What is hand eczema Chronic inflammation of the skin of an allergic nature is called eczema. Pathology manifests itself as rashes
Blood pressure is a type of blood pressure. Blood pressure is very important for
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The drug has an antispasmodic effect aimed at the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder,
In our country, epidermolysis bullosa is a rare disease. They are in different stages and types
Insomnia is a disease associated with difficulty falling asleep and difficulty maintaining a normal sleep pattern.
What does Tempalgin help with: indications: moderate or mild pain syndrome (including headache
Stressful situations are very harmful to human health, since psychological states can affect
Skin melanosis is an excessive deposition of the melanin pigment in the epidermis. This substance is produced by special
Stroke is currently one of the most serious diseases. It affects almost everything
Dizziness causes a loss of balance; it seems as if the ground is “moving away” from under your feet. Usually,