Black feces

In a healthy person, stool should be dense, without pathological impurities, from brown-yellow to dark brown. Due to certain circumstances caused by physiological or pathological processes, black feces appear. For many people, a change in the color of stool makes them worry and look for the cause of such changes. To give a detailed answer to this question, it is necessary to consider all the mechanisms that determine the formation of specific, and not so specific, coloring of excrement.

Digestive problems

The main reasons for the appearance of black stool

It is very difficult to understand the exact cause of black poop just by its color. There are too many factors to consider, most of which we cannot check at home. But we can determine the degree of seriousness. Below we will tell you in which cases black stool is a cause for concern, and when it is just an accident.

How do you know if black stool is a sign of illness?

If your stool turns black and other symptoms appear, such as malaise, fever, nausea and even vomiting, then you have enough reason to sound the alarm and immediately run to the doctor. There is no need to guess and wait for the weather to come from the sea, as the disease can progress and, if left untreated, cause serious damage to your body. You should also pay attention to the shape and size of the stool.

The main reason why poop turns black is bleeding in the upper intestines. Digested blood turns your stool dark. But bleeding may not always be in the upper sections. Black feces can also cause bleeding in the lower intestines, which may be indicated by low intestinal motility.


Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls that helps push feces towards the exit.

The cause of black shit can be a number of diseases such as: gastritis, ulcerative colitis, histoplasmosis, colon disease and hookworm disease.


Almost every person has gastritis. Advanced gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer.

The above symptoms, accompanied by a change in the color of feces to black, require immediate intervention. But what could be the matter if you feel normal, but your stool is black? How long has it been since you pooped? How often have you pooped lately? One of the reasons for darkening of stool may be constipation. This occurs due to the long stay of feces in the intestines. But don’t think that constipation is a harmless thing and that it doesn’t lead to anything other than darkening your poop. It can also cause various diseases such as hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. If the shape of your stool is type 2 or 3, then constipation may be the cause of your black poop. In the article about the size and shape of feces, you can find out what parameters feces may have and what this indicates. Constipation, in turn, can cause damage to the intestinal walls and bleeding.

If your feces, in addition to darkening in color, also have other signs mentioned above, then sound the alarm. It is much easier and faster to cure the disease in the initial stage; do not allow the disease to progress, otherwise it can provoke a number of other health problems. A change in the smell to a more pungent and pungent one also indicates the presence of malfunctions in the body.

Black poop - no sign of concern

Black feces do not always symbolize any disease. The reason for the change in its color may be some foods that can color feces and taking medications.

If this is the reason, then remember what foods you have eaten recently. Try changing your diet. If this is the reason, then after a couple of days the color of the stool will normalize.

The following foods can change the color of feces to black: red beets (sometimes they can give feces a reddish tint), pomegranate, prunes, black currants, blueberries and other products contribute to the color of feces.

In addition to food, the color of stool is affected by medications and vitamin complexes. Carefully read the instructions and side effects of medications taken the day before. Supplements with high iron content can cause darkening of the stool. This color appears as a result of iron oxidation.

If this is the reason why the shit changes color to black, then if you stop taking medications or change your diet, your stool should return to normal within a few days.


In the case of medications, it is better to consult with your doctor, as some drugs can cause internal bleeding.

Causes of dark stool

Stool turning black can occur for various reasons. The most common:

  • products of plant origin;
  • some animal products;
  • medications;
  • some diseases.

Unnaturally colored excrement should not be a cause for concern if you are in good health. The absence of additional symptoms indicates that the cause is not illness. Perhaps you drank a lot of strong tea, coffee or red wine. Think about whether you have recently consumed the following plant products:

  • red beets;
  • blueberries, blackberries;
  • black currants, red grapes;
  • tomatoes;
  • chokeberry;
  • bananas;
  • pomegranate;
  • apples;
  • prunes.

The cause of black stool in an adult may also be due to certain meat products. Capable of coloring:

  • blood sausage (blood sausage);
  • liver;
  • meat products with blood inclusions.

Feces may stain some medications. You only need to see a doctor if the black stool is liquid; if it is of normal consistency, there is no need to panic. A common case is black feces after activated carbon. You may notice black poop when taking medications that cause stomach bleeding or are fortified with iron. In addition, black feces are normally found when taking the following medications:

  • aspirin;
  • de nol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • anemia medications;
  • vitamin complexes with iron;
  • heartburn remedies;
  • some sorbents.

If you are sure that food and medications have not stained your stool, then it is time to think about visiting a doctor. Dark stool in adults can be caused by the following diseases:

  • internal bleeding (usually in the stomach);
  • development of ulcers;
  • cancer;
  • dilation of the esophageal veins;
  • plague;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • leukemia;
  • Crohn's disease in the intestines;
  • hookworm disease;
  • gastritis;
  • cirrhosis or liver cancer;
  • gastroenteritis.

In children

There is no need to worry when you see black-green loose stool in a newborn baby. Original feces (meconium) consist of epithelial cells, bile, amniotic fluid, mucus and prenatal hair digested in the womb. Meconium is passed 2-3 days after birth. In older children, black stool can be caused by the popular dietary supplement Hematogen; it is used to prevent anemia.

A change in the color of excrement to black can occur when switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding (baby cereal or regular food). Infant formulas may contain iron, which causes stool to become colored. All foods that cause discoloration in adults cause the same reaction in children. If the child feels well, eats and sleeps well, there is no need to worry. If you have fever, nausea or vomiting, consult a doctor immediately.

In women during pregnancy

The “interesting position” itself does not cause a change in the color of the feces. The causes of black stool in a woman during pregnancy lie in vitamins, or more precisely, in their excessive amounts. Expectant mothers eat fruits and berries in quantities unusual for the body. If anemia occurs during pregnancy, the stool becomes colored due to the iron supplement that is used to overcome the disease.

In older people

The most common cause of black stool in older people is taking medications. Coloring occurs when taking vitamin complexes with iron. In this case, there is no need to interrupt the course of treatment. When taking activated carbon, the stool may change color and retain a liquid consistency - do not be alarmed. Taking Denol also leads to changes in the color of feces.

In old age, a change in the color of feces to black can occur in two more cases, both are considered normal. The body of a bedridden patient adapts to the lack of activity by slowing down metabolism. As a result, the stool changes color to black. This happens if internal organs gradually stop working. Then the stool becomes liquid and black, this indicates a probable imminent death.

Causes of black stool during pregnancy

The goal of every normal mother is to bear and raise a healthy child. The state of health of the mother, especially in the first stages of fetal development, greatly influences the development and health of the child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor all changes in your body. Black feces are quite common in pregnant women. However, pregnancy is not the cause of its appearance. In principle, it cannot influence the darkening of feces.

The most common cause of black stool in pregnant women does not always lie in the development of any disease. Mothers carrying a child consume large amounts of vitamin complexes, fruits and vegetables rich in iron and other nutrients that help cause darkening of poop. If this is not the reason, then most likely it is caused by an illness. Perhaps you previously had any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or a number of other chronic diseases that are in remission. In any case, pregnancy is not the time when you can look for reasons on the Internet. Expectant mothers - run to the doctor!!!

Surgical interventions

Why else can an adult have black stool? The reasons may lie in surgical or diagnostic procedures performed on the intestines or stomach. In this case, a change in the color of feces will also indicate the development of internal bleeding. It is no coincidence that patients, even after simple surgical interventions, must remain under medical supervision in a hospital setting for some time.

Black stool immediately after surgery against the background of the patient’s relatively normal condition (taking into account the manipulations performed) should not be a reason for panic. Immediate treatment should be given if black stool is passed a few days after surgery. There is reason to panic if additional symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting are present. Internal bleeding can be quickly stopped if qualified medical personnel are nearby.

The day after tooth extraction, black feces are also normal. Why does this phenomenon occur? The dark color of the feces is due to the fact that the patient swallowed blood during dental procedures. In this case, the stool should return in a few days, there is no cause for concern.

Black feces in children

In most cases, the appearance of black poop in a child does not indicate problems in the functioning of his body. Young mothers are shocked when they see black poop on their baby. This is a fairly common situation. Newborns often have black and sticky stools, also called meconium. Such feces consist of mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, digested epithelial cells and water - this consistency gives them a dark color. In the first days of a newborn's life, such poop is normal and after a while your child's stool will normalize and become mustard-colored.

The formation of black feces in infants is influenced by feeding formulas that contain large amounts of iron and other vitamins.

In adulthood, black feces in children is not normal. As we already wrote above, there are two main reasons - diseases or side effects of foods, vitamins or medications. Check your child’s diet or immediately consult a doctor, since diseases in childhood progress much faster and, due to untimely treatment, will continue to haunt him throughout his life.

As you can see, black shit has a dual character. On the one hand, such changes in color indicate quite serious things, and on the other hand, about the harmless consequences of the food eaten. In any case, pay attention to the color of your feces, as well as other changes occurring in your body. In addition to the color of the stool, do not forget to check other criteria such as shape, size and smell. A site about poop is live, we wish you strong brown stools and relief!

What foods make stool black?

In the body of any person throughout life, biochemical reactions occur aimed at converting food into energy. Some substances are converted into others. So, after eating delicious dishes, feces enter the intestines, the color of which directly depends on the composition of the food.

In a healthy state, black feces may well appear in an adult. The reasons for this will be the use of coloring products. The color of feces almost always changes when consuming foods containing animal blood. These are blood sausage, liver, and some types of meat. Black stool can also be observed with excessive consumption of coffee or strong tea. The following plant products can also stain feces: red beets, tomatoes, grapes, blueberries, pomegranates, prunes, chokeberries.

If the feces turn black and the person feels great, there is no reason to panic. All you need to do is observe the condition of your stool after changing your diet. If the color is restored, it means the digestive system is functioning correctly. But the presence of black feces for several days is a reason to seek help.

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