Exoderil: use of medicine for fungus

Release form and composition

Exoderil is available in the following forms:

  • colorless, transparent or yellowish solution for external use, 1%, with an ethanol odor. The drug is packaged in bottles of 10, 20 or 30 ml and in cardboard packs (1 bottle each);
  • homogeneous, shiny, slightly grainy white cream 1% with a slight characteristic odor, intended for external use. The cream is packaged in aluminum tubes of 15 or 30 g and in cardboard packs (1 tube each).

1 ml of solution contains:

  • active ingredient: naftifine hydrochloride – 10 mg;
  • excipients: propylene glycol, purified water, ethanol.

1 g of cream contains:

  • active ingredient: naftifine hydrochloride – 10 mg;
  • excipients: benzyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, sorbitan stearate, cetyl alcohol, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate, stearyl alcohol, purified water, isopropyl myristate.

Exoderil for fungus

In the treatment of a fungal disease, it is important to achieve a fungicidal result for the pathogen. To suppress the development of pathogenic flora and restore damaged skin, dermatologists prescribe the use of Exoderil. This is an antifungal agent that has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and has a fungicidal effect on the affected skin surface.

The drug is effective against fungi of the dermatophyte group trichophyton, epidermophyton, microsporum and the genus candida. In addition, Exoderil is used to treat nail fungus, lichen (pityriasis versicolor) and skin affected by bacterial infection. The medication is especially effective during the treatment of infections located on the hairy areas of the body and on the skin with hyperkeratosis.

Composition and release form

The active component of the antimycotic Exoderil is naftifine hydrochloride. Excipients depend on the form of release of the antifungal drug, the manufacturer of which is the Austrian pharmaceutical company Sandoz GmbH:

Release form Description Additional components
Ointment/cream Exoderil one percent creamy whitish concentrate, packaged in 15, 30 g tubes sodium hydroxide, polysorbate 60, sorbitan stearate,

benzyl, cetyl, stearyl alcohols.



one percent colorless liquid concentrate, bottled in dark glass bottles of 10, 20 ml ethanol, propylene glycol, purified water.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The activity of naftifine is fungicidal against dermatophytes. The component affects yeast fungi, depending on the strain of the microorganism. In relation to gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause secondary infections, the active substance has antibacterial activity. Naftifine has an anti-inflammatory effect that promotes the rapid disappearance of all symptoms of skin inflammation. It quickly penetrates the epidermis, creating a persistent antifungal concentration in all its layers.

Exoderil has an antibacterial effect, destroying parasites at all stages of their reproduction. The antifungal effect lies in the ability of the active component to block the production of ergosterol, a substance that is part of the cell membrane of parasites. Its deficiency reduces the resistance of fungal cells to the penetration of drugs, as a result of which they die. Exoderil is excreted in urine and bile.

Exoderil cream in packaging

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Indications for use

Doctors recommend using the drug for fungal skin infections. According to the instructions, Exoderil is prescribed for the following problems:

  • trichophytosis;
  • skin lesions of candidal origin;
  • microsporia;
  • epidermophytosis of skin folds and feet;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • onychomycosis;
  • mycosis;
  • fungal infection of the auditory canal (external).

Directions for use and dosage

Exoderil (cream and solution) is applied to the affected and adjacent areas once a day. After cleaning and drying the skin, the affected area and about 1 cm of healthy area at the edges of the affected area are treated. For candidiasis, the duration of therapy is 4 weeks, for dermatomycosis - from 2 to 4 weeks (if necessary, treatment can be continued up to 8 weeks).

The frequency of application of the solution or cream for nail damage is 2 times a day. Before the first use of Exoderil, the affected part of the nail is removed as much as possible using scissors or a nail file. The course of treatment for onychomycosis is up to 6 months.

In order to prevent relapse, therapy should be continued for at least 2 weeks after the disappearance of clinical symptoms.

special instructions

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with open wounds and mucous membranes. Unless specifically prescribed by a doctor, you should not use wraps on affected areas of the skin or apply sealed bandages. The drug Exoderil does not have a negative effect on the ability to perform activities that require speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration, including operating machinery and vehicles.

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Exoderil for nail fungus is also available in the form of varnish. It is easy to use - applied only once a week. One package of the drug contains 2.5 milliliters of 5% varnish, 30 manicure files, 30 sanitary napkins, 10 applicators. Features of application:

  • before applying Exoderil varnish, you must carefully remove infected lesions on the nail using a nail file;
  • the surface of the nail plate is cleaned and degreased with a napkin;
  • the applicator is lowered into the bottle with the drug, then carefully removed with varnish on the surface;
  • Using an applicator, the varnish is applied in an even layer to the affected area;
  • you need to let the varnish dry for 3-5 minutes;
  • The applicator is wiped with a napkin, the bottle is tightly closed.

Photo: Tinatin / Shutterstock.com

Basic properties

Exoderil, used for nail fungus, contains the active component naftifine. The action of the drug is realized through the suppression of the production of ergosterol, which is necessary for the growth of fungi. Thanks to the use of naftifine, it is possible to cope with dermatophytes (for example, trichophyton, epidermophyton), yeast, and mold species. It has a fungicidal effect on dermatophytes and aspergillus, which consists in destroying fungal spores. It can have a fungicidal or fungistatic effect (inhibit growth) on other types of microorganisms.

It has been clinically established that naftifine is characterized by moderate activity against various bacteria. It also reduces inflammation, helping to quickly eliminate the manifestations of a fungal infection (itching, redness).

The effectiveness and safety of naftifine for the treatment of nail and skin fungus has been proven by scientific research that has been conducted for more than 30 years.


Nail fungus can be treated with Exoderil solution. Onychomycosis is usually difficult to treat due to the slow regrowth of a healthy nail. It has been clinically proven that if the nail plate is affected by a fungus, then the skin was previously infected. Therefore, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to treatment. Advantages of Exoderil solution:

  • in the initial stages of onychomycosis, the effectiveness of treatment with minimal side effects reaches 95%;
  • the drug has a drip dispenser, which makes it easier to apply the solution (a 20-milliliter bottle is designed for a full course);
  • a transparent solution can be applied together with varnish;
  • the drug penetrates the nail plate and acts directly in the area of ​​infectious inflammation;
  • the solution is applied under the nail twice a day, while the finger should be vertical;
  • the medicine should be allowed to dry, and only then put on gloves, socks or shoes.

Photo: New Africa / Shutterstock.com


Exoderil costs 480-750 rubles. The price may vary depending on the pharmacy chain and the dosage form of the external product. There are times when it is not possible to buy Exoderil for nail fungus. In the pharmacy you can find analogues of this drug:

Name of the drugPrice
Mikoderil (cream)350-370 rubles
Estesifin (solution, cream)380-470 rubles
Exoderm (solution, cream)400-450 rubles
Naftideril (solution)240-280 rubles
Amoderm Neo (varnish)900 rubles
Loceryl (varnish)860 rubles
Oflomil (varnish)1800 rubles
Batrafen (varnish)2500 rubles

The price of the drug, effectiveness and safety for the patient are the main factors that are considered priority when choosing an analogue. According to doctors, you should not purchase cheap drugs without a clinically proven effect.

Application Features

The use of nail polish and false nails should be avoided during treatment.

Avoid contact of varnish with eyes, ears and mucous membranes.

Patients with underlying medical conditions that make them prone to fungal nail infections (peripheral circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus, and immunosuppression) should consult a physician.

Patients with nail dystrophy and damaged nail plates should consult a doctor.

Indications for use

Exoderil is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with onychomycosis;
  • with mycosis of the skin;
  • with cutaneous candidiasis;
  • in the presence of lichen;
  • for dermatomycosis.

Exoderil is effective against skin fungi accompanied by itching and redness, and also copes with severe forms of onychomycosis.

Important! The solution and cream act in the same way: they not only help eliminate the external manifestations of the disease in the form of changes in the color of the nail, its thickening or thinning, but also directly kill the causative agent of the disease.

Exoderil helps reduce the growth rate of the fungus and its complete destruction. The main component of the drug belongs to the class of allylamines. The product works by destroying the fungal wall by inhibiting squalene-2,3-epoxidase.

Side effects, overdose

The drug extremely rarely causes side effects, and most often they are associated with intolerance to the components included in the composition. For other reasons, side effects are manifested only by local reactions in the form of burning, redness, and dry skin. As a rule, these symptoms go away on their own and there is no need to stop treatment. There is no information about cases of overdose.

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Instructions for using drops against the fungus Exoderil

Definition of Exoderil cream or ointment for external use

Even in advanced stages, regular use of the drug leads to positive dynamics in treatment.

Exoderil ointment has a high antimycotic effect. Its main active ingredient destroys a wide range of fungal strains.

The fungicidal property is due to the good absorption of the active substance into the skin structure.

In severe or chronic forms of the disease, it is best not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist. He will be able to select treatment, possibly not only with external drugs, but also prescribe tablets for oral administration.

Complex therapy, together with drops, tablets and solutions, generally affects the destruction of the fungus faster and more effectively.

Contraindications and side effects

Any drug, especially of synthetic origin, has its contraindications. Exoderil should not be used or should be used with caution in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester (safety and effectiveness have not been determined);
  • lactation period (safety and effectiveness have not been determined);
  • allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity to naftifine, benzyl alcohol or other components of the drug.
  • Use with caution in children (experience with clinical use is limited).

The drug is not intended for the treatment of mycoses affecting the eyeballs. If the ointment or solution gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with clean water and contact an ophthalmologist.

Exoderil nail polish is easily distributed over the affected area and forms a sufficient concentration of the active substance to eliminate the fungus, its mycelium and spores. The use of the product is recommended for diseases of the skin and nails:

  • dermatomycosis of skin folds;
  • mycoses of the interdigital space;
  • detection of pityriasis versicolor;
  • mycoses of the ear canal, candidiasis;
  • mycoses with superimposed bacterial infection;
  • for hyperkeratosis, mycoses of the scalp.

The rate of absorption (absorption) of the active substance by the nail plate, skin and its appendages reaches 6%. The drug accumulates in the infected area and produces a prolonged effect.

Being a new generation medicine, Exoderil varnish is non-toxic to the human body. Contraindications for use of the product:

  • fungus in childhood (due to lack of testing);
  • fungus during pregnancy, lactation and feeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • when individual intolerance is detected;
  • Do not apply to open, inflamed skin.

Exoderil belongs to the category of safe antimycotic agents. But it must be used carefully, taking into account possible side effects, as well as contraindications.

Contraindications to treatment with Exoderil:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children under 7 years of age - no studies have been conducted to confirm the safety of the product for children;
  • Regardless of the form of release, the drug must not be applied to areas of the skin where there are cuts, burns, or other wounds;
  • It is prohibited to apply to mucous membranes.

A relative contraindication for use is pregnancy. Pregnant women can apply Exoderil only as prescribed by a doctor, if after diagnosing their health condition, he comes to the conclusion that the medicine will bring more benefit than harm. This rule also applies during breastfeeding.

This is what healthy nails without fungus should look like

Exoderil cream and drops are well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, side effects may occur:

  • skin redness;
  • burning sensation;
  • dryness.

These symptoms appear only on those parts of the body where the medicine was applied. They pass quickly, so discontinuation of use of the product is not required.

Exoderil has a local pharmacological effect, so it does not interact with other medications. It is compatible with various drugs. There have been no cases of overdose with this medicine.

Exoderil is recommended for:

  • fungal infections of the skin, skin folds;
  • intertriginous (interdigital) forms of the fungus;
  • nail fungus;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • infection with Candida fungi;
  • pityriasis versicolor.

Exoderil can cause allergic reactions and penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, so you should carefully read the contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to naftifine;
  • allergy to propylene glycol (for Exoderil solution);
  • application to open wound surfaces.

Exoderil for nail fungus instructions for use

Exoderil is not prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to the impossibility of comparing its effectiveness for treating the mother and safety for the child. Due to the lack of clinical experience, the drug is not recommended for the treatment of fungus in children.

Fungi sensitive to ExoderilExoderil is effective against most of the most common types of fungus.
Exoderil for fungus is a broad-spectrum remedy. It is prescribed for any lesions of the skin and nails by fungi that are sensitive to the action of the drug contained in the cream or solution.

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The use of Exoderil, drops of which contain naftifine, is indicated for any mycoses. Thanks to its liquid form, Exoderil solution penetrates under the nail plate to the nail bed, so it can be used for onychomycosis, both in combination with varnish and as an independent remedy.

The solution is also prescribed for mycoses of the skin of the feet and hands, as it is convenient for them to treat the spaces between the toes. The product in liquid form can be used for damage to the scalp, since it does not stain the hair and acts locally on the affected area.

Exoderil ointment instructions for the drug suggest use for any mycoses of the skin:

  • palms;
  • bodies;
  • heads;
  • hands;
  • stop;
  • inguinal folds;
  • armpits.

The cream can also be used for nail fungus on the hands and feet. Due to its thick consistency, the cream does not penetrate well under the nail plate, so it is advisable to use it only at the initial stage of the fungus.

Exoderil cream is prescribed for the treatment of ringworm, which is caused by dermatophytes. This remedy quickly reduces discomfort and itching, protects healthy skin from the spread of fungus.

Nail polish is intended only for the treatment of onychomycosis. It is quite toxic and should only be used on the nail beds, not on the body and head. Contact of varnish on the skin or in the respiratory tract may cause an allergic reaction, so caution should be exercised.

Exoderil in children and pregnant women
To treat children or pregnant women, you need to choose other drugs

The cream and solution cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to naftifine. Before starting treatment, please note that the solution contains alcohol. These drugs are not prescribed to children under 18 years of age due to the lack of data on the safety of the drug in this age group.

Anti-fungal medications should not be applied to damaged skin. In the presence of deep wounds, treatment should be postponed until the integrity of the epidermis is completely restored.

The varnish is not used if you are intolerant to amorolfine. The drug is also not prescribed for children.

There is insufficient data on the effects of Exoderil on the fetus, so pregnant women should avoid using this drug. The product does not pass into breast milk, so during lactation it can be used to treat nail fungus.

It is important to avoid getting the drug into the eyes and mucous membranes. If this happens, the eyes should be rinsed immediately with plenty of clean water.

There were no cases of overdose with Exoderil.

Treatment recommendations

The need to use the drug Exoderil for fungus is determined by a dermatologist after a clinical examination of the patient. It is necessary to treat not only the affected nail areas with external preparations, but also the skin on the fingers. Mycotic infection pathogens do not develop drug resistance to the active ingredient naftifine, so the drug is indicated for a long course of treatment. Early diagnosis and timely use of effective medications helps minimize the cost and duration of treatment.

As clinical observations show, mycotic infection is easily spread among the family. In approximately every third case, the disease of one family member leads to infection of another. The risk is especially high for those people who have serious problems with the immune system, chronic diseases of internal organs, autoimmune pathology, and diabetes. To prevent the spread of infection, doctors recommend taking the necessary measures to prevent and treat the disease.

A medicine for external use, Exoderil, for nail and skin fungus helps prevent relapses, re-infection, and significantly increases the chances of a full recovery. When treating a chronic fungal infection, do not ignore your doctor's recommendations.

Benefits and harms, how it helps

The ointment is also used for preventive purposes to prevent the occurrence of fungal infections when visiting saunas and swimming pools.

The benefits of using Exoderil in the form of an ointment are enormous - it eliminates most types of fungal diseases, and also has a prolonged effect due to deep penetration into the inner layers.

Exoderil can cause harm only if used irregularly or not according to the instructions. In this case, there is a possibility that the microbes will become accustomed to the substance and the fungus will be much more difficult to remove.

The use of Exoderil is effective in softening the surface being treated, so during the treatment the nail plate does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Duration of therapy

Treating nail fungus is a meticulous, lengthy process. The duration of therapy depends on the degree of damage, localization of infection, and the rate of growth of the nail plate (on average 4-6 months). Damage to the nail plate is usually caused by dermatophytes, which are difficult to treat. The infectious disease is considered cured if an absolutely healthy nail plate grows in place of the damaged nail. It is very important to act in the early stages of the infectious-inflammatory process. Thanks to the drug Exoderil, it is possible to avoid long months of discomfort.

Indications and restrictions

The instructions for use indicate that Exoderil is indicated for:

  • fungal infections of the skin, nail plates (mycosis, onychomycosis);
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • inflammatory dermatomycosis (with or without a feeling of severe itching).

Clinical manifestations of nail fungus, for which it is possible to prescribe antimycotic drugs:

  • nail plates may turn yellow, dark green or black;
  • vertical or horizontal lines are visible on them;
  • thickening, delamination, and increased fragility of the nail plate are observed;
  • the skin around the nail plate is painful, itchy, and turns red when pressed.

The external drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to the active component of Exoderil or propylene glycol. It is prescribed with extreme caution when carrying a child, breastfeeding, or in childhood. The drug is not applied to a wound or burn.

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