How to choose an effective remedy against fungus on your fingernails?

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a common disease that can affect people of any age. Therefore, ointments for fungus are available in large quantities in pharmacies. These are special drugs that are used to treat nonspecific or specific lesions of the nail plate.

Traditionally, ointments are used to get rid of the problem, since they can not only eliminate the external symptoms of pathology, but also destroy spores, and also slow down the development of mycelium.

Composition and action

Fungus is the same infectious disease as tuberculosis or hepatitis, but fungal infections have different etiologies:

  • candidiasis;
  • microsporia;
  • onychomycosis;
  • versicolor and pityriasis versicolor.

Each of these diseases is caused by a specific type and strain of pathogenic microorganisms. That is why the medicine must be selected not independently, but with the help of a doctor after a visual examination, as well as passing the necessary tests. Only in this case will the treatment be effective.

The active ingredients in medicines may differ, but the fastest effect is achieved by:

  • "Nystatin";
  • "Bifonazole";
  • "Levorin";
  • "Miconazole";
  • "Sertaconazole".

The pharmacological action of all antifungal components is the destruction of pathogenic organisms.

The formulations of medicinal products also include fungicides that neutralize mycelium.
More expensive drugs are supplemented with caring components, vitamins and minerals for faster regeneration.

Stages of fungal development

Treatment is selected depending on the stage of nail mycosis. In addition, it is advisable to know the type of fungus that caused the disease. Only a specialist can provide this information.

Externally, you can try to conditionally determine the stage of onychomycosis:

  • Initial. The main part of the plate has a healthy color (pink, pinkish-beige), but grooves begin to appear near the skin fold. Mycoses caused by saprophytes appear as whitish spots or stripes. In rare cases, cracks form between the nail and the skin, in which the active development of mycelium occurs;

    The initial stage of nail fungus

  • Active. At this stage, the fungus damages most of the plate. It acquires a yellow or gray tint, and the regrown part becomes opaque. Hyperkeratosis begins - thickening of the plate, so the body tries to protect itself from irritants. Over time, the plate becomes too thick, which is why it begins to crumble and cut into the epidermis;

    Signs of the middle stage of the fungus

  • Launched. The fungus has already spread to the entire surface of the nail and the periungual space. Perhaps part of the plate has already been destroyed. In such areas, traces of tissue damage (ulcers, peeling, cracks) will be visible. The stage of dystrophy begins.

    Advanced stage of nail fungus

In the early stages, a fungal infection can be cured using mild remedies with natural ingredients (tar, herbal extracts, etc.), but with advanced mycosis, their use is not advisable. Total destruction of the plate can be prevented only by using ointments that contain aggressive synthetic substances.

Signs of onychomycosis


All ointments for treating fungus are divided into two types:

  1. Anti-fungicidal - those that contain substances that kill the pathogen.
  2. Keratolytic . Help remove affected areas of nails and skin.

Sometimes, in addition to antifungal drugs, antibacterial agents are also prescribed.
Their use makes sense when a bacterial infection also joins the fungal infection. It happens that the fungal infection is in an advanced stage or the focus of the disease is large. In this case, ordinary ointments will not be able to cope with the problem. Therefore, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum drugs, which include glucocorticosteroids.

Important . All external treatment products that contain glucocorticosteroids are hormonal drugs. Therefore, it is important to use them only as prescribed by a doctor and not to exceed the recommended dosage.

Types of ointments

  • epidermophytes;
  • mold or yeast-like fungi;
  • dermatophytes.

We talked in detail about the types of nail fungus on the toes and hands in this material.

  1. Azole - it consists of synthetic antimycotics, which, as a rule, are well tolerated by most people without causing unwanted side effects (for example, Bifonazole). The duration of treatment is from 0.5 to 1 month.
  2. Allylamine, which contains agents that effectively destroy the membranes of fungal cells, but are undesirable for use by certain categories of patients, for example, pregnant women (for example, Binafin). Treatment may take about three months.
  3. Combined - drugs in this group contain antiseptics, hormones, and are effective against fungus (example - Nomidol, Levomekol). The duration of treatment is from 0.5 to 1 month.

In addition to this classification, drugs are divided into antifungicidal, which destroy fungus (Bifosin), and keratolytic, which are used to remove nails affected by fungus (Nogtimycin, Mycostop paste).

The best drugs: description and instructions for use

The top most effective antimycotic drugs include both domestic and imported options.


Broad-spectrum anti-fungal cream. Capable of destroying almost all types of fungi that affect both nails and skin.
In low concentrations, the active substance clotrimazole slows down the development of mycosis, and in large quantities it completely destroys the fungus.

More details about the drug in the video:


Prescribed for the treatment of various forms of fungal infection, as well as for the prevention of infection in pools, saunas or on the beach. 1% of the drug is the active substance.

For children, the medicine is prescribed only after reaching 12 years of age.

Details about the ointment in the video:


The ointment fights fungal infections on the skin and nails. Works great against yeast fungi.

The ointment is described in detail in the video:


Shows good results in the treatment of onychomycosis and other fungal infections on the body. The active component, naftifine, not only has an antifungal effect, but also helps relieve itching and inflammation.

More details about the drug in the video:


It is considered a universal remedy that can fight a large number of pathogens.


Used for bacterial and fungal infections. This is more of a cosmetic product that needs to be used in combination with other medications.

The ointment softens the tissues of the nail plate affected by the fungus well.
The basis of the drug:

  • zinc;
  • salicylic acid;
  • oak bark;
  • and celandine.

Fundizol can be used for a long time , and it is also approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug and the experience of its use are described in the video:


This is a product from the category of keratolics. For treatment, it is recommended to apply cotton pads soaked in a 2% solution to the affected nails twice a day.

The ointment and the features of its use are described in the video:


It consists of petroleum jelly and zinc oxide, which have a softening effect on the nail plate and promote deeper penetration of active substances into the tissues.


It works comprehensively and:

  • eliminates unpleasant foot odor;
  • eliminates fungal spores;
  • relieves irritation and itching.

An overview of the drug is given in the video:


Burns out all mycelium on the surface of the nail plate , since it consists of 30% pure sulfur. Thus preventing the spread of fungus. It is used only in the initial stages of the disease and will not give results in advanced cases.

Antimycotic ointments for nail fungus

Antifungal drugs are directly aimed at combating fungal cells. They quickly and effectively reduce the activity of pathological cells, as a result of which they stop multiplying and the disease is cured. Many drugs rarely cause allergies, are easy to use, and have few contraindications and side effects. These ointments are considered the best in their own form in the treatment of fungus of the toenails, hands, and skin.

Clotrimazole ointment for nail fungus

The main active component of the drug has the same name as it - clotrimazole. It is also called candida and candidiasis, but the substance remains the same. Drugs with this substance may have high prices, but the composition of the drugs remains the same, so when choosing, you should not give preference to more expensive ones, but choose the cheapest one.

Its content in relation to other components in the ointment is 1:100. They can be used when fungal cells of this type such as dermatophytes, mold and yeast develop on the nails. The ointment has a destructive effect on the membranes of pathological cells, then the components of the ointment destroy the fungus itself. The use of ointment increases the concentration of peroxide enzymes and thereby accelerates the destruction of the fungus.

Clotrimazole can be used in any location. It is recommended to use the ointment for fungus on the legs, feet, and skin. If the disease is accompanied by rotting, the ointment can also be used.

The medicine is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to clotrimazole and other substances in the ointment; it should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. If the rules of use are not followed or if there is an allergy, itching, burning, swelling of the skin, dryness and flaking are observed. If side effects are observed, you should contact your doctor to change the medication.

According to the instructions, it should be used within two to three weeks as follows:

  • Cleanse the skin for higher permeability of the medicine into it.
  • Dry with a towel.
  • Apply to and around the affected area.

This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day.

Exoderil for nail fungus

The main active ingredient in the cream is naftifine hydrochloride. The composition of the drug is synthetic.

The action of the product is as follows: thanks to the active substance, it promotes the production and accumulation of squalene in pathological cells, a substance that is destructive to the fungus. Naftifine destroys the membrane of fungal cells and destroys them from the inside.

The following types of fungus are treated with this cream:

  • Dermatophytes.
  • Yeast.
  • Mold.

Exoderil is effective against bacterial skin lesions.

Exoderil relieves dry skin, itching, and inflammatory processes.

It is used on any location of the fungus, including on the head, arms, legs. It is rubbed into the affected area twice a day for at least a month until the symptoms of the disease go away. Even a one-time use is enough, since naftifine stays in the skin for a long time and acts for a long time. May cause temporary burning of the skin. If you cut the nail before the procedure, file it and steam it, the product will be more effective.

It cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the composition, open wounds on the skin, burns.

It can be used by children with the approval of a dermatologist; it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The drug has few side effects; they occur when the composition is intolerant.

An analogue of the drug in terms of the active substance is Mikoderil, its cost is lower than Exoderil, but the second drug penetrates the skin better, making it more effective against nail fungus, as well as in places with rough skin and hard-to-reach places.

Ketoconazole ointment for nail fungus

The active ingredient in this cream has the same name as the drug - ketoconazole. This component, like the previous ones, destroys the cell membrane of fungi and destroys them. It is effective against certain types of fungi, so before starting treatment it is necessary to determine the type of fungus the patient has and determine whether the drug treats it.

It should be applied at least once a day, spreading over the area of ​​the disease. The average duration of treatment is at least a month and is usually continued until symptoms subside. Before use, clean the skin and dry it.

Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the components in the composition. Contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, people with diseased kidneys, liver, and endocrine system. Can be included as part of complex therapy.

An analogue of the active component is Nizoral, but its cost is higher than that of Ketoconazole. In addition to Nizoral, analogues are Mycozoral and Sebozol.

Find out more

Indications for use for lesions of nails, skin of the body, hands and feet

Antifungal topical gels or ointments can be used if the patient has:

  • darkening or thickening of the nail plate;
  • peeling or crumbling of the nail;
  • changes in the natural color or notching of the nail bed;
  • itching, inflammation and redness of the skin on the fingers.

Important . The disease cannot go away on its own. Symptoms may subside for a while, but this does not mean that the fungal spores have died. As soon as the body's immune system weakens, the disease will begin to recur.

Where and how much is the “miracle” sold?

Don’t go to pharmacies, they don’t have this ointment (and that’s good, we think). If the desire to be cured “forever” is too great, then go to selling sites. Just don’t rush to lose your head with happiness when you find out that a miracle drug costs only one ruble, and sometimes it is given out for free.

This is not entirely true, or rather, not true at all. Such “enticements” are necessary to attract customers. You will only learn the real price from a consultant on the website and it will be expressed not in tens or hundreds, but in thousands of rubles. Moreover, they will tell you that there is no deception, you can get the ointment for free, but not the first copy, but, for example, the third or fifth.

If you don’t want to pay for eternal health, then you will be tortured with persuasion, horror stories and even threats to take you to court. So it’s better not to go to such resources at all - save not only money, but also nerves.

Accusations against Mikolok from reviews of fungal gel:

  • sold at a suspiciously low price;
  • does not have documents confirming effectiveness;
  • does not help get rid of mycosis and restore normal skin condition.

The main proof of the effectiveness of Micolock ointment is the quality certificate. According to Anatoly, all documents for the drug are publicly available.

The analyst calls on Russians to evaluate Micolock and determine whether it is a scam or not, not by reviews of dubious people, but by real facts. The facts are that the ointment TM Mikolok, before going on sale, passed all the necessary clinical studies and received approval for distribution in the Russian Federation from state certification bodies.

A representative of the company producing the cream also commented on the reviews addressed to Mikolok. The specialist named several reasons for the appearance of negative comments:

  • purchasing a counterfeit drug;
  • improper use of an antifungal agent;
  • allergy to the components of the medicine against mycosis of the foot.

The company that produces anti-fungal cream gel advises buying Micolock only on the official website. Intermediary resources may turn out to be fraudulent. Before using the product, make sure that you have the original in your hands. This can be done using a special identification code, which is not on the counterfeit packaging. It is also important to carefully read the instructions for use before starting therapy.

Effective folk recipes against illness

Some pharmaceutical drugs cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The active substances are quickly absorbed into the blood and can harm the child. Then homemade recipes come to the rescue. Most of them are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacy ones.

There are a sufficient number of natural and natural remedies that can stop the growth and destroy the pathogen. Based on them, it is possible to prepare antifungal medications yourself at home.

Components that are part of home remedies can trigger the development of allergic reactions , so before use it makes sense to conduct an allergy test.

  • Solution with iodine . Dry celandine leaves are mixed with iodine and used as lotions. The disinfecting properties of iodine enhance the fungicidal effect of celandine.
  • Acetic ointment is prepared using vinegar, which creates an acidic environment on the skin. The fungus cannot survive in it for long and dies. Vinegar can be mixed with additional ingredients to prepare an ointment: eggs, sunflower oil, dimethyl phthalate. In low concentrations, acetic acid does not have an irritating effect on the epidermis.
  • Garlic ointment is considered the most effective in treating fungus of the hands, feet and nails. It improves immunity and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Chopped garlic should be mixed with butter in equal quantities. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • "Salicylic ointment" . A drug with an increased concentration of salicylic acid can help treat even advanced stages of the disease. To prepare a medicinal ointment, you need to mix 80 g of cosmetic petroleum jelly, 6 g of lactic acid and 12 g of salicylic acid. For a good effect, it is better to prepare the ointment immediately before use.
  • Copper sulfate . You can try to cure advanced stages of mycosis with copper sulfate. It is necessary to mix tar and sulfur in equal parts and add vitriol calcined in a frying pan to the mixture. The product must be mixed thoroughly to ensure uniformity.
  • "Tar ointment" . Fresh birch tar must be mixed with a fatty base, such as rendered tallow or refined coconut oil. Add a little honey to the mixture if there is no allergic reaction to it. The product should be used at night after baths for 30 days.

Attention . When using any folk remedies made at home, it is important to observe regularity.


Antifungal cream with the active substance naftifine hydrochloride, which helps disrupt the structure of the cell wall of the infection. Penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. It also exists in the form of a solution. Used in the treatment of foot fungi, nails, and various lichens on the body. The product is applied to the affected cleaned surface and adjacent areas once a day.

The duration of the course is from several to eight weeks for fungi on the skin. For nail infections, apply several times a day for six months. Contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to naftifine. Sometimes it can cause redness and burning of the skin, but treatment should not be interrupted.

Inexpensive antifungals of moderate effectiveness

There are a sufficient number of cheap medicines that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Their effectiveness depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of neglect. Most often, such drugs are used in complex treatment, since alone they do not give the desired result.

  1. “Teymurov Ointment” is prescribed for hyperhidrosis and nail fungus.
  2. "Thermikon" is a drug based on terbinafine. It has proven itself in the treatment of yeast and mold microorganisms.
  3. “Ichthyol ointment” helps with some infections of the epidermis and quickly relieves inflammation. It has a pungent odor and can stain everything around it, so it’s best to use it under a bandage.
  4. "Levomekol" is an excellent remedy for rapid skin regeneration. Contains chloramphenicol and quickly heals affected areas.
  5. "Vishnevsky ointment". The active components included in the product are considered destructive for many types of pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. “Bufinal” is based on bifonazole, and therefore has a rapid fungicidal effect.
  7. Chinese ointment is prescribed only in the initial stages of the disease.
  8. Thai drugs have a natural composition, rarely cause allergies, but only work at a mild stage of the disease.

Other products for external use



Refers to alternative medicine and is designed for use in veterinary medicine.

It has antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

The liquid is applied to the affected nails 3-4 times a day. One jar of solution costs about 50 rubles.


Fundizol cream

A complex product that softens and removes the nail plate.

Apply 4-5 times a day until a visible effect is achieved.

The price of the drug is approximately 100 rubles per package.

Fukortsin or “Castellani Liquid”


The product is widely used in dermatology due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Used 2 times a day. One jar costs about 20 rubles.

Lavender oil and tea tree oil

Lavender oil

Essential oils of lavender and tea tree have been known for their antimycotic properties for centuries. A drop of high-quality essential oil is dripped onto the affected nail three times a day.

Mouthwash Listerine, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice

Listerine mouthwash

Traditional medicine suggests adding apple cider vinegar and a few drops of lemon juice to a container of Listerine. This solution has a strong antiseptic effect, softening fungal scales.

Listerine can be purchased in pharmacies for about 150 rubles per bottle.

Berezhnova liquid

Berezhnova liquid

This is a time-tested remedy consisting of glycerin, iodine, vinegar and sodium iodide. Fingers affected by the fungus are dipped into the bath with the solution and kept there for 10 minutes.

The course of treatment can last up to 6 months. The product can be ordered at the pharmacy for only 50 rubles.

Recommendations for recovery

The complexity and duration of treatment is the main feature of any fungal infection. With proper treatment, rapid improvement occurs, but symptoms often return.

The fungus penetrates too deeply into the tissue, so topical medications cannot always reach it. That is why it is important to follow all doctor’s instructions and use only those medications that were prescribed.

In order for local treatment and folk recipes to be effective, some rules should be followed:

  1. Strict adherence to the duration of treatment.
  2. Regular and correct use in accordance with the instructions or prescription of the attending physician.
  3. Preliminary preparation before applying the drug.
  4. Maintain personal hygiene.
  5. Steaming your feet in a herbal bath before applying ointments.

In advanced cases, surgery and removal of the nail plate may be required . Only after this is local therapy prescribed.

Ointments for nail fungus are an excellent treatment option if used correctly. They are as safe as possible for most people, effective and not too expensive. It is important to identify the problem and find out reliably what type of fungus has affected the skin. And only then select the drug that corresponds to the problem.

New generation drugs

For deep lesions of the fingernails, ointments alone cannot be used. Treatment can last several months, during which time the patient’s quality of life decreases significantly.

Before using each drug, read the instructions in detail. Her recommendations must be followed for the product to have the most effective effect.

The above tablets may have side effects, such as irritation of the vaginal mucosa, skin rash or hives. They are contraindicated for children and pregnant women. In such situations, it is recommended to take new generation drugs that promote a speedy cure for fungus on the hands and have a softer and more gentle effect. Flucostat tablets are considered the best in this group. If you have fungus on your hands, you need to take 3 tablets a week. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than six months (until a healthy nail plate grows completely).

Another effective medicine in this group is Fluconazole (Diflucan). Most often it is prescribed to women for thrush, but its effectiveness has also been established against nail fungus. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, but on average it will take six months to a year to combat onychomycosis on the hands. Take one capsule daily.

These drugs belong to a high level of safety. They do not have a harmful effect on the liver, kidneys and circulatory system. During pregnancy, these drugs can be taken in cases of urgent need and only after consultation with a doctor.

With the right treatment regimen, you can cope even with chronic onychomycosis. For this purpose, a wide range of drugs is prescribed - proven tablets, ointments and traditional medicine.

Use of ointments and creams during pregnancy

Since the expectant mother’s body becomes vulnerable, the woman often develops various diseases. Fungus was no exception. During this period, treatment of a fungal infection becomes more complicated; you must immediately consult a specialist.

Antifungal ointments are most often prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, but not always. In some cases, it is possible to use anti-fungal medications, but with caution. Safe medications include:

  • Salicylic ointment;
  • Lamisil;
  • Nizoral;
  • Clotrimazole.

How to use ointments and creams

To enhance the speed of action of drugs against mycosis, it is important to follow certain rules.

  1. Before applying cream or ointment to the affected area, it must be cleaned and dried. Baths can be made using herbal infusions or soda.
  2. The drug is applied in a small amount, gently rubbing into the skin or nail plate.
  3. Every day it is necessary to disinfect shoes and personal hygiene items with special solutions.
  4. Be careful not to get the product into your eyes or mucous membranes.
  5. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the affected areas.
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