Inflammation of the foreskin in men - causes, treatment

  • STI - what is it?
  • Kinds
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
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Clinical practice indicates that 250 million people are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections every year. The numbers vaguely reflect the overall picture: not everyone is tested for hidden infections. You can “take the right path” and carry out all the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures anonymously, conveniently and quickly within the walls of our Harmony clinic.

Learn more about types of infections

Among doctors, it is customary to divide infections according to the pathogen that provoked a particular pathology. The list of STIs in men is as follows:

  • bacterial (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.);
  • viral (human papillomavirus, herpes, HIV, genital warts);
  • fungal (thrush of the urethral mucosa);
  • parasitic (pediculosis, scabies);
  • protozoans (trichomoniasis).

All of the above infections destroy not only the patient’s reproductive tract, but also the patient’s genitourinary and reproductive systems.

List of effective drugs

At the moment, the pharmacy offers a wide selection of drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the foreskin. Depending on the symptoms, the specialist prescribes different types of drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. They contain a local antibiotic and corticosteroids. Used only as prescribed by a doctor. Used in combination with other drugs.
  • Painkillers. Designed to relieve local symptoms. Reduce burning, itching, irritation.
  • Regenerating agents. The action of the drugs is aimed at accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal drugs. Necessary for suppressing fungal infections.

Speaking about how to treat the inflammatory process, it is necessary to name a number of highly effective drugs.


The product has shown high effectiveness in the inflammatory process caused by bacterial and fungal infections. The product contains a local antibiotic. Thanks to its action, the healing process occurs much faster. The use of Levomekol has been proven for a wide range of bacterial infections. The ointment has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Clinical manifestations

STIs in men manifest themselves:

  • burning, itching, sometimes pain, progressing when emptying the bladder or during intimacy;
  • plaque on the genitals, discharge from the urethra;
  • impurities in the urine in the form of mucous streaks, purulent inclusions, blood;
  • rashes, sores, blisters and spots;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • blueness or swelling of the external genitalia (not always);
  • violation of potency;
  • sluggish erection;
  • inflammation of the prostate.

The incubation period for infections ranges from several days to four weeks.

Among the pathologies, there are also those that are asymptomatic (genital herpes, ureaplasmosis and human papillomavirus infection).

Read also: Erectile dysfunction in men


All inflammatory processes occurring in the glans penis are treated by a urologist, venereologist and surgeon..

Correctly prescribed treatment will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms in just a week. In some cases, regular baths with Furacillin , to which chamomile infusion is added, can help.

Antiviral and antibacterial therapy may also be prescribed . But before choosing a treatment method, it is necessary to examine the genital organ and take smears to conduct a bacteriological study.

If there is a bruise of the penis, you need to apply a cold compress to the sore spot . Non-steroidal analgesics are also prescribed. If there is a circulatory problem, it is important to see a doctor on time. He will prescribe adequate treatment to restore it.

cured through surgery . Peyronie's disease can be treated conservatively with anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory therapy. If there is no improvement, you can agree to surgery and prosthetics. Treatment of balanoposthitis is carried out using baths with chamomile and furatsilin. In case of complications, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

When treating pain in the glans penis, it is important to follow good hygiene. Sometimes this alone helps to completely get rid of the problem. Soap should be used rarely, and the penis should be washed with plain warm water. After water procedures, the head of the penis should be thoroughly dried.


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Strengthening the immune system is of great importance, so it is important to choose the right immunomodulators . The doctor prescribes medications for this disease depending on the cause of its occurrence. If it is caused by bacteria, then antibacterial agents are used. For the candidal type of the disease, antifungal drugs , and the allergic type is treated with steroid creams.

Antiseptic ointments , in particular Levomekol , play an important role in the treatment of inflammation and pain in the penis . It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Using this ointment, you can cleanse tissues of pus and speed up their healing. But if you have an allergic reaction to the components of this product, it cannot be used.

Topical antibiotics are also widely used to treat this disease , which include Batrafen, Clotrimazole, Triderm, Lamisil, Dermozolon and others.

Also, drugs with high bactericidal activity, in particular Miramistin solution, have a good effect. It can even kill viruses. Miramistin is used in the form of compresses, for treating the genitals and for insertion into the urethra. After just 15 minutes, the burning sensation and pain disappear.

Sangviritrin , which is used in the form of baths, can also be used to treat the penis Solutions of Rotokan and Furacilin are suitable for these purposes.

In advanced cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics : erythromycin, olethrin, biseptol and others. After each water procedure with a medicinal solution, you need to wipe the penis dry and lubricate it with antiseptic ointment.


If a hematoma that has formed due to a bruise persists for a long time, surgical intervention is necessary , as a result of which blood clots are removed. In case of a fracture of the penis, mandatory surgical intervention is required, which involves opening the hematoma and stopping the bleeding.

But the penis may become curved in shape as a result of the operation. Another unpleasant consequence of the operation is sometimes impotence. If foreign bodies and small stones are not passed out in the urine, they are removed through endoscopic surgery.

Treatment at home with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is often used to treat pain in the glans penis.:

  • decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile and other medicinal plants. They are used to make baths and compresses, and are also used to wash the sore spot;
  • medicinal oil, which is obtained from calendula flowers and olive oil, is used to lubricate the penis;
  • Plantain leaves are washed well, kneaded and applied to the sore spot with a bandage. Within a few days the inflammation will stop;
  • Aloe leaves without thorns are applied with the pulp to the inflamed area 2 times a day, which provides quick relief of symptoms;
  • warm baths with baking soda also help to quickly cope with inflammation.

But folk remedies only help if they are used regularly. In addition, at the first sign of pain, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.


If the development of an STI is suspected, the urologist at the Harmony clinic begins the diagnosis with a visual examination, conducts a physical examination - identifies characteristic symptoms and makes a presumptive diagnosis.

At the next stage, the patient is sent for instrumental and laboratory tests:

  • take a smear from the urethra;
  • conduct microscopy and determine sensitivity to antibiotics using bacteriological culture;
  • resort to ELISA, which identifies intracellular parasites and specific provocateurs;
  • organize PCR diagnostics - identify the pathogen of a viral nature;
  • perform an ultrasound examination of the prostate and pelvic organs.

Symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin

Not one of the stronger sex is immune from inflammation of the foreskin, so you should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • Mild burning and itching, especially when defecating or washing
  • Swelling of the foreskin and pain when pulling the skin
  • Instead of itching and burning pain occurs, the skin and head become inflamed and red

When the penis is inflamed with phimosis, unpleasant-smelling smegma discharge and pus will be added to the symptoms. If the reason lies in a fungal or venereal disease, then their characteristic discharge is observed.

If inflammation of the foreskin is not treated in the early stages, then the man’s condition worsens significantly. So, the following signs of the disease appear:

  • General weakness
  • Increased body temperature
  • Possible signs of intoxication: nausea, muscle pain, headaches and others

Inflammation of the foreskin leads to very serious complications:

  • The sensitivity of the head is lost, since its surface and the surface of the foreskin are covered with ulcers and cracks.
  • The narrowing of the foreskin, as well as ulcers, lead to constant pain not only during urination, but during sexual intercourse.
  • The inflammation can spread up the urethra, causing urethritis. In particularly advanced cases, cystitis and lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) develop. In some cases, inflammation of the testicles develops.
  • In the most severe cases, the disease can progress to gangrene.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis includes taking a medical history, examining the penis by a venereologist, as well as taking tests to identify or exclude sexually transmitted diseases.

How to treat and prevent infection?

Infections of the penis are treated by a urologist, venereologist or dermatologist. Diseases caused by bacteria (syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.) require the patient to take antibiotics. Trichomoniasis can be treated with antiparasitic medications.

HPV can go away on its own. Genital warts are not treated; they are removed. Antiviral drugs are used as part of the treatment of hepatitis B and C. These same medications can alleviate the condition of a patient with herpes.

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections involves avoiding promiscuity and using a barrier contraceptive (condom) during sex with a non-regular partner.

The appearance of characteristic symptoms of an STI or a prolonged absence of consultation with a doctor is a reason to visit a male doctor. To make an appointment with a urologist at our medical center, call us or make an appointment yourself on the website.

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

Causes of pain

The reasons that cause pain in the head of the penis may be the following::

  • sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis or chlamydia;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • irritation of the urethra caused by the deposition of stones or associated with the presence of foreign bodies in it;
  • inflammation, in particular acne or balanitis;
  • insect bites, fractures, sprains, bruises;

The most common cause of pain on the glans penis is various inflammatory processes..

They often lead to suppuration. Sometimes this phenomenon is associated with the accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, which causes the development of various microorganisms. In this case, pain occurs due to failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene. Sometimes this is caused by diseases such as diabetes, purulent urethritis, phimosis, and allergies.

Video: “Reasons for non-opening of the glans penis”

When having relationships with several sexual partners and promiscuous sex life, in addition to pain on the head of the penis, a rash, itching, redness of the skin and discharge with an unpleasant odor also appear. This means that the patient develops one of the sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

Among the injuries to the penis, the mildest injury can be noted - bruise . As a result of the bruise, damage to the subcutaneous fatty tissue occurs and severe pain occurs. At the same time, the size of the penis increases, and the organ itself swells and interferes with movement. It also begins to squeeze the urethra.

If the penis is dislocated or fractured , which can happen during rough sexual intercourse, severe pain and shock occur. This may also result in internal bleeding.

Due to poor circulation due to endarteritis, atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus, constant aching pain appears in the head of the penis, even without touching it. The condition of the skin also worsens due to the appearance of gangrene, ulcers and erosion on the skin.

To understand the nature of diseases of the penis, you need to know its structure.

Pain in the penis during sex occurs due to curvature of the phallus , which may be congenital. Sometimes this is caused by Peyronie's disease or cavernous fibrosis. In this case, the man experiences pain during an erection.

Sometimes during sex, men use wire, thread and other devices to stimulate an erection. This leads to the entry of foreign bodies into the urethra and injury to the urethra. As a result, an inflammatory process begins, which leads to pain in the head of the genital organ.

The head of the penis may also hurt due to the use of contraception by interrupting sexual contact , so you need to use another method of contraception.

If there is cutting pain in the head, one may suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate . Pain in this case appears both during sex and during urination. In addition, pain occurs in the groin, testicles, perineum, pubis and lower back.

Sometimes the cause of sharp pain may be hypersensitivity of the head of the penis , especially during the release of sperm. This can be prevented by using an anesthetic gel.

What diseases can it occur with?

A small head causes big problems for men. Its diseases can appear at any age, from childhood to the elderly. They can be divided into two groups:

  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory.

Among inflammatory infectious diseases, specific sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases or STDs) are distinguished. Inflammation of the head can be caused by a banal bacterial infection. The pathogen is identified after taking a smear. If a specific pathogen is not detected during smear bacterioscopy, then bacteriological culture for flora and an antibiogram are prescribed, then treatment begins.

Inflammatory diseases

Balanitis, balanoposthitis

  • Balanitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, balanoposthitis says that the inflammatory process has captured the inner layer of the foreskin. With inflammation, the head of the penis begins to enlarge due to swelling, and areas of redness appear on it. When the foreskin is involved in the inflammatory process, redness spreads to it. An increase in the amount of smegma is characteristic; the nature of the discharge can change from sticky liquid to white curdled or purulent. Based on the nature of the discharge, one can suspect the cause of inflammation, but laboratory confirmation is still required.

Smears reveal gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, viruses, candida fungi, and staphylococci.

Factors contributing to inflammation:

  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • violations of hygiene measures, unprotected sex.

The patient is bothered by pain in the head area; it can be difficult to expose it, as the pain will increase. Urination causes discomfort. When exposed, edematous mucosa is visible; against the background of redness, there are whitish areas, sometimes erosions and ulcers, and increased discharge. Sexual life in this condition is impossible due to severe pain. This picture is observed in an acute process.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the pathogen:

  • antibiotics;
  • antitrichomonas drugs;
  • antifungal;
  • local ointments, creams, baths;
  • boost immunity with strengthening agents.

Untreated chronic balanitis or balanoposthitis can lead to phimosis or paraphimosis.


A typical manifestation of syphilis is chancre. At the site of penetration of treponema pallidum, after a few weeks or months, a painless ulcer appears, bright red in color, with undermined edges and a dense bottom. There is practically no separation. There is an increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

Treatment with antibiotics is carried out by a venereologist. The sexual contacts of the sick person must be examined. If they do not have syphilis, they are given preventive treatment.

Genital herpes

  • Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 occur on the lips and wings of the nose during viral infections of the upper respiratory tract and on the penis.
  • The acute process is characterized by a rise in temperature, itching and soreness of the head, the appearance of bubbles with transparent contents on it, enlargement of the lymph nodes, accompanied by groin pain. Sexual intercourse is difficult due to pain. Bubbles may merge. After opening them, an eroded surface remains.
  • Treatment with antiviral drugs, topical ointment Acyclovir, Zovirax, oral agents that enhance immunity. The majority of those who recover become carriers of the virus; according to statistics, it is present in almost 90% of the world's population.


When infected with the human papillomavirus, genital warts appear on the head. These are skin outgrowths on a thin stalk, prone to growth. They become infected through sexual contact. The human papillomavirus is no less widespread in the world than the herpes virus. More than 100 of its strains are known, 6, 11, 16, 18 and 33 are dangerous for men. The most unfavorable are 16 and 18 strains, as they tend to cause penile cancer.

The appearance of condylomas indicates reduced immunity due to various reasons:

  • fatigue;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • passion for alcohol, smoking;
  • chronic stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • rich sexual experience with frequent changes of partners without a condom.

Genital warts can increase in number, growing into formations resembling cauliflower, moving to adjacent tissues and into the urethra. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance of the penis, they cause their owner pain when walking, during intimacy and when urinating (localized in the urethra).

Treatment of single condylomas is possible with local application of Aldara cream, Panavir gel, Epigen intimate spray. Multiple condylomatosis can be removed in one of the following ways:

  • cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • chemical destruction;
  • laser vaporization;
  • radiosurgical removal.

After removal, ointments, creams and gels are recommended locally. In parallel, treatment is carried out aimed at strengthening the immune system, since it is impossible to completely remove HPV, the goal is to prevent relapse.

White growths

  • The appearance of white growths can be either normal or pathological. During puberty, the sebaceous glands can become clogged, and sometimes even become inflamed if hygiene is poor.
  • Abnormal white growths may be caused by molluscum contagiosum. It affects delicate skin areas.
  • Under no circumstances should these pimples be squeezed. A visit to the doctor will help determine the cause and the need for treatment.

Non-inflammatory diseases


  • Parents of boys are more likely to encounter this problem. Until 3 years of age, the foreskin is physiologically fused with the head. As you grow, the size of the glans penis increases, and so does the stretching of the foreskin, making it easy to expose it. If this does not happen, the disease phimosis occurs.
  • The causes of phimosis are poorly understood. It is believed that it appears against the background of a congenital disorder of connective tissue. Strictly speaking, at the intersection of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, since it can cause balanitis and balanoposthitis or occur against the background of these diseases.
  • In early childhood, as a rule, phimosis does not cause painful manifestations. If parents have not taken timely measures to rid the child of it, there is only one way out - surgical treatment. The operation is called circumcision. The foreskin is excised, the head remains always naked.
  • Phimosis occurs in different degrees of severity. One of the milder forms is the inability to open the head during an erection; however, in a calm state, the foreskin can be stretched. In more complex manifestations, the opening is narrowed so much that when urinating, urine is released into the preputial sac, its size will increase, and urine will come out of it in drops. A constant symptom is pain or inability to bare.


  • This is not an independent disease, but a complication of phimosis. It occurs acutely when, during sexual intercourse or masturbation, it is possible to move the narrowed foreskin behind the head. It lies in a dense roller in the coronary groove, squeezing the tip of the penis. What happens after a few minutes? The swollen, large head of the male penis acquires a blue tint due to poor circulation. The situation is very dangerous, immediate help is needed, or the degree of ischemia will increase. The head turns black, which means necrosis (death).
  • With paraphimosis, the pain is so severe that the victim takes a forced position: the legs are apart, bent at the hip and knee joints, the torso is slightly tilted forward. It's even worse if the initial severe pain subsides. Necrosis of the nerve endings occurs, leading to necrosis.
  • Help must be provided immediately. The choice of treatment depends on the speed of circulation. First, the swelling is removed (cold compress, injections, elastic bandage). Then, under local anesthesia, the foreskin is stretched and the head is set. The patient is prescribed baths, ointments, creams to increase stretching.

Late treatment may result in amputation.


  • Basically, the head is damaged mechanically. These are blows, insect bites, but more often injured during masturbation, especially with the use of exotic sex toys.
  • If this happens, then, putting aside false shame, you need to consult a doctor. He will determine the severity of the injury and prescribe treatment.

Increased sensitivity

A hypersensitive head can occur for two reasons:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

In congenital conditions, increased sensitivity is observed due to abnormalities leading to the formation of a large number of nerve endings.

Hypersensitivity is acquired due to various reasons, including:

  • irritation from synthetic underwear;
  • inflammation;
  • phimosis;
  • spinal injuries and tumors;
  • psychological uncertainty and fears due to lack of sexual experience.

Treatment of the underlying disease in combination with local ointments, sprays, and creams reduces hypersensitivity.

Increased dryness

Like the previous situation, this is a symptom, not a diagnosis. Dryness can occur when wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear or using chemicals for hygiene purposes.

  • Chronic viral infections, gonorrhea, candidiasis may be accompanied by dryness. This reaction can occur to condoms or female barrier contraceptives. Hypovitaminosis A and E causes dry mucous membranes. Taking diuretics is also one of the causes of dryness. Age-related changes in men, as in women, are accompanied by dryness. For maximum effect, it is necessary to establish the cause or provoking factor and eliminate their impact.

Symptomatic therapy consists of applying moisturizing ointments, creams, and baths with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage).

During treatment, sexual rest is necessary, since a dry head is quickly injured by friction, and this is a path for infection.

Urologists advise not to abuse alcohol, smoking, eat a balanced diet, paying attention to vitamins - antioxidants. An important piece of advice from doctors is to keep your immune system in working order.

Chronic balanoposthitis

The chronic form of balanoposthitis is a long-term disease, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes of the head of the genital organ and the tissues of its foreskin. The course of the disease is quite severe and has a number of complications. Their consequences can be avoided only with timely detection and treatment of balanoposthitis.

Posthitis is inflammation of the layers of the foreskin, balanitis is inflammation of the skin of the head of the organ. Since both processes always occur simultaneously, the disease is called balanoposthitis. Insufficient therapeutic measures contribute to the development of chronic inflammation. According to the international classification, this disease of the male genital organs is assigned the ICD-10 code N48.

The photo shows the form of balanoposthitis

Prevention of balanitis

Measures to prevent balanitis:

  • Protected sex, including oral.
  • Maintain intimate hygiene: you need to wash your penis daily, retracting the foreskin (the best remedy is baby soap), do not allow the head to come into contact with surfaces in common areas, do not touch it with dirty hands, do not wear unwashed underwear (including new ones) .
  • Avoid frequent intense masturbation and sex to avoid mechanical damage to the head.
  • All intimate lubricants should be pre-tested for allergies (apply to the inner elbow for 15-20 minutes).

If there is persistent redness of the head, the appearance of blisters, ulcers, lumps, a feeling of itching or numbness, you should immediately contact a urologist.

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