Stretch marks on the skin - causes, treatment and prevention measures

Getting rid of it at home

Having understood the reasons for their occurrence, you need to know how to remove stretch marks from the body.

Healthy eating

Without proper nutrition, it is simply not possible to effectively get rid of stretch marks. It is necessary to adhere to a healthy separate diet. The majority of your menu should consist of the following products: fish, fruits and vegetables, seafood, grains and herbs, vegetable oil. Also, be sure to include lean poultry and calves. Remember to drink enough liquid. It could be green tea or mineral water.

Active lifestyle

The body needs to be kept in shape, and for this you cannot do without playing sports. Start running or going to the pool. With the help of strength and cardio exercises, the body's endurance increases, extra pounds are removed, and the skin acquires firmness and elasticity, which helps smooth out stretch marks.

Water treatments

To increase your chances and definitely get rid of stretch marks, you need to take a contrast shower every day, using any oil afterwards for additional hydration. This normalizes metabolism and increases skin elasticity. Using this procedure, you will not only improve the elasticity of the epidermis, but also tone your body.

Folk recipes

Traditional methods of treating striae are widely used due to their effectiveness and accessibility. Today there are a lot of recipes to help get rid of this problem on the skin. Basically, the composition of these mixtures includes honey, oil, coffee and clay.


Self-massage has a beneficial effect in the fight against stretch marks. Before starting the procedure, you should steam your skin in the bath, apply olive oil to it, and then massage it for 20 minutes using your hands or silicone cups. After finishing the massage, apply moisturizer to your body.

All the methods described will help you in getting rid of this cosmetic problem. However, to obtain visible results, you need to be patient and time-consuming. It is an integrated and disciplined approach that will help achieve success. At the same time, you should not flatter yourself with excessive hopes, since you will not be able to remove stretch marks without a trace, but making them practically invisible is quite possible.

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The appearance of stretch marks can be prevented

If there is a hereditary predisposition, it is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of stretch marks. However, people in risk groups (pregnant women, teenagers, patients with hormonal dysfunctions and a tendency to obesity, etc.) can minimize the risk of developing stretch marks. To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out procedures to strengthen the skin and increase its elasticity.

At home, the easiest way is to take a contrast shower every day, massage problem areas with a hard washcloth, and then apply cosmetics that have a moisturizing and nourishing effect to the skin. Treatment with essential oils is considered very useful. However, we should not forget that such drugs can provoke allergic reactions, so when selecting them, it is necessary to take into account the factor of individual tolerance.

Treatment of “old” stretch marks

  • Laser resurfacing of stretch marks, during the resurfacing process, scar fibers are destroyed and new collagen is produced. With the appearance of new fibers, the skin becomes more elastic, and stretch marks are practically invisible.
  • Mesotherapy for stretch marks is a fairly effective method. The principle of the method is to introduce special compounds to the depth of the skin lesion, which trigger the regeneration process and increase the speed of metabolic processes in the skin. Special preparations containing microelements and vitamins are injected into the affected areas of the skin, which promote more intense synthesis of collagen and elastin. Striae become invisible and decrease in size.
  • Microdermabrasion is an effective procedure in the fight against stretch marks; it is a peeling, mechanical grinding of the skin. Using a special device, problem areas are affected, the upper stratum corneum is removed, stretch marks become less noticeable, and the skin is smoothed.
  • Ozone therapy is gaining popularity in the fight against stretch marks, scars and scars on the skin. The principle of the procedure is to saturate the body tissues with medicinal ozone through the action of a special device - an ozonizer. Ozone is delivered to tissues using a weak electrical discharge through an ozonizer. The effectiveness of the method lies in activating collagen production and normalizing blood flow.

It is important to know that treating stretch marks is not an easy task, but the problem can be solved with an integrated approach, where it is important to maintain consistency and regularity. The sooner you start treatment for stretch marks, the faster and more effective the positive results will be.

Today, there are many methods of dealing with stretch marks, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method for you and maintain regularity in the procedures; to achieve greater effectiveness, you can combine methods, evaluating the result, since each organism is individual.

Prevention and treatment of fresh stretch marks can be done at home. It is better to treat long-standing stretch marks in specialized clinics or beauty salons, where qualified specialists, cosmetologists or dermatologists will tell you how to solve this problem.

Cosmetological methods

You can get rid of such a phenomenon as stretch marks with the help of cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to consult a cosmetologist who will recommend one of the procedures according to the color of the stretch marks, their depth and age. Stretch marks that have been impossible to get rid of for more than a year can only be made less noticeable.

Laser peeling

Removing stretch marks with a laser. 1 - 2 months before the procedure, it is necessary to apply cream with a high content of vitamin C to the skin. Sunbathing is prohibited for 3 months after the procedure and 2 weeks before it.


  • the presence of stretch marks in the chest, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • reduction and prevention of wrinkles;
  • decreased skin elasticity in the stretch mark area.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases in the area of ​​the procedure, including skin diseases;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • taking antibacterial drugs and drugs with photosensitizing effects.

Carrying out:

Laser peeling is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital. During the procedure, the doctor treats scarred areas of the skin with a laser beam, burning them out layer by layer. The procedure lasts no more than 60 minutes. After a day, the patient is usually discharged; for 2 weeks, redness and swelling should be lubricated with special restorative ointments.

Chemical peeling

Application of highly active acids to the stretch mark area, which burn the epidermis and activate the production of its own collagen.


  • elimination of folds, wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • prevention of skin aging;
  • treatment of acne and acne;
  • correction or elimination of stretch marks.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • colds;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • skin infections and skin injuries;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking antibiotics and drugs with photosensitizing effects;
  • fresh tan;
  • predisposition to scarring;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Carrying out:

Depending on the age of the stretch marks, you can do superficial, medium and deep chemical peeling.

  1. Superficial peeling is carried out using fruit acids, the effect of which is not painful and gentle. Ideal for young people.
  2. Salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid are used for medium peeling. Their action is aimed at age-related changes in the skin, eliminating wrinkles; this procedure is applied to surgical cosmetology.
  3. The phenol peeling procedure is carried out under anesthesia, since the effect of acids is quite painful and dangerous and is equivalent to a third-degree burn. This procedure should be carried out by a highly qualified doctor, since improper exposure to acids can lead to adverse reactions in the form of burns and scars and infection.

After all types of peeling, serious skin care is required in the form of restorative and moisturizing creams. Sunbathing after chemical peeling is prohibited for 3 months.


It involves introducing a complex of enzymes under the skin, the purpose of which is to smooth out connective and scar tissue and bring the structure of stretch marks closer to the structure of the skin. It is possible to administer medications that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin in order to get rid of stretch marks.


  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • scarring;
  • shallow skin wrinkles;
  • cellulite;
  • skin folds.


  • infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin at the site of the procedure;
  • recurrent herpes;
  • peelings done earlier than a month before mesotherapy;
  • epilepsy;
  • colds;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to components used for mesotherapy.

Carrying out:

The doctor selects the administered component individually for each patient. The skin must be disinfected before the procedure. The product is injected subcutaneously into problem areas of the skin to a depth of 1–2 millimeters to one–two centimeters. The doctor can administer either one drug or a complex of substances, which is often called a “cocktail”. After the procedure, the code is treated with an antiseptic and soothing cream.


A procedure that helps fight stretch marks that have recently appeared. This procedure can be performed by a cosmetologist who selects active substances individually for your problem.


  • skin defects: stretch marks, scars;
  • dry skin;
  • sagging skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity and tone.


  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • venous dilatation of veins;
  • colds;
  • individual intolerance to the components used in the wrap.

Carrying out:

The cosmetologist determines the type of wrap that is suitable for combating stretch marks. It can be seaweed wrap, clay wrap, coffee wrap, honey wrap, and other types. Before starting the wrap, the patient's skin is scrubbed to remove the upper stratum corneum for better penetration of nutrients. Next, the product is applied to the skin (the body is wrapped in algae). On top of the product, the patient’s body is wrapped with film from bottom to top.

The wrap can be cold, when the patient's body is not wrapped, and hot, when the person is covered with an electric heat sheet or blanket. When the time for the procedure is up, the cosmetologist washes the product off the patient’s body and applies a nourishing cream or anti-stretch mark cream to the skin.

Plastic surgery

A radical method of how to remove stretch marks, which few people use as widely as others. This can be excision of the skin along with stretch marks, such as abdominoplasty, which is effective for skin defects after childbirth.


  • deep stretch marks and skin defects;
  • large scars;
  • skin burns;
  • saggy skin.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hemophilia;
  • colds and increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • inflammation and infection at the surgical site;
  • oncological diseases.

Carrying out:

Before surgery, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Under anesthesia, the doctor uses a special instrument to excise the excess skin along with the stretch marks located on it. Next, the skin is sewn together using sutures, which are removed after 7 to 10 days. Complete restoration of the skin occurs no earlier than after 14 days.

The disadvantage of this procedure is that there is a high risk of purulent complications, the possible formation of an unsightly scar, and prolonged wound healing.


Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks, unfortunately, are considered one of the most common problems that arise during pregnancy. It is quite difficult to avoid connective tissue rupture due to a lack of elastin and collagen. However, if you strictly follow preventive measures, this is quite possible. But it is necessary to remember that before starting the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, you must consult a doctor.

To compensate for protein deficiency, which leads to the formation of stretch marks, you need to take care of proper nutrition. It is advisable for pregnant women to add eggs, legumes, nuts, chicken, beef, as well as foods with a high content of vitamin E to their diet. It is better to replace sweets and flour with fruits and cereals. You should also include fermented milk products, natural juices, and fatty fish in your diet.

Prevention of stretch marks depends on the trimester of pregnancy:

First trimester - during this period you need to constantly take care of your skin, paying special attention to its nutrition and hydration. However, it is worth remembering that due to hormonal changes, some quite familiar cosmetics may no longer be suitable.

That is why, first, you need to apply a little product to some area of ​​the skin, and then observe its reaction. At this stage of pregnancy, you should also review your diet and choose the most optimal training program. Second trimester. The third and fourth months in a pregnant woman’s life are critical, since stretch marks often appear during this period. That is why you need to use a special cream designed to prevent stretch marks. This cream strengthens the skin and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Cosmetics significantly increase the elasticity of the skin and thereby prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Special creams also have a regenerating effect and have a drainage effect. Third trimester. It is advisable to drink the optimal amount of fluid. However, it is better to reduce your water consumption at night. In addition, you should be careful about your diet. Pregnant women still need to continue to use moisturizing and drainage creams, as well as start fighting stretch marks in a timely manner so as not to miss the moment.

In addition to the recommendations described above, pregnant women can also try the following preventive measures: skin massage, contrast showers, and the use of special scrubs, the purpose of which is to accelerate skin regeneration. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks and relieve stress, special underwear and bandages are recommended.

Preventative methods

Since it is impossible to remove stretch marks, it is better to completely prevent them from appearing on your skin. To do this, you can use tips for preventing stretch marks, which are simple:

  • The first thing is to monitor your weight. A sharp increase in weight, as well as a decrease, leads to skin ruptures and a decrease in its elasticity. Those who are on diets should also remember that the diet must be balanced, otherwise, due to a lack of collagen in the skin, stretch marks may appear for no apparent reason.
  • There is a sufficient amount of protein, which is a source of collagen. It is not uncommon to see stretch marks in vegetarians who “undereat” their daily protein intake.
  • It is wise to select physical activity with the help of a personal trainer. If you are not good at sports, you should not suddenly give yourself a crazy load in order to lose weight, otherwise stretch marks will appear on your skin instead. With sudden stress and stretching, the skin simply may not have time to grow and will be replaced by connective tissue.
  • If you are pregnant, wear special bandages to avoid stretch marks. You can wipe your chest with a damp towel, making massage movements for it.
  • Take a contrast shower several times a week, dividing the skin massage with a special washcloth. So, the skin will always be in good shape, you will stimulate its renewal and collagen synthesis.

You can make stretch marks invisible in the easiest way - using ointments and creams. There are some nuances here that will help you make the right choice.

  1. Cheap creams and ointments for stretch marks contain such a tiny amount of useful substances that the skin simply does not feel them and the effect does not occur. The skin may become smoother and softer, but this will not affect stretch marks.
  2. A good cream for stretch marks should include: silicone, nutrients, collagen, natural elastin and moisturizing components.
  3. Creams and ointments that contain the above components in concentrated form help well in the fight against stretch marks, making them invisible and less prominent to the touch. The only negative for many is the expensive price of the product, since these substances actually work.


Changes in hormonal levels lead to disruption of the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, as a result of which the skin does not have time to stretch following an increase in body weight. The skin becomes thinner and tears, and stretch marks are a kind of scar that appears at the site of wound healing.

By the way, if stretch marks occur outside of hormonal changes, you should think twice and consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

So what can you do as part of this process called stretch mark prevention? Prevention of stretch marks requires you, first, to maintain your weight at a stable level. A rapid increase in body weight will inevitably lead to the appearance of stretch marks. Secondly, preventing stretch marks suggests you eat right.

The most successful in this sense will be a diet with a predominance of proteins. Don't forget about seafood, fruits and vegetables too. And be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water daily. You should reduce your intake of salt and foods with preservatives.

Thirdly, prevention of stretch marks advises to exercise wisely. On the one hand, physical exercise is undoubtedly very useful, since during the training the skin is saturated with oxygen, which means it becomes firmer and more elastic. But on the other hand, actively building muscle mass or no less actively stretching muscles can have a negative impact on the skin.

By the way, there are no special exercises to prevent stretch marks. But at the same time, any physical activity is excellent for preventing stretch marks: walking, running, swimming, cycling, and more. And even the set of exercises that you do daily at home is also great.

Fourthly, the prevention of stretch marks says that you need to be especially careful about your body during pregnancy and after childbirth. To prevent stretch marks, use bandages and special bras. And every day lubricate “dangerous” places with a special cream or just olive oil.

Consult with your doctor which remedy for preventing stretch marks will be most appropriate for you. Fifthly, use all available options to prevent stretch marks. In particular, daily washing of “dangerous” areas with cool water followed by rubbing with a terry towel hardens the skin and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Massaging problem areas is great for preventing stretch marks. You can massage with your hands, you can use a massager or a brush with stiff bristles. You can do a massage during water procedures, then the massage will also be a scrub. A variety of creams and scrubs are used to prevent stretch marks.

To improve the prevention of stretch marks, buy such creams in pharmacies that offer lines of medicinal cosmetics. Prevention of stretch marks today is carried out in beauty salons. You will be offered special programs that include, for example, body wraps. Wraps improve blood circulation, nourish and moisturize the skin, it becomes more elastic, less stretched and torn.

Do we treat stretch marks with mumi?

The effectiveness of mumiom treatment is noticeable after just five days. It will take much more time for effective and obvious results.

To get rid of stretch marks and scars using this folk method, you need to take one gram of mumiyo and dissolve it in one teaspoon of boiled water. Mumiyo should be taken packaged, as it is much more effective than tablet form. Then you need to add baby or other cream in the amount of one tablespoon. It should be applied to the area of ​​scars and stretch marks every day.

The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. The prepared composition is enough for 2-3 days, then you will need to prepare a new mixture. You should not store the medicine for a long time, since it cannot be stored for more than 3 days. Just use one teaspoon of the mixture - this is enough for a couple of days.

During pregnancy, this natural remedy can be safely used. Shilajit should not be used orally only during pregnancy.

Getting rid of stretch marks during pregnancy

There is an excellent folk method for treating stretch marks during pregnancy. You need to prepare the following mixture: take one large spoonful of almond oil, jojoba oil and wheat germ. Then you should add three drops of petitgrain or neroli. It is necessary to massage the thighs and abdomen daily; massage should begin in the fifth month of pregnancy. Don't stop after giving birth until you regain your pre-pregnancy weight.

A healing scrub will also help with stretch marks. To prepare it, you will need one glass of granulated sugar and salt, add palm or other oil to the mixture, if you do not find palm oil. Mix and massage the problem area with this mixture during water procedures in the shower. After a month, the result will already be noticeable.

Treat stretch marks with oils

There are some simple folk methods that help in the treatment of skin stretch marks. To make them less noticeable or cure them, you will need almond oil and essential oils of petitgrain or neroli and rosemary. If the essential oils are of good quality and you rub them in regularly, you can get excellent results.

It is better to think about stretch marks before they occur, rather than when they already exist. To make a healing mixture that is enough for a month, you need to take 10 grams of rosemary or 150 ml of petitgrain oil and 150 ml of body milk.

In the morning, take 10 drops of essential oil with 1 teaspoon of body milk or almond oil, alternating them every day. Apply the mixture to stretch marks.

After spreading the mixture, begin to slowly massage the surface until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. If the skin is too dry, you can purchase an additional 150 ml of almond oil in the first month of using the medicine.

You need to take vitamins that contain beta-carotene, amino acids, vitamins A, C, magnesium, zinc, bee pollen and royal jelly. These elements help skin regeneration. If you are young and have developed stretch marks recently, you may be able to heal within a month.

To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, use a one percent composition of petitgrain essential oil and almond oil.

You can use cocoa butter as a base. Since it is dense, it should be heated and softened before use. In addition, wheat germ and almond oil are used as a base in equal proportions.

Almond oil contains a high content of vitamin E, it is perfectly absorbed and does not leave any traces on clothes. Wheat germ oil is thick, smells unpleasant, and is also high in vitamin E and is less absorbed.

If your skin is oily or normal, use almond oil. For dry skin, a composition of almond oil and wheat germ is suitable. To ensure satisfactory results, high-quality oil should be used.

Treatment of stretch marks with folk remedies

To completely remove stretch marks, only surgery can help. But at home it’s quite possible to make them unnoticeable. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules: exfoliate your body with a scrub 1-2 times a week, moisturize your skin well, do massage and body wraps. Thus, the end result will not only be the disappearance of visible signs of stretch marks, but also ideal skin.

Homemade scrubs for stretch marks

Several scrub recipes are presented that will help reduce and prevent stretch marks.

  • Mix sugar, salt and olive oil in equal proportions. Rub into skin for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Grind 0.5 cups of coffee beans, add 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, a few drops of olive oil. For ease of application, this scrub can be diluted with shower gel.
  • Mix sea salt and sugar in equal proportions and add almond butter. Add oil until the mixture looks like a paste. The scrub is used to massage problem areas for 10 minutes.

After the skin has been peeled, it should be lubricated with a rich baby cream.

Oil mixtures

As described earlier, one of the causes of stretch marks is a lack of moisture in the skin. Essential oils are an effective remedy for stretch marks on the skin; they are excellent helpers in moisturizing it and increasing elasticity. After applying the oil to the skin, you do not need to rub it in; you should leave it for 5-10 minutes, and remove the residue with a napkin.

Morning mixture:

  • 2 drops each of lavender and neroli essential oil;
  • 1 drop of orange oil;
  • 30 ml almond or peach oil.

Evening mixture:

  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils.

Remedy to combat old stretch marks:

  • 10 drops of rose oil;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. wheat germ oils.

Oil mixtures can be applied with light pinching movements.


Massage is a good remedy for stretch marks and will help speed up the effect of peeling and wrapping.

Honey. Apply a small amount of honey to the problem area. Using patting movements, allow the honey to be absorbed into the skin. After 20 minutes, you can wash it off without using soap.

Canned. This is done using a special jar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. This procedure increases blood circulation and accelerates the formation of new cells.

Hydromassage helps soften the scar tissue of stretch marks and helps restore elasticity to the skin. A contrast shower at home will be very useful.


Wrapping against stretch marks helps very well. In addition to the fact that such procedures moisturize the skin, they cleanse the skin of toxins and impurities, and scars also begin to dissolve.

Vitamin wrap

This mask should be applied 2 times a day for 30 minutes. Ingredients: 5 drops of vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E, 100 ml of aloe juice mixed with the same amount of olive oil. Apply the mask to the skin and wrap with film. It is better to wash off with a contrast shower.

Mumiyo for wrapping

Dissolve 2 mummy tablets in a teaspoon of warm boiled water. Dissolved mummy is added to any oily skin cream and applied in a thick layer to the skin. At the end they are wrapped in film. The procedure lasts 20 minutes. After removing the film, the product is removed using napkins.

Chamomile wrap

2 tbsp. l. chamomile pour 250 ml of hot milk. Allow the broth to cool slightly. Next, a sheet or thick cloth is moistened with this product and wrapped around the problem areas. Cover the top with cling film. After 15 minutes, remove everything and wipe the skin dry. At the end, apply a rich cream.


If the mixture turns out to be more than required, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days. Wrapping is not recommended for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, varicose veins and during pregnancy.

Causes of stretch marks on the skin in teenagers

The main cause of stretch marks on the body in adolescents is recognized as a restructuring of hormonal status with predominant changes in the neuroendocrine system. According to this judgment, any disease of the internal organs at the age of 13-15, which affects the balance of hormonal levels, can also be considered a reason for the spread of stretch marks on the body.

An imbalance of hormones in the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex and gonads due to the rapid development of the young body may be the basis for why stretch marks on the back most often occur in teenage boys. Pubertal acceleration of growth is also the answer to the question of why stretch marks form on the body of a teenager - red scars appear on the back of boys and girls.

Structural differences in bone tissue and insufficient muscle mass during the development of the body serve as the basis for thinning and stretching of the structural fibers of the skin. Lack of muscle mass, subject to rapid growth, leads to temporary disproportionate indicators of muscle tissue and bones.

Thin children are mostly at risk. Rapid growth causes tissue deformation, which is why stretch marks appear in adolescents. This is preceded by damage to the elastic fibers in the inner layers of the epidermis. Genetic predisposition. The hereditary factor plays an important role in the question of why stretch marks appear in adolescents.

Indeed, the development of structural proteins of the epidermis is based on genetic polymorphism of the human population. Functional disorders of the immune system. It would seem that there can be no connection between immunological deficiency and stretch marks in adolescents. What causes microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue and epidermis in this case?

In fact, the immune system controls the entire work of the internal environment of the body in structural epithelial units and fibroblasts, which synthesize collagen and elastin, present in cells of the immune system. A weak immune system is directly related to the condition of the skin.

If the elasticity of the skin deteriorates, which causes stretch marks to appear in adolescents, then the problem must also be looked for in the system that provides protection for the body. Premature growth of the mammary glands and their rapid enlargement are recognized as the reason why stretch marks appear on the skin of teenage girls in the chest area.

It is characteristic that under such circumstances, the remaining parts of the body may not be susceptible to the formation of stretch marks. The mammary glands contain a lot of fat cells and elastic fibers, and rapid breast enlargement leads to thinning and damage to the epidermis.

Although the development and growth of glands is also influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal cortex. This kind of hormonal imbalance is among the factors why a teenager develops stretch marks. By the way, it is very rare, but boys also suffer from this.

Autosomal dominant diseases are also the reason why a teenager develops stretch marks on his back in the form of horizontal stripes; they act as a symptom of a serious disease. The appearance of stretch marks may indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus, Marfan syndrome, hypercortisolism, or Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

In such cases of neuroendocrine disorders, you should immediately consult a doctor. Excess weight and poor circulation are likely causes of stretch marks on the body in teenagers. Especially in such cases, the lower limbs are at risk, since they are constantly exposed to stress.

And, as you know, excess fat is deposited mainly in the buttocks area, which is why stretch marks appear on the hips in adolescents, and sometimes body weight increases rapidly. During puberty, you should not do a lot of physical exercise. Excessive stress causes stretch marks on the legs of teenagers.

Exactly 10% of teenagers face a similar problem. It is extremely rare that stretch marks on the lower extremities occur due to hormonal imbalance. Treatment of various diseases with the need to use steroid drugs can be the reason why stretch marks appear on the body of adolescents.

The problem is associated with a violation of biochemical reactions in the body. An increase in the level of cortisol, an adrenal hormone, literally burns the body cells that participate in the regeneration and metabolic processes of the skin.

An increase in cortisol synthesis even leads to the destruction of muscle tissue, which causes stretch marks on the butt in teenagers. By the way, bodybuilders also face this problem. After all, grueling workouts to pump up muscles are often accompanied by taking anabolic steroids based on hormones.

Stripes on the body

Scars on the body look unaesthetic. Visible lines on the surface of the body can occur at any age. No one is immune from this. Skin defects appear in both overweight and thin people and occur both individually and in entire groups. The length of the lines can reach 10 cm and the width – 0.5 cm.

To understand why stretch marks appear, consider the structure of the skin. The skin is divided into 3 areas:

  1. Epidermis.
  2. Dermis.
  3. Subcutaneous layer.

Stretch marks form in the middle layer, or dermis. Connective tissue stretches as the body shape changes. The skin cannot cope with the load, which is why small tears appear.

The desire of young people to have a beautiful body is understandable. Every teenager wants to be attractive. Boys and girls feel embarrassed when they find stretch marks on their bodies, the reasons for which they do not know. This depresses children. There may be a feeling of self-doubt.

Adults need to support children. Unpleasant phenomena should not affect a weak psyche. Striae are an integral part of growing up. It is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of stretch marks and explain to the child that getting rid of the stripes will take time. It is very important to set up a teenager for a long war with the disease.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks on the arms most often appear in men, but can also occur in women during pregnancy or as a result of sudden weight gain. The technique for eliminating such a cosmetic defect depends on the age of the formations. New stretch marks respond better to treatment with medications, while old ones need to be removed using hardware.

In addition, proper nutrition is important. The diet should be rich in vitamins, and the most useful in this case is vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a kind of building material and is necessary for the production of collagen and perfectly supports the skin.

If stretch marks appear on your arms, you need to reconsider your diet. No less important are vitamins E and A, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Of the minerals, zinc is the most valuable. It is wise to saturate your menu with foods rich in protein. This substance also helps make the epidermis more elastic.

How to remove stretch marks on arms? In home care, it is good to use a skin exfoliation procedure. Regular exfoliation will help significantly smooth out stretch marks. You can use any store-bought body scrubs, but the most effective are those prepared at home. The most popular and simple home scrub is ground coffee. Grape peeling also works well. To prepare the product for the procedure, you need to grind grape seeds in a blender and add any shower gel to them. Such scrubs will help to regularly remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis so that the tissues are renewed and restored.

How to remove stretch marks on arms? You can make wraps at home. Honey is best for this procedure and will help minimize stretch marks. Honey should be slightly warmed in a water bath and applied to the skin. On top you need to wrap your hands with cling film and additionally insulate them with something else. Keep on the skin for forty minutes and then rinse with warm water. This procedure helps smooth out stretch marks on the hands.

Home methods

Many women think about stretch marks and how to get rid of this phenomenon. Not everyone wants to visit expensive salons in search of a method that will solve this problem. Unfortunately, no salon procedure can completely remove stretch marks, so you can try to make them less noticeable using home remedies.

The goal of using home remedies to combat stretch marks is to improve skin tone , make it more hydrated and help increase the production of collagen and elastin in its cells.

To do this, you can use homemade compresses, ointments and creams.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of kefir with essential oils of grapefruit, 1 drop of orange, add 4 drops of rose oil and two neroli. Soak a gauze bandage in the mixture and place it in an even layer on the stretch marks. Carry out the procedure before bed 3 times a week for 3 months.
  2. Mix one glass of sea salt, granulated sugar, 100 milliliters of olive oil. Using this scrub, rub the areas of the skin with stretch marks using a washcloth. Rinse off the scrub under a contrast shower and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  3. Cold wrap with seaweed. Soak kelp seaweed in water according to instructions. Prepare the body for the procedure by scrubbing. Apply seaweed to problem areas of the skin and wrap them in cling film. Wrap your body in a towel and put warm clothes on top. Procedure time – 1 hour.
  4. Shilajit has proven itself very well in the fight against stretch marks. You need to add 1–2 grams of mummy in capsules to your usual portion of cream (or crush the tablets into powder). Mumiyo must first be dissolved in a tablespoon of warm water. Leave the mixture for 10 – 15 minutes, mix and apply to the body. You should not make a large portion of the cream, since the product with mumiyo can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 - 3 days.
  5. Mix a few tablespoons of honey with one ampoule of vitamin E. Apply this mixture to problem areas of the skin and perform a self-massage, pressing your palm against the product and sharply lifting it away from the skin. Duration of the massage is 10 – 15 minutes, then rinse off the product and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  6. Mix 15 grams of dry yeast with 4 teaspoons of honey and the same amount of cream. Leave the mixture for half an hour, apply to stretch marks, rinse after 30 minutes with a contrast shower.
  7. Mix 100 milliliters of jojoba oil with rosemary, lavender, orange, jasmine oils, taken 10 drops each. Infuse the mixture under a closed lid for 24 hours. Rub in to combat stretch marks 1 morning and evening every day.
  8. To combat stretch marks, wheat germ oil is suitable for dry skin, and almond oil for oily skin. It is necessary to lubricate stretch marks with oil in the morning and evening every day for a long time.
  9. Mix half of aloe juice and olive oil. Add 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A to the mixture. Apply the product morning and evening, warming up slightly. After 15 minutes, blot off the remaining product with a napkin. Scrub the skin 2 – 3 times a week before the procedure.
  10. After taking a bath, use orange essential oil to rub the stretch marks. Do the massage in a circular motion with a napkin or a rough canvas mitten. Don't rub your skin too hard. Carry out the procedure for 2 – 3 months, several times a week.



Stretch marks can appear during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

The main reason for the rupture of fibers, causing the formation of striae, is the lack of elasticity of the skin and its low ability to recover. Places of microtears begin to be filled with connective tissue, and unaesthetic stripes of varying degrees of severity and color appear on the surface of the skin.

The following factors can provoke insufficient elasticity of the skin and its low ability to recover, and hence the formation of stretch marks:

  • hormonal imbalance in adolescence or during pregnancy and lactation;
  • some pathologies of the endocrine system (for example, Cushing's syndrome);
  • weight fluctuations;
  • heredity;
  • taking steroids and other hormonal drugs.

Sometimes the suspected cause of stretch marks can be determined by the nature of their location. Typically, horizontal striae are observed with hormonal imbalances, and vertical ones with rapid weight gain or fluctuations and after childbirth.

Stretch marks themselves are not dangerous and are only a cosmetic problem. However, one should not underestimate the danger of their appearance, since sometimes their formation is associated with a disruption of the endocrine system. That is why the appearance of stretch marks, which cannot be explained by overstretching of the skin or sudden fluctuations in weight, should always be a reason to consult an endocrinologist.

What are stretch marks

The strength and elasticity of human skin is provided by collagen fibers, which form a mesh at the second level of the skin, that is, the dermis. There are also elastin fibers responsible for elasticity and tone. Unlike collagen fibers, elastin fibers are arranged in specific directions. They do not intertwine and cannot recover after a break.

Both types of fibers can perform their functions thanks to the regular renewal of elastin and collagen proteins in them. The renewal process is controlled by fibroblast cells, which are located in an intercellular gel-like substance.

For many reasons, the renewal of fibers can be disrupted, as a result of which they do not perform their functions - they weaken, stretch and break. Because of this, first the dermis and then the epidermis (the top layer of skin) rupture. Places of such rupture are called stretch marks on the skin or striae.

Such damage is overgrown with connective tissue, which consists of elastin and collagen, but not in the form of fibers, but in the form of a homogeneous scar mass. During the first 6-8 months, the connective tissue still contains blood vessels, due to which its color remains quite bright. Over time, the vessels die and the striae turn into whitish stripes. Because stretch marks are made of connective tissue, they lack the pigment melanin, which gives color to the skin. Therefore, stretch marks stand out even more on a tanned body.

Salon treatments

Modern equipment in beauty salons greatly simplifies treatment. The procedures are recommended for both men and women. You can remove stretch marks in the following ways:

  • laser resurfacing;
  • chemical peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • various types of massage;
  • wrapping with seaweed or clay.

Laser removal is the most popular treatment method. The procedure allows you to remove even the deepest scars. The top layers of skin are removed using a laser under local anesthesia. This effect makes the skin smoother, stretch marks become barely noticeable or completely invisible. The areas where the operation was performed are lubricated with special restorative creams. Over the next 2 weeks, a person is prohibited from visiting a solarium or being in the open sun. Why? The skin after the procedure becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

Chemical peeling is a procedure that is successfully used by cosmetologists to treat any skin defects: from pigmentation to scars. To perform this procedure, special acids are applied to the skin to remove the upper layer of the dermis, as well as dead cells. As a result, the natural production of collagen by the skin increases, which means it gains elasticity, becomes smoother and more even. Striae disappear after several sessions. For some time after the procedure, it is recommended to actively use sunscreen and make restorative masks.

Mesotherapy is a procedure that allows you to improve the condition of the skin by introducing various active components into it: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, stem cells, etc. They accelerate metabolic processes in cells, skin restoration occurs faster. This procedure can reduce small stretch marks and prevent new ones from appearing.

Therapeutic wraps help make the skin more elastic; they are also suitable for treating fresh and subtle stretch marks. The procedure is safe and painless and can be used even for teenagers. The body is wrapped in seaweed or medicinal clay, then the person is placed under a thermal blanket to create the effect of a steam bath.

Men don't have stretch marks

Many people consider stretch marks to be an exclusively female problem. This is wrong. Stretch marks can appear in boys and girls who are prone to being overweight during puberty. Athletes - both men and women - also encounter this problem when they resort to taking hormonal drugs, trying to quickly build muscle mass.


Solving the problem of stretch marks must be approached wisely and competently. Given the prevalence of this problem, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive procedures at home to reduce the risk of stretch marks. If they appear, you need to contact an experienced cosmetologist as soon as possible and follow his advice. In this case, it is possible to make the cosmetic defect we are considering almost invisible.

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