Causes and treatment of male urinary incontinence

urinary incontinence in menIncontinence is the name given to urinary incontinence in men, which can occur both at night and during the day . In most cases, such a manifestation is not considered an independent disease, but only a consequence of other diseases of the urinary structures, nervous, cardiovascular or reproductive systems. From a medical point of view, enuresis is most common in adult men, and only 7% of cases are due to urinary incontinence in young men.

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Despite the fact that enuresis occurs in most elderly men, the problem is not properly diagnosed, and many men simply prefer to turn a blind eye to what is happening. In fact, the problem can be solved with the help of a qualified doctor, who will determine the correct treatment for enuresis, as well as prevent the development of other disorders and disorders in the body.

Is incontinence enuresis?

Enuresis is a disease that results in the inability to control urination . Enuresis most often occurs at night or during sleep. Enuresis does not entail any serious danger, except psychological discomfort, as well as hygienic inconveniences. Elderly men can cope with the consequences of enuresis on their own, or they can seek the help of a doctor and forget about the problem.

The clinical picture and symptoms in men may vary depending on the type of incontinence:

  1. Against the background of stress - during coughing, sneezing and physical activity . In this case, a man may feel a sharp need for deurinization, nocturnal enuresis, and rapid leakage of urine in a large volume.
  2. Against the background of an overcrowded bladder, other symptoms appear, for example, slight leakage at night and during the day, a weak stream of urine during deurination, an urgent need to empty the bladder several times a night and during the day, the need to strain the bladder to empty it.
  3. If we talk about the imperative type of enuresis, the symptoms are considered to be a sharp and unreasonable urge to go to the toilet , a frequent need to visit the toilet at night, and uncontrollable sudden leakage of urine in a large volume.

As soon as such symptoms have been identified, the man needs to visit a medical specialist who will accurately determine the causes and treatment of enuresis.

For reference! In severe cases, daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence in men can be accompanied by increased body temperature, fever, pain in one side of the abdomen, and weakness in the lower extremities. All this may be a manifestation of a serious inflammatory process that requires urgent treatment.

What is the essence of the disease?

Normally, a person controls the process of urination. When the bladder is full, it “signals” the owner that they should visit the toilet, confidently holding urine until the right moment arrives. When incontinence has developed, the patient detects the release of urine already at the stage of its passage. As a rule, a whole complex of pathological processes affecting various systems and organs can lead to such a result.

Causes of cystitis in men:

At its core, this problem goes beyond physiology - it can reduce the patient’s quality of life, complicate his social adaptation, and interfere with his professional development and personal life. The man develops lasting psychological traumas that will have to be dealt with even some time after recovery from incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can make it difficult for men to adapt socially

Urinary incontinence can manifest itself in three main ways:

  • bedwetting - enuresis;
  • incontinence - urinary incontinence in various forms that occurs during wakefulness;
  • passing small amounts of urine after urinating.

Types of incontinence

Before a specialist determines how to treat enuresis, the type of urinary incontinence and the causes accompanying this process should be precisely defined. In general, doctors distinguish short-term and permanent incontinence, which is considered chronic enuresis. As for short-term enuresis, this is usually facilitated by injuries and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

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Chronic incontinence is divided into several types, taking into account the prerequisites for it:

  • Stress enuresis , which can occur during coughing, sneezing or other physical stress. This is preceded by the removal of glands, trauma to the sphincter or nerve endings, and poor bladder support.
  • Enuresis due to bladder overfilling , when a man often visits the toilet, but does not feel empty, and urine leakage occurs a little later. The prerequisites for this are blockage of the urethra and its overlap with the prostate gland, weak muscle mass in this area, as well as a narrowed urethra.
  • Imperative enuresis , during which a man acutely and sharply feels the need for deurinization, and leakage occurs during this or a little earlier. The cause of such enuresis most often lies in an overactive bladder due to dysfunction of the prostate or neurological disorders.
  • Functional enuresis , when a man is unable to completely empty his bladder even when going to the toilet.

This dysfunction of the bladder can be preceded by medications, as well as the abuse of bad habits, so urinary incontinence is a common occurrence in alcoholics.


There are many causes for this condition.

Involuntary urination in men

In males, it is often provoked by various pathologies of the prostate gland. Prostate adenoma is usually diagnosed. There may be gland cancer, a condition after a recent surgical intervention directly on the organ itself or in any area of ​​the small pelvic cavity.

Uncontrolled urination can be caused by some diseases of the central nervous system (stroke, parkinsonism, various sclerotic lesions), infectious diseases (especially of the pelvic organs), traumatic lesions of the spinal cord or bladder.

Some medications can cause involuntary urination as a side effect of taking them.

Severe stressful situations and age-related changes also sometimes underlie this disease.

Involuntary urination in women

In female patients, involuntary urination is also provoked by taking certain medications, severe stress, and traumatic lesions of the spinal cord and pelvic organs.

Uncontrolled urine output can be diagnosed in the presence of hormonal changes, excess body weight, prolonged constipation, or after surgery.

Urinary tract infections (especially chronic cystitis of any etiology), kidney stones, and age-related changes can trigger the occurrence of this disease.

In females, pathology especially often occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth. At this time, the pelvic floor muscles stretch and weaken, which leads to a weakening of the urinary sphincter.

Pathology is sometimes diagnosed during menopause. Involuntary urination in such situations is associated with hormonal changes in the body, which affects the functioning of this organ system.

Involuntary urination in children

As for children, the pathology occurs infrequently and is usually associated with psychological reasons. There may also be congenital pathologies in the development of the urinary organs and hormonal changes. All this can cause this disease.

Possible causes of urinary incontinence in men

To correctly design a course of therapy, the doctor must not only determine the type of enuresis, but also identify the causes of nighttime and daytime incontinence. Any possible injuries to the genitourinary system can be accompanied by urinary incontinence, the same can be said about neurological disorders.

The prerequisites for this are the following:

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  • diabetes mellitus and intoxication of the body against this background;
  • enuresis after stroke;
  • overactive bladder;
  • Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • brain injuries;
  • spinal cord injuries;
  • regular abuse of drugs, tobacco and alcohol and intoxication of the body against this background.

In addition, the causes of incontinence may be secondary phenomena:

  • age-related changes;
  • prostate tumors;
  • psychical deviations;
  • previous prostate surgery;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary organs;
  • dysfunction of the spinal cord and brain;
  • psycho-emotional imbalance;
  • pelvic organ infections;
  • neurological diseases;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • constant stress;
  • a feeling of overfilling of the bladder, emptying it in small doses;
  • consequences of taking medications;
  • loss of ability to control urination and the urge to urinate.

Sometimes people who have been treating cancer with radiation therapy and chemotherapy for a long time experience enuresis.


Causes of urinary incontinence in men:

  1. prostate diseases (prostatitis, adenoma, prostate cancer);
  2. consequences of surgical intervention during prostate surgery;
  3. dysfunction of the brain or spinal cord responsible for urinary control;
  4. sexually transmitted infections or infection of the urethra;
  5. urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis;
  6. neurological diseases - cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke, migraine, etc.;
  7. The causes of bedwetting in older men are changes that have occurred over the years in the genitourinary organs, the so-called senile uncontrolled urination.

Which doctor should I go to?

To determine who will treat enuresis in adults, you must first contact a general practitioner . This doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, studies the medical history, and may also send the man for general tests. After this, the therapist gives a referral to the right specialist, taking into account the causes of incontinence, as well as the presence of other health problems.

In general, incontinence in young men and elderly patients is initially dealt with by a urologist. This medical professional specializes in all diseases of the genitourinary system. Depending on the presence of previous incontinence diseases, a man can also be examined by an infectious disease specialist, nephrologist, surgeon, andrologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist or psychotherapist.

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Urinary incontinence in older men after 50, 60 and 70 years: causes and treatment

Urinary incontinence in men is much less common than in women - this is due to physiological characteristics. According to WHO statistics, every eighth man experiences incontinence and states that urination occurs before he reaches the toilet.

Because urinary incontinence is a very intimate topic, and men tend to hush up such problems. Men, by their very nature, should always be winners, and many refuse to admit that they have this problem and, accordingly, rarely go to the doctor, which complicates the diagnosis of identifying this problem.

Among the causes of urinary incontinence in men, there are 2 types of disorders:

  1. Damage to the nervous system is any disease or injury that leads to damage to the nervous system and, as a consequence, to incontinence. Such diseases do not depend on age; they can occur in both young and elderly men. Men who have been suffering from diabetes for a long time are in a special risk group. Also, diseases such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease directly affect the nervous system, and therefore the likelihood of urinary incontinence increases.
  2. Prostate disease is a more common cause. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or as it is also called prostate adenoma, is a disease characteristic of older men. As the prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra, thereby causing urinary problems.

Types of urinary incontinence:

  1. Stress incontinence is the leakage of urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing, etc.
  2. Urgent or urgent urinary incontinence. When a strong urge to urinate occurs that a man cannot restrain, the urge may be followed by an episode of incontinence or complete emptying of the bladder.
  3. Incontinence from bladder overflow. It is characterized by weak stream tension during urination, intermittent urination, as well as tension in the pelvic muscles during urination, because. it seems to a man that his bladder is still full, but in fact it is empty.

It is extremely important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. Urologists or andrologists will be able to advise you. The main thing is not to neglect this problem and seek help at the earliest stages of its manifestation.

Treatment methods for urinary incontinence in elderly and middle-aged men

Urologist-andrologist, Ph.D. – Alexey Plekhanov talks about methods of treating urinary incontinence in men.

In urology, there are several types of male urinary incontinence: stress and urgency. Each of them can be effectively treated. When a patient does not respond to medications or other treatments, such as urostim feedback therapy, surgery may be considered. The most advanced surgical techniques include implantation of an artificial sphincter or a special sling (loop) into the body.

How to treat urinary incontinence with folk remedies

Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem that both men and women have to face. The reasons for this may be perineal trauma, severe gynecological operations, heavy physical labor, difficult childbirth or old age.

How to use a condom for urinary incontinence in men

Urinary collection systems are designed to meet the psychological, anatomical and physiological needs of men with urinary incontinence and are the easiest to use, safe and convenient means of correcting incontinence.

Providing reliable protection against urine leakage, the urinary collection system is completely invisible under clothing, does not allow unpleasant odors to pass through, does not require replacement within 24 hours, is maximally hygienic and does not cause any damage to the skin, and can be easily removed and put on by the user without assistance.

The urinary collection system allows a man to lead his usual active lifestyle and improves the quality of life.

More than 90% of cases of urinary and fecal incontinence can be cured without surgery!

This video is primarily for those who already suffer from incontinence.

We know the difficulties of people suffering from urinary or fecal incontinence: it is difficult to leave the house without planning an intermediate visit to the toilet, it is difficult to go on a visit, to the theater, to the cinema, you need to buy and use diapers and pads. As a result, self-doubt, constant stress, nervousness, which is why people very quickly cease to succeed in such areas of life as work, sex, sports.

Do you think this is such a serious problem that you will have to put up with and live with for the rest of your life? Of course not! Urinary or fecal incontinence can be treated, and most cases of urinary incontinence can be treated without surgery. And in this video we will tell you how.

Tests and diagnostics

To find the right answers to the question of what to do if incontinence occurs in men, the doctor must refer the patient for a thorough diagnosis. The following procedures are usually suggested:

  • keeping a diary indicating the frequency of deurination;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood analysis;
  • urodynamic studies;
  • stress tests.

Sometimes, for greater clarity, an additional cystometrogram is performed; such an analysis allows you to determine how much the bladder is able to hold and release urine. An electromyogram allows you to assess the level of elasticity of muscle mass.

Lifestyle changes for urinary incontinence for middle-aged and older men

Hygiene tips

  1. keep your skin clean. Proper hygiene is important for patients with urinary incontinence;
  2. to avoid skin irritation and infections associated with urinary incontinence, the space around the urethra should be kept clean;
  3. in the event of a bladder injury, the affected areas must be cleaned immediately;
  4. When bathing, use warm water and do not scrub with strong hot water;
  5. Use special cleansers that allow you to clean the skin around your bladder frequently without drying it out or causing irritation. Most of them do not even need to be washed off, but simply wiped with a soft cloth;
  6. After bathing, apply moisturizing and protective creams to the sore area, including petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, cocoa butter, kaolin, lanolin, or paraffin. These products are water repellent and protect the skin from urine;
  7. Apply antifungal creams containing miconazole nitrate U+SED for yeast infections.

Preventing or reducing odor

Some methods can help reduce odor from incontinence problems. They include:

  1. deodorizing tablets that are taken orally;
  2. you need to drink more water - this may help reduce leakage;
  3. To remove odors from mattresses, use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Once the mattress is dry, apply baking soda to the stain and scrub it.

Fluid intake

A common misconception among people with urinary incontinence is that they need to drink less water. In reality, limiting your fluid intake does the following:

  1. the lining of the urethra and bladder becomes irritated, which can actually increase leakage;
  2. concentrated urine with a stronger odor.

However, people with urinary incontinence should stop drinking liquids 2-4 hours before bed, especially those who leak at night.

Food restrictions

Eating and drinking may increase urine output. People who drink coffee or alcoholic beverages should try to remove them from their diet and they will see their health improve.

Physical activity and sports

Sometimes healthy adults stop exercising due to leakage. There are several ways to prevent or stop leakage during exercise. Below are some tips:

  1. Limit fluid intake before training (but do not dehydrate your body);
  2. urinate more often, including right before exercise;
  3. women can wear pads.

Incontinence Aids

There are products that can help patients avoid or prevent leakage:

  1. absorbent and protective pads for underwear. Various absorbent pads and underwear are quite effective against spills and leaks. There are also special underwear for people with similar problems;
  2. For men , drip collectors are available that can be worn under regular clothing, etc.

All absorbent underwear should be changed to avoid problems with wear and tear or infection.

Treatment of incontinence in men

Treatment of enuresis does not always immediately involve pills for urinary incontinence in men, as well as serious drug treatment regimens. First, the doctor is obliged to discuss with the man the specifics of home behavior, for example, nutrition rules, the use of certain exercises, and lifestyle. And after diagnosis, medical methods of combating incontinence can be used.


To overcome this phenomenon, 9 hours of sound sleep is first important. In this case, a man needs to go to bed no later than 23:00 in the evening, and before this it is forbidden to drink liquids, smoke or eat heavily. If you have problems sleeping, you can resort to the help of medicinal herbs.

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For reference! At home, a man needs to make a schedule for visiting the toilet, even if there is no need to defecate. For example, you need to urinate every 2-2.5 hours, and also right before going to bed.


To combat incontinence, proper nutrition is equally important. In order not to have a negative effect on the bladder, a man needs to follow several recommendations from doctors:

  • limit intake of salty, sweet, spicy and pickled foods;
  • limit intake of caffeinated drinks;
  • increase the amount of fiber consumed in food.

Such a diet will not only eliminate urinary incontinence, but will also help normalize body weight. If a man has urinary incontinence during sleep, he can drink liquid no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. The drinking regime involves consuming 2-2.5 liters of water, but not more than 200 ml at a time.


No less effective are special exercises for urinary incontinence in men using the Kegel technique. Such exercises are aimed at helping in continence of urination, which are performed at home, at work, while walking, etc. Kegel exercises involve training the muscle mass of the pelvic organs, to be more precise, those muscles that contract when stopping urination.


  • first, strain the pelvic muscles for 3 seconds;
  • then these muscles are kept in a relaxed state for 3 seconds;
  • the same muscles are tensed for 10 seconds;
  • such exercises need to be repeated 10 times;
  • The number of repetitions per day should be at least 3.

This exercise for training the pelvic muscles is one of the few Kegel exercises. They will not only allow you to establish control over urination, but will also normalize the functions of other organs of the genitourinary system.

Drug therapy

If treatment with the above methods does not bring results, the doctor can choose the appropriate medicine for enuresis. If the problem has an infectious or neurological etiology, the following is prescribed:

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  • a course of antibiotics in case of inflammation, cystitis or urolithiasis;
  • anticholinergic and antispasmodic therapy for emergency incontinence in order to reduce the tone and contraction of the bladder;
  • a course of antidepressants Imipramine or Duloxetine to get rid of two types of incontinence.

Sometimes taking medications can cause a man such an unpleasant side effect as urine leakage. Therefore, you should definitely discuss with your doctor what medications you have taken recently in order to prevent such situations.


There are a number of causes of incontinence that require only surgical treatment. For example, chronic enuresis, leakage of urine in large volumes (the entire contents of the bladder), urinary retention, frequent urinary tract infections, adenoma and oncology, as well as complications due to skin damage from urine.

The operation can be of several types:

  • An artificial sphincter is implanted into the bladder;
  • sling operation for the purpose of placing a special loop of inert material under the urethra (to raise the urethra);
  • gel injections into the walls of the urethra, if urge incontinence is observed;
  • removal of oncology.

These operations are often used by modern medicine to eliminate urination problems in men.

Other techniques

Sometimes, as prescribed by a doctor, male urinary incontinence can be treated in other ways, for example:

  • If there is no urge to deurinate, the doctor may perform catheterization . This device involves installing a Nelaton catheter in the urethra, which is removed after urine is removed (more about catheterization).
  • A narrowed urethra may require balloon expansion for better urine flow . It is carried out on an outpatient basis, and the effectiveness level is 80%. First, spinal anesthesia is administered, then a balloon is inserted into the urethra, which is then inflated with air.

All of these treatment methods are applicable in medicine; before resorting to one or another method, you must consult a doctor.

Types of pathology in adults

Different types of incontinence are classified depending on the causes that cause it.

Enuresis (bedwetting)

Bedwetting is most common in boys and older men over 50 years of age. In adult patients, this may be the result of the following diseases:

  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the urethra;
  • obstruction of the bladder outlet;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases of the prostate and bladder;
  • stressful conditions;
  • state of acute alcohol or drug intoxication.

Enuresis can be permanent or recurrent.

Stress incontinence

With this type of incontinence, small portions of urine are released into the underwear during physical stress, even small ones - laughing, sneezing, jumping, lifting weights, etc. This type of incontinence is characterized by the absence of the urge to urinate. Experts associate the development of this type of pathology with changes in the patient’s hormonal levels.

With stress incontinence, even jumping rope can trigger involuntary urination.

Urgent incontinence

This variant of the disease is characterized by the presence of an unbearable, sudden urge to urinate, in which the patient is unable to hold urine for at least the short time required to get to the toilet. As a result, urine involuntarily escapes on its way to its target. It is curious that this happens not only when the bladder is full, but also when there is a small amount of urine in it.

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Recommendations for limiting the amount of fluid consumed in this case are absolutely useless, because any provocation in the form of a flowing stream from a tap or fountain can lead to immediate urination.

With urgency urinary incontinence, the urge to urinate occurs sharply and suddenly.

The main cause of urge incontinence is increased bladder tone caused by neurogenic factors, infections and neoplasms. In patients over 60 years of age, age-related weakness of the bladder sphincter can be added to these reasons.

Postoperative incontinence

This type of incontinence is a consequence of surgical operations on the organs of the genitourinary system - the prostate or urethra when removing various types of tumors, both malignant and benign, for injuries and pathologies of the urethra, etc.

Postoperative incontinence, after some time after the operation, can go away without additional therapeutic measures, but in some cases the patient needs treatment - conservative (medicinal and physiotherapeutic) or radical.

Incontinence when the bladder overflows

This variant of the disease develops due to compression of the urethra by an enlarged prostate gland or other tumors. As a result, the lumen of the urethra narrows, and urine comes out in small portions, but often. The bladder, which is unable to empty completely, begins to undergo inflammatory diseases due to constant stagnation of urine.

When the urethra is compressed, urine comes out in small portions

The main signs of this type of incontinence:

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  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • excretion of urine in small portions;
  • constant leakage of urine in small quantities;
  • the stream of urine is thin and weak, often intermittent;
  • urination does not bring the feeling of emptying the bladder.

In severe cases, controlled urination stops completely, and drainage of fluid from the bladder is possible only with the help of a catheter. An overfilled bladder causes sharp cutting pain. In such cases, the patient is given a permanent catheter with urine discharged into an external reservoir, or surgery is performed.

In addition to the listed types of incontinence, temporary incontinence associated with inflammatory diseases, neuromuscular pathologies, severe stress, taking certain medications, etc. should also be mentioned.

In addition, experts talk about combined types of incontinence, when the patient simultaneously has two or more forms of pathology. Medical statistics show that the most common combination is urge and stress incontinence.

Diapers and pads for male incontinence

In addition to the help of a doctor, special hygiene devices will help a man with the problem of urinary incontinence. These can be diapers for men with urinary incontinence, special panties and pads.

To choose a quality product, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • personal preferences;
  • cognitive and physical functions;
  • degree of disability;
  • severity and type of incontinence;
  • no skin trauma in the perineal area;
  • sanitary and hygienic assistance;
  • past experience and recommendations from specialists.

You can purchase products such as diapers and pads for men at any pharmacy branch. In addition, special waterproof underwear is in great demand, which will protect a man at the most inopportune moment.

Recommendations for a man’s lifestyle and possible prognosis of the disease

It is extremely difficult to derive a general formula for success in the treatment of male incontinence. In some cases, simple measures can help, for example, a regularly performed set of therapeutic exercises, and in some cases, surgery may not give the expected effect. It all depends on the cause that caused the development of the disease. Moreover, the patient needs to adapt to the problem and live a full life.

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Today there are many means to help men improve their quality of life. For this purpose, there are absorbent pads/liner inserts, mesh panties for fixing pads, lightweight absorbent panties for disposable use, and in severe cases, diapers and urine bags that drain urine into a plastic sealed container that can be hidden under clothing. All absorbent products contain a special sorbent that provides protection against odor and leakage, protecting the skin from maceration and bacteria.

Absorbent panties can reliably protect the patient from urine leakage

Some useful tips for men on how to maintain hygiene:

  • do not reduce the amount of fluid you drink - this will not affect incontinence in any way, but will only increase the concentration of urine, which will smell stronger and irritate the skin;
  • try to visit the toilet regularly at regular intervals;
  • do Kegel exercises;
  • Change wet laundry immediately as soon as possible;
  • Regularly wash the skin in the groin area and lubricate it with a protective cream, or use baby powder.


As practice has shown, if a man does not seek the help of a doctor in the treatment of enuresis, this will threaten him with changes in his psychological and physical state. Such people are often exposed to long-term severe infectious diseases of the genitourinary system; in addition, skin diseases in the perineal area may appear. Such patients, in addition to physical litigation, suffer from psycho-emotional disorders.

Closedness, complexes and fear of being in society - this is what awaits a man who does not solve problems with incontinence. Modern medicine has many proven and innovative methods for treating urinary incontinence, many of which guarantee high percentages of effectiveness. And even if the problem can only be partially solved, this will protect the man’s body from many secondary diseases.


Treatment for involuntary urination depends entirely on the cause that provokes it. Treatment can be carried out either on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease or try to compensate for it.

  • In the case of pregnancy, childbirth or surgery, urinary function returns to normal gradually as the body recovers.
  • If there are infectious diseases, patients should be prescribed specific therapy to eliminate pathological agents.
  • For males with prostate adenoma, special medications are required to help correct the urination process.
  • If patients are diagnosed with hormonal disorders, they are prescribed medications to correct the functioning of the endocrine and exocrine glands.
  • For children, psychotherapy and the prescription of sedatives are mandatory.
  • It is important to normalize your work and rest schedule and follow a diet. The latter implies the inclusion of vegetables and fruits, lean meats in the diet, and the exclusion of spicy, salty and fatty foods. Regular exercise is beneficial.
  • The same recommendations for lifestyle changes apply to adult patients. Special physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor are extremely important for them, especially in old age. It is important to give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • In some cases, we may talk about installing an artificial sphincter. This usually happens if other methods have failed.

Clinical manifestations

The clinical picture of this pathological condition develops gradually with increasing severity of manifestations. The first symptom is considered to be an increased urge to urinate . After this, urine begins to involuntarily flow out of the outer end of the urethra, first in small portions, then more and more. In parallel with the increase in the amount of urine released, painful sensations appear, which are localized in the lower abdomen and intensify during the process of urination.

In some cases, involuntary urine discharge may contain blood clots or lumps of pus. This indicates the presence of inflammation in organs related to the urinary system.

If the described clinical signs occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor to conduct a diagnosis, find out the cause that led to this condition and receive adequate therapy.


To diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment, you should contact a urologist, who will examine the patient, study in detail all available information and ask you to fill out a special diary for 3 days. The latter is necessary to determine the intensity of the symptom and identify characteristic patterns, which will allow us to establish the form and stage of the disease.

Additional diagnostic measures that may be needed to accurately determine the disease are presented:

  • conducting a daily test with a pad or liner, which allows you to accurately determine the volume of urine leakage;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, carried out to exclude neoplasms and developmental anomalies of the genitourinary system;
  • X-ray examination to identify strictures and cystography;
  • endoscopic examination, providing complete information about the condition of the genitourinary system;
  • urinodynamic study, based on the results of which it will be possible to assess the capacity and distensibility of the bladder.

Using the above diagnostic measures, it will be possible to accurately establish not only the nature of the pathological condition, but also its root causes, without eliminating which a successful cure may be impossible.

Diagnosis of urinary retention

In acute urinary retention, the signs are obvious. For example, there is pain in the lower abdomen, you cannot urinate if you really want to, and you will have a “bloated” bladder. For chronic urinary retention, a diagnosis can only be made after a doctor performs a series of tests and studies.

Very often, in men, prostate enlargement becomes the main cause and treatment can begin accordingly. In these cases, doctors will rely on medical history, complaints, and physical examination to determine whether urinary retention is a problem because... residual urine within 50 ml is often accepted as an acceptable value.

However, your doctor will typically diagnose acute or chronic urinary retention by:

  • A physical examination
    of the lower abdomen will determine the presence of a distended bladder by lightly tapping the lower portion of the bladder.

  • Ultrasound residual urine volume measurement Your doctor may also use a catheter to directly measure your residual bladder volume.

In addition, techniques can be used to determine the cause of urinary retention:

  • Cystoscopy – Using an instrument called a cystoscope, your doctor will check your urethra and bladder for any abnormalities.
  • Computed tomography (CT) - a combination of X-rays and computer technology creates images that can show things such as: stones in the urinary tract, signs of a urinary tract infection, tumors, traumatic injuries, scars and cysts.
  • Urodynamic studies, including:
      Uroflowmetry is a method for measuring urine flow rate
  • Pressure flow study - performed to measure the pressure in the bladder required for urination and the flow rate created by this pressure
  • Video urodynamics is used to create real-time images (via X-ray or ultrasound) of the bladder and urethra as the bladder fills or empties.
  • Electromyography is the use of special sensors to measure the electrical activity of the muscles and nerves in and around the bladder and sphincters.
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