Skinoren gel reviews and recommendations for use.

Acne and other inflammatory processes on the face are always a nuisance that should be dealt with. For this purpose, a wide variety of products are used, including creams, mash, lotions, etc. However, not every product can help get rid of acne, age spots, and acne. The Skinoren series of drugs has long been used as part of the local treatment of inflammatory skin processes, as a result of which drugs of this type have become one of the most popular tools for treating problem skin.

  • Composition of Skinoren cream
  • Action and indications for use
  • Instructions for use for acne and age spots
  • Use during pregnancy and lactation
  • Contraindications
  • Analogues of the drug
  • What is better to choose: Skinoren cream or gel?
  • Photos before and after using Skinoren cream
  • Reviews

Composition of Skinoren cream

Skinoren cream, being a complex-action cosmetic product, has a rather modest composition, the main component of which is azelaic acid. This substance belongs to the class of carboxylic acids, due to which it is considered a unique component that provides effective treatment for acne and post-acne. It is thanks to the unique properties of the acid that only one cosmetic product, represented by a cream or gel, can replace a whole arsenal of all kinds of skin care and protecting products.

It is important to note that the proportions of azelaic acid in the cream and gel are different. In addition, Skinoren contains other components, thanks to which the product has the corresponding potential. Among these components it is necessary to highlight:

  • benzoic acid;
  • glycerols and fatty acids contained in coconut oil;
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • glycerol;
  • water;
  • propylene glycol, etc.

Skinoren gel reviews and recommendations for use.

There is probably not a person in the world who does not experience skin problems and does not know what acne is... It is especially unpleasant when they appear at the most inopportune moment. And how many problems arise in getting rid of acne! How can this problem be solved? You need to take good care of your skin. Skinoren acne gel can help with this.

How does this drug work? Skinoren gel reviews has a systemic effect on bacteria that cause pimples and acne.

Azelaic acid, which is part of skinoren, affects the cause of acne and eliminates inflammation.

Skinoren gel reviews not only fights existing acne, but also reduces skin oiliness, thereby preventing the appearance of new acne. Skinoren acne gel has an antibacterial effect, eliminates inflammation and hyperpigmentation. The first improvements occur after using Skinoren gel reviews for two to four weeks; to consolidate the effect, you must use the drug for at least 10 weeks.

Skinoren is available in the form of cream and gel. Don't know what is better: skinoren cream or gel? There are no significant differences between them, it’s just that the cream has a denser texture than the gel, so the cream is recommended for normal and dry skin, while the gel is more suitable for people with oily and problematic skin. Therefore, choose skinoren cream or gel according to your skin type.

Like any drug, skinoren has a number of contraindications. You should not use Skinoren if you have sensitive skin or an allergic reaction to any component of this gel. To check if you are having an allergic reaction, apply a small amount to an area of ​​skin. An allergic reaction may occur within 24 hours.

A side effect of the first use of Skinoren may be itching, slight redness, peeling and burning. This only indicates that the drug is starting to work, so these symptoms should not scare you. In the future, these symptoms will disappear and you will not experience any discomfort. But, of course, if the itching and redness does not go away for quite a long time, then you should stop using Skinoren.

How to use Skinoren gel? This drug is very easy to use. First, you need to cleanse your face with some neutral product and wipe dry with a napkin, blotting your face. Do not rub your face under any circumstances, you can damage the delicate skin of your face. Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of product. Then apply the product to the problem area with light circular movements. A large amount of product is not required; the main thing here is targeted application to problem areas of the skin. It is recommended to use the product twice a day: morning and evening. If you have very sensitive skin, use Skinoren only once a day.

Skinoren gel consumer reviews can be read on a specialized forum to ensure the effectiveness of this drug. If you still have doubts, consult a dermatologist who will determine the degree of problem of your skin and give recommendations on the use of the drug.

Skinoren can be used for a long time, as long as you see fit. The drug has virtually no odor and goes well with any cosmetics, in particular decorative ones. In addition, thanks to its light texture, it can be used at any time of the year.

If you have problem skin, acne often appears, and you want to have beautiful, healthy, clean skin, then be sure to try Skinoren. And your skin will glow with health and beauty.

Action and indications for use

Skinoren is a non-hormonal cream that is used to treat various cosmetic abnormalities that occur on the skin. The main indications for use of the product are problematic skin with impaired subcutaneous sebum production. The main problems that the drug will help solve are: acne, spots and marks left after acne, as well as freckles, skin pigmentation, etc.

The peculiarity of the action of azelaic acid is that this substance normalizes the acid-base balance of the skin, leveling its pH to normal. In addition, with the help of acid you can qualitatively change the enzymatic composition of the secretion secreted by the skin pores. In other words, the substance changes the component composition of sebum, making it more acidic, which is why bacteria that enter the pores die. This is where the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect of the drug lies.

It is important to note that the product reduces the sensitivity of the skin to light and protects it from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In this regard, the cream can be used as a day cream, increasing skin immunity and improving its barrier properties, including photosensitization of the dermis.

Mode of application


Before using the drug, you must first wash the problem area or clean it with a cosmetic and let it dry. The instructions for use recommend applying Skinoren cream in sufficient quantities (for example, strips 2.5 cm long are enough to treat the skin of the face). After spreading over the surface, the cream should be gently rubbed in to facilitate penetration into the layers of the dermis.

Improvement in skin condition is achieved only with regular application of the medicine. The duration of therapy is determined by a dermatologist depending on the severity of the pathology and the area of ​​the lesion. As a rule, several months of treatment with Skinoren acne cream are required to eliminate acne.

If the remedy is prescribed for melasma, then therapy will take at least 3 months. During the treatment course, it is important to protect the skin from UV radiation. Therefore, in order not to provoke hyperpigmentation or exacerbation of the disease, before going outside it is recommended to additionally use cosmetics with UV-B and UV-A filters.


The product is approved for use from 12 years of age. The gel is applied to pre-washed and dry skin twice a day; for better adhesion to the skin, it should be rubbed in gently. The amount of the drug used is similar to the cream - 2.5 cm strips of gel to treat the entire surface of the face.

The duration of therapy is determined individually. You should expect the first visible signs of improvement after a month of regular treatment. It takes several months to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.

During treatment with the gel there is no need to protect the skin from sunlight and UV radiation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Special studies of the properties of the substances of the drug have not been carried out, so there is no reliable data on the effects of Skinoren gel or cream during pregnancy. For this reason, you should use the acne remedy with caution and with the consent of your doctor. Considering that the fetus is especially vulnerable during early pregnancy, the possibility of using Skinoren must be discussed with a doctor.

During lactation, the anti-acne product should be used with caution, avoiding the baby's contact with the medicine. It is highly undesirable to apply the product to the mammary gland area.

Instructions for use for acne and age spots

Skinoren cream is a product that promotes qualitative changes in the skin when used for therapeutic purposes. It is important to understand that the drug is not an express treatment product that immediately dries out or eliminates acne - it’s not like that. The cream can be an excellent local cosmetic preparation, the systemic use of which can get rid of the existing problem.

To achieve the desired result, it is important to use the ointment in courses that correspond to the level of complexity of the therapeutic process. For example, the course of treatment for acne lasts from four months, and for age spots and freckles from six months. For this reason, you should not expect instant results, since positive changes can only be felt after time. How to apply the ointment will be discussed further.

The composition should be applied topically, distributing it in a thin layer over the entire face - you will not feel any discomfort, since the cream is well absorbed and does not leave marks on the face. You need to resort to the procedure every day every morning for the first few months. After the changes have begun and the condition of the integument has improved significantly, you can proceed to maintenance therapy, according to which the ointment is applied twice a week in the morning.

Application of funds

Skinoren drugs are most often used in the treatment of acne and acne, as well as rosacea. The products are especially effective for preventing the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Instructions for using any form of Skinoren are very simple:

  1. Preparing the skin for the procedure by cleansing (mild detergent or cosmetic).
  2. After the moisture has dried, the gel or cream is applied, lightly rubbing, in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.
  3. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap.

For a sustainable result, it is desirable that the course of treatment be at least 3 months, but the results of use are noticeable after 3-4 weeks. The procedures are carried out 2 times a day, usually in the morning and before bedtime. The possibility of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should be taken into account. The dosage and duration of use are determined individually by the attending cosmetologist. Exceeding the amount may reduce the effect of application. Inadmissible contact of drugs with mucous membranes and eyes is eliminated by rinsing with running water.

The choice of dosage form depends on the type of skin pathology and skin type. For oily skin, it is better to use a gel, and for dry and normal skin, a cream. Skinoren cream is optimal for course therapy of hyperpigmentation, acne and seborrheic dermatitis, as confirmed by patient reviews. However, the versatility of the therapeutic effect of the drugs allows the use of any form for the treatment of skin diseases. The course of treatment should be at least a month.

As reviews show, Skinoren gel is most effective in the treatment of acne and rosacea. This dosage form has a faster effect because, due to its consistency, it penetrates the skin faster. The gel can be applied once a day, so it is ideal for maintaining a positive result in the treatment of the above diseases. To treat acne and pimples, the combined use of drugs is very often practiced. Courses of therapy can be repeated, if necessary, at intervals of 1-2 months. For hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to carry out repeated preventive courses of treatment using additional sunscreens.

Azelaic acid preparations are effective, but other agents are usually used for basic treatment of a specific skin disease. Medicines based on retinoids show the best effect on acne, and products with benzoyl peroxide are indispensable for treating acne. Skinoren combines perfectly with basic medications, enhancing their effectiveness and accelerating the healing process.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Scientists studying the effect of the cream on the human body received data according to which the active substances of the product are not able to penetrate the blood. Azelaic acid penetrates only into the deep layers of the skin, where inflammation and functional changes in the integumentary tissue are treated. In this regard, it can be argued that the ointment does not have a negative effect on either the pregnant girl or the fetus. Thus, it can be successfully used both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Analogues of the drug

Two types of drug analogues can be distinguished: these are products based on the same active ingredient (azelaic acid) and products with a similar effect on the skin. Thus, the composition closest to Skinoren cream can be called Skinoklir and the cheaper Azelik gel. Klindes, Klenzit-S and Resorcinol creams, based on other active ingredients, have a similar effect.

Treatment effectiveness

Dermatologists confirm the excellent results achieved through the use of the drug. The main active ingredient is azelaic acid. The product has a whitening effect on skin affected by pigmentation, while the acid does not affect healthy areas of the skin. Among other things, the acid has a normalizing effect on the production of melanin in dermal cells, therefore the reappearance of pigment is excluded.

Instructions for the use of Taktivin injections and analogues

Fact! Gel and cream help get rid of pimples, acne, eliminate small traces of acne, and even out skin tone.

What is better to choose: Skinoren cream or gel?

A product called Skinoren is widely known for its effect on acne and other skin rashes, and when purchasing, many do not pay attention to the exact form in which they purchase the drug. Many people believe that cream and gel are absolutely the same thing, but these forms have their own differences, and in order to choose the right product for a specific problem, it is better to know what exactly the difference is.

It is worth immediately noting that the properties of both forms are the same, there are differences in the indications for use. Thus, the gel works more actively and quickly in case of severe inflammatory processes compared to the cream, although the second product gives a good result, but in such a situation more slowly. The cream's indications for use include melasma - increased pigmentation, which is caused by acne.

It is important to understand the differences in product consistencies. Thus, the cream is more suitable for dry and sensitive skin, as it has a softer, more gentle effect. For oily skin types, the cream form may be too thick and lead to clogged pores, thereby further aggravating the situation. But the gel will be simply indispensable for oily skin, since in addition to the therapeutic effect it will also give a light mattifying result and a refreshing effect.

Thus, the selection of a specific pharmacological form should be carried out in strict accordance with the nature of the problem and the type of skin.


  • Veronica, 26 years old: “Skinoren was prescribed to me by a dermatologist. I always wanted to get rid of the “teenage legacy”. I used it in combination with other drugs that I took orally. And I only applied it to my face in the morning and evening. I got results after three months. The product really works. New ones do not appear, and traces of the old ones have become less noticeable. After using the cream alone, I think the effect would be worse. Therefore, I advise everyone to go to a good dermatologist who can prescribe the necessary medications for complex treatment, otherwise this problem cannot be corrected.”
  • Irinka, 19 years old: “I watched the advertisement, then I saw the result on my friend’s face and bought Skinoren for myself. He helped me in two months. Acne went away after using one tube. I didn’t buy the second one, but they took it and returned. Now I will be treated again, only now with two tubes at once to consolidate the result.”
  • Rimma, 22 years old: “Having experienced teenage anxiety due to acne, I thought that I had outgrown it. But three months ago I got a terrible rash on my forehead. I immediately went to the dermatologist, got tested for dysbacteriosis, and then bought creams to eliminate acne: Skinoren and Baziron. I used them as prescribed by the doctor. And to cleanse the body from the inside, I took Acipol. It all went away in two months, but I continue to use creams to consolidate the results.”
  • Margot, 18 years old: “I think that as long as you use Skinoren there are no acne, you just stop and they appear again. At least that's how it is for me. I won’t say that I used it regularly, but when I could I always smeared it on my face. Everything seemed to go down, and then it came back again, and new acne appeared. I began to mistrust this tool.”
  • Nino, 20 years old: “I had serious problems with my face: acne, whitish and blackheads. The pharmacist recommended Skinoren to me. I took a tiny tube of gel (15 grams) to try. It might not be enough for a full course of use - 4 weeks, but you can always buy more. I had enough money for about two weeks. After use, the skin is well dried and new acne does not appear on it. When applying the gel, a slight tingling sensation is felt, but the manufacturer warned about this. Having seen such an amazing result, I bought a large tube of gel and have now been using it for the second month. The face became noticeably clearer and the skin began to look fresher. This product deserves five stars.”

Photos before and after using Skinoren cream

The effectiveness of the cream can best be proven only by the visual results of its use. Photographs will help you verify the quality of the product. Taken before and after using the composition, such a demonstration will leave no doubt about the effectiveness of such acne treatment.

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