Removal of an intrauterine device (IUD)

The intrauterine device is one of the most reliable contraceptives. This method of contraception involves the insertion of a special device into the uterine cavity. Until the IUD expires, a woman will not be able to get pregnant. But what to expect if the need for protection has already disappeared and the woman has removed the IUD. How quickly the patient can conceive, whether pregnancy will be problematic after the IUD - these are questions that worry every woman.

The smell of a newborn is better than the most expensive perfume for a mother

An intrauterine device is a foreign object that prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall during implantation. In fact, the spiral does not in any way prevent sperm from penetrating the cell and fertilizing it, although the manufacturers and creators of this contraceptive claim the opposite. However, the main purpose of the IUD is to prevent the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine endometrium.

This effect is due to the inflammatory effect of the device on the uterine endometrium, as a result of which the egg does not receive the required amount of nutrition, and the endometrial layer itself does not grow to the required thickness. Together, these factors prevent pregnancy, and the fertilized cell leaves the uterus along with menstrual flow. In other words, such intrauterine contraceptives constantly cause spontaneous miscarriages. That is why it is impossible to confidently say that getting pregnant after removing the IUD will be possible without problems.

The use of an intrauterine device is undoubtedly convenient, but only if the device is installed by an experienced and qualified gynecologist. In addition, it is necessary to select an IUD individually for each patient. If the IUD is selected incorrectly or the insertion technique is incorrect, there is a risk of developing intrauterine inflammation while the IUD is inside the uterine cavity. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements and take into account contraindications for wearing the spiral, which include:

  • All kinds of inflammatory lesions of the reproductive organs;
  • Neoplasms of various types;
  • Uterine malformations of a congenital nature;
  • Pathologies that spread through sexual intercourse;
  • The presence of allergic intolerance to copper or its alloys;
  • Bleeding from the uterus of unknown etiology;
  • Polyps or myomatous formations;
  • The age is too young, because the girl’s reproductive system has not yet fully formed, and the installation of an IUD can lead to irreversible intrauterine abnormalities.

In addition, experts recommend using intrauterine devices for women who have already given birth. Why? The IUD simply opens the cervical canal slightly, which increases the risk of sexually transmitted infectious processes getting inside. Against the background of such pathologies, it can be quite difficult to become pregnant after removal of the IUD. Therefore, doctors warn patients that it is advisable to use such a means of protection only for those who have only one sexual partner.

Types of IUDs

Any contraceptives are selected by a doctor individually

There are many types of intrauterine contraceptives, however, only a few of them are particularly popular. For example, a T-shaped device with hormonal components. This spiral has flexible ends and a ring for easy removal. Inside the rod there is a special container containing a hormonal drug. Every day it is released into the uterus in microdoses, creating additional protection against sperm. Typically, such a spiral is established for a 5-year period.

IUDs with a silver component are also quite popular. Doctors say they work for up to 7 years and are 98 percent effective, and the impurities provide an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Intrauterine contraceptives can have quite a variety of shapes: loop, s-shaped, ring-shaped, umbrella-shaped, etc.

Dangerous consequences of IUD

Typically, intrauterine contraception is tolerated quite easily by patients, but in rare cases certain complications may occur, such as device rejection, severe bleeding or pain. In general, complications associated with the IUD are conventionally divided into those associated with the installation of a contraceptive, with its use, or those that arise after removal. Already with the insertion of an IUD, problems such as uterine perforation, cervical rupture, vasovagal reaction or bleeding, and inflammatory processes may arise. But such complications occur quite rarely, usually due to the lack of professionalism or low qualifications of the doctor.

Somewhat more often, adverse reactions occur when a woman has already been living with an intrauterine contraceptive for some time. There is no specific data on how long after administration complications develop. But in general, while wearing the IUD, patients may encounter side effects such as:

  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding. Usually, heavy and prolonged menstruation appears with the first menstruation after installation. By the way, they are considered long if they last more than 8 days, and abundant if they are twice as strong. If the volume or duration of menstruation has not decreased within six months, this can lead to severe anemia, so it is recommended to remove the IUD.
  • Sharp cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen. They are usually observed in the first three months, especially in many nulliparous young patients using a copper IUD.
  • The use of hormonal intrauterine contraceptives sometimes leads to amenorrhea, acyclical menstruation, intermenstrual spotting, etc.
  • Also, against the background of the presence of hormonal substances in the IUD in the first 3 months, symptoms of the systemic action of progestin hormones such as acne, breast engorgement, attacks of migraine pain and nausea and vomiting syndrome, decreased libido, radiculitis-like pain in the back and excessive nervousness, psycho-emotional disorders up to depression. If 3 months after installation of the IUD such symptoms do not disappear, then it is necessary to change the contraceptive method.

As for the adverse reactions that occur after removing the IUD, they occur in extremely rare cases and manifest themselves in the form of pelvic inflammation, acute infections, ectopic conception, etc.

When can you plan a pregnancy after removing the IUD?

It is very important to eat a balanced diet while planning

Is it possible to get pregnant after wearing the IUD? This question arose before many women at one time. Statistics show that almost all women, after removing the IUD, conceived quickly enough and carried the baby safely to term. If you follow all medical recommendations, conception will occur without problems within 6-12 months after removing the contraceptive. But many, having decided to become pregnant, want to conceive in the very near future, which is why the question arises of how to quickly get pregnant immediately after removing the IUD.

No specialist can definitely answer such a delicate question, because each case is individual. The rate of pregnancy depends on many different factors, such as the duration of wearing an intrauterine contraceptive device, because a long stay of the IUD in the uterus does not have a very good effect on female reproduction. The spiral can provoke genital inflammatory processes, microtraumas of the uterine wall, and if the device contained a hormonal component, then its remains enter the uterus, which also complicates pregnancy. Therefore, each specific patient has its own individual recommendations.

Which intrauterine device is better

Women often experience difficulties when choosing an intrauterine contraceptive, because the modern medical industry offers many different shapes, compositions and costs for spirals. More often, a specialist will help you make such a choice, but you need to understand that the concept of a “good intrauterine device” does not exist.

The contraceptive effect of the intrauterine device is its only purpose, and since all modern devices have a similar property, any of them can be called “good”.

It is much more correct to look not for the “best” one, but for the most individually suitable intrauterine device. To do this, you must first undergo a doctor-recommended examination to rule out the presence of inflammatory diseases and determine the size and position of the uterus and cervix. In some situations, when the doctor considers the use of an intrauterine device as contraception in a particular patient to be inappropriate and even dangerous, the issue of using other contraceptive methods is discussed.

Regardless of the quality and effectiveness of the spiral, it cannot be introduced only at the request of the patient. The use of intrauterine contraceptives, like any other medical intervention, is regulated by rules that provide indications and contraindications.

So, who should avoid using intrauterine contraception?

First of all, this method is not offered to nulliparous women. Due to anatomical features, insertion of the IUD through the nulliparous genital tract is impractical, and the presence of a “foreign body” in the uterine cavity in such women exceeds the benefits of this type of contraception in terms of the degree of negative effect. Similar reasons do not allow us to recommend the intrauterine device to adolescents.

The presence of infectious inflammation at any stage of development excludes the possibility of using an intrauterine device as contraception.

It is not recommended to use an intrauterine contraceptive for women with a large number of sexual partners, even if they do not have signs of an infectious-inflammatory process. After all, this category of patients always has a high risk of developing specific inflammation, so a barrier method of protection against pregnancy, and at the same time against sexually transmitted infections, is more acceptable for them.

The use of an intrauterine device is also contraindicated for true and false (ectopic) erosions of the cervix, tumors of various origins.

Thus, a “good intrauterine device” must, first of all, meet several mandatory requirements: provide a high contraceptive effect, not have a negative effect on the body and have no contraindications for use.

Reasons for lack of conception

It also happens that after removal of the IUD, patients cannot become pregnant for a long period, although they follow all medical recommendations. There may be many reasons for this. Firstly, hormonal disorders can provoke difficulties with conception. If an IUD contains hormonal components, it can seriously change a woman's hormonal levels. If you fail to conceive after six months, you need to donate blood for hormones.

Also, the reason why patients after the IUD do not become pregnant for a long time may be endometritis. Often, during the process of removing the coil, trauma to the endometrium occurs, which subsequently ends in inflammatory processes. If they are not treated for a long time, endometriosis develops, which, if the pathological process is neglected, leads to infertility.

Problems and difficulties

Some people experience microdamages on the uterine walls after the IUD is removed. What should a patient do in such a situation? In case of such damage, the doctor prescribes specialized medications that will help quickly restore the damaged walls of the organ. If the patient ignores medical instructions and conception occurs immediately after removal of the IUD, then the risks of spontaneous abortion increase. Although in obstetric practice there have been more than once cases where patients became pregnant while wearing an intrauterine contraceptive.

But it is still better if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations when it is possible to become pregnant after the IUD, otherwise the consequences may be dire.

  • You should begin sexual relations no earlier than two weeks after the IUD is removed. Why not earlier? Simply, when removing the spiral, the uterine mucosa is injured, and sexual intercourse can provoke bleeding or infection.
  • After removal of the IUD, which contains metal, attempts to conceive can begin only after a 3-4 month period. If this requirement is violated and is not protected after the IUD, then conception may lead to a miscarriage or may not occur at all.
  • If the hormonal IUD was removed, it will take at least six months for final recovery. The IUD interferes with ovulation and thins the endometrial layer, so the body will need some period of recovery.

According to statistics, patients successfully conceive in the first year. Although everyone’s body is different, therefore how long it takes to recover depends on individual characteristics. It happens that patients regularly see a specialist for months, complaining that they cannot get pregnant. But there is no need to rush into such a decision; it is better to play it safe and wait for the reproductive system to fully recover.

Although doctors give optimistic forecasts regarding conception, in reality there are many cases when a woman faces difficulties and is looking for ways to get pregnant after removing the IUD. Most often, the presence of problems is explained by the unprofessionalism of the doctor, a poorly performed procedure for removing the IUD, or failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene and sexual rest in the first couple of weeks after the removal procedure.

Video: Intrauterine device and pregnancy

How to protect yourself after IUD 4

The intrauterine device as a means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is a widely known method due to its simplicity and duration of action, but is surrounded by myths and speculation about the impact on a woman’s subsequent fertility. Is pregnancy possible during use and after removing the IUD - the main questions for those who have chosen this method of contraception.

The intrauterine device (IUD) is considered one of the most reliable contraceptives. Acting simultaneously on both the viability of sperm and the possible attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus, the IUD is easy to install and does not affect a woman’s subsequent ability to become pregnant, provided that medical prescriptions and regular examinations by a doctor are followed.

How to speed up pregnancy

So, the woman used contraception for a long time and decided to have a child. After the IUD was removed, she followed the doctor's recommendations, but was unable to conceive. How high are a woman’s chances of getting pregnant and how to safely speed up the onset of such a desired event? To speed up the recovery of the body, doctors recommend drinking a complex of vitamins that are beneficial for women.

In addition, it is necessary to give up unhealthy habits. Cigarettes and alcohol only interfere with the fertilization of the egg, so it is important for a woman to give them up. You also need to pay due attention to weight, not only for overweight girls, but also for overly thin girls. A balanced diet and exercise are recommended. You need to avoid psycho-emotional experiences and worries, and get proper rest.

The intrauterine device is removed at the end of its expiration date, when planning a pregnancy, or if any complications occur. The IUD removal procedure must be performed by a physician under sterile conditions. It is not recommended to remove the IUD yourself, as mechanical damage to the uterine mucosa is possible, followed by infection.

Indications for removal of the intrauterine device

There are a number of symptoms that may occur in women who have inserted the IUD. Thanks to them, even before examination using an ultrasound or gynecological examination, it is possible to determine that the spiral has grown into the wall of the uterus. These may be the following indications:

  • pain of varying strength in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, pelvis and bladder;
  • severe weakness;
  • pallor;
  • tachycardia;
  • bleeding.

Serious signs such as bleeding and severe pain are extremely rare in women. Therefore, to prevent these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist in time.

Procedure for removing an ingrown IUD

How the operation to remove an ingrown IUD into the wall of the uterus will be performed largely depends on its location. If the contraceptive is located close enough to internal organs or the walls of large vessels, then removal will be quite difficult and time-consuming.

The operation takes place in several stages:

  1. A hysteroscope is inserted into the uterine cavity.
  2. Using laparoscopic forceps, the doctor removes the spiral, making his way to it from the abdominal cavity.
  3. If most of the spiral is located in the thickness of the walls of the uterus, then the doctor is forced to perform a laparotomy.
  4. Hysteroscopic forceps can be used to remove an ingrown intrauterine device if only a small part of it has entered the uterus.

Rehabilitation period

There is no need to follow any special regimen after the procedure to remove a contraceptive that has grown into the uterus. A few hours after the operation, the patient can go home. She must comply with the following recommendations:

  • carefully monitor personal hygiene;
  • limit physical activity.

In what cases is an IUD removed?

  • After the expiration date of the spiral: usually after 3-5 years, for certain types of spiral the shelf life is up to 10 years.
  • For severe pain in the lower abdomen or during sexual intercourse.
  • When heavy bleeding appears that is not amenable to conservative treatment. This complication occurs in 10% of women in the first year after installation of the IUD. In case of anemia, accompanied by pale skin and general weakness, the administration of iron supplements is indicated. If symptoms persist for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • In the case of partial expulsion, when the spiral shifts and there is a risk of pregnancy. Partial expulsion is said to occur in the case of lengthening of the spiral threads or in the presence of an IUD in the vagina or cervical canal.
  • Complete expulsion is indicated by the impossibility of detecting the threads of the spiral or the spiral itself using different examination methods (probing of the uterine cavity, ultrasound, x-ray of the uterine cavity). In this case, and in the absence of contraindications (pregnancy, inflammation in the uterus and appendages), after removal of the IUD, it is possible to install a new one.
  • When inflammatory diseases of the uterus, tubes or ovaries occur.
  • When inserting an IUD that is too large. In this case, the doctor selects and inserts a spiral of the appropriate size.
  • When probing the uterus during insertion of the IUD.
  • If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy.
  • The development of an ectopic pregnancy may be indicated by a delay in menstruation or the appearance of bloody discharge, accompanied by pain radiating to the rectum.

Features of removing an ingrown helix

You cannot remove the IUD yourself; to do this, you should contact a qualified gynecologist. Before the procedure, the specialist will examine the patient in a gynecological chair and refer her for tests. Laboratory tests that a woman must undergo before manipulation:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis;
  • microflora smear;
  • bacterial culture.

An ultrasound examination of the uterus and colposcopy should also be performed. After the doctor is confident that the IUD has grown into the patient’s organ, the doctor sets the time and day of the operation.

Extraction is carried out in stages using local anesthesia. Intimate organs are sanitized: the woman’s genitals are treated with antiseptic medications. Dilators are installed in the cervix to facilitate access to the uterine cavity. Next, a hysteroscope is inserted through the cervix, with which the gynecologist can examine the muscle walls in detail.

After the specialist detects the IUD, it is removed with sterile forceps or a curette. In cases where most of the contraceptive grows into the abdominal cavity, laparoscopy is prescribed.

If the coil is located near the bladder, urinary tract and large vessels, laparotomy is indicated. At the end of the procedure, the doctor scrapes out the overgrown mucous layer. The duration of the operation varies from 15 to 30 minutes.

If the IUD threads come off during surgery, the gynecologist will pull it out using a special hook. It is advisable to carry out further removal of the IUD under ultrasound control.

If an ingrown intrauterine contraceptive cannot be pulled out through the cervical canal (due to occlusion or atresia), then a specialist removes it through the abdominal cavity. In this case, extraction occurs using laparoscopic methods under general anesthesia. After surgery, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and the doctor gives a referral for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

IUD removal procedure

Must be performed by a gynecologist under sterile conditions. There is no need for anesthesia or hospitalization. In most cases, the IUD is removed by pulling the antennae.

Removing the IUD during menstruation greatly simplifies the procedure, although it can also be done in the absence of menstruation. If desired, and in the absence of contraindications (for example, inflammatory diseases of the poppy and appendages), you can immediately install a new coil.

If the antennae cannot be detected, the spiral is removed instrumentally using an extractor.

Pregnancy after IUD removal

After removal of the IUD, pregnancy in 90% of women usually occurs in the first year. However, pregnancy is possible immediately after removing the IUD, so it is recommended to use a condom until the uterine mucosa is completely restored during the first three months, so that there are no problems with bearing the fetus.

If, after removal of the IUD, pregnancy does not occur within the first year, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination for gynecological and endocrine diseases (smears, blood tests for the presence of antibodies, etc.), which may be the reason for the inability to get pregnant.
By removing the intrauterine contraceptive system (IUD), popularly called the IUD, a woman hopes to conceive a child.
How to get pregnant quickly after removing the IUD, and what can prevent this? Let's find out the doctors' opinion on this matter.

The likelihood of getting pregnant after removing the IUD

Theoretically, fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus is possible within 2–3 weeks after removal of the IUD. Nature created the female body to be initially resilient to external influences; unfavorable factors sometimes paradoxically stimulate the process of creating a new life. But such an early conception is a big risk for the woman’s health and the existence of the fetus.

Even with uncomplicated use of the spiral and trouble-free removal, microtraumas remain on the internal surfaces. Small wounds cannot prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg, but serve as a potential source of inflammation, which sooner or later will lead to problems including miscarriage.

If a fertilized egg is attached where the endometrium is thinned or, on the contrary, has grown extremely large due to the removal of the IUD, the baby's place may develop incorrectly - for example, grow into the thickness of the uterine wall, which is fraught with serious complications during childbirth and in the afterbirth period - ruptures of the uterine body, threatening life with bleeding, removal of the reproductive organ.

Important information! If there are complications during the “operation” of the IUD, or problems with its removal, sometimes additional procedures and manipulations are required (for example, curettage of the endometrium), which can also provoke inflammation.

How to protect yourself after IUD 3

When can you get pregnant after IUD removal?

The desire to get pregnant quickly after removing the IUD is understandable and understandable. However, the long-term presence of a foreign object in the uterus affects the female body, and immediately after removal of the IUD, a woman may not be ready to conceive and bear a child.

According to statistics, just under a third of women become pregnant in the first month after getting rid of a contraceptive, 60% become pregnant after three months, and the remaining 10% manage to conceive within a year.

  • It is better to start sexual activity only two weeks after removing the contraceptive. The procedure for removing an IUD is very painful and is associated with blood loss and damage to the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Therefore, the body will need time to recover and replenish lost resources.
  • When removing a metal-containing IUD (with the addition of copper, gold, silver), you must wait four months before trying to conceive a baby. This is how long it takes the body to completely restore the endometrium. Otherwise, fertilization may not occur, or the woman will not be able to bear the fetus.
  • When removing hormonal IUDs, it is worth giving the body 6 months to restore reproductive function. Such contraceptives block the production of eggs and thin the endometrium, making pregnancy impossible. Therefore, it takes time for the ovaries to work as before, and for the inner lining of the uterus to return to normal.

Can I get pregnant if I wear an intrauterine device?

Pregnancy in women wearing an intrauterine device is extremely rare. The probability of pregnancy when using copper coils is no more than 8 chances out of 1000 during the year. When using IUDs with hormones, the chance of getting pregnant is reduced to 1 in 1000 within a year.

In approximately half of the cases in women wearing the IUD, the resulting pregnancy ends in miscarriage.

The risk of pregnancy increases significantly if the IUD becomes dislodged or falls out of the uterus. This happens especially often after menstruation, when the IUD can be thrown out of the uterine cavity along with the rejected tissue.

In this regard, all women who wear the IUD are recommended to check the presence of the IUD in the uterus at least once a month by feeling the antennae of the IUD deep in the vagina. If you previously felt the antennae of the spiral well, but can no longer find them, contact your gynecologist, as the spiral may have fallen out and you did not notice it.
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