Stress as a psychosomatic risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in young and middle-aged patients. Interview with E.S. Akarachkova and O.V. Kotova

Work that requires complete dedication, household chores and caring for family, communication with friends and family, visiting beauty salons and fitness centers in order to maintain beauty and health. And most of us try to do all this in 24 hours a day. As a result, we experience stress.

It is very important to recognize stress in time. It is important to know yourself and be able to determine when your level is beyond your limits, because you can get used to stress and make it part of you. It can become normal and you won't even notice how harmful it can affect you. Stress will not only make you feel like life is meaningless, but it will also increase your risk of various diseases.

What is stress

Stress is a completely normal response of the body to overwork or threat. At the same time, the body tries to resist in every possible way, as a result of which we suffer. When this protection works normally, it helps a person to be cheerful, energetic, concentrated and on a pedestal. But stress often has a detrimental effect on our mental and physical health.

how to relieve stress

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Stress is a long-term, continuous, depressing emotional tension. When growing multitasking does not allow you to relax for a minute. When you constantly need to look for solutions, here and now. When everything seems global and urgent.

Reduce stress

Patient data provided by Dr. Edd Hanzelik

A patient named Sam, fifty-two years old, was a prime example of a man who believed stress was a necessary component of success, but stress was killing him. Finally, at the urging of his wife and friends, Sam made an appointment with us. He experienced many physical symptoms of the disorder, including headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, sometimes vomiting, and feeling lightheaded and shaking. Sam admitted that he put off going to the doctor because he was afraid that he would be diagnosed with cancer or even a brain tumor. I took a whole series of tests from Sam, conducted a thorough examination of the patient and did not reveal a single disease.

“Why do I feel so bad, but all the tests are normal?” - Sam was perplexed. When I suggested that stress might be causing his symptoms, he became surprised and defensive.

Like many hard-working businessmen, Sam saw stress as an integral part of work life and thought he could handle it well. his work was related to the provision of business services in the aerospace industry; it was very difficult, required long hours of work and was associated with constant ups and downs, but this was how Sam made a living. In some ways, he was more afraid of losing the “competitive advantage of stress” than the symptoms he was experiencing. I've heard about this before. Some of our patients even describe themselves as “adrenaline junkies,” arguing that if they don't have to deal with significant stress at work, they aren't trying hard enough.

However, the human body is not designed to adapt to chronic stress. The defense mechanism provides a vital innate physiological response to emergency situations - a response necessary for survival. but stress should not be constant. When this mechanism is triggered, a chemical imbalance occurs, and if homeostasis is not restored after some time, this will have an extremely negative impact on the physical, psychological, emotional and social state of a person.

Through coaching, Sam learned that stress did not provide him with any competitive advantage and that the opposite of stress is not a relaxed, lazy leisurely pace, but resilience and stability in the face of inevitable upheaval in his personal and work life. Over time, Sam came to accept that stress was having a very negative impact on his ability to function successfully, and he became more willing to explore how a person could maintain peace and well-being regardless of what was happening around him. “I've learned that sometimes you have to say no,” Sam admitted. “I stopped constantly beating myself up for not doing things faster or better, and now accept that my work has no meaning if I don’t enjoy it.” This realization was a significant breakthrough for Sam and had a very positive effect on his health.

Through practice, we learned that most often stress is caused by the desire to adapt to unreasonable external pressure at all costs, contrary to one’s own needs. and often this stress is the most harmful. Such adaptation may seem insignificant and even quite normal, but in the end it leads to exhaustion of the body, which, in turn, invariably leads to disease. That's why the first thing we try to do is ask our new patients how hard they are doing at work.

It didn't surprise me at all that Sam's symptoms began to improve as his anxiety and stress decreased. Just understanding this fact can have a powerful effect. However, understanding and acceptance is only the first step. It takes a lot of effort to get rid of stress, and now it was up to Sam whether he decided to work in this direction.

Signs and symptoms of stress

Each person experiences stress differently. The common thing about the symptoms of stress is that it affects our mind, body and behavior. A person becomes aggressive, has a bad mood, suicidal thoughts in his head, and very often, due to nervous disorders, gets sick.

After stress, an individual becomes overly emotional and cannot sit still. Or, on the contrary, too self-contained, silent, distant, passive, unemotional. The person seems to be paralyzed by stress and at the same time seething inside. Here are a few signs of stress in a person:

  • inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • inability to prioritize – everything seems important;
  • irritability, anxiety, anger at the slightest reason;
  • sleep problems (long periods of falling asleep, insomnia);
  • sudden opposite emotions (laughter, tears for no particular reason);
  • problems with appetite;
  • chronic fatigue that does not go away even after sleep.

Can stress be positive?

STRESS! This is a word that makes each of us shrink into a ball, something inside sank, and it becomes simply impossible to imagine that stress also has a positive component.

So, stress... What do we know about it?

  • stress lowers mood;
  • stress leads to diseases;
  • stress provokes depression;
  • stress unsettles you;
  • stress “freezes” all feelings except one: fear.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but in the end we will get despondency and blues, and nothing more? What can be changed in this situation?

It turns out that stress can not only paralyze a person’s will and cause a bunch of negative emotions and pressures, stress can also motivate. How?

  • with the help of stress you begin to work more efficiently and successfully;
  • with the help of stress, all human organs are mobilized;
  • stress drives us forward, because... our subconscious cannot just leave this situation, it will look for opportunities for balance so that we can feel calmer.

It turns out that, in addition to negative qualities, stress and stressful situations have quite remarkable properties: they motivate a person to fulfill his ultimate goals. But not everyone can use this opportunity. Our task is to learn to use stress for your benefit. Read about the causes of stress... you can add your own cause of stress in the comments.

Consequences of constant stress

  1. Heart attacks . Stress leads to increased blood pressure. Every time you get stressed, your blood pressure goes up. In addition to this, your blood flow also increases significantly, which leads to the release of triglycerides and cholesterol into the blood. People who smoke and are obese are also at higher risk of serious heart problems.
  2. Choking . Children who are regularly stressed are at higher risk of developing respiratory diseases such as asthma. Studies in children have shown that stress can significantly worsen asthma. There is also evidence to suggest that chronic stress in parents can negatively impact the health of their children.
  3. Gastritis . Some people with chronic stress suffer from gastritis, which further complicates their condition. Stress-induced gastritis, also known as stress-related erosive syndrome, can cause superficial hemorrhages and mucosal erosion in patients who are seriously ill and in people exposed to stress.

Causes of stress

Of course, it’s difficult to say that we welcome stress. But without them - nowhere. And here’s the thing: it’s unlikely that any of you, when you hear the word “stress,” think of an association with a phone ringing or a request from a random passerby. But the thing is that this type of stress is called “episodic”, and does not fit in with the depressing feeling that the harsh and biting word “stress” evokes in us.

What are the causes of stress?

Each specific case will have its own reason, but nevertheless, there is a list of reasons that sooner or later happen to any of us:

  • perfectionism: you want to do everything at the highest level... but it doesn’t always work out;
  • lack of time;
  • stupor, stagnation of thought;
  • sudden change of plans;
  • obstacles and difficulties along the way;
  • personal problems interfere with the progress of an urgent or important matter;
  • malaise, resulting in reluctance to continue the business;
  • lack of information about the essence of what is happening;
  • surprise.

This list can be continued, but the essence of the cause of stress comes down to the fact that the load that falls on your shoulders becomes unbearable, and stress begins its slow but sure work. The first signs of stress appear, which our body will not be slow to reproduce:

  • panic attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nervousness;
  • fatigue.

If this happens infrequently, such conditions can be resisted, but if this happens regularly, then only stress relief techniques can help.

How to relieve stress: ways to deal with stress

It is very important not to lose composure and control. Manage your emotions using the following methods. Start in order:

  1. Take a moment, sit down . Ask yourself about the importance of the problem that is gnawing at the moment. How will its decision or lack of decision affect the situation in 1 year, 5 years? The answer will help you understand the importance of anxiety.
  2. Recording thoughts . Phrases, sentences, individual words - jot everything down on a draft. This will be a distraction during the acute period. Read what you wrote the next day - this way you will understand the significance of the events and the actions taken.
  3. Stimulate your nerves . An effective method is to run your index finger horizontally across your lips. It is based on the physiological response of the parasympathetic nervous system. Quickly and effectively soothes.
  4. Muscle tension . Gather your nerves! Tighten all your muscles, clench your fists, and grit your teeth for 10 seconds. Feel how your body switches and reacts with prolonged relaxation.
  5. Try any classic methods : a walk in the fresh air, relaxation in the bath, herbal tea, gourmet food or delicious chocolate, physical activity, an hour for a hobby, chatting with friends, and so on.
  6. Work on yourself . Try to turn negative into positive. Don't let stress overcome you. Spilled coffee on yourself? Think of a spoiled item as unnecessary, old, inconvenient, ready to be thrown away a long time ago.
  7. Try to interrupt the overwhelming stressful thought . Clap your hands. Say out loud that you will definitely return to her later. Promise yourself to remember the problem at a certain hour.
  8. Be available . Do not turn off communications. Don't ignore other people's attention. On the contrary, run away from the desire to hide from everyone. Chat on social networks. And then have a good cry.

Agree, there is nothing complicated in such techniques. If you turn to them for several days during times of stress, they will definitely help. Even one technique can give the desired effect, if the situation has not become critical.

Getting stress under control will reduce your risks of developing Alzheimer's disease, depression, asthma, gastritis, obesity and heart disease. All it takes is a little joy, treat yourself and relax. Even though you may think it is impossible to completely get rid of stress, small lifestyle changes will definitely improve your condition.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Medical treatments are great for dealing with stress. Of course, the amount of time you can devote to procedures will depend on your schedule and responsibilities. However, even one hour a week spent at the spa can be very beneficial. Most salons offer a calm and relaxing environment, which is exactly what people suffering from extreme stress need. Such procedures also help to lose weight.

To keep stress to a minimum, you should adopt a low-sugar diet. Sugar increases blood glucose levels, which leads to temporary nervousness and anxiety. An excellent alternative to sweet foods such as cookies, candies and cakes - fruits and berries. They contain cortisol, which helps reduce stress.

If you're stressed, your brain and heart suffer

Long-term stress can also damage brain cells, causing you to no longer be able to remember information. The size of brain cells in rats that are placed under stress decreases significantly. This is especially true for the cells of the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory.

Stress disrupts neuroendocrine and immune systems and appears to cause a degenerative process in the brain that can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Stress can also cause weight gain. This is usually associated with an increase in fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is considered the most dangerous due to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

During moments of extreme stress, the body releases hormones such as norepinephrine, which can even cause bacterial biofilms to dissipate from artery walls. Due to this dispersion, plaques from the walls of blood vessels can suddenly detach, which can cause a heart attack.

Additionally, when stress becomes chronic, the immune system becomes more desensitized to cortisol, and since inflammation is partially regulated by cortisol, decreased sensitivity increases the inflammatory response, causing inflammation to get out of control. Chronic inflammation is a characteristic feature of heart disease and many chronic diseases.

Relieving stress: advice from a psychologist

In order to relieve stress, you need to be able to recognize, accept and deal with its causes:

  • Try to react less to minor irritants.
  • Look at the problem as a challenge, a way to become better, more experienced.
  • Accept the things you cannot control.
  • Surround yourself with people with a positive attitude who look at the glass and claim it is half full.
  • Breathe more in the fresh air, do yoga, read a motivational book.
  • Go in for sports, then you will not have time for bad thoughts, plus improve your memory and health.
  • Get enough sleep, listen to rhythmic music and spend time with loved ones.
  • Give yourself a hobby.

The Role of Aromatherapy in Stress Management

No matter how sophisticated the advertising in the media becomes, no matter how the doctors - representatives of traditional medicine - insist, no matter how familiar sedatives are praised, excuse me, but I will not believe in their miraculous powers.

I am against chemicals, especially those whose purpose is to influence brain function. They may be able to relieve stress for a short time by slowing down the work of the central nervous system, but they cannot cure the causes of stress, as well as its consequences. The illusion is created that they actually help, but each time you swallow larger and larger doses until you become an addict.

Nature has created many means with which a person can recover, become healthy, and relieve stress. And for this you don’t need to swallow handfuls of sedatives.

One such remedy is aromatherapy. Psychological stress is not a disease, but a condition whose potential can be turned into a positive one.

The following scents will help you relieve stress:

lavender; chamomile oil; bergamot; the smell of neroli.

Citrus scents lift your spirits well:

limonella; orange.

You just need to put a few drops in a cup of water and put it in the aroma lamp. The smell of oil is easily absorbed by the human body, entering not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the pores of the skin.

Aromatherapy is a simple but very effective stress reliever. It seems to me that every home should have such a lamp, because natural medicines are more effective and of high quality than the most expensive medicines.

But, of course, there is no need for fanaticism. If you have specific health problems, you need to contact a specialist. All alternative treatment methods and alternative medicine are more suitable for people whose goal is health prevention or for those who clearly understand the cause of the disease.

All illnesses begin with stress, so our main goal is to learn how to manage stress.

Exercises to relieve stress

These exercises help relieve muscle tension and improve your emotional state. Thanks to this, they promote restful and sound sleep. And good sleep is the key to good morning well-being, good health and beauty.

  • Exercise 1 . Sit on the floor with your legs wide apart. Look at your left foot. Place the palm of your right hand on your left side. Taking a deep breath, raise your left hand, exhaling, move it to the right. Repeat the exercise with your right hand.
  • Exercise 2 . Bend one leg under you. Exhaling, bend towards the extended leg, trying to reach its foot as much as possible. Repeat the exercise, changing legs.
  • Exercise 3 . Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, clasping them with both hands. To better stretch and relax your muscles, gently rock back and forth.
  • Exercise 4 . Lying on your back, cross your left leg bent at the knee over your right and press it to the floor with your right hand. Repeat the exercise, changing legs.

Child education

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Fun, everyday activities that will help you and your child quietly de-stress.

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Let's face it: life is full of stress. Parents often feel anxious and overworked. Children these days are also more stressed than ever before. Let's look at a few activities that parents can do with their children to relax, disconnect from problems and regain strength.

1. Look at old photos

Sit on the couch and look at old family photo albums. Talk with your child about what events and people are depicted in the photographs. Tell your child your family history.

2. Meditate with your child

If you have not practiced meditation before, follow the video tutorials. Lie on the floor or just take a comfortable position, close your eyes and turn on relaxing music. Let your mind relax. After meditation, discuss this experience with your child.

3. Play board or card games

Nothing helps relieve stress like playing games with friends. Play the board games your child loves most.

4. Fly a kite

If the weather permits, fly a kite with your child. This is a very fun activity. You can buy a kite at a toy store or make one with your child yourself.

5. Draw with pencils

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Also give your child paper and pencil. Draw a picture. You can also borrow a drawing tutorial from the library to try new techniques. After this, discuss with your child what worked and what didn’t. Decorate your children's room with drawings.

6. Read

Choose a book with your child and read it out loud. Little children love when their parents read to them. While reading, pause and ask your child questions. You can also invite your child to read to himself for a while, and then discuss what he read.

7. Look at the sky

Go out into nature with your child. Lie down on the grass and look at the sky. Look at the clouds and say what they look like. Teach your child about the types of clouds and what they mean. In the evening, look at the stars and look for constellations. Tell your child about astrology and how in ancient times the stars showed people the way.

8. Garden

Even small children love to work in the garden. In summer, take your child with you to the garden or just care for indoor plants. Tell your child what photosynthesis is and how healthy plant foods are. Also explain which insects are most commonly found in the garden. Take care of indoor plants in winter. Do a science project with your child: measure the growth of a plant every day or count the days until a plant blooms.

9. Summarize the day

At the end of the day, talk to your child about what difficulties he faced during the day, and what, on the contrary, was fun. This is a good way to maintain a close connection with him and stay updated on his affairs. Talking about your day with someone who will listen carefully is a good way to cope with stress.

10. Do yoga

If you don't know how to do yoga exercises, use training videos from the Internet. Yoga is a unique stress reliever. Numerous studies confirm its beneficial effects on human health.

11. Watch a movie

Prepare some popcorn, grab a blanket, get comfortable and turn on a movie. This will help you temporarily forget about worries, problems and just relax.

12. Paint a picture

Painting is a good way to relax and focus on the present moment. There are many ways to paint, from painting with watercolors on paper, which is suitable for young children, to painting on canvas, for older children. To learn the basics of painting, you can use video tutorials from the Internet. If you don't like painting pictures, you can just paint something. Monotonous movements with a brush will have a meditative effect on you.

13. Go for a bike ride

Biking as a family can help you strengthen your bond with your loved ones. Plus, physical activity is a great way to unwind and get a good dose of endorphins. Spend time with your family and improve your health at the same time.

14. Prepare a bath for your baby

A hot bath is a good stress reliever. A small child can be allowed to take a few toys with him into the bath. For older children, you can light candles or play soft music to create a relaxing atmosphere. To engage your baby's senses, you can use bubble bath or scented oils.

15. Play with your child in a “continued story”

Sit back and tell your child a story. The essence of the game is that you must start the story by identifying the main character (for example: “On a dark night, a woman walked down the steps of her old house, which stood in the middle of the city. Suddenly she heard a noise...”). Then the child must continue the story. Continue the game until you run out of ideas. The more people take part in the game, the more interesting the story will be.

16. Create an applique

Making appliqués from thick colored paper is a fun activity that children enjoy and helps them relax. Cut pieces of colored paper. Take a sheet of white paper and glue. Glue pieces of paper onto a sheet of paper and create a real work of art.

17. Keep a diary

Take some time before bed to write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences for the day. This is a good way to relieve stress and deal with problems that are bothering you. By rereading journals you kept many years ago, you will see how your worldview has changed over the years.

18. Play bowling

Bowling is a good way to let off steam. For children who do not yet have good playing skills, you can raise the sides at the edges of the lanes to make it easier for them to knock down the pins.

19. Listen to music

Take a break from your work, sit down and listen to music. If you and your child have different musical tastes, you can listen to music on headphones. This will help you relax. Share your favorite songs with each other. If the child is small, dance with him.

20. Watch the birds

Go to the library with your child and study what birds are found in your area. Then watch them. In winter, watch birds from the window using binoculars.

21. Play billiards

Playing billiards helps you relax. During the game, you can chat and discuss what happened during the day. Now in every city you can find a billiard hall with low prices.

22. Blow bubbles

This activity is a lot of fun even for older children. Count how many bubbles you can blow at once, how many of them will burst before they reach the ground. For even more fun, you can involve your pet in the game.

23. Make a collage

Take old magazines and make a collage out of them. Decorate your child's room or your child's locker in kindergarten with it.

24. Bake something delicious with your child

Bake cupcakes or a cake with your child. Cooking is a fun, easy and inexpensive activity that allows you to relax and do something with your child.

25. Take a walk

Walk in nature and enjoy the surrounding scenery. Physical activity will help you feel better, and a leisurely pace will clear your mind.

26. Put together puzzles

Spend the evening putting together puzzles with your child. This is a good opportunity to chat with him and share your thoughts.

27. Sit near the fire

During the warm season, spend time with your child sitting by the fire. Fire creates a cozy and meditative atmosphere.

28. Play with pets

If you have a cat or dog at home, you certainly know how fun it is to play with them. The game where the cat tries to catch the light of the flashlight will bring you a lot of fun.

29. Carve from wood

If your child is old enough to use a knife, teach him to carve wood figures. Give your child a knife and a thick stick, ask him to cut out a figurine of an animal, a person, or something else.

30. Color

Young children love to color pictures, although older children may also enjoy this activity. Take markers or colored pencils. If you don't have a coloring book at hand, you can print out pictures from the Internet.

31. Ride a horse

Horseback riding helps you relax and have fun. Find out if your city has a racetrack or other place where you can ride horses.

32. Try a new activity

Find an interesting activity that you have never tried before. Discover something new.

33. Build a model car or plane

Prefabricated models are inexpensive and allow you to relax. In toy stores you can find many models of varying complexity.

34. Play computer games with your child

Computer games bring you a lot of fun and allow you to relax. If you don't have a gaming console at home, you can play online games on the Internet.

35. Call a friend

Call your close friend - this will help you regain strength and perk up. Stay in touch, share your experiences, remember fun moments.

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Related links:

  • ▶ How to help your child cope with stress
  • ▶ How to help a teenager cope with stress
  • ▶ Raising psychologically stable children
  • ▶ Formation of positive thinking in children
  • ▶ More articles about raising children

Child development 12/14/2017

Evening yoga for stress

If you like yoga, two simple poses will allow you to achieve complete relaxation and help you calm down after a busy day.

  • Pose 1 . Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place your hands on your knees. Try to focus all your attention on the pose you have taken. The base of the spine should be as close to the floor as possible, and the head should be raised high. Imagine that your spine is stretching.
  • Pose 2 . Lying on your back with your legs wide apart, place your hands, palms up, about 15 cm from your torso. Slowly rotate your limbs, first outward, then inward. Turn your head from side to side. Imagine that your legs are separated at the knee joints, that your head is separated from your shoulders. Breathe with your stomach, imagine that you are being pressed to the floor by the force of gravity and with each inhalation it becomes stronger and stronger.

Methods for relieving stress in the workplace. Stress Relief Techniques

Typically, relieving stress in a person is associated with the use of special medications - antidepressants, but in fact, you can get rid of this condition with simpler actions. Some of these ways to relieve stress include:

  • Laughter therapy;
  • Creative activities;
  • Communication with people;
  • Any types of physical activity;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Healthy sleep;
  • Soothing music;
  • Yoga;
  • Meditation;
  • Self-affirmation.

A practice developed by yogis – laughter therapy – is a great way to cope with OSA. The creators claim that by laughing for a few minutes every day, you can not only get rid of bad mood and depression, but also from many diseases. Watching comedies, reading humorous works, and hanging out with positive people are effective ways to relieve psychological stress.

Creative activities - be it drawing, playing musical instruments, singing, practicing decoupage or papier-mâché techniques - also effectively help combat this condition.

The emergence of irritability and feelings of anxiety often push a person into reclusion. The desire to retire and separate from the outside world, in particular from the immediate environment, is all a product of depression. When you find yourself in such a situation, the best option for relieving psychological stress and getting rid of such oppressive feelings is to establish social contacts. By turning to friends and family members, telling them about your problems and receiving support from others, a person stops feeling lonely, distracted and reacts less painfully to stressful situations.

Some people, especially those in the stages of resistance and exhaustion, require psychological counseling. Typically, at such sessions, clients are provided with emergency psychological assistance, prescribed medication, and recommended to independently practice the above methods of stress relief.

For those who for some reason cannot overcome themselves and engage in sports, creativity or establishing social contacts, there is another way of relaxation - music to relieve stress. These can be compositions of various musical styles - encouraging, relaxing, non-stressful melodies - the main thing is that they are not in a minor mode and do not remind of sad events. In some cases, with constant emotional restraint, psychologists recommend, on the contrary, listening to sad music or watching a sad movie, which gives the opportunity to release emotions through tears.


By performing voluntary dance movements, we release the tension that has accumulated during the day. Be relaxed and move slowly, making movements that you enjoy.

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

Let the music sound inside you. Belly dancing, for example, is a great at-home fitness activity that can help relieve stress.

Basic means of combating free radicals

Oxidative stress, unfortunately, often goes unnoticed for a long time, but, fortunately, it can be easily overcome with the help of antioxidants, which are very beneficial for the body.

In particular, we recommend the following natural free radical defenses:

  • A diet based on fruits and vegetables , especially tomatoes (contain lycopene), citrus and kiwi fruits (contain vitamin C), oil seeds (contain vitamin E), red fruits (containing anthocyanins, polyphenols and flavonoids), orange-colored fruits and vegetables such as apricots and carrots (contains carotene).
  • Pharmaceutical supplements based on herbs (extracts of various plants), among which we recommend taking complexes containing flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins and carotenoids.
  • Pharmaceutical vitamin and mineral supplements , specifically multivitamin complexes containing vitamins A, C and E, minerals such as zinc, magnesium and selenium.
  • Supplement with omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which can also be obtained from oily fish.
  • Supplements with glutathione and coenzyme Q10 are natural antioxidants that are also synthesized within the body.

In any case, before you start taking any supplements, it is strongly recommended that you consult your doctor to determine the most appropriate therapy for you.

But, to tell the truth, the well-known principle - “prevention is better than cure” - is absolutely true when it comes to fighting free radicals.

Prevention of oxidative stress

The best way to avoid suffering from oxidative stress is through prevention by creating and maintaining a strong antioxidant barrier.

In particular, we must avoid oxidizing agents and follow the following rules:

  • Lead an active lifestyle, give up a sedentary lifestyle, which contributes to weight gain.
  • Playing sports, but without fanaticism, is enough 2-3 times a week or 30-40 minutes a day of walking at a fast pace.
  • Follow a healthy diet including red fruits, tomatoes, carrots, citrus fruits, kiwi, spinach; to this should be added fatty fish, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and oilseeds, and all foods containing antioxidant substances (vitamin K, C, E, polyphenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids, resveratrol, carotene and lycopene).
  • Avoid excess alcohol and cigarette smoke, as both substances contribute to the formation of free radicals.
  • When in the sun during the hottest hours of the day, be sure to use sunscreen creams to avoid damaging the structure of your skin cells.
  • Do not overuse diagnostic tests such as x-rays and CT scans, as they can accelerate oxidation processes.
  • Keep your blood sugar levels under control (causes oxidative stress), eliminate sweets, sugary drinks, candies, etc., and replace them with whole grains and low glycemic index foods.
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