Antiseptic agent Octenisept - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Mikhail Cheap razvodilovo, no

Pharmacological authorities


Octenisept is an antiseptic for cleaning mucous membranes, skin and wounds.

Action mechanism

Octenidine dihydrochloride is a representative of cationic compounds and, due to the interaction of its two cationic centers, it has the effect of surface-active power. It reacts with the components of the wall and membrane of the microbial cell, which leads to disruption of the functioning of the cell.

The mechanism of antimicrobial action of phenoxyethanol lies, among other things, in the increased penetration of the cell membrane for potassium ions.

Pharmacodynamic power

Antimicrobial activity includes bactericidal and fungicidal activity, as well as activity against lipophilic viruses and hepatitis B virus. The spectra of effectiveness of phenoxyethanol and octenidine dihydrochloride are complementary.

Some very clear in vitro

In the presence of 0.1% albumin with the addition of 50% and 75% of the ingredients, Octenisept exhibited good activity over 1 hour of contact with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and fungi.

In vitro studies

The activity of Octenisept against several viruses was tested. Efficacy has been demonstrated against lipophilic viruses, such as herpes simplex virus, HIV and hepatitis B virus.

The development of primary resistance to Octenisept, as well as secondary resistance due to prolonged stagnation due to non-specific effectiveness, does not occur.

Pediatric population

The effectiveness and tolerability of Octenisept was demonstrated in 347 children aged 6 days to 12 days, as well as in 73 premature infants with a gestational age of less than 36 days.

A study of umbilical cord injection with Octenisept in 1,725 ​​newborns demonstrated its tolerability.


Soaked up.

Studies on animals with 14C-labeled material have demonstrated that octenidine dihydrochloride is not absorbed into the gut tract or through the skin or mucous membranes.

When administered orally, labeled with a radioactive isotope, octenidine dihydrochloride is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the scolio-intestinal tract in mice, pike-cheeks and dogs, even in very small bones (0–6%). It was found that in mice with locally applied octenidine dihydrochloride for 24 years, contact under an occlusive bandage did not prevent its absorption.

Based on these data, in vitro

The ability of octenidine dihydrochloride to cross the placenta can be turned off.

In studies on the eyelids of oral administration of 14C-labeled phenoxyethanol, it was almost completely absorbed and excreted from the section in the form of phenoxyoctic acid.

Octenidine dihydrochloride from the drug Octenisept is not absorbed through the mucous membrane of the rabbit (in rabbits) or through wounds (people, squirrels).

Pediatric population

Oxidative metabolism of 2-phenoxyethanol was assessed in 4 preterm infants aged 1 to 11 months, and also in 24 preterm infants aged less than 36 months. This study demonstrated that 2-phenoxyethanol is absorbed through the skin and is either completely or possibly metabolized by oxidation to phenoxyoctic acid and is excreted by hydration, which demonstrates the safety of Octene application. Iseptu.

OCTENISEPT (instructions)

PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES: Pharmacodynamics . The drug has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action due to the hydrophobic interaction of octenidine dihydrochloride with the cytoplasmic membranes of pathogenic microorganisms and is synergistically enhanced by the action of phenoxyethanol. The spectrum of antimicrobial action covers spore-forming and asporogenic microflora, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), fungi, viruses, including mycobacterium tuberculosis, streptococci, staphylococci, multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), enterococci, gonococci, meningococci, pneumococci, Escherichia, shigella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Gardnerella, ascomycetes, dermatophytes, candida, herpes viruses, hepatitis B, C, D, HIV, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, trichomonas, other microbial flora resistant to chemotherapy drugs. The drug has no toxic effect and is not absorbed through the mucous membrane, skin and wound surfaces. The microcidal activity of the drug appears 30 s after application and has a prolonged effect. Destroys microorganisms without damaging tissue cells. The use of the drug promotes the healing of wounds and burns due to its immunomodulatory effect. Pharmacokinetics . Octenidine dihydrochloride is not absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. Phenoxyethanol is absorbed in small quantities and excreted by the kidneys in the form of phenoxyacetylic acid.

INDICATIONS: antiseptic treatment of the mucous membrane and adjacent tissues, skin; treatment of wound surfaces (including umbilical wounds of newborns, purulent wounds in surgical and obstetric practice); bedsores, ulcers (including gangrenous); treatment of the surgical field before, during and after surgical, diagnostic and other manipulations; for injuries (including fractures), burns (deep and superficial); treatment of abrasions, cracks (for example, nipples during breastfeeding), postoperative sutures; treatment and prevention of inflammation of the genital organs, urinary tract (including sexually transmitted diseases); prevention and treatment of infections of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, eyes; antiseptic lavage of cavities (including the maxillary, frontal paranasal sinuses, abdominal cavity, bladder); washing the body of patients with multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Hygienic and surgical treatment of personnel’s hands; prevention of nosocomial and professional infection with HIV and hepatitis when contagious material gets on the mucous membranes (including the eyes) and skin.

APPLICATION: before using the drug, it is recommended to clean the areas of skin and mucous membranes to be treated. The antiseptic is evenly applied to the skin and mucous membrane, to the wound surfaces - using a swab soaked in a sufficient amount of solution, or irrigated using a sprayer. The surface must be completely wet. After treatment, before applying bandages and stickers, you must wait for the treated surface to dry. When treating the body before aseptic surgical interventions, the incision site should first be treated, and then the surrounding areas of the skin. During a septic operation, treatment begins from the periphery. Antiseptic treatment of the surgical field should be carried out at least twice. For the treatment of wounds (including the umbilical wound of newborns), burns, and bedsores, Octenisept is used undiluted. The treatment is carried out using a tampon soaked in the solution, irrigation from a spray bottle or applying gauze bandages soaked in Octenisept. For the purpose of prevention and local treatment of inflammatory processes, for rinsing the mouth and nasopharynx, Octenisept should be diluted with distilled (boiled) water in a ratio of 1:3, rinsing is repeated after 20 minutes. For washing cavities (including the frontal and maxillary sinuses), nasal passages; for stomatitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, for the sanitation of carriers of diphtheria and staphylococci, the drug is diluted with distilled (boiled) water in a ratio of 1:6. For patients with diphtheria, the drug is recommended to be used by spraying. To wash the genitals in order to prevent inflammatory processes (including infections of various origins), Octenisept is diluted with distilled (boiled) water or physiological solution in a ratio of 1:6. In complex treatment of inflammatory processes (including infectious diseases) of the genital organs, the drug is used undiluted or, if necessary, diluted with distilled (boiled) water or physiological solution in a ratio of 1:2; 1:3. For acute and chronic urethritis, urethroprostatitis, the solution is injected into the urinary canal in a volume of 2–5 ml, the procedure is repeated 2–3 times a day. In order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, it is recommended to use Octenisept after sexual intercourse. When using the drug to wash the body of patients with multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:2; 1:6 (before use, the solution can be warmed to body temperature). For prevention (for example, in athletes) and treatment of fungal diseases of the skin of the legs and feet, treatment of these areas with the drug is carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening) by spraying. The treated area of ​​skin should be dry. The frequency of use of Octenisept is 2-3 times a day, if necessary - up to 6 times a day. Do not use in the area of ​​the eardrum.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: hypersensitivity to the drug.

SIDE EFFECTS: possible short-term slight burning at the site of application; when rinsing the mouth - a bitter taste.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: When used in the oral cavity, do not swallow. If a significant amount of the drug accidentally enters the stomach, it should be rinsed with a sufficient amount of water and activated charcoal should be taken. If the drug concentrate accidentally gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with running water. The use of the drug in the area of ​​the eardrum is not allowed. During pregnancy and breastfeeding . During pregnancy, the drug can be used without restrictions. When used during breastfeeding to treat cracked nipples, avoid getting the drug into the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

INTERACTIONS: simultaneous use with iodine-containing antiseptics is not recommended.

OVERDOSE: not noted.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: in a dry place, protected from light at temperatures from –5 °C to 25 °C. After opening the bottle, the antiseptic is stored for 3 years.


It is used for multiple-time removal of mucous membranes and excess skin during the hour before diagnostic and surgical procedures in the anogenital area: groin, vulva, glans penis, before catheterization of the genital area. Hura; for cleaning up empty mouth; for antiseptic treatment of local bacterial and fungal infections in the vaginal area. The medicinal plant is used for the treatment of mycosis of the interdigital spaces during the hour of maintenance therapy and for the antiseptic treatment of wounds and footwear for various movements.

Treatment for local bacterial and fungal infections in the vaginal area is used between adults and children for 8 years. For all other indications, Octenisept can be administered to adults and children without eyelids.

Features of good stagnation

There is no need to inject Octenisept into the bloodstream, for example as a result of milk injection.

There is no trace of the medicinal effect of Octenisept in the eyes. If the medication gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with plenty of water.

After washing deep wounds with a syringe, persistent swelling, erythema, and tissue necrosis were avoided, which in some cases required surgical revision (section “Adverse reactions”).

Due to tissue damage, the drug cannot be injected deep into the tissue using a syringe. The drug is intended for surface hardening (applied with a swab or with the help of a sprayer).

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


The sheer number of data obtained from pregnant wives (from 300 to 1000 results of gestation, gestation lines ≥ 12 days) indicates the frequency of Octenisept’s contribution to the development of congenital anomalies and its toxicity to the embryo/fetus.

Investigations on the animals did not reveal any sign of reproductive toxicity.

If necessary, you can stop Octenisept during pregnancy. Remnants of clinical data for the first 3 months of pregnancy on a daily basis, at the same time, there is no risk of harm to the drug Octenisept in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Anniversary breastfeeding

The latest data on the use of the drug during lactation are based on experimental studies on animals and clinical studies on a daily basis. The fragments of octenidine dihydrochloride are soaked up in even a small amount or not soaked up at all; they are transferred so that they do not pass into breast milk.

Phenoxyethanol will quickly soak in and may be excreted as if the product has been oxidized with nitric acid. Therefore, the accumulation in breastfeeding is less intense.

As a second aid, Octenisept should not be applied to the milk area before breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

The drug does not affect the fluidity of the reaction when administered by vehicle or when used with other mechanisms.

Instructions for use of octenisept for children

Octenisept solution, as the instructions for use say, is suitable for children of any age. The age limit is imposed only by the ability to gargle without the risk of swallowing the drug.

If the child is too small for this, you can apply the spray to the pacifier.

The drug is used in obstetric practice and is allowed in pediatrics for newborns and infants.

There are no contraindications to the use of the pharmacological drug Octenisept during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that it does not contain toxic substances, ethyl alcohol. Thus, expectant mothers can use this drug as prescribed by a doctor in a certain concentration for a wide range of ailments:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • presence of burns;
  • infections on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs;
  • stomatitis;
  • throat diseases, sore throat;
  • fungal diseases, etc.

For nursing mothers, cracks in the nipples are treated with the solution.

Reviews for the drug Octenisept are mostly positive. The possibility of use for preventive purposes by adults working in children's educational organizations is noted: use at the first signs of discomfort in the throat effectively prevents the disease.

As negative aspects, patients note an unpleasant taste, a slight burning sensation and hissing of the drug when rinsing, however, these inconveniences can be overcome by lowering the concentration of the drug.

There are reviews from adult patients about the use of the drug in case of respiratory disease. Staphylococcal infection as a result of rinsing goes away within seven days.

In addition, attention is drawn to the convenient shape of the small bottle with Octenisept throat spray.

In the autumn-winter period, pediatricians prescribe Octenisept for the throat for children. The reviews are good: the effectiveness of the product is noted when the drug is sprayed in the first days of the disease.

Octenisept throat spray is prescribed to children without age restrictions and gives excellent results, especially in cases with frequently ill young patients.

Parents call him the first and most reliable assistant. You can spray it in the throat, you can rinse the sinuses for sinusitis. The only warning is that the drug should not be swallowed, so rinsing is good for children, starting from school age.

A big problem in childhood is inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. Adenoids cannot be cured with Octenisept. However, if Octenisept is used as an antiseptic for adenoids, then reviews show a decrease in the likelihood of exacerbation of adenoiditis.

Octenisept spray, as the instructions for use say, is absolutely safe for children, you just need to be careful when using it: the spray should not get into the eyes or ears.

For pharyngitis, Octenisept may be an effective remedy. The following video is about the symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

It is allowed to use octenisept during pregnancy. The mild composition of the drug does not have a negative effect on the body. The only condition: you do not need to swallow the liquid. Some doctors recommend the drug for pregnant women or children in a dilution ratio of 1 to 6 or 1 to 10, so that its effect is not traumatic for sensitive mucous membranes.

The spray is approved for use for abundant irrigation of the pharyngeal ring throughout pregnancy and during feeding. But aerosols cannot be used in the traditional way by those little ones who do not know how to control their breathing. This can provoke laryngospasm.

The antiseptic gets into the child's throat when swallowed. Its quantity is small. The active substances are retained on the walls of the pharynx without ending up in the stomach. The drug acts within a few seconds after deposition on the affected tissues.

If, unexpectedly, after using the spray, spasmodic attacks begin, then you need to take a comfortable position, relax, and slowly inhale. Don't panic: an antihistamine in the form of an injection or taken as a tablet, or an antispasmodic will help ease the attack. You definitely need to call a doctor.


D08A J57

Octenidine dihydrochloride,


Manufacturer: S&M Ges.mbH, Germany

Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: Without a prescription

Antiseptic for external use when treating mucous membranes and treating infected traumatic injuries.

Octenisept is used for preventive purposes after diagnostic and medical procedures and surgery. The solution is prescribed for the nose and rinsing the mouth.

A highly effective and non-toxic product that is suitable for children and pregnant women. It acts selectively without violating the integrity of the body's cells.

Method of congestion and dosage

The purpose of the product is for local stagnation and does not have to be injected into the tissue, for example, using an additional syringe.

Octenisept should be undiluted and applied to the affected area until completely mixed.

Carry out further procedures, for example, apply a surgical bandage, as little as 2 weeks after the drug has been infused. It is also possible to rinse the mouth emptiness, or this method of drying out the areas with drops, if it is necessary to rinse the entire mouth emptiness. In this case, it is necessary to steep 20 ml of the drug for 20 seconds.

For supportive therapy in cases of mycosis of the interdigital spaces, the medicinal mixture should be dispensed in the morning and in the evening.

Treatment of local bacterial and fungal infections of the vaginal area

Before the first drying, remove the applicator from the packaging and place it on the bottle after removing the clear dry coating and dispenser head. The sawing mechanism can be operated by holding the bottle in different positions (vertically or upside down). To insert the applicator deeply into the mouth, it is recommended to sit on the toilet or lie on a bed. Press the applicator cap 10 times with your finger to distribute the preparation deeply into the soil. After scrubbing, wipe the applicator and press it onto the dispenser once or twice, straightening the applicator down, for example, over the sink. The duration of the treatment should be 7 days, on the first day the drug should be taken once a day in the evening, and then - 1 time the previous evening. Before you begin, press the sprayer one or two times, straight with the applicator down, and carry out the procedure as described. The applicator can be treated with the same course of treatment. Once treatment for vaginal infection has been completed, the applicator should be discarded.

To achieve the desired effect, you must carefully follow these instructions.

The fragments must be frozen for no more than 14 days until continuous stagnation.


Dosage of Octenisept is identical for adults and children.

To treat local bacterial and fungal infections in the vaginal area, stagnation is carried out between adults and children for 8 days.

For all other indications, Octenisept can be administered to adults and children without eyelids.


Vidomosti before overdosing every day. However, with local stagnation, the risk of overdose is even lower. In case of local overdose, the affected area can be treated with a large quantity of Ringer.

Vipadkov's provocation of Octenisept is not respected by the unsafe. Octenidine dihydrochloride is not absorbed or excreted in feces. Once taken orally, Octenisept cannot be used to cut off the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract.

Octenidine dihydrochloride is more toxic after intravenous administration and oral administration. Therefore, there is no trace of the loss of a large amount of Octenisept into the bloodstream, for example as a result of milk injection. However, when Octenisept fragments contain octenidine dihydrochloride at a concentration of less than 0.1%, the resulting intoxication is very low.

The principle of operation of antiseptic sprays

Any antiseptic throat aerosol has a combined effect. Depending on the main and auxiliary components in the composition, a medicine for topical use can combine the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory – throat spray relieves redness and swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Cleansing - the product washes away bacteria and their waste products from the surface of the throat.
  • Moisturizing and softening – the drugs eliminate dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Antiseptic – the main component prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Anesthetic – local anesthetics in the composition help relieve pain.

Antiseptic throat sprays act on the affected area. The medicine is delivered unchanged and is not absorbed into the bloodstream, due to which such drugs have significantly fewer contraindications and side effects. Convenient packaging with a sprayer helps to completely irrigate the throat cavity and dose the medicine.

Side effects

The assessment of unimportant effects is based on the present frequency of guilt: even often

(³ 1/10), often (³ from 1/100 to < 1/10), infrequently (³ from 1/1000 to < 1/100), rarely (³ from 1/10000 to < 1/1000) , very rare (< 1/10000), frequency unknown (cannot be estimated based on actual data).

Underlying disorders and reactions at the site of application


: liver, blackness, itching, feeling of heat in the place of stagnation.

Loosen the sides of the skin and the underside fabrics

Very rarely:

allergic contact reaction, for example, temporary redness in the place of stagnation.

Dissolve the side of the bone-muscle system and healthy tissue

Unknown frequency:

After washing deep wounds with a syringe, persistent swelling, erythema, and tissue necrosis were avoided, which in some cases required surgical revision (section “Peculiarities of Stagnation”).

When rinsing the empty mouth, a bitter taste may appear.

Unexpected effects may occur - swelling, induration, pain, swelling, eczema in the case of stagnation.

Pediatric population

The frequency, type and severity of unwanted reactions in children are the same as in adults.

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