Why does an adult have a hot forehead but no temperature?

Hot flashes are a feeling of intense heat that spreads throughout the body and is most felt in the head and neck area. Similar symptoms are often found in men and are characterized as male menopause. Why do hot flashes occur and how to cope with this unpleasant condition?

Hot flashes and male menopause
The most common cause of hot flashes is the so-called “Male Menopause”

Male menopause

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The World Health Organization refers to male menopause as failure of the gonads. This condition occurs after the age of 45 and lasts for a long time. And while many people know about female menopause, it is not customary to talk about a similar condition in men. Meanwhile, male menopause is a rare, but quite severe phenomenon that requires not only medical care, but also psychological support. The absence of pronounced signs of menopause in men aged 40-60 years is also considered a normal variant.

The immediate cause of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause is the gradual decline of gonadal function. The male gonads stop producing testosterone, the main hormone that regulates male sexual activity and affects many parts of metabolism. A decrease in testosterone production is accompanied by degenerative changes in the testicles. This condition in men over 45 years of age is considered completely normal and indicates natural age-related changes in the body.

Read: How to Increase Testosterone in Men Naturally: A Detailed Guide

When does a fever in the head occur?

A feeling of heat in the head is typical during menopause in women. Sharp declines and surges in the secretion of sex hormones occur, which is accompanied by disruption of thermoregulation in the hypothalamus, as well as the activity of the neurohumoral system. In menopausal women, blood vessels alternate between narrowing and dilation. Sometimes gynecologists put the patient into a state of menopause to improve the condition of endometriosis, which is also accompanied by ebbs and flows.

In men, heat inside the head may appear after castration or injury to the testicles or their diseases. At the same time, testosterone levels decrease. In a state of testosterone deficiency, the neuroendocrine regulation of vascular tone malfunctions, causing either spasm of blood vessels or their dilation, leading to redness of the face and ears.

It also manifests itself as a violation of cerebral circulation. During a vagoinsular crisis, a rush of heat occurs to the head, and red spots appear on the face. The person sweats and may lose consciousness. Intestinal motility increases, and a strong urge to urinate appears.

In the form of a vagoinsular crisis, it is caused by an increase in the tone of the vagus nerve and the production of insulin, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood sugar levels. The brain reacts sharply to the state of hypoglycemia, while the nervous system is in a temporary energy deficit.

Sunstroke and heatstroke can also manifest as a rush of blood to the head, as blood vessels dilate when overheated. A hypertensive crisis is characterized by redness of the facial skin due to increased systemic and intracranial pressure. In this case, the patient feels heat in the back of the head. Emergency assistance is needed here, as the condition can lead to a hemorrhagic stroke.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which, under the influence of excess thyroid hormones, metabolism accelerates, causing constant heat in the head. This leads to an increase in temperature throughout the body. The patient feels agitated and has a rapid heartbeat. The tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases, as with pheochromocytoma, an adrenal tumor that secretes catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine).

Operated stomach syndrome is fraught with failure in the regulation of digestion. Digestive processes are controlled by the intestinal hormonal system, which synthesizes factors that dilate blood vessels (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide). This also activates the vagus nerve. After eating, with operated stomach syndrome, heat occurs in the head without fever. The same mechanism underlies the heat in the head in carcinoid syndrome, caused by the secretion of vasoactive substances by tumors in the intestines and lungs.

With tuberculosis and fevers, thermoregulation is disrupted. Inflammatory mediators affect the hypothalamus, which controls body temperature. There are jumps in body temperature, which is accompanied by a feeling of heat. With lesions of the hypothalamus or injuries, a breakdown in thermoregulation and an increase (decrease) in body temperature are also observed.

Thermoneurosis is a condition in which spasm of capillaries occurs due to nervous overstrain. The temperature of the whole body rises. Unlike hyperthermia caused by infectious diseases, in thermoneurosis antipyretics have no effect. Therefore, for the differential diagnosis of this condition, a paracetamol test is performed.

Drinking alcohol provokes dilation of blood vessels in the brain, which is why some people develop fever during feasts accompanied by drinking alcoholic beverages.

Glutamic acid, used in the preparation of fast food, is a neurotransmitter in the nervous system. Those. Glutamate has a stimulating effect on brain cells, which can also be manifested by a fever in the head after eating food containing a taste enhancer.


If you feel constant heat in your head for unknown reasons, contact a neurologist and endocrinologist for a full examination and proper treatment. During menopause, to treat heat in the head, a gynecologist can prescribe drugs for hormone replacement therapy that stabilize the neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone.

Most women, even young women, associate the appearance of sudden flashes of heat and sweating with the onset of menopause. Are hot flashes always associated with menopause? What diseases cause similar symptoms?

Hot flashes are possible with various diseases and disorders in the body


In addition to age-related decline in testicular function, the following conditions may be the causes

  • diseases of the genital organs (orchitis, epididymitis);
  • conditions accompanied by impaired blood supply to the testicles;
  • tumors;
  • removal of testicles;
  • exposure to toxic substances (including alcohol intake);
  • ionizing radiation.

Early menopause deserves special attention. The appearance of hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms before the age of 45 is a reason to consult an andrologist and find the cause of this condition.


Hot flashes manifest as a sensation of intense heat in the head and neck. Hot flashes spread throughout the body, last several minutes and go away as suddenly as they appeared. Over time, many men learn to detect the imminent approach of hot flashes and can predict the appearance of such unpleasant sensations in a few minutes.

Hot flashes are accompanied by other symptoms :

  • facial redness;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
  • increased sweating;
  • noise in ears;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headaches, dizziness.

Tides occur at any time of the day. The severity of unpleasant symptoms can vary and is determined by the level of testosterone, as well as the individual sensitivity of the body. Hot flashes can occur several times a day or occur no more than once every 2-3 weeks. factors can trigger hot flashes :

  • emotional stress;
  • exercise stress;
  • binge eating;
  • hot weather;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol.

Hot flashes occur not only when reproductive function declines. Similar symptoms appear with increased blood pressure, heart disease and endocrine pathology. The doctor will be able to find out the exact cause of this condition after a complete examination of the patient.

Will folk remedies help if a woman over 50 has a fever?

Folk remedies may be safer than drug treatment. Phytoestrogens are substances similar to estrogens that are found in some grains, vegetables, legumes and herbs. They can act as a weak form of estrogen in the body. At the same time, they demonstrate sufficient effectiveness during hot flashes in women after 50 years of age. These herbal remedies can reduce their frequency and duration and also help the body cool down naturally.

Chamomile based

  • Black Cohosh - Extracts from the rhizome of this plant have estrogen-like properties that have a positive effect on hot flashes and night sweats. It contains estrogen-like ingredients and is therefore also called woman's root. It is believed to partially replace the body's estrogen, the production of which ceases during menopause, and thus relieves menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh has the ability to influence body temperature regulation. The dosage and use of herbal medicine should always be discussed with a gynecologist, the average dose is about 30 ml per day.

Folk recipes

  • Sage is a medicinal plant that has an astringent effect, an antiperspirant effect and contains essential oils, bitterness, and flavonoids that improve the immune system, relieve menopausal symptoms and improve skin condition. For prevention, drink 2 cups of freshly brewed sage tea for 3-4 weeks. Recipe:Can be brewed like regular tea. For a 250 ml teapot you should use 2 tsp. herbs. You shouldn't add sugar, it's better to take a spoonful of honey. Drink tea chilled.
  • Greek tea recipe - used for frequent or prolonged hot flashes: 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water. You need to drink before meals - 3 times a day, leave for about half an hour, 0.5 cups. The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours, but before use it should be heated in a water bath.
  • You can take red clover in tea or capsule form. Contains especially high levels of isoflavones - plant estrogens, which regulate hormonal balance during menopause and produce a positive effect, especially during hot flashes. Decoction recipe: pour 50 g of flowers with 250 ml of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, take 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day.
  • Soy or soybeans are also rich in plant estrogens (phytoestrogens), which may have a positive effect on hot flashes. As a meat substitute, regularly add soy products such as tofu and seitan to your menu. Soy supplements should not exceed 100 mg per day and should not be taken for more than 10 months.
  • Recipe
    We also recommend reading the menu for menopause, including the correct preparation of soy in our article “Better folk recipes and products for menopause”

    • Freshly squeezed homemade juices. It has long been known that fresh juices have an excellent effect on women's health. And some juices will help you fight hot flashes after 50 years. Consume carrot, beet or potato juice, or a mixture of them with the addition of spinach and celery.

    Overall, there are many herbal and homeopathic remedies available to treat menopause. It is basically a mixture of several active ingredients in a drug. There are many other supplements and substances that have been used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, including: licorice, evening primrose oil, blueberries and wild yam. But you must understand that you must wait for the results from folk remedies.

    Hot flashes and men's health

    Male menopause is not just hot flashes. A decrease in testosterone production is accompanied by changes in all internal organs and the nervous system. The gradual decline of testicular function leads to the appearance of the following concomitant conditions :

    • arterial hypertension and interruptions in heart function;
    • dysuric phenomena (pain when emptying the bladder, slow urination);
    • decreased libido and erectile dysfunction;
    • psycho-emotional instability (irritability, fear, tendency to depression);
    • weight gain (deposition of fatty tissue in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs)
    • general weakness, fatigue.

    Such symptoms persist from 2 to 5 years, after which hot flashes and other manifestations of male menopause gradually fade away. As testosterone production decreases, the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as many other internal organs, is disrupted. With age, the likelihood of developing hypertension, diabetes and other serious diseases increases.

    In severe cases of the disease, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy

    Diagnosis and treatment

    To exclude or confirm an allergic reaction, special tests are done

    To exclude the allergic nature of the heat on the face, skin tests and other studies are performed. To exclude a disease of dermatological etiology, a sample of biological material taken from the patient is taken by scraping. A blood test is required to exclude the infectious nature of the symptom.

    Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of the heat on the face.

    • Normalization of the emotional background. If a person has suffered stress, you need to take a sedative that will help get rid of anxiety and anxiety.
    • The right way of life. It is necessary to eliminate bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs) that negatively affect the condition and functioning of blood vessels.
    • Maintaining a balanced diet. Spices, hot seasonings, spices, fatty, fried, smoked foods should be excluded.
    • Using cosmetics that suit your skin type. It is better to select cosmetic products marked “hypoallergenic” or with a composition that is closest to natural.

    If you have a hot face and redness caused by hypothermia, overheating, or exposure to other external factors, you can try to cope on your own using folk remedies:

    • oatmeal: 2 tbsp. pour 50 ml of boiling water over the flakes, leave to steam for 20 minutes, apply the paste to the forehead, leave for half an hour;
    • cottage cheese and kefir: mix the ingredients in equal quantities, apply the mask to the face, leave for 20-30 minutes;
    • cucumber: peel the vegetable, grate the pulp, apply to the face, leave for 10-20 minutes.

    If you suspect a specific disease, which may occur with fever on the face, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.

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