In this medical article you can familiarize yourself with the drug Neo Penotran. Instructions for use
Prostatic hyperplasia is a very common pathological condition in men after forty years of age. Statistical
A foreign body in the lungs will cause pathological conditions caused by impaired respiratory function. Foreign objects
Home page / Specialists / Pulmonologist / Pulmonologist services Pulmonology is a medical field that
How to suspect an inguinal hernia? An experienced doctor only needs to look at the problem to determine the correct
Special instructions, interactions Therapy with Traumeel S does not exclude the use of other medications. Traumeel
Omnic is a selective blocker of postsynaptic alpha-1-A adrenergic receptors. Instructions for use will show how to take capsules correctly
Gonarthrosis of the knee joint (ICD code 10. M17) is a common pathology of a degenerative-dystrophic nature. IN
Release form and composition Tantum verde is produced in the following dosage forms: Lozenges
Herpes on the lips is caused by two types of viruses - herpes virus type 1 and the