exposure to external factors - air pollution, cigarette smoke, wind, cosmetics.
  3. Natural reaction. Watery eyes may occur spontaneously. For example, during laughter, coughing, vomiting, yawning, and in the presence of strong odors.
  4. Tired eyes. Working at a computer for long periods of time every day can irritate your eyes and cause excessive tearfulness. In this case, your doctor may recommend safety glasses for work.
  5. Injury. Mechanical damage and other disorders cause excessive secretion and redness.
  6. Another common reason why an adult's eyes become watery is wearing contact lenses. Poor care of them can lead to inflammation of the cornea and other consequences.
  7. Climatic conditions. Wind, cold, sunlight can cause secretion.
  8. Emotional reasons. A mental state can affect the nervous system, which, through the formation of acetylcholine in the brain, activates the lacrimal glands.
  9. Chemical or thermal burns. Common in industrial settings. The victim requires urgent medical attention.
  10. Tearing in the elderly occurs when the lower eyelid droops (in old age, weakening of the eye muscles is typical).

In some cases, the cause of lacrimation may be pathological. You should consult your doctor, especially if your eyes water for a long time.

pathological lacrimation can be caused by a number of reasons

Pathological lacrimation

Reasons that can cause watery eyes include:

  1. Allergic conjunctivitis. An allergic reaction occurs to substances such as pollen, animal hair, cosmetics, etc. The condition is accompanied by redness, itching and swelling and requires special treatment.
  2. Dry eyes. For example, in winter due to room heating or other reasons. The patient may experience irritation, burning, redness, blurred vision, and lacrimation.
  3. Diseases of the cornea. Irregularities in the cornea can cause watery eyes. Inflammation can be caused by keratitis, the presence of small scratches, etc. The patient may experience pain and increased sensitivity to light.
  4. Blephavit. Occurs as a result of inflammation of the roots of the eyelashes. The hair follicles of the eyelashes can be attacked by bacteria, which leads to inflammatory processes. Most often this occurs due to poor hygiene or decreased immunity. Typical symptoms of the disease: redness, tearing, burning.
  5. Allergic rhinitis. It is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, caused by various allergens (pollen, fluff and other irritants). The condition is characterized by symptoms such as sneezing, itching in the nose and eyes, redness in the eyeball, and watery eyes.
  6. External stye. It often occurs as a result of staphylococcal infection. The patient feels irritation, itching, and secretion increases.
  7. Colds, chronic sinusitis, acute nasopharyngitis, flu, vasomotor rhinitis can cause lacrimation.
  8. Entropy of the eye. The pathology is characterized by symptoms such as redness, lacrimation, and hypersensitivity to light.
  9. Trichiasis. The eyelashes may be turned inward and irritate the cornea and conjunctiva, causing excessive secretion.

Causes of tearfulness in a child:

  • pollen allergy;
  • eye infections;
  • blockage of the tear ducts.

Tearfulness is common in newborns, but goes away without treatment within a few weeks. Sometimes a sticky secretion may appear around the baby's eyes. It is recommended to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in chilled water.

Another reason may be foreign objects (eyelashes or other irritant) coming into contact with the mucous membrane.

Blocked tear ducts are one of the most common causes of watery eyes in children. Parents may not notice these symptoms in their babies for several weeks or months after birth. In 90% of cases, this goes away voluntarily by the first year of the child’s life.

lacrimation can be caused by prolonged constant work at the computer

Other reasons

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common causes of increased watery eyes in children and adults. Pathology can have different origins. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergic, chemical and other irritants.

Main symptoms:

  • burning of the mucous membrane;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation (increased secretion is intended to wash away the infection).

The pathology may be accompanied by other symptoms (pain, hypersensitivity to light, irritation, increased tearing). The disease can affect one eye or both. Conjunctivitis is contagious (the patient can transmit the infection to other people), but is not dangerous to health. With proper treatment, symptoms disappear after a few days.

Tearfulness can be caused by obstruction of the tear ducts. They may be narrowed or blocked. In this case, the eyes begin to water.

The causes of tear duct obstruction vary:

  • birth defect;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • injuries;
  • radiation therapy;
  • ectropion of the eye.

Other causes of blockage may include:

  • nasal polyps;
  • tumor;
  • injuries.

Most often, blockage of the tear ducts occurs in infants and can resolve spontaneously. Watery eyes may be accompanied by other symptoms (pain, redness, decreased vision, etc.).

The problem may occur in people who suffer from frequent runny nose and sinusitis. Inflammation and infection can spread from the nasal mucosa to the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct.

One of the most common causes of tearing is an allergic reaction.

Another common cause of tearing is allergies. The patient may experience excessive watery eyes, runny nose, itching, sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, red eyes, and even allergic conjunctivitis. In this case, antiallergic and complex therapy is required. Herbal decoctions and infusions can be used as an additional treatment. An allergic reaction can occur to food, animals, plants, cigarette smoke, and house dust.

Other less common causes of increased watery eyes include:

  1. Diseases of the nervous system (trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headache, damage to the facial nerve).
  2. Eversion of the lacrimal punctum.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
  4. Problems with eyelids. The eyelids and eyelashes may curl inward, damaging the surface of the cornea.
  5. Some medications can cause watery eyes.
  6. Exposure to toxic substances, gases, steam.

Possible complications

Complications affecting vision are possible if you do not seek medical help in a timely manner. A doctor is consulted in the following cases:

  • visual impairment;
  • eye injury;
  • ingress of chemicals;
  • eye bleeding;
  • foreign body stuck in the eye;
  • redness, irritation and inflammation;
  • bruising around the eyes;
  • the injury is accompanied by severe headache.

Self-medication can result in complications (deterioration of vision, etc.).

The main symptoms of this pathology are itching, burning, redness

Other reasons

Tears often flow because of poor optics or incorrectly selected lenses. It is worth buying only high-quality lenses, without using them longer than the period for which they are designed. When using them, it is necessary to carefully observe hygiene standards and rules for their use, otherwise unpleasant symptoms and illnesses may occur.

And tears can flow due to allergies of any type, due to colds, such as acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections. With vitamin deficiencies, with B2 or potassium deficiency, such a symptom is also observed. And in any case, if you suffer from severe lacrimation, which occurs frequently or does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

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Treatment for watery eyes depends on the cause and severity of the condition. In mild cases, your doctor may recommend that you wait a few days rather than rush to use medications.


To get rid of teary eyes, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • steroids;
  • antibiotics;
  • special drops;
  • other remedies depending on the type of disease.

Additionally, warm compresses and other methods can be used.


If no positive results are observed in therapy within a week or two, then changing antibiotics and using surgical treatment may be considered.

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of this pathology.

Folk remedies

What treatment methods to use if your eyes are watery, and what to do if there is excessive secretion:

  1. Compresses made from fresh grated potatoes mixed with egg whites have a soothing effect.
  2. Pharmaceutical chamomile in the form of a compress is used to treat lacrimation. The plant has bactericidal properties and is recommended for diseases such as conjunctivitis, etc.
  3. To treat conjunctivitis, infusions of medicinal herbs are used. They wash the eyes, drip onto the cornea or use as a compress.
  4. They use infusions of corn, chamomile, and dill. The product helps relieve the condition and reduce eye pain.

Before starting treatment, they study the causes of watery eyes and how to treat it at home, why the eyes are so watery and what folk remedies help. Before using any method, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist.

For dry eyes and other disorders, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical drops

Description of the problem and symptoms

The secretion of tears occurs as a result of the work of the lacrimal glands. Every person produces tears, and the permissible norm is up to 1 ml per day without irritants. This phenomenon is very important because tears help cleanse the eyes of bacteria and foreign bodies.

If a person has increased tearfulness, for example, with a fear of light or redness of the eyes, then there may be a discharge of up to 10 ml per day. Tearing while crying is not a problem and is not considered as lacrimation and this condition is not pathological. When crying, each person experiences an increase in discharge not only from the eyes, but also from the nose. At this time, the skin becomes red, there may be redness in the eyes, and the nature of the manifestation is short-term, appearing due to stress or emotional tension, failure. When the nervous system normalizes, the person stops crying and calms down.

A distinctive feature of the release of tears due to crying and pathological processes is the time of manifestation. If there are malfunctions or diseases, the eyes water for a long time, the problem can be permanent.

The main symptoms of lacrimation include:

  1. Eyeball irritation.
  2. Feeling of pain in the nose.
  3. Feeling of a foreign object in the eyes.
  4. Dry eye syndrome.
  5. Burning.
  6. The appearance of additional secretions in the form of pus, mucus, blood.

To begin proper treatment, you will need to know the exact reasons why tears are produced in an adult.

Why does my eye water on the street?

Watery eyes on the street are caused by a foreign body entering the eyeball. When a speck penetrates, the lacrimal glands begin to produce tears for cleansing.

With allergies, the visual organs react to pollen and car exhaust gases.

Also, lacrimation outdoors is due to a lack of nutrients in the body. If they are deficient, the organs of vision are unable to quickly adapt to light and temperature changes.

Watery eyes are caused by various forms of conjunctivitis. With this disease, tears will be released not only on the street, but also at home.

In older people, the tissues and blood vessels of the visual organs become thinner, which increases sensitivity to changes in the external environment. People who have been diagnosed with drying out syndrome also complain of excessive lacrimation on the street. They experience thinning of the tear membrane, and the conjunctiva becomes sensitive to light and wind.

If a person has been in a room with dry air for a long time, the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes dehydrated, which makes it vulnerable to temperature changes.

The cause of lacrimation can be cosmetics that contain aggressive substances. Under normal conditions they do not come into contact with the mucous membrane, but in the wind the eyeball becomes abundantly moistened. As a result, cosmetics mix with tears, which provokes lacrimation.

If you are allergic to cold, your eyes water in winter. When the ambient temperature drops, histamine is released in the body, causing vasodilation. The activity of the tubules through which tear fluid is supplied increases.

If there is a strong wind blowing outside or the sun's rays are shining too brightly, then lacrimation is a normal reaction of the body.

Folk remedies

Herbal substances made at home can relieve inflammation and normalize tear production. For treatment you can use:

  1. Lotions made from a decoction of dill seeds. To prepare, add 1 tbsp to 200 ml of boiling water. seeds and place the product in a water bath for 10 minutes. When everything has cooled down, you need to strain the medicine and apply it to your eyes 3 times a day.
  2. Cleanser based on cornflower and rose. To make a solution you need to combine 2 tbsp. roses and 1 tbsp. cornflowers, add 200 ml of boiling water to the raw material and leave for an hour to infuse. After this, the product is filtered, and the eyes should be washed 3 times a day.
  3. Lotions made from strong black tea. You need to brew regular tea, but for cooking use 1 tbsp. tea leaves After preparation, moisten a cotton pad and apply it to your eyelids for 10 minutes. Before applying tea, rinsing is carried out. The procedure should be used 3 times a day.
  4. Aloe solution. You need to chop 1 leaf from the fan and add 250 ml of cold water. In the morning, rinse your eyes.
  5. Apple cider vinegar product for internal use. For treatment, add 1 tsp to 200 ml of water. vinegar and drink once a day.

The methods described are very effective, helping to improve the condition of the eyes and remove the increased production of tears.

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