Hair loss in men: causes and treatments

For many men, appearance is just as important as for women. Beautiful hair, well-groomed skin, pumped up body... Baldness can be a big psychological trauma. Many people ask about what alopecia areata in men is. Treatment of this disease should only take place under the supervision of a doctor after a correct diagnosis. The process of hair loss can be stopped, the main thing is to seek advice in time and understand the causes of the disease. How to properly treat the disease? Can traditional recipes and methods help? We will try to answer these questions in the article.

alopecia areata in men treatment drugs

What is alopecia? Doctors' opinions

Alopecia areata in men, which should be treated immediately, cannot be diagnosed at home. Only doctors determine the presence of the disease. With it, the hair does not fall out completely, round bald spots form, which can increase over time. The disease does not always affect the scalp; there are cases where the beard is also affected.

The insidiousness of the disease is that bald spots appear quite quickly. A week will be enough for the hair in a certain area to completely disappear. This leads to a lot of stress in men. Only a specialist can help you cope with the problem. You can’t do it with expensive shampoos alone; you’ll have to use complex treatment. The main problem is that the disease affects the hair roots. It will take a lot of time to restore them. But the chances of a full recovery are quite high.

alopecia areata in men


Hair loss, types and treatment of the disease

Despite the fact that numerous products are available on pharmacy shelves that promise to quickly eliminate the causes of hair loss in men, it is necessary to take preventive measures rather than waste time and effort on expensive treatment.

A few simple steps will help you stop or slow down the process of baldness:

  1. Regular hair washing with mild shampoo is mandatory. Cosmetics must be of high quality and proven. It is very important to make sure that any remaining detergent and conditioner are thoroughly rinsed from your hair after you finish washing your hair.

A man washes off the remnants of mild shampoo from his head

  1. Changing your hairstyle. Not only many women, but also some men wear long hair. As a rule, they prefer to tie their tails. Pulling your hair into a tight knot at the back of your head greatly increases the stress on it. This additional stress can cause the strands to break, which can significantly shorten their life cycle. It is better to change long hairstyles to shorter ones.
  2. For rapid hair growth and good condition, you need to eat a balanced diet containing vitamins B6, B12, C and E, zinc and protein. All these substances help keep hair healthy, shiny, and also restore its natural color.

First of all, you should include fatty fish in your diet (salmon or a more economical option - herring), as they are rich in fatty acids, which are necessary to prevent the scalp from being too dry and the hair from looking thin.

Plant fatty acids can be found in flaxseed oil. A few tablespoons a day, and the result will not be long in coming. Protein is found in legumes, nuts and poultry. Even scrambled eggs can be beneficial. The thing is that eggs contain a huge amount of protein, and it is no coincidence that athletes massively consume raw eggs as food. It is known that calcium is also necessary for rapid hair growth. It can be found in dairy products. In addition, kefir has long been used for washing hair or as a hair mask.

  1. It is necessary to massage the scalp daily, this will maintain blood circulation and promote healthy hair growth.

Hands must be kept symmetrically on both sides of the head. You should massage with your fingertips. The skin is lightly pressed and moved, making circular movements with the brushes. You need to carefully work out the entire surface of the head. Two sessions per week, lasting 30 minutes, are quite enough.

In some situations that cause hair loss in men, no preventative treatment will be effective. Examples include chemotherapy and hormonal changes. In such situations, only radical medical measures would be appropriate.


Recently, the diagnosis of “alopecia areata” in men has become quite common. The causes and treatment of this disease should be determined by a doctor. It will not be possible to cope with this insidious disease at home; delaying a visit to a specialist can lead to complete hair loss.

Surely every sane person understands that disease will not arise out of nowhere. In order to eliminate and completely eradicate the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the cause of its occurrence. Alopecia areata may occur due to:

  • Genetic inheritance. If someone in your family has already encountered this disease, there is a huge chance of getting it. It's all about genetic codes that pass from generation to generation. There is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time, but you should always be careful and monitor the condition of your hair.
  • Autoimmune changes. In the case when a person’s immunity decreases due to any reason, blood cells (leukocytes) begin to perceive hair roots as some kind of foreign body in the body that needs to be gotten rid of.
  • Concomitant diseases. Hair loss can begin after problems with the digestive tract and endocrine system. Ringworm can also trigger the onset of the disease. Often those who suffer from chronic sexually transmitted diseases also experience baldness.

Alopecia areata in men, the causes of which can only be determined by a doctor, has become quite common lately. You should not self-medicate so as not to aggravate the situation.

alopecia areata in men treatment photo

Common Causes of Alopecia

Why do men lose hair on their heads? It is impossible to answer this question without conducting a comprehensive analysis. However, it is clear that proper treatment is required to eliminate the disease, because thinning hair does not have the best effect on a man’s self-esteem. Among the main reasons for the development of alopecia are:

  1. Stressful situations. After nervous experiences, many men notice severe baldness. The disease manifests itself within a few weeks after the tragic incident. Stress has a huge impact on the functioning of the circulatory system and the condition of small vessels that are located on the scalp. Hair that does not receive the necessary nutrition gradually slows down its growth and falls out.
  2. Negative environmental factors: poor nutrition, polluted atmosphere. Poor quality food causes a lack of valuable vitamins and minerals in the body. Deficiency of vitamins B, C, E contributes to the appearance of alopecia.
  3. Bad habits. Alcohol abuse and smoking interfere with the full blood supply to the hair follicles. Because of this, they weaken and die.
  4. Genetic predisposition. Heredity often causes hair loss. Trichologists have found that genetic information received from the mother plays a leading role in the development of the disease in men. Only in rare cases is alopecia transmitted through the paternal line.
  5. Hormonal imbalance is the impetus for the development of androgenic and diffuse alopecia. Elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone affect baldness throughout the fronto-parietal area of ​​the head. The area at the back of the head and temples, as a rule, remains unchanged. In such situations, regular treatment is required to strengthen the remaining hair in problem areas.
  6. Infections. They may be accompanied not only by a general deterioration of the condition, but also by loss of hair. This occurs due to the suppressed immunity of the body. Infections are one of the most common causes of focal disease.
  7. Side effects of drugs. A similar condition can be caused by treatment of cancer, arthritis and hypertension with warfarin, adriamycin, heparin, etc.
  8. Trauma to the scalp is the cause of scarring alopecia. It also arises due to the fashion for artificial hair extensions and African braids.

In addition, men's hair suffers much more from the use of hair dryers and low-quality shampoos.

Out of the blue

It is worth knowing that the disease does not just arise; there is always a reason or a contributing factor. If you have a problem with hair loss, you need to analyze and find out:

  • Has the man recently experienced severe stress or depression?
  • What is his diet?
  • How long have you had diseases affecting the skin?
  • Was there a head injury?
  • The patient’s profession (whether his work involves alkalis, acids, or salts).

In any case, only a doctor can identify the cause of baldness.

alopecia areata in men causes and treatment

The main stages of hair loss in men

Any hair goes through 3 stages of development:

  • anagen – active growth phase;
  • catagen – the stage at which the hair papilla separates from the follicle;
  • telogen is the phase in which the hair shaft (along with the follicle) begins to move towards the surface of the skin.

It is in the final stage of telogen that hair falls out.

In men who suffer from excessive hair loss, the catagen and telogen phases occur faster than the anagen phase. This is why hair does not have time to recover and grow - baldness occurs.

Are there any symptoms?

Speaking about the occurrence of alopecia areata, many are interested in whether there are symptoms that should alert a man. Doctors will assure you that they are practically absent. The disease occurs suddenly and progresses rapidly. Hair falls out in clumps. In this case, round bald spots form on the head, which from several small ones can turn into one large one.

If you notice that there is less hair, and when you wash your hair, it remains in the bath, you should immediately consult a doctor. Another important point: carefully examine the nail plates. If longitudinal stripes appear on them, do not put off visiting a dermatologist.

How to correctly diagnose the disease?

To answer the question of how to treat alopecia areata in men, consultation with more than one specialist is necessary. The fact is that this type of baldness is poorly understood. If in other cases the patient’s condition can be transferred to the stage of remission, then here it is necessary to prescribe treatment immediately, without delaying it. The worst thing that can happen is loss of a large amount of hair, and, as a result, complete baldness.

The doctor must prescribe the following procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • microscopic diagnosis of hair;
  • blood from a vein for hormones.

After this, consultation with a psychologist, endocrinologist and trichologist is necessary.

alopecia areata in men treatment

Why do they fall out

Hair loss can start for no apparent reason, but there are actually several main triggers.
Conventionally, two large categories can be distinguished: external and internal reasons. If the first type can be corrected and successfully treated, then restoring the internal imbalance in the body and maintaining healthy hair is often beyond the power of even specialists. To study these phenomena in more detail, the information below will help.

External reasons

  • Using low-quality cosmetics and detergents.
  • Improper hair care.
  • Harmful external factors: increased air temperature, dust and gas pollution.
  • Lack of headwear in the cold season, as well as in the heat.
  • Bad habits.
  • Fungal and bacterial diseases of the scalp.
  • Lack of rest and poor nutrition.
  • Side effect after taking certain medications.

It is much more difficult to deal with internal problems in the body.

Hair loss is only a visible part of serious illnesses and stress factors.

Only a specialist after an appropriate examination can determine the necessary treatment and predict its effectiveness.


  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. Autoimmune disease.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Malnutrition.
  7. Heavy metal poisoning.
  8. Tuberculosis.
  9. Oncological diseases.
  10. Syphilis.

The detection of these ailments is usually accompanied by a more serious examination, so it is necessary to visit at least a local physician. Usually, after eliminating the provoking factor, thick and shiny hair can be restored. The methods and tools described below will help with this.

Hair loss, what to do for men

In young years

Most men encounter this problem at a fairly early age, usually before the age of 30. There are four main types of alopecia, so it is very important to identify the problem.

Classification of male pattern baldness:

  • Diffuse alopecia. This is uniform hair loss over the entire surface of the head. It manifests itself as intense hair loss, usually characteristic of older men.
  • Androgenetic alopecia. Thinning of hair and, as a result, gradual loss in the parietal and temporal region. It is most common at a young age, so for men under 25 years of age it is the main cause of baldness.
  • Focal loss. Baldness occurs in certain areas of the head or body. Usually caused by problems with internal organs.
  • Scarring alopecia. Occurs due to the death of hair follicles and inflammatory processes in the skin. May be the result of injury.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone is responsible for premature hair loss in the male body. Its high content in the hair structure stimulates premature hair loss.

The production of this substance occurs in the testes, but the level and content in the body is regulated by the pituitary gland. It is in the hormonal background that one should first look for the cause of problems with premature hair loss at an early age.

Alopecia is classified by the degree and intensity of hair loss, so there are eight stages of this disease.

Video about the causes of hair loss in men and what to do

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Brands and photos of shampoos for hair extensions

Alopecia areata in men: treatment, drugs, ointments

After the cause of the disease has been determined, the doctor makes prescriptions. There is a list of drugs that help cope with the disease:

  • "Finasteride". This drug can only be taken by men. It is contraindicated for females due to the fact that it contains special hormones. Doctors note the effectiveness of this remedy. In 90% of cases, baldness can be completely stopped. And in 60% of men, hair begins to grow again.
  • "Minoxidil." This solution is used for external use. Apply 2 times a day to affected areas. The drug is hormonal, and side effects include active growth of facial hair.
  • Corticosteroids. These drugs are used under the strict supervision of a physician. The dose is determined individually. Typically, drugs are administered subcutaneously as injections.

In addition to these products, creams are quite popular. But they give a positive effect only in 25% of cases.

We use the latest technologies

Recently, alopecia areata in men has become quite common. The treatment, the photo of which is presented below, is unique in its own way. It began to be used relatively recently. The new method is called mesotherapy. Using injections, a special vitamin cocktail is introduced into the scalp, which nourishes the hair follicles and roots.

alopecia areata in men treatment with folk remedies

Another useful procedure is head massage. It should only be carried out by a specialist who knows the areas that need to be stimulated for hair growth. At home, massage is carried out using special devices that have a gentle effect on the scalp.

As for laser therapy, its results are amazingly effective. Doctors most often insist on using this treatment method. It is carried out in combination with medication. There will be no effect only if the hair is completely absent.

Alopecia areata in men, the treatment of which should be prescribed by a specialist, is a fairly common disease. If traditional medicine does not help, patients resort to radical measures - hair transplantation.


In the event that a man has lost hair on his head in a rounded spot, already before the examination, the trichologist assumes the presence of focal alopecia, based on a visual examination. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory examinations of the skin are performed by scraping under a dermatoscope. Microscopic studies of the epidermis will help prevent mycoses and infections. The doctor will also order a blood test to look for antibodies to syphilis.

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Important! In addition to examination by a trichologist, the patient may need to consult with other specialists, for example, an immunologist, hematologist, oncologist or infectious disease specialist.

Folk remedies

In the modern world, a disease such as alopecia areata in men is common. Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective, but there are still recipes that are actively used. Among them are:

  • Red pepper tincture. Rubbed into the scalp, improves blood flow, which promotes hair growth.
  • Masks based on the use of olive oil. They nourish the hair roots and help strengthen them.
  • Herbal treatment. For example, hops, verbena, clover and other plants are used. They must be used with caution.

Before using traditional recipes and methods, you should consult your doctor.

Reviews from men

Since ancient times, a disease known as alopecia areata in men has been known. Treatment, reviews of which are contradictory, should only be comprehensive. The main rule is to seek medical help in a timely manner. This type of baldness is insidious because the process develops rapidly. Up to 70% of hair can fall out in a week.

Many men note the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic methods. Among them are the use of massage and laser intervention. The latter procedure is quite expensive, but the effect is noticeable after just a few sessions.

Men also note the amazing effect of mesotherapy. Injections work wonders; they not only nourish the skin, but also completely restore hair.

An excellent effect is achieved by using folk remedies, for example, masks made from burdock and hops. Don't forget about proper nutrition. The diet should include seafood, meat, eggs, fruits, and vegetables.

alopecia areata in men treatment reviews

Basic recommendations

How to stop hair loss: cosmetics, homemade masks, physiotherapy

There are several recommendations to help slow down hair loss. In order for the effectiveness of such advice to increase significantly, you need to add complex therapeutic treatment to them:

  1. Avoid aggressive effects on hair: washing with too hot water, blow-drying, tightening and using chemicals.
  2. When combing, use special combs that do not damage the hair (preferably wooden or natural bristles).
  3. Review your diet, drink more water, create an optimal and adequate sleep schedule, give up bad habits.

A man who adheres to the right lifestyle to improve his health and hair in general

  1. Use various homemade masks against hair loss (be sure to test for an allergic reaction beforehand), for example, based on black pepper, ginger or mustard.

Following the advice exactly is not a guarantee of getting rid of the threat of baldness. If the first signs of incipient alopecia are revealed, it is necessary to transfer preventive measures into active treatment.

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