Cervical carcinoma - symptoms and treatment, photos and videos

Frequent fatigue and weakness

2. Frequent fatigue and weakness

Another cause for concern may be constant fatigue, weakness and lack of energy even after a long rest. When a cancerous tumor appears, healthy red blood cells are replaced by white blood cells to fight the disease. This causes anemia, one of the symptoms of which is constant weakness and fatigue. At the same time, the amount of oxygen in the body decreases, which leads to chronic fatigue that does not go away even after long sleep.

What treatments are there for uterine cancer?

When choosing a particular treatment method, the doctor is based on the following criteria:

  • Woman's age;
  • General condition and presence of severe concomitant diseases;
  • Prevalence of the cancer process;
  • The presence of metastases to distant target organs;
  • Characteristics of the tumor itself.

The treatment method for a radical cure for uterine cancer is surgery. It consists of complete removal of the affected organ and surrounding lymph nodes - extirpation of the uterus along with the appendages. Only such a volume of surgery can give hope for the absence of relapses of the disease. Also, to improve the prognosis, gamma rays are often used to kill cancer cells. Irradiation is used as an auxiliary method before and after surgery. It is also possible to prescribe several courses of chemotherapy.

After a course of treatment, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist in order to regularly examine the condition of the pelvic organs and lymph nodes, as well as take smears from the vagina for cytology. This is done with the aim of early detection of tumor relapses. Therefore, it is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor without missing the next visit.

Vaginal bleeding

Many representatives of the fairer sex diagnosed with cervical cancer suffer from regular vaginal bleeding. Neoplasm cells affect tissues, and new capillaries appear, which are eventually damaged, causing bleeding. They can occur between periods, during sexual intercourse, after menopause, and even after a routine gynecological examination. Bleeding occurs not only when the uterus is affected by cancer, but also when there is an imbalance in the hormonal sphere, infections of various etiologies, and inflammation. If abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

Symptoms of uterine cancer

The main signs of cancer of the uterus may include pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of discharge with a putrid odor or bleeding from the genital tract. Like all oncological diseases, this pathology is insidious in that such symptoms are noted already in the later stages, when the tumor disintegrates. And in the early stages of uterine cancer, symptoms are minimal or completely absent. Therefore, it is very difficult to suspect uterine cancer in the early stages based only on the clinical picture.

In the early stages of the disease, various mucopurulent discharges may occur, which provoke inflammation of the external genitalia. Frequent urination and the presence of pain during urination due to uterine cancer are signs of the spread of the cancer process to neighboring organs, in particular the bladder.

The addition of a pain syndrome indicates an advanced cancer process and the involvement of the underlying tissue, which has pain nerve endings. The main symptom that makes the doctor think about the presence of an oncological process is sudden weight loss. Typically, patients lose up to 20 kilograms within a few months. In case of uterine cancer, this symptom manifests itself at the terminal, that is, the most advanced stages, when surgical treatment will no longer produce results.

4. Pain during intimacy

Painful sensations during sexual intercourse can also be symptoms of cervical cancer, which should not be neglected. They indicate that the oncology is already progressing, and the cancer cells have spread to nearby reproductive organs. In addition to pain, in this case, very often you also feel a strong unpleasant odor from the vaginal opening. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that pain during intimacy is often associated with various infections, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation, etc. In any case, this phenomenon should not be ignored.

High-tech disease diagnostics

Today this is no longer an exclusive examination, but normal practice - studying the condition of the cervix with CT, but better, MRI. The method makes it possible to determine with very high accuracy the depth of cancer penetration into the tissue of the cervix, the spread of the tumor to the pelvic tissue, neighboring organs and the uterus itself.

It is useful to clarify the extent of tumor damage to the lymph nodes by performing a CT scan of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal region, because the resolution capabilities of ultrasound are somewhat lower.

However, the information obtained from CT and MRI is not used to determine the extent of cancer, but is necessarily taken into account when developing optimal treatment tactics.

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Vaginal discharge

It is considered normal if a small amount of fluid is released from the vagina without any special odor or color. But when the discharge increases sharply and begins to smell unpleasant, it means that the uterus is functioning with certain disturbances, including the development of oncology. In addition, discharge can be caused by various infections, endometriosis, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis (thrush) and other problems. In cases of cervical cancer, watery, brownish mucus mixed with blood often comes out of the vagina. If such a symptom occurs, you should immediately see a doctor.

Pain in the uterus

Pain in the pelvic area is far from uncommon in women. Cramps are common during your period. They are most often not associated with any serious health problems, but only accompany changes in the body during menstruation. But if pain in the pelvic area continues for a long period, then it may be a symptom of cervical cancer. In this case, severe pain syndromes occur at any time of the month. Severe and constant pain indicates that the cancer is already actively developing, and it is important to begin treatment immediately.


Immunotherapy is prescribed only in the form of an auxiliary and supportive treatment method. The therapy involves the use of high-dose interferon, which enhances the protective properties of the human immune system and promotes increased performance of the body.

As a result, the body's overall resistance to pathological diseases increases. The dosage in each individual situation is calculated on an individual basis, based on the general well-being of the patient and the condition of the organs.

Immune therapy is carried out after the combined effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The procedure is carried out in a one-time course without adding interval time.

The purpose of the procedure does not affect the subsequent prognosis after treatment. However, strengthening the immune system reduces the likelihood of a primary relapse by 30%.

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7. Unpleasant sensations when urinating

Cervical cancer can cause discomfort when urinating. This is one of the most obvious and common symptoms of such a dangerous disease. Discomfort includes a fairly strong burning or pain when emptying the bladder. These sensations appear when cancer cells have already managed to occupy surrounding organs. If these types of symptoms appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Unpleasant sensations while visiting the toilet can also occur due to urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted diseases.

Clarifying examination

At this stage of the examination, tumor damage to the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space is revealed, since the spread of cells occurs mainly through the lymphatic vessels, and very little spreads through the bloodstream.

It may be necessary to perform an endoscopic examination of the bladder and rectum. With a cervical mass, compression of the ureter is possible with impaired urine output, so an X-ray examination of the state of the urinary system is performed using a contrast agent - excretory urography.

Pain in lower extremities

Women whose uterus is affected by cancer often experience pain, weakness and severe discomfort in the legs. The spread of cancer cells interferes with normal blood flow, causing pain and swelling. Of course, it is not only the diseased uterus that is to blame for the appearance of such symptoms. Pain in the lower extremities can be caused by fatigue after a hard day at work, late pregnancy, varicose veins, diabetes and other reasons. Pain caused by cervical cancer is most often constant and only increases over time. Later, back pain is added to them. To accurately determine the nature and cause of pain in the legs, you need to go to the doctor.


Specialists in the field of gynecology and oncology usually distinguish several stages of disease progression:

  • Stage 1 (in situ) - malignant cells grow only on the surface of the uterus;
  • Stage 2 - the cervix is ​​involved in the pathological process;
  • Stage 3 - the presence of foci of regional metastases with damage to nearby lymph nodes is noted;
  • Stage 4 - spread of cancer tissue to anatomically adjacent internal organs located in the pelvic area, distant metastases are present.

In most situations, the disease is diagnosed at stage 2.

Cervical carcinoma includes the following forms of oncology:

  • serous;
  • regular or clear cell;
  • mucinous;
  • squamous;
  • undifferentiated;
  • microinvasive or microcarcinoma.

There are the following types of tumor, differing in the appearance of carcinoma:

  • papillary form - characterized by the formation of small papillae, reminiscent of cauliflower;
  • crater-shaped - an ulcer covered with a serous coating.

According to the localization of the focus of the pathological process, they are distinguished:

  • adenocarcinoma - affects the endometrium of the uterus or mucous membrane;
  • leiomyosarcoma - malignant tissue grows into the muscle layer.

Clinicians usually distinguish several ways of occurrence of metastases in cervical carcinoma:

  • lymphogenous;
  • implantation - cancer cells affect the abdominal cavity, ovaries, omentum and uterine tubes;
  • hematogenous - the most common type, in which the presence of metastases in the liver, bone tissue or lungs is noted.

Dramatic weight loss

This is one of the main signs of any oncology. Cervical cancer is no exception. With it, a woman can also lose weight dramatically, without any particular reason. During cancer, the immune system fights the problem with all its might. The body releases large quantities of proteins called cytokines. They destroy fats very quickly, which entails weight loss, regardless of diet.

How long do you live for cervical cancer?

Any prognosis for cancer directly depends on the stage of the disease and methods of its treatment. Today, the five-year survival rate for the initial stage of the disease is 78%, for the secondary stage it is 57%, and already at the third stage of cervical cancer, survival rate drops by almost half - 31% (compared to the second stage). At the last fourth stage, the five-year survival rate does not exceed 8%. The average five-year survival rate for all stages described above is 55%.

Only her attending oncologist can most accurately determine the life expectancy of a woman with cervical cancer, based on her age and, most importantly, concomitant diseases. However, it is worth noting that over the past five to seven years, combination treatment has achieved impressive results, as modern medicine uses improved treatment methods and a differential approach.

Loss of urinary control

Pregnant women or those who consume large amounts of liquid find it quite difficult to control urination. If this symptom appears without any reason, then you should pay close attention to your health. This may be a sign of cervical cancer. Most often, loss of control over urination indicates that the disease has already spread beyond the localized area and has affected the bladder. Women with cervical cancer often have blood in their urine.

Today, cervical cancer is curable if we pay attention to the disease in its early stages. To this end, women of reproductive age are required to undergo gynecological examinations at least once every three years. In addition, it is advisable for girls from 12 to 26 years of age to be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus. It is very important to give up smoking and other bad habits that increase the risk of developing this dangerous disease.

How to avoid uterine cancer?

In order to avoid this disease, you should maintain sexual hygiene and try to eliminate all provoking factors. However, this will not provide an absolute guarantee. All that remains is to try to detect uterine cancer at the earliest stages, when complete cure is possible. To do this, all women over 30 years old must visit a gynecologist 1-2 times a year, and a mandatory condition is taking smears for cytological examination.

Also, one of the main methods of prevention is competent and timely detection and subsequent treatment of precancerous conditions. It is worth noting that in this case one should resort to radical methods of treating precancerous diseases, including amputation of the cervix. After all, this reduces mortality from uterine cancer by six times.

Obviously, a woman’s main task in preserving her life and health is to regularly visit a gynecologist. This is especially true for the age category over 30 years old.

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