Why do you need a diet for bronchial asthma and what should it be like?

Bronchial asthma is a rather complex disease that occurs for a variety of reasons and can occur at any age. Diet for bronchial asthma cannot be a therapeutic method, but it helps to stabilize the course of the disease and avoid relapses.

Many doctors recommend that patients stick to their usual diet, excluding foods that can cause an allergic reaction in a particular person. A strict hypoallergenic diet should only be followed during an exacerbation of the disease. If a certain product provokes a food allergy, then it must be immediately and permanently removed from the daily diet.

What is bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory process in the respiratory tract with the direct participation of various cellular elements.
Asthma occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the bronchi to the effects of certain substances (allergens) and irritants. Upon contact with irritants, immune defense is activated, in which the body perceives its cells as foreign and begins to attack them.

As a result, a spasm of smooth muscles occurs, followed by swelling of the mucous membrane and the accumulation of a large amount of difficult-to-remove mucus on the walls of the bronchi, which leads to a narrowing of their lumen and is accompanied by attacks of suffocation.

The importance of diet in bronchial asthma

Why do you need a diet?
Doctors recommend steaming dishes and baking them in the oven. Some products must be pre-treated: potatoes should be soaked for at least 12 hours before cooking, and cereals should be left in water for 2 hours.

A diet for bronchial asthma helps strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation in the body, and restore the sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa.

It is necessary to avoid products containing oxalic acid. Drinks that cause increased excitability (strong coffee, alcohol) are also prohibited.

You should not skimp on your health; you need to buy high-quality and expensive coffee. Manufacturers of inexpensive products often add harmful additives to their products. You shouldn’t buy small bags of coffee either: it has nothing to do with the noble drink.

If you have bronchial asthma, you should limit your salt intake. The patient should exclude pickled vegetables and salty foods from his diet.

You also need to pay attention to the serving size. Overeating leads to stomach distension and increases the likelihood of an asthma attack.

It is not recommended to eat before bed.

In most cases, the patient does not need to limit carbohydrate intake. In case of severe disease, decreased glucose tolerance, or long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, it is necessary to replace baked flour products and pasta with fresh fruits and juices.

According to experts, the patient needs to drink enough fluids. But if severe swelling or poor circulation in the body occurs, it is recommended to drink no more than 1 liter of liquid. At the same time, dairy products must be present in the diet. They contain calcium and potassium salts. Dairy products have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In mild forms of bronchial asthma, drinking low-alcohol drinks in small quantities is allowed.

For people who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma, diet is vital. But we should not forget that meals should be fractional. You need to eat at least five times a day. In the absence of contraindications, fasting days can be arranged. At this time, it is recommended to only drink weakly infused tea. The average daily energy value should not exceed 2230 kcal.

Late dinners are not welcome: it is recommended to eat your last meal no later than a couple of hours before bedtime.

Why do you need a diet?

An elimination diet involves avoiding foods that are potential allergens. To make it easier to identify them, it is recommended that a person with asthma keep a food diary. It needs to record what was eaten during the day, at what time it happened and whether there was any allergic reaction on the part of the body to this or that dish.

Avoid buckwheat completely for up to 3 weeks. If an improvement is observed, then another attempt is made to introduce the product into the menu, but this is done very carefully. When an adverse reaction occurs again, the product is considered problematic and is discarded. Naturally, such a test system takes a long time, but it allows you to create an individual elimination diet, which cannot be obtained in consultation with any allergist.

A diet plan drawn up in this way will reduce the manifestations of food allergies to a minimum, which means reducing the risk of exacerbation of the disease. At the same time, excessive stress will be removed from the immune system.

Experts have found that with a properly selected diet, the number of exacerbations of bronchial asthma can be significantly reduced. Thanks to treatment table No. 9, symptoms are alleviated and the patient’s general condition is improved.

The essence of the diet for bronchial asthma is the following indicators:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • shortness of breath disappears;
  • breathing becomes uniform;
  • the body is replenished with vitamins and microelements of natural origin;
  • carbohydrate metabolism is stabilized;
  • the patient's well-being improves.

Important! Follow the rules of the diet for bronchial asthma, correctly create a treatment table for children and adults in order to increase the period of remission and get rid of severe symptoms of the disease.

Diet for adults

The goal of the diet is to eliminate the clinical picture of the patient; it is important to create a menu that will stabilize the work of mast cells that produce histamine. No food allergen – no attack!

Be sure to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements, which will help improve the body’s protective properties and stabilize metabolic processes.

Adults need to reconsider their usual diet, completely abandon smoked, fatty, fried, and canned foods. A minimum of salt, spices, vinegar, hot seasonings and various production additives. Heat treat onions and garlic before use to get rid of their pungency and specific smell.

As for drinking, the body should receive a certain amount of liquid, but no more than 2 liters per day, but coffee, tea and other strong flavored drinks should be abandoned and replaced with decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, rose hips, thyme, sage) , smoothies from vegetables and fruits, fruit drinks, healing herbal infusions.

All diet dishes should be steamed or baked without adding fat, for example, in a sleeve; the meat should be consumed after secondary cooking, discarding the first broth. Wash cereals and potatoes thoroughly before cooking to get rid of excess starch.

Important! As for alcoholic drinks for bronchial asthma, they should be excluded completely. Pregnant women should not experiment with food so as not to provoke severe attacks. Read in detail about bronchial asthma and pregnancy

Diet for children

The diet for an asthmatic child should exclude food allergens. Therefore, you should give up many foods to make the table as natural and balanced as possible.

As for infants, complementary feeding should be introduced to the baby in stages in order to detect a potential allergen and exclude it from the menu in the future. Experts recommend doing special tests once a month that will allow you to track the trend of the diet’s influence on the growing body.

Another important element of the diet for bronchial asthma is the meal schedule, especially for children, small meals, 4-5 times a day. It is important to take into account the presence of complications and the current condition of the patient.

The morning meal (not only while on a diet) should be at 8 o'clock, after 3 hours - second breakfast, every subsequent meal - at similar time intervals. It is important not to overeat before bed, so that the patient’s well-being does not worsen.

Important! For preparing dishes, use only fresh products, without flavoring preservatives or flavored additives.

What healthy foods are allowed?

Allowed bakery products include dark bread (preferably varieties with grains or bran, as well as any diabetic varieties).
From meat you can eat only dietary low-fat types: rabbit, veal or chicken (in some cases with restrictions).

But the meat should either be part of low-fat first courses or boiled.

Fish also needs to be cooked only in certain ways: baked in foil, boiled or steamed.

You should know! Porridge can be eaten in small quantities, and it is better to include more fresh vegetables in your diet or as part of salads instead.

Egg lovers should choose quail eggs - they are considered dietary.

But in the absence of intolerance due to asthma, you can also eat chicken eggs in small quantities.

Of the oils, only unrefined and natural creamy varieties are allowed. Milk can also be included in the menu, but only whole milk.

Other fermented milk products include low-fat homemade cottage cheese .

For drinks, any teas (but not very strong ones), mineral water, freshly squeezed juices and herbal infusions are preferred.

It would seem that the choice is very limited, but if you have imagination, you can prepare many dishes from such products:

  • fruit and vegetable salads;
  • vegetarian soup;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • borscht cooked not in meat broth, but in water;
  • vegetable vegetarian casseroles;
  • vegetable puree;
  • steamed meat;
  • the vinaigrette.

Need to know! There is no need to add sugar to such dishes.

If allergic reactions appear to any products or signs of hypersensitivity to them appear, the product is excluded from the menu.

Features of lifestyle with asthma

Patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma must adhere to certain restrictions in daily life so as not to worsen their condition.

The following contraindications exist for asthma:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • visiting the bathhouse and sauna;
  • keeping pets;
  • participation in construction work, repairs;
  • use of feather, down, cotton pillows and blankets, fur products;
  • strong emotional shocks.

To improve your health with bronchial disease, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • strengthen the immune system by hardening and taking vitamin supplements;
  • avoid colds;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics (natural furs, wool and fluff should be excluded from everyday use);
  • do not overload the body with unnecessary physical and mental stress;
  • avoid inhaling harmful substances (use personal protective equipment when performing household work and at work);
  • carry out timely treatment of bronchial asthma.

If an exacerbation occurs as a result of allergic reactions to the flowering of certain plants, it is necessary to leave the locality for this period.

Knowing the contraindications for asthma will help you avoid the negative effects of dangerous factors on the body and reduce the likelihood of an attack.

Types of diets for bronchial asthma

  1. Diet for children. The diet of children diagnosed with bronchial asthma should not contain foods containing histamine and tyramine, since they are prone to provoke an allergic reaction. Most of these substances are found in hard cheeses, beef sausage, smoked products, and canned food. Therefore, children should not have such products in their diet. The diet for bronchial asthma should exclude the penetration of allergens into the digestive system in children and prevent their absorption in the body. There is a proven fact: various spices and seasonings can accelerate the penetration of substances harmful to a child’s body into the blood.
  2. Diet for adults. This diet involves an absolute abstinence from sweet foods. You also need to consume less salt, since sodium will increase the sensitivity of the bronchi to external irritants. Sodium can also provoke the development of edema of the respiratory tract mucosa. This will have a negative effect on respiratory function. Therefore, you should not eat salty foods. Adult asthmatics need to limit the addition of spices, vinegar and sauces to food. These supplements can also cause an attack. It is recommended to first heat-treat onions and garlic before adding them to food. Smoked meats, which can provoke the formation of inflammation of the pancreas, can also have a harmful effect on asthmatics. It is also recommended to avoid exotic fruits. You need to approach the purchase of tea and coffee with great responsibility. These drinks should not contain flavorings or other additives, as they can also provoke an attack of the disease.
  3. Diet in adults with aspirin-induced asthma. Acetylsalicylic acid can provoke an attack of aspirin-induced asthma. Diet is also of great importance here. Tartrazine (E102) is a dye that gives a yellow tint to foods and drugs. It is often added to carbonated drinks, juices, caramels, cakes, sauces, and noodles. In adults with asthma, eating food with this substance after a few minutes can trigger an attack of bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is necessary to read the packaging before purchasing products.

Now you know about proper nutrition for asthma. We recommend that you follow the tips described above. We wish you good health!

What can't you eat?

The patient's diet should be based on allergen-free foods, and therefore it is necessary to give up citrus fruits, chocolate, cow's milk, eggs, honey, seafood, fish, red and black caviar, and chicken with skin.

As for fruits, you need to remove pineapple, melon, blackberries, grapes, persimmons, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries and strawberries from your diet. You should not eat nuts, marmalade, or confectionery.

Vegetables – tomatoes, celery, carrots, beets should be removed from the diet menu. Eating these products can trigger a severe allergic attack. It is important to strengthen the immune system, not to experiment with your health, and not to introduce all food allergens into the diet, even in minimal proportions.

Attention! When dieting, you must give up:

  • fried foods;
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • fatty meat and primary broths;
  • conservation;
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks.


  • Principles of nutrition for bronchial asthma
  • How to create a menu

Doctors have ambivalent views on diet therapy for this disease, considering many recommendations outdated and inappropriate. For example, the use of a hypoallergenic diet, which suggests excluding from the diet foods that trigger specific reactions of the body, even if the patient is not allergic to them. Such products include meat, seafood, milk, chocolate, nuts, honey, and citrus fruits. Thus, the diet becomes very poor and cannot be balanced. More progressive approaches to the diet allow the consumption of these products in the absence of allergies to them, as well as the restriction of salt, fats, carbohydrates and liquids.

Household restrictions for asthma

First option

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • butter;
  • unsweetened tea
  • apple and pumpkin casserole;
  • boiled meat pate
  • rice soup with meat broth;
  • cabbage rolls with boiled meat and vegetable stew;
  • fruit jelly
  • boiled potatoes with boiled lean fish;
  • Apple juice
Before bedtime

Second option

  • rice porridge with butter;
  • vegetable salad;
  • green tea
  • fruit pilaf;
  • baked apples
  • vegetarian borscht;
  • zucchini;
  • stuffed with meat;
  • baked carrot cutlets;
  • dried fruit jelly
  • boiled meat goulash;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • apple compote
Before bedtime

Third option

  • oatmeal with butter;
  • rosehip decoction
  • potato casserole;
  • boiled meat
  • green cabbage soup;
  • empanadas;
  • liver pudding with carrots;
  • fruit jelly
  • meatballs stewed in sauce;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • compote
Before bedtime
  1. Chemical additives that are widely used in the food industry cause allergic reactions. It has been proven that substances such as tartrazine, salicylates, benzoate, sodium nitrite and sulfate, and monosodium glutamate have a negative effect on the course of asthma. Therefore, patients with bronchial asthma should make it a rule to minimize the consumption of any canned food, confectionery, semi-finished products - all those products that have a long shelf life. Indeed, often, in addition to the chemical additives stated on the packaging, these products contain traces of antibiotics, peanuts and other potential allergens.
  2. The cause of bronchial asthma is often high sensitivity to mold fungi. They are found in cheeses, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the next rule for asthmatics is to eat only fresh foods that have been stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly processed before consumption.
  3. The third rule for people with asthma is proper culinary preparation of dishes. Products can be stewed, boiled, baked. But it is worth remembering that broths containing meat, fish and chicken are more likely to provoke allergies than simply boiled fish, poultry or meat. Therefore, it must be changed at least three times during cooking. You should completely avoid fried foods.
  4. The fourth rule is to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important that the intestinal barrier function is not impaired, and that the organ allows allergens to freely pass through the intestinal-hepatic barrier. This will allow them not to linger in the body, which means the risk of developing unwanted reactions will be minimized. Fermented milk drinks, such as yogurt, kefir, and yogurt, are useful in this regard. The same applies to dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility and stimulates local immunity.
  5. The last, but most important rule for patients with bronchial asthma is a varied and complete menu. Poor nutrition has a negative impact on health no less than eating unhealthy foods. With a limited supply of nutrients, the functioning of the respiratory muscles is disrupted, gas exchange suffers, and the immune system copes with its work worse.

Bronchial asthma is a disease, one of the causes of which is the entry of an allergen into the respiratory tract from the air.

To ensure that the disease does not interfere with a normal and fulfilling life, to maintain good health you must adhere to some rules:

  1. In residential areas, it is undesirable to keep objects that collect large amounts of dust: carpets, books, figurines, heavy curtains, soft toys.
  2. Keeping pets is prohibited, even if their fur, fluff or feathers are not allergens for a particular person. Living together with pets can trigger the development of allergies and cause complications of the disease.
  3. You cannot keep indoor plants, as mold develops in pots with soil; inhalation of its spores is contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma.
  4. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness, the required level of humidity and maintain temperature conditions, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.
  5. The bath is also strictly contraindicated for asthmatics, since heat and high humidity make breathing difficult, can increase coughing and provoke an attack of suffocation.

Following these recommendations will help keep the disease under control and avoid complications.

One of the features of bronchial asthma is that it depends on a person’s diet. There are many products that often cause allergic reactions, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

If you have bronchial asthma accompanied by an allergic reaction to food, you should follow a diet. Its components must contain the necessary nutrients and microelements, be sufficiently high in calories and be easily digestible.

Diets using fermented milk products and vegetables (except potatoes) have proven themselves well.

In case of bronchial asthma, the use of products with a long shelf life is contraindicated, as well as:

  • cheeses and smoked meats;
  • soy;
  • sausages;
  • seafood;
  • marinades;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods high in histamine. Strawberries, kiwi, bananas, pineapples, pears are rich in histamine - moderation should be observed when consuming them.

You should adhere to a diet if you are overweight, as it is one of the factors of instability in asthma. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of table salt, confectionery, fried, salty and spicy foods, which stimulate appetite and retain water in the body.

If there are no exacerbations of the disease, you can spend fasting days under the supervision of a doctor.

In the absence of food allergies, asthmatics can eat fully natural foods that do not contain food additives and preservatives, and most importantly, avoid overeating.

Diet and nutrition for bronchial asthma in adults and children

Analysis decoding. Checking symptoms. Make an appointment with a doctor: Moscow: What should be excluded from the menu: Table salt is under strict restrictions.

The diet for bronchial asthma is hypoallergenic and is aimed at ensuring that the patient’s condition goes into remission as quickly as possible. Diet for bronchial asthma should be varied and nutritious, but foods on the menu that cause an exacerbation of the disease should be avoided. Bronchial asthma is a disease in which attacks of expiratory breathlessness occur periodically. They can appear as a result of internal pathological organic processes, but in most cases they are provoked by external irritants: exo- and endogenous factors that cause an allergic reaction.

Home Catalog of diseases Nutrition for asthma. General description of the disease The respiratory system has a disease called asthma.

Symptoms of asthma may include: wheezing; feeling of panic; difficulty breathing; sweating; painless chest tightness; dry cough. Severe forms of asthma are characterized by the following symptoms: it is difficult for a person to finish a sentence due to severe shortness of breath; wheezing becomes almost inaudible, since very little air passes through the respiratory tract; lack of oxygen leads to blue lips, tongue, fingers and toes; confusion and coma.

Healthy foods for asthma Doctors recommend that asthmatics follow a strict diet. The purpose of the diet is: normalization of immunity; reduction in inflammation levels; stabilization of mast cell membranes; reduction of bronchospasm; eliminating foods that trigger attacks from the diet; restoration of sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa; decreased intestinal permeability to food allergens.

The basis of the diet for asthma is: vegetarian soups; porridge; lean borscht cooked in water; boiled or steamed meat; calcined cottage cheese; vinaigrettes; vegetable and fruit salads; puree; casseroles; vegetable cutlets; fresh raw vegetables; fruits; decoctions of oats and rose hips; vegetable oil.

Traditional medicine for asthma But unconventional methods of treatment promise not only the cessation of asthma attacks, but also a complete cure for this disease with long-term use of recipes: to stop attacks, you can eat a ripe heated banana, sprinkled with black ground pepper; an infusion of green pine cones and pine resin helps; all types of asthmatic attacks are treated with a mixture of crushed turmeric rhizomes and honey; drops of hydrogen peroxide; Jerusalem artichoke infusion is excellent for asthma; honey - effectively controls asthma attacks; According to my grandmother’s recipes, an infusion of onion peels helps with chronic asthma.

Dietary rules for asthma

  1. The diet should be carbohydrates, about 300 g per day, but fats and proteins - 100 g and 70 g.
  2. Meals are small, limit the amount of food before bed so that the digestive system effectively processes leftover food at night.
  3. If you suspect any product (allergen), you should immediately remove it from your diet, and not experiment with your health.
  4. Mandatory drinking, but no more than 1.5 liters per day, in order to avoid swelling of the internal organs.

Diet for bronchial asthma is a good adjunct to the treatment and prevention of asthma attacks. The dietary intake is largely determined by the form of bronchial asthma (infectious-allergic or atonic). If the patient does not have allergic reactions to food triggers, as a rule, a variant of Diet No. 9 (for patients with bronchial asthma), which is a hypoallergenic diet, is prescribed.

Its main purpose is to reduce the sensitivity of the bronchial apparatus, reduce the intensity of attacks and the severity of allergic-inflammatory processes. The main principle of such a diet is the exclusion from the diet of potentially allergenic foods that have a pronounced sensitizing effect and extractive irritants. In general, this is a physiologically complete diet, but with a limitation of sugars and foods containing them.

The calorie content of the daily diet of patients with bronchial asthma is on average 2400-2700 kcal. The amount of liquid is 1.7-1.8 liters. Meals are divided (4-5 meals). The restriction applies to strong meat, mushroom and fish broths and table salt (up to 10-11 g). Culinary processing of food - leading to denaturation of proteins.

Potentially allergenic foods include: seafood and fish, caviar, goose and duck meat, eggs, nuts, legumes, citrus fruits, tomatoes, melon, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, chocolate and honey, yeast. During periods of exacerbation of bronchial asthma, these products should be excluded from the diet.

It is important to limit easily digestible carbohydrates (honey, sugar, jam, syrups and others) in the diet, which contribute to the exacerbation of inflammatory processes. The consumption of wheat bread, fatty pork/beef, whole milk, cottage cheese, semolina, and sour cream is also limited.

Particular attention should be paid to products containing large quantities of tyramine and histamine, which are actively involved in the development of allergic reactions. The highest content of these substances is found in products that are manufactured using technologies that include fermentation processes (hard cheese, canned fish, sauerkraut, raw smoked sausage, frankfurters and sausages).

It is also important to limit the consumption of foods that accelerate the absorption of allergens: herbs and spices (onions, peppers, garlic, mustard), carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks, salted fish and vegetables, coffee.

Allergic reactions can be caused not only by products, but also by various chemical additives widely used in the food industry (emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives, flavorings). The most dangerous are salicylates, tartrazine, nitrite, glutamate, sodium benzoate. Therefore, it is important to exclude all canned and processed foods.

To ensure adequate nutrition with this diet, it is recommended to include in the menu:

  • products containing animal proteins (lean beef, veal, rabbit meat);
  • carbohydrates (potatoes, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • vegetables and fruits containing vitamins and microelements (cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pears, apples);
  • fats (butter, vegetable oils);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk);
  • decoction of rose hips, fruit compotes, tea, still mineral water.

The diet for a diagnosis of aspirin-induced bronchial asthma has some features. In this case, all products containing acetylsalicylic and benzoic acids used as preservatives are excluded. Products containing salicylates include oranges, raspberries, apricots, cherries, cloves, strawberries, blackberries, mint, gooseberries, peaches, and plums.

Salicylates are found in a wide variety of foods, so avoid them selectively based on your sensitivity level. Severe bronchospasm can be caused by the food coloring tartrazine, which is included in ice cream, sweets, pasta, gingerbread, puddings, and colored marshmallows.

What foods should you avoid?

In case of any form of the disease, it is forbidden to eat:

  • spices and herbs;
  • fried and baked foods with oil;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces;
  • white bread and baked goods;
  • marinades;
  • any products and products based on cocoa, chocolate and coffee;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meat;
  • honey, jams and dishes containing them;
  • dried and salted seafood;
  • fatty meats and offal dishes;
  • broths prepared with fatty meat;
  • margarine and butter.

Remember! It is necessary to exclude any alcoholic drinks, soda and other unnatural sweet drinks.
also prohibited.

Contraindicated drugs

To treat bronchial asthma, medications are used for symptomatic and basic therapy.

Drugs of the first group are used short-term, only to relieve an asthmatic attack.

The second group of drugs is used for a longer period of time; their action eliminates inflammation that occurs in the bronchi, promotes their expansion and improves sputum discharge.

All medications have side effects to a greater or lesser extent. They should be used with caution and only under medical supervision.

There is an aspirin form of the disease, a predisposition to which can be inherited. In this form, all medications containing acetylsalicylic acid are contraindicated, as they provoke asthmatic attacks.

Medicines in this group have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, so they are widely used. They are sometimes used to treat patients who have an allergic reaction to aspirin. In such cases, concomitant medications are prescribed that reduce their negative effects.

The group of contraindicated drugs includes not only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but also beta blockers used to treat cardiovascular diseases.

Medications must be prescribed by the attending physician; uncontrolled use of medications can cause suffocation and anaphylactic shock.

Features of the diet for adults

Even in healthy children and adults, the diet is noticeably different, and during bronchial asthma such differences are not only more obvious, but also require full compliance.

Adults will have to give up coffee or replace it with chicory .

But tea, despite the fact that it is allowed, must be selected according to certain criteria.

First of all, it should be “pure” tea - without flavorings and additives : with allergic asthma, any additives, flavorings and spices can cause serious complications, including angioedema.

Important! It is better to buy loose tea rather than bagged tea. But ideally, it is better to refuse it too and stick to a decoction of rosehip or chamomile.

Salt , unlike sugar, is not completely prohibited , but it is also better to limit its amount in the diet, since sodium, which is part of it, is an additional irritant for inflamed bronchi.

When cooking, it is better not to salt it during the process, but to add it to the finished dish.

It is recommended to exclude any exotic foods, even fruits, from your diet.

The body's reaction to them can be unpredictable, and an unstable immune system is likely to recognize the components of such food as “hostile”.

Spices in any form are prohibited , but those who find such a diet “bland” or those who like spicy foods can eat garlic and onions.

This should be done with caution, and it is better not to add them to dishes during cooking, but to consume them separately and in small quantities.

In this case, it is better to subject these products to preliminary heat treatment.

Recommendations from experts

With strict adherence to the treatment table, the period of remission increases for a long time, the symptoms of the disease disappear, the patient’s condition normalizes, the immune system is strengthened, and blood circulation improves.

Important! It is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition, avoid allergenic foods, and carefully plan your daily diet. Additionally, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the room and do not keep pets in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic attacks.

Therapist Katerina Vadimovna claims that with the help of a special diet, you can put asthma into long-term remission, improve the condition of the immune system, and get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Be sure to avoid sources of allergies in order to achieve the desired result.

Patient Vladislav, 40 years old: “I have been living with asthma for 20 years, and only after bringing my daily diet back to normal did I begin to feel much better, the attacks decreased both in time and in their duration. The therapeutic diet for bronchial asthma became a real godsend for me when many medications did not produce any results!”

Take care of yourself and be in a great mood, and thanks to the dietary table you will be able to control your condition and significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

How to create a menu

If there are no contraindications or food allergies to specific foods, the patient can create a diet independently, taking into account general recommendations. If the body reacts clearly, the allergenic component must be eliminated and replaced with one of equal energy value, so as not to deplete the diet. In this case, it is better to seek help from a specialist who will adjust the menu taking into account the patient’s condition.

During the periods between attacks, therapeutic nutrition for bronchial asthma may be richer than all permitted products. After an attack, it is necessary to lighten the diet for 3-5 days until the symptoms completely stop.

Bad habits for asthma

Bronchial asthma is a serious disease that worsens under the influence of negative factors. These include smoking and drinking alcohol.

Smoking weakens the immune system and reduces the body's resistance to viral infections, which, in turn, leads to impaired respiratory function.

Passive smoking (inhalation of tobacco smoke) also has a negative impact on the patient's health. It leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, excessive mucus formation, which complicates the respiratory process and can provoke an asthmatic attack.

Alcohol has no direct effect on the respiratory system, but when passing through the gastrointestinal tract it quickly enters the blood. Harmful substances cause poisoning of the body, thereby exacerbating inflammatory processes. Drinking alcohol during treatment can cause serious complications and lead to irreversible consequences, since alcohol and asthma medications are incompatible.

Therefore, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are strictly contraindicated for bronchial asthma.

Sample menu for a patient

To fully understand proper dietary nutrition for bronchial asthma, we can give an example of an approximate menu for one day:

  1. The first breakfast is cottage cheese, seasoned with sour cream, fruit or butter. You can boil the porridge in milk or water. It is recommended to wash down your meal with weak tea (with milk or cream), rosehip decoction, or fresh juice.
  2. For second breakfast, eat some fruit or make a salad out of it and top it with yogurt.
  3. For lunch, prepare the first course in the form of soup in vegetable broth or borscht in low-fat meat broth. For the second course - stew or puree of vegetables with a small piece of lean meat or fish (boiled or steamed until cooked). You can cook cutlets or casserole. Drink with a decoction of herbs, tea, compote without sugar.
  4. For an afternoon snack, consume fermented milk products, jelly or mousse, but without added sugar, and fresh fruit.
  5. Before going to bed, drink low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Exercise for asthma

Before starting training, you should consult with your doctor about the admissibility of additional stress on the body if the patient’s condition is stable.

Increased physical activity can, instead of having a positive effect, cause a serious complication of the disease, up to the appearance of coughing attacks and suffocation.

Lack of physical activity is also dangerous and can lead to decreased immunity, deterioration of blood supply to internal organs, oxygen starvation, which activates inflammatory processes in the body.

It must be remembered that during an attack or exacerbation of bronchial asthma, physical activity is completely contraindicated. It is recommended to attend training only during periods of prolonged remission.


Preference should be given to swimming, breathing exercises, martial arts, Nordic walking, cycling, jogging. In the gym it is necessary to control the pulse; if it increases to 130 beats per minute, you need to slow down the pace.

At the initial stage, the intensity of the load should be moderate and increase as the body gets used to it. Sports activities must be supervised by a trainer. If your condition worsens, coughing, or shortness of breath appears, you should stop training and use an inhaler.

If you have bronchial asthma, it is contraindicated to engage in scuba diving, weightlifting, long-distance running and winter sports (frost air provokes a narrowing of the bronchi).

Regular exercise helps improve the functionality of the respiratory system, strengthening the respiratory muscles and diaphragm.

How to create a menu for asthma?

The calculation of the daily diet should be based on a person’s height and weight, his age and physical activity. The main recommendation is as follows:

Protein – up to 80g per day (but not less than 70g). 50% of them should be of plant origin.

Fats up to 70 g per day (but not less than 50 g). The amount of vegetable fats is 40 g.

Carbohydrates – 300 g per day.

It is possible to relieve inflammation from the bronchi by avoiding carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed - sugar, jam, honey, etc. It is important that there is a sufficient intake of natural antioxidants in food. These are products containing selenium, vitamins C, E, A. Most of them can be obtained from vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits.

Be sure to include brown rice, legumes, and green vegetables in your diet. They contain magnesium, which helps normalize the tone of the bronchial muscles and reduces their excessive activity.

A sample menu might look like this:

Breakfast: rice porridge with sugar, baked pear, tea.

Snack: zucchini pancakes with currant jam.

Lunch: vinaigrette with vegetable oil, steamed veal cutlets with mashed potatoes, rose hip decoction.

Snack: banana and dried fruit compote.

Dinner: rabbit stew, stewed cabbage with onions, green tea.

Before bed, a glass of kefir or other fermented milk drink.

It is impossible to provide a single nutrition menu for all patients with bronchial asthma, since food allergens are individual. However, the described prohibitions and rules are the most common and, by adhering to them, you can create a diet for asthma that is maximally adapted to a specific person.

Author of the article: Kuzmina Vera Valerievna | Nutritionist, endocrinologist

Education: Diploma from Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

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